How I Carry Fuel For Alcohol Stoves

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hi Hiram here I got a message from practical skills asking do you think it's okay to store heat in prescription pill bottles in cook tips this is an interesting question that I've gotten lots of times in different formats when practical skills says heat I'm assuming he's not just talking about the heat the gas line antifreeze that a lot of people use but any denatured alcohol methanol like what I use so any liquid fuel that we may use for stoves I'm going to take it as that practical skills is asking is it okay to put it in a pill bottle to put it inside a mess kit personally this is just my opinion I say no I mean it holds the liquid this is just water it doesn't leak or anything I can squeeze it and nothing happens but in my mind the problem is this is only a quarter turn lid and then it's off so I don't you know like to trust a quarter-turn lid of course I'm assuming again that practical skills means this tight they're practical skills is talking about this tight that you can open up the 12 with one finger I definitely say no Dickson 8 to this myth but to this one you might get away with it I wouldn't do it now I do use it for my solid fuels the you know the different cubes that I can fit in there or I stuff Webber cubes in these a solid fuel is a different story but a liquid fuel I would say no but you're on your own now as far as storing liquid fuel methanol in my case I have different ways of doing it one since heat was mentioned once you even know if you buy heat but then go to buy something else save this container this is a nice container that's safe the lid stays on really well just go and refill this up with the natured alcohol or methanol whatever you want not gasoline but the alcohols another thing I use is the small soda bottles that I Mark very well so that nobody can mistake this for water or some soda soda I put labels on there red for danger and I write on it that it's methanol versus denatured alcohol these are nice they're practically indestructible last long and cheap now going on from this if I just want to carry a little bit of fuel one of my first choices is these these are the blanks that are used by the bottling industry to make these bottles they make these they heat them up they put them in a mold and then inject air so that it takes this form these things are nice you can find them in different places we have a store here called five below where everything is below five dollars and they sell these with different things in it like artificial snow and whatnot for I think it's like a buck maybe a buck and a half you want to talk about indestructible I mean these things oh man that's loud these things I've seen people run over them with cars and they don't break now it has a mark right here I don't know if you can see it on this camera that this is one ounce so I like using these depending on how much fuel I need you can also go to the educational science educational stores and buy them as plastic test tubes this was two of them for four dollars you can also buy them it's the exact same thing and keep two go they get the tubes put on a fancy top and then charge your big bucks for the same thing this might be a little bit too fancy to go and put alcohol in but a lot of people use these for survival kits and stuff other things you can find around your house that really works good if I need just a small amount I like to use these I save all this crap this is eyedrops empty I dropped tubes there are half of a flew an ounce each so if you only needed like one burn these are great you know save them empty them out put a little alcohol in here to wash them out the eye drop part comes out so you can refill it but it is nice to put this back in so that you can squeeze the alcohol into whatever stove you want now one thing you might do if you really wanted to use pill bottles is put one inside the other so that gives you double protection other things instant hand sanitizer containers once you've used the hand sanitizer which itself is a fuel that can be used for burning you've seen that in some of my older videos but it's a nice although it's this one's a pop top lid they're hard to open so these are fairly nice for putting alcohol in and this is two fluid ounces no different things here was a cleaning fuel used in the old Adam computers I picked up a box at East so this was alcohol to begin with I just used this stuff for fire starters and then saved up the containers I forget this is three quarters of an ounce so that's just some of the stuff that I use I usually don't you know have to take anything more than this this would last you for a whole weekend during the summer I mean a whole week rather during the summer in a winter you may need something bigger than this so I hope this answers practical skills question do I think it's ok to store heat in prescription bottles I'd say no there's plenty of other options for you to use that are just as cheap but a lot safer so I hope this helps I look forward to your input questions remarks like this and as always watch for my buddy max bye now
Channel: Hiram Cook
Views: 107,571
Rating: 4.8751903 out of 5
Keywords: Alcohol, methanol, Heet, container, bottle, carry
Id: iSQF77yHqj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2012
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