How I COLOR GRADE My Videos in Adobe Premiere Pro

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today I'm gonna show you how I calibrate my videos from this to this and Adobe Premiere Pro also I'm going to show you how to make it with like 4k even if I'm shooting with my Canon DDD so just three simple steps very simple without any further ado let's get started I'm gonna be totally honest with you I'm not an expert in audio or video editing all that I know I have learned from these awesome creators like premier gah Adobe's own Jason Levine and Mike Russell so if you really want to dig into audio or video editing do check them out stay tuned because at the end of the video I'm gonna make you listen to the before and after audio which is guaranteed to blow your mind alright let's jump into Adobe Premiere and keep in mind step number two is the most important step so here we are on our computer screen and the first thing that we have to do is to start Premiere Pro so obviously let's go ahead and start it out and it should take a while to load depending upon the speed of your computer system okay so let's give it some time and you should see this window all you have to do click on new project and let's name it let's say color grading and let's save it on desktop so I'm gonna choose the location I have made this folder color grading fixin perfect so I'm gonna choose desktop and I'm gonna save it in this folder double click on it and click on choose and everything you do scratch disks and stuff will be saved in that folder project files ok so make sure that scratch disks are same as projects ok and if and everything else should be find make sure it's OpenCL on a Mac and if your computer PC has Nvidia graphics card make sure it's CUDA okay it just helps your system render the videos faster by making use of the graphics processing unit or your graphics card alright just hit OK and you will see something like this if you don't see it just click on that grid beside edit and make sure a reset to saved layout ok so it will be reset to its default now instead of going into import and importing the clip here's what I personally do I open up my finder on a Windows it would be Explorer and I open up the desktop I have the sample clip here just drag it and drop it on the timeline just like that and your sequence will automatically be created according to it so here we have our clip from the previous tutorial so what we gonna do we gonna turn off the volume for the sake of this tutorial so let's mute it we don't need it right now here it is it just looks pretty good but the colors don't seem right or it's not looking classy so how do we get interesting very simple the first step is let's drop in a luma tree effect okay so where can he find it let's go to effects here click on this arrow and make sure you're in the effects tab now inside of effects go to video effects now inside of video effects you'll find color correction and inside of that you will find luma tree there it is lumetri color you can also search it in the search you can type in luma tree and at the bottom you'll find a lemon tree cutter just drag it and drop it over the clip just like that also you can go to the effect controls and drag it and drop it here you can also drag it and drop it on the master clip as well let's not get into that let's go simple first time so once you drag it and drop it here in the effects control you will see the luma tree color effects control tab right here and you can make basic adjustments here and stuff now instead of doing that we can do it more conveniently inside of the color workspace so let's go to the color workspace and here you have it open everything is open it makes it so much more better let's reset it if you don't see it that way click on it and reset to save layout you should see it this way as you reset it okay so we have the basic Corrections everything in just a slider isn't that awesome now the first step is to get it look good play with the sliders and get it look ok ish we will refine it later in step 2 which is the most important stuff using scopes but first of all get the image to look good do your eye so here I'm gonna open the luma tree scopes so that we can see what's happening inside of the image and we will explain that later a little bit and let's make it a little big so that we can see the image better and let's make some basic adjustments let's go to the basic Corrections and just play with it play with the exposure contrast highlights it just should look good don't go into advanced as of now and she sells secondary and all that stuff let's go let's do the basic stuff so I personally think the exposure is a little too low so I'm gonna increase it just a tad bit to 0.8 that looks fine and let's contrast is fine increasing it just destroys the image and anytime you want to reset something just double-click on it and it resets okay so let's get the highlights a little high probably there's a lot of highlights on the forehead so they'll not go that high let's just decrease it a bit and let's once we decrease the highlights the shadows are also too bright as you can see in the background the shadows are bright so let's go ahead and decrease the shadows as well this looks pretty good and what about the whites let's try decreasing it does it help a little bit it does help what about the blacks let's keep it at -5 yes so the dynamic range is expanded now here we have the limit reese copes now once you take in the blacks to the left see this area begins to touch the surface this is the surface this is the roof this is the ground this is the roof okay so if your levels are here which means you're not using the complete dynamic range which is available so you have to make this touch the bottom and make this touch the roof if you want to make the video take the advantage of the complete dynamic range so you're going to decrease the blacks to somewhere around this number and probably let's increase the whites a little bit now it looks okay to me let's have a look at the before and after so if I turn this off click on the effect to turn it off this is the before and this is the after but yet we need to make adjustments to the skin and all that advanced stuff that comes in step number two step number two is getting the skin tones right if you're recording a video of yourself or somebody else if it's an interview you have to make sure that the skin tone looks perfect that's the most important thing all right so how do we make it happen very simple first of all let's get back to the editing panel now if you're using an older version of Premiere Pro you might not see workspaces here you might have to go to Windows and then workspaces and you have all these workspaces ok so once you are inside of editing let's do this let's take a sample of just the skin right let's make it big or right click on it and let's zoom in let's magnification let's choose 200% ok pretty good now we can take a sample of the skin let's go here okay now on the opacity properties inside of the effect controls make sure you're in the effect controls tab opacity just click on this square okay and we're gonna select a sample of the skin which is flat doesn't have much variation so we're gonna choose this area as you can see the edges are soft so we will just simply decrease the mask feather okay so we have a sample of the skin which is pretty good now if you get this look right everything else will be in place right maybe or maybe not we'll see that later so once you have that sample already selected let's go back to color okay now we have loom entry scopes open inside of this so if you if it's not open if its source just make sure limitary scopes is selected and make sure you have a waveform luma and vector Y u V if it's not the case let's see if it's something like this you can already right click on it and just select vector value V that's what you want and waveform RGB and then right click on it and choose waveform type to luma now you have that now you can remove this one we don't need it waveform hls click on it to remove it now you have just two and we just need these two right here so let's move in right there and let's see where it's pointing at let's see where the skin tone is pointing at so it's pointing a little bit towards the left of this line now keep in mind this line that you see right here is the skin tone line the skin tones should fall on this line or a little bit to the right okay so we have to make adjustments to the skin tone as such so that this line aligns with the skin tone line and how can we make it happen simple you have to make some adjustments let's go to the sample clip right here you have made some adjustments here we have to just refine those adjustments so let's play with the white balance first it helps a lot let's make it a little warmer something like that it doesn't help let's increase the tint yes if you increase the tint see this moves right so we need to make sure it's on that line so let's go 13 ish is fine okay now let's adjust it I think the exposure was fine the contrast was fine maybe the highlights and shadows can be adjusted as you can see this dark area is at level 60 now depending upon your skin tone depending upon what type of skin tone you have how bright your skin is you will see the numbers here for brown skin tones like mine the level would be around fifty to sixty for a brighter skin tone it might be around probably white skin tone it might be around seventy to eighty and if you have darker skin tones maybe around forty to fifty just make sure that you don't go below forty all right it can it totally is something which is personal so you have to play with it and figure out for my skin tones fifty to sixty level works okay so let's go ahead and decrease the exposure not the exposure let's go and decrease the highlights a little bit more see it's coming down right here it's the luma or waveform and let's decrease the shadows as well now I'm going lower because I've sampled from a shadow area okay let's go - let's see - 30-ish would be fine for this one and the shadows are too dark let's keep it a little twenty-eight ish that is fine now the white and the black point are best set when we can see all of the luma waveform so let's go back to the effect controls and let's turn off the opacity for a moment so that we can see all of the image and let's go back to limitary scopes now we can see it all let's set the black point so that it touches this nicely so if we go too much people lose the details as you can see we are losing details here so just let's choose a point where it's just touching it so we're gonna choose something like let's go for eight ish nine ear should that's fine and let's increase the white so that majority of it touches okay let's go for stretching at this point I guess I should go for a little lesser than that twenty six is fine alright now it's beginning to look good let's refine the adjustments even more so I click on it and choose magnification and let's fit it magnification fit okay it's looking to magenta ish and do saturated as well first of all let's address too much magenta so here's what we do we come back go to the curves let's click on the curves and what is the opposite of magenta green right RGB is the opposite of c/m vine red is the opposite of cyan green is the opposite of magenta and blue is the opposite of yellow okay so let's go to green and we have to increase the green to counter magenta so let's increase it in the shadows a little bit just a touch not too much it's going green right now just a touch just to touch in the highlights it looks pretty good let's have a look at the before and after so before curves doom agenda after curves I think I increase it too much so let's decrease it okay that looks better now as you can see the shadows are very saturated and it's a little bit yellowish so what do we do first of all look right click on it and let's go magnify it and let's just manage it again let's go 200% okay so we have to select the shadow colors and how can we do that in the HSL panel h SL panel so we select that and then we set the color first click on that eyedropper tool and we want to choose this color okay we chose that color now make sure you check color gray so that you can see which areas are selected now let's adjust it so that it's selected nicely it's just like hue/saturation in Photoshop where you select a particular range you expand the range and this is how smooth the transition is so if you increase this the transition will be more smoother I just want to select the dark areas and make the transition really really smooth okay it looks pretty perfect now once you have that done just check this off now what we want to do we want to decrease the saturation a little bit let's take it to 80 ish it looks perfect and let's increase the tint a little bit because it was looking a little yellowish so it's okay there we go now right-click on it and magnification fit it and have a look at it so here's the before and here is the after looks so much more better you know but something is missing that hunger for sharpness that makes photographers blow money like a boss and probably end up broke and we gonna save you some money today let's add that 4k Beauty to this photo clip so let's move on to this third step alright guys this is very simple first of all zoom in hundred percent likely zoom in one is to one in Lightroom when we sharpen stuff so similarly here right click on it and choose magnification and zoom in hundred percent you can also choose 200 percent let me go to hundred percent so that you my friend can actually see what's happening okay when you're doing it you can do it hundred percent so magnification let's go to hundred percent okay now all you want to do if you want to go to creative and just increase the sharpness so sharpen just increase it now it adds fake sharpness but when you zoom out it looks so awesome you don't want to add so much sharpness that it begins to pixelate so we want to stay at a number which looks good to your image again it differs from camera to camera video to video so for this I'm gonna choose something like let's say 55 ish but I'm gonna increase it so that you can see what's happening have a look at it before and after so I've increased it right now let's zoom out a little bit let's go one is two one let's go hundred and have a look at the before and after so this is the after this is the before blurred out right so let me zoom in and show that to you y-you see my videos so sharp so this is the after this is the before this is the after looks so much more better now this much is not required you would go somewhere around 45 ish depends upon your image again now we have one more step which is completely optional and that is adding a win yet it allows the viewer to focus on the subject and in videos like this it might help all right so let's right-click on it magnification and let's fit it too many magnifications in this video okay so let's scroll down to vignette and this is simple vignette first of all decrease the amount all the way to the left to see which areas are being darkened next decrease the feather all the way to the left okay now you control the roundness and the midpoint so how do I want it to be I want it to be a little round I don't want vignette from the top now it's completely personal again and I want the midpoint to be around here then you would increase the feather to suit you I would go with this one and then you would increase the amount let's choose a more subtle amount probably I'll increase the feather even more let's choose a very subtle amount and there you go have a look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after it really helps add focus to its the face you can also change the midpoint now probably would go with this and there you go it's done so let's have a look at the complete before and after so I'm gonna make it big so that it can look better so this is the after and this is the before so before after massive difference isn't it now let's play it you probably have seen this video right okay so that's pretty much how I calibrate my videos in Adobe Premiere Pro at the end secrets out guy's secrets out as I promised this is how the audio sounds before audition retouching or audition processing and this is how the audio sounds after processing in adobe audition before adobe audition after adobe audition and if you want to learn how to do it let me know down in the comments below i might be making a tutorial on that now if i don't happen to make a tutorial meanwhile you can check this video awesome video by Mike Russell where he explains how to do it in four simple steps now I have added some more steps to it if you want to learn it just let me know down in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video if you want more of Premiere Pro tutorials just let me know hope this video helped and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial thank you so very much for watching and I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixel-perfect on patreon and helping keep vixen perfect free for everybody forever and by the way guys I'm having live streams and live chats just at patreon members so they can ask any question that they want so if you're interested in joining patreon it really also helps the channel and also allows me to interact with you personally thank you so much for watching thank you for all your support I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 680,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: color grading, adobe premiere pro, lumetri color, lumetri scopes, correcting skin tones in premiere, color correction, video editing, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: Cm9p61sqr_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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