Which Mercedes should I buy?

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which Mercedes should I buy so this morning this morning I was watching car wizard which is Tyler Hoover's mechanic I don't know I think some of you watch who V's garage sometimes but tinny about ten years ago Tyler actually came and visited my shop but Tyler is a really great guy love his channel you know so if you haven't watched two V's garage it's really entertaining and um III think that the the greatest part of the channel is the man behind the channel you know just like the greatest part of this channel is probably Thomas he's the man behind the channel but anyway okay anyway we I was watching this this video from car wizard and I was also watching Scottie Kilmer's videos about which Mercedes Devon which not to buy and granted Scottie has started to acknowledge that Mercedes from like the 70s and 80s and stuff for really good cars but I don't understand why when people make these kinds of reviews they just talk about stuff that's like 20 years old I don't know because when you start comparing apples to oranges you know if the classic Mercedes are the apples and the new Mercedes are the oranges the oranges are always sour I don't know that just seems that way to me I think that it would be better if these videos were titled which Mercedes which modern Mercedes can I buy to run into the ground during winter driving or which modern Mercedes can I buy to give my teenager so that when they get into their first accident I don't call them from the emergency room and I just have to pick them up from the accident scene you know these are all relevant and valid questions but one thing that irks me about all these channels is they they never chucked stuck suppose the idea of getting an older car like a 126 or 124 123 chassis compared to getting a newer car w 203 or 2 Oh for w220 s-class or something like that now I realize that there are people out there that just want a new Mercedes but one thing that a lot of you people don't realize is that these new cars cost just as much money to maintain as the old ones the hourly rates are the same and even though you might need fewer parts all those parts are astronomically priced for example if you want to buy a throttle transponder for a to tinny class that throttle transponder will call it will cost you your throttle position switch as they call it an in technical speak 705 dollars I could not believe that this one stupid little part was seven hundred and five dollars for seven hundred and five dollars I can buy all the parts to rebuild the front suspension on a three hundred SD from Mercedes from Mercedes you know it's just it's it's stupid it's ridiculous so I mean there's actually nothing you know the other the other problem that they go into is they say oh if you spend this much money on the car you will have spent more than the car is worth well let me tell you something every time you buy a new car because of the interest payments and because of the taxes and the fees and the fact you dump your trade and you spend more than the car is worth let that sink in every time you go buy a new car or even a new used car you pay more than the car is worth every single car costs more than what it is actually worth to own and drive so that's a stupid argument if you want to have a really great car the car that is the best value for the money is the car that's going to cost the least amount of money to make perfect and will have the highest resale value when you're done so if you go out and you buy like an 83 240 D for $5,000 and spend another six thousand dollars on and end up with an eleven thousand dollar car that you're going to be able to drive for the next $250,000 miles without having to do an insane amount of work on I think you did better than losing eleven thousand dollars in depreciation you know I was I once made a chart for this for this customer of mine who was like well what is my 126 gonna cost compared to a Toyota Camry and I said well it's gonna cost a lot less you know so I don't know why with all the comments since you guys have you know Scottie car Wizard etc I'm not hating on you guys but like maybe you should start looking at some of the older cars because parts of them are actually easier to get than some of the 9t stuff I'm not joking it's easier for me to get parts for a 126 than it is like a 99 see 230 it's easier for me to get parts for like a 2005 I mean for like a 1994 III hundred diesel than it is like a 2005 III 50 you know they're just it's just eat or eat or do they make any 320 in that year I don't know anyway they're all kind of look the same anyway so anyway if you enjoyed this little rant about the the lack of diversity in some of the Mercedes purchasing discussions please subscribe to this channel because apparently I have appealed to you intellectually and in the meantime please like share tap the bell for notifications and check out some of our other content because it's just as interesting and stimulating that's the word I'm looking for and in the meantime I just want to say a quick thank you to all of our patreon subscribers most of you have had a lot of fun talking to me and so I invite more of you to join because you can you know I don't know a lot of these a lot of the time I feel like I I connect with people regardless of whether they make a patron donation but it really does help our channel a lot so thank you and enjoy driving your mercedes-benz that you already own regardless of what model is [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mercedes Classics with Pierre Hedary
Views: 60,283
Rating: 4.857358 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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