How I Broke Pokemon Emerald's Hardest World Record

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Pokémon emeralds battle Factory is the hardest vanilla challenge in any Pokémon game it's not a rom hack it's not a Nuzlocke it's not a Nuzlocke of a rom hack it's one of seven facilities located in emeralds postgame challenge the battlef frontier what makes the battle Factor unique among these is it's the only facility where you don't bring your own team instead being forced to choose three Pokémon from a random selection of six and then take on a gauntlet of seven trainers once you beat the seventh trainer completing the round you repeat the process again with the difficulty quickly increasing as recently as 2 years ago nobody had even breached 100 wins in the factory while other facilities like the battle tower had world record streaks over 3,000 wins many deemed 100 wins to be impossible until battle Factory Legend Wildcat formation smashed this notion by posting an unreal streak of 119 wins destroying the previous record of 85 I've always always loved Pokémon Emerald and after spending years exploring gen 3's weird competitive metag games I came across the battle Factory in a chance encounter he has failed to click mirror coat let's go that's round one baby round one is done I became fascinated with the ins and outs of such an unexplored and grueling Challenge and in this Fascination I found wildcat's iconic world record I dedicated myself to beating that record with many oh that's so devastating many failed attempts along the way this is my journey to beat 11 [Music] [Music] [Music] 19 after so many attempts rounds One and Two Become quite straightforward due to the dumb AI I don't even take the time to update my current streak because with enough experience making it to round three is a given yeah so rounds three to five are pretty boring let's get to an action-packed round six man that's my elevation ew ew not as ew yeah this draft wasn't the best many of you might have been pogging at seeing Spore Focus punch brilon but Jimmy the cool is here to explain why this is not insane Brum is one of gen 3's defining offensive threats with access to the ever valuable Spore a 100% accurate slate move stab Focus punch to punish whatever switches in and also access to mock punch making BR one of the few good priority uses this Pokémon is a momentum generator and wall breaker that can enable offensive team Styles however Brom has not seen as much success in the battle Factory Lumber is a very commonly used item in the battle factory making Spore unreliable and since the AI very rarely chooses to switch out focus punch is not a very reliable move either in this environment subscribe to the lxc channel to prevent the future Paradox form of avalo ion thugil from creating an avalanche of problems for all of us thank you thanks Jim anyway I decided here to take a draft of Mr mime foress in Kangaskhan passing up on a pretty good Crobat Mr MIM makes sense with psychic Thunderbolt coverage and with its trick Choice band gimmick I figured it could find scenarios to help Kangaskhan get in Freely especially since it baits Shadow Ball Fortress makes sense as well with its great defensive typing and access to one of the best moves in Factory explosion being able to guarantee a win when you have two Pokemon and the enemy has one is incredibly useful along with being a safety net versus the plethora of threats that take down Mr MIM and Kangaskhan this is why I never lead with my explosion Pokémon I think of it as a tool to respond to an unknown threat in the back and if the lead is the threat I can just switch Fortress in and click explosion there anyway finally Kangaskhan while having a weird looking set still provides fast earthquake and indoor reversal which is the wi condition my subpar team needs Midway through this round I decided to swap my Mr MIM for a choice band slaking this is easily the best slaking set because with powerful coverage and Max bulk only being able to move every other turn due to its ability truant isn't that big of a deal or is it I'm going slaking here slay King where's the slay King spam everybody I'm waiting school kid Megan brings out a demonic Skarmory set that my team seemingly has no answer to rocking curse toxic fly with Resto chesto and maximum special bulk this Pokemon can get out of control fast when you lack strong special attacks and a thunderbolt coming off of a base 40 special attack Kangaskhan is definitely not going to be strong enough staying in with slaking was obviously not the play as I was locked into using earthquake due to my choice band and Skarmory is immune going into Fortress and clicking explosion then trying to Revenge with slaking is tempting but scarmo is almost guaranteed to use curse here on the switch neutering the big damage that explosion could have done to allow for the slaking revenge and while Kangaskhan could three hit KO with Thunderbolt after that when Skarmory dips below 60% Health it's almost guaranteed to use rest and then I would have wasted my Fortress for nothing my plan was to go to Fortress here to not let my slaking or Kangaskhan get toxic for no reason as it could still click toxic here with Skarmory setting up a curse on Fortress I decided to allow Skarmory to set up as many curses as it wants and the moment it decided to fly in the air I switched the Kangaskhan living the plus five fly with Kangaskhan at this range scarm more he sees a kill with fly meaning it will never try and toxic me and because fly is a two- turn move I can always endure on the turn scarm more hits me with fly Thunderbolt on the turns in between and we have ourselves a sneaky victory that was the last Pokemon so then after beating a team of marak tyion and Snorlax later this round I'm on to the final battle of round [Music] six so there's someone that lxt forgot to tell you about the Battle Factory boss Nolan Nolan shows up every three rounds as the final battle and after you beat Nolan the second time on round six you get awarded the knowledge symbol now as lxc will tell you this is where most trainers leave the facility and consider it beat but real Gamers know that what makes no one so difficult is that he uses perfect stat Pokemon now on round six you don't have perfect stat Pokemon yourself you also don't know if he has a lot of Pokémon of the same type he can even ignore species CLA so if you have a Charizard he can have one too it's crazy right thanks po Crow so right now I have a fortress and Kangaskhan with pretty good stats but also a slaking that has that's right three IVs this is the main reason I chose not to swap any of my Pokémon because even though marak tyion and Snorlax are great Pokémon they also only have three IVs as every trainer not named Nolan will have three IV Pokemon creating an interesting risk reward Dynamic with swaps let's see how The Battle Turns out f is one of the least threatening Pokemon in Factory but F's set here is actually slightly awkward slaking does win the 1 V one in theory living three frustrations and revenging back with two aerial Aces or brick breakes but this F is equipped with scope lens making all of its moves have a one in eight chance to critical hit which is pretty high and I don't want to lose my slaking I could have gone to Fortress but again Fortress only to a Ko's theal with rock slide and I'd have to dodge a critical hit in three turns hit both of my rock slides and I'd have my slow explosion Pokemon at low Health making it unlikely to live a follow-up attack from a Pokemon in the back so with my stat disadvantage trading my explosion Monon for a FOH was a no deal in the end I decided I wanted to chip the FOH so that Kangaskhan could set up an Endor reverse IAL kill and hit whatever comes in hard after F instead oh they saw a crit no they didn't what that's bizarre huh first off the AI never sees a crit so I don't know why I said that second off this was really puzzling at the time because the AI should literally never go for drill peek if frustration always did more damage by the way ignore the fact that the Cal has return it's always frustration anyway what's happening here is really interesting frustration in the emerald AI is considered a power one move these are moves that are designated as having a power one in the code because of their variable damage examples include reversal and flail because their damage depends on the Pokemon's HP hidden power with its IV quirks and even magnitude with its random damage hilariously friendship based moves like frustration in return are also lumped into this category even though every Pokemon in the factory has minimum happiness which makes sense if you think about it as researchers have caught all these Pokemon only to be used as experiments in a factory on on an island far away from their home anyway this means that FOH here will literally never click frustration when drill pee does solid damage because power one moves are discouraged this ends up mattering here is when I switch to Kangaskhan drill pee puts me in an awkward situation where where frustration would almost always kill me yet if I Endure and they drill peek I can be put at an HP where my reversal isn't at max power meaning it's not a guaranteed kill on FOH thankfully I get the role in my favor on FOH and promptly take out the garbage team of jinx and shiftry in the back and we have ourselves an easy Noland Victory on round seven I had quite the interesting draft it started off pretty bad with this awkward neoc King set a weird wall rain set and the infamous zatu how do you guys always summon zatu but the back half was pretty solid with a leech SE toxic Ludy Colo a fast offensive Charizard and the best Shuckle rocking toxic double team in rest I knew that my up becoming opponent specialized in water types so Ludy Colo was an obvious pick this set is Devious with leech seed plus toxic to wear down the opponent and provide healing for my teammates and it's a Surefire answer to almost every water type it was the perfect support lead Charizard was also a Pokemon I had to take it provided the speed and Instant Power this draft sorely lacked and I was confident it could clean up teams in the back I actually wouldn't have minded taking zatu as it helps ludic colo's weakness to Grass types and poison types wild beating a across but it overlaps in utility with my Charizard nor would I have minded taking this Shuckle as I've beaten around with it before but having two Pokémon with their only attacking move as toxic was just asking to lose the poison in steel types so this is why I settled on wall as my last pick as with stab Ice Beam I give myself extra insurance versus the grass types Luda loses to and double team plus curse and earthquake can always get some cheeky wins thankfully after the first battle I got the swap wall rain for God Lapras with Max HP Max special attack and great coverage this man is a beast and mine having shell armor was extra cool making it immune to crits adding to its reliability then I swapped Charizard for a Dragon Dance Gyarados and we entered a tumultuous fifth battle where whis cash of all things gives us trouble I go to Gyarados on a potential fissure and attempt to Dragon Dance and rest but get frozen in the process this was undeniably terrible and I had to figure out a way out of this you might think I can just go into Ludy Colo and 1 V one the whis cash with toxic and Le seed but fissure destroys Ludy Colo while double team does boost my evasiveness OKO moves like fissure ignore evasiveness meaning they are always 30% accurate acting as an interesting way to balance the power of double team in battle Factory my odds of dodging five fissures were a mere 16.8% chance and I didn't want Ludy Colo to get Frozen by Ice Beam so I decided my path was to switch stall between Lapras and Gyarados baiting earthquake and fissure while Lapras is in and then baiting Ice Beam when Gyarados is in rinse and repeat oh why did it surf there you little monster oh it doesn't know I have water absorb so what happened here is that because Lapras can have two possible abilities shell armor or water absorb the AI guesses every time which ability I have and this knowledge is erased whenever I switch out and because Gyarados intimidated wh cash a couple times at this point it guessed I had shell armor and surfed instead of earthquake on Lapras because it potentially did more damage now I can't keep switching in Gyarados because it can slowly die to surf or die to a surf crit and if I lose my Gyarados I lose my ground resist making fissure a huge threat so how do I make my switch stalling sustainable by playing aggressive and going to Ludy Colo to leech seed risking a freeze on Switching and a fissure on my leech seed turn after hitting the clutch leech seed I decide to swap around with Gyarados and Lapras to heal Gyarados up and with the leech recovery use it as an opportunity to try and thaw with Gyarados unfortunately Ely this doesn't happen and right before whiscash dies I decide to swap out into ludic Colo to not only preserve a potential intimidate I may need for a Pokemon in the back but if a setup Pokemon comes in on Gyarados Gyarados could give that man free setup because it is frozen so Ludy Colo is a much more proactive play Ludy Colo proceeds to 1 V one a Hypno and the ever deadly kingro shows up in the back this is a scary set quite similar to Gyarados in that it has Dragon Dance Resto chesto and attacking moves and double Legend Ice Beam thankfully Ludy Colo can just set up a leech seed and with a strategic intimidate I can go into Lapras and 1 V one it not scared of a crit thanks to the Godlike ability shell armor once again and the powerful mono water team then cleans up the round quite easily and we are on to round eight before we even start round eight battle Factory speedrunner Accolade is here to explain it round eight is where things get difficult I actually wouldn't know I've been speedrunning the factory for about 3 months now and I can barely get past round one but up until this point we knew with what 100% certainty what each Pokémon's items and moves would be for example zatu 1 will always show up on round four zatu 2 on round five and zus 3 and four on round six and seven but now on round eight it could be any one of those zus and on top of that there's legendaries that could pop up at any time and threaten to end the run you might also be wondering at this point why LXE is doing level 50 instead of level 100 that's because while in the level 50 category sets start to become unpredictable in round 8 in the level 100 category that gets turned down to around five in the level 100 category there's also Tyranitar and Dragonite sets to worry about which don't show up in the level 50 category thanks AKO so I got a pretty sick draft first off I got a lattos with dual stabs and Thunder Wave and paired it with the same Charizard from last round as it helps with laos's crippling weakness to ice and steel types while giving me more immediate power and while the Aerodactyl set and even The Umbreon set aren't the worst I decided that Ur rang gives me some immediate physical power helping my team's blissy and Snorlax issues even if the set is pretty bad I think usual draft logic would have had one lead lattos here to set up Thunder Wave for ursing in the back but because lattos is my best Pokemon I don't want to lead it into a bad matchup and have to switch in Charizard or Ursaring two Pokemon not very well known for their defensive utility furthermore I think a great strategy to adopt is What Pokemon do I want to rely on in the back if I'm forced into a 1v1 scenario and for me that was Charizard or lidios so lead ursing it was after lattos finishes or Ring's job of beating lattos Snorlax comes in which is absolutely nightmarish not only does it have eight different possible sets at this point but I'm left with only special attackers I have to use luster Purge to fish for the special defense drop which I get dragon clot for chip and pray that Charizard can get the job done technically it can be Snorlax 3 or Snorlax 5 here the only two sets with mega kick which is great as it's an inaccurate move but both Mega kick sets also have quick claw which is an item that grants the user a 20% chance to move first every turn oh my God thank goodness bro least I'm in blaze please [ __ ] hit it overheat oh my God it wasn't okay oh my God this game okay I can overheat and I kill it I'm pretty sure Snorlax 3 this can't be quick claw not that there is any quick claw okay I'm just overheating on oh oh it thundered it thundered it thundered it thundered it thundered it thundered it thundered it's ose one it thundered please bro like you can't do this to me or else I quit Pokemon Forever yes man how was winning the whole time I was winning the whole time why were you guys stressing bro why were you guys stressing I literally won it's okay I won after that insane battle I obviously swapped URS rang for Snorlax and with the amazing team of Snorlax lidios and Charizard I destroyed round eight round nine is objectively the hardest round in battle fact I made a video explaining why that you should watch for more info but long story short a lot of the Pokémon in my draft have random IVs when they should have perfect IVs oh and it's also a Nolan round funnily enough we had the hilariously bad Ursaring 6 which we lovingly call Freddy Faz beam as the last man in the draft previous world record holder Wildcat has an interesting affinity for this ursing and while he tried to get me to use it the path here was clear I'll use the Espeon set as a lead for fast instant damage potentially being able to charm or Calm Mind pass to give Reggie steel a head start versus something while also helping Scout potentially threatening sets for the robot reggi steel is is a very cool win condition here and while it is crit prone steel types are too good and I definitely need to use it as a pivot in the back with aoda cleaning up teams quite well with its double edge plus earthquake coverage reggi steel shows its power in the first battle using f as setup bait and after intelligently scouting to see if miltank had counter I PP stalled it out of Counter and took it and Gengar out in the back the next battle I dismantled a red ice and this left me at a tough swapping decision Aerodactyl did give me speed power a ground immunity a fire resist as well as great IVs while Red Ice gave me a bulky Pokémon with bolt beam coverage along with the best move in Factory rest while redice isn't immune to ground it can threaten ground types harder with a stab ice beam and Espeon can handle most fire types bar Hound Doom most of you may be thinking I should keep the Aerodactyl but I actually swapped for re I because I took into account what the scientist said before I entered the battle and I figure this is a great time to briefly talk about it the scientist will first tell you if the opponent specialized izes in a specific type and if they do they will guaranteed have two Pokémon that have that typing if the scientist doesn't reveal any typing they most likely don't have two Pokemon of an identical type here the scientist tells us the ultra rare type specialty ice furthermore the scientist gives you a battle style and this tells you the sorts of moves you can expect from the enemy's team in this example the scientist tells us high risk High return which means the enemy's team will have two or more risky moves examples include oo moves like horn drill KO moves like explosion or even stat decreasing moves like overheat this means I am likely to face one of the water ice type Trio of D gong Lapras and wal rain they are very likely here and they have oo moves like sheer cold horn drill and fissure along with great bulk and sometimes quick claw making them my primary concern here this is why red I while having less defensive Synergy with my team was the play I needed to make because in the factory you have to play for the present not try and create the best team for the future here my opponent leads a harama which is beautiful for Espeon is now I have a 32 M Advantage versus the two ice types in the back and as I take it out Lapras comes in it's pretty likely to be Lapras 7 or Lapras 8 the problematic sets and I have to ssy kick to scout Lapras reveals horn drill confirming my fear and I psychic again and Dodge a sheer cold so first off I still don't know whether it's Lapras 7 or Lapras 8 but it's more likely to be Lapras 7 and here's why harama has four different sets and two of them have quick clock giving it a 50% chance to have quick claw one other rule the opponents have to follow is item claws meaning that if harama had a quick claw lapas cannot also have a quick claw so because of this information and Lapras having two chances here to activate its potential quick claw it is much more likely to be Lapras 7 the set with rest and sleep talk with this information I decide to click call mind on a guaranteed rest turn if it's Lapras 7 because either way if I dodge an oo move here from Lapras 8 I kill with the plus one psychic this also gives me much better initiative on Lapras 7 as psychic couldn't KO here only having a 4.4% chance to three hit KO on three hits but now with the Calm Mind on rest I can three hit KO and hope for solid sleeptalk luck from Lapras so what happened here is absolutely hilarious the AI will always use sleep talk while it's sleeping but unlike a human it doesn't know what turn it wakes up from rest so we'll always use sleep talk on the turn it wakes up and the Lapras we lovingly call Casino Lapras is slayed after this I quickly dispatched the Articuno swapped my Espeon for salamance declining the chance to have the Reggie Trio and after some more wins we made it to Nolan 3 Nolan here leads with shift 3 and I swap to reggi Steel in case it's shift three or four clicking explosion while also covering shift 32 which it ends up being shift 32 is a nasty set with leech seed dig double team and rest and I didn't want salamance taking leech seed chip if I didn't have to I can intelligently stall this out by switching to salamance whenever shift three clicks dig and then going into Reggie steel once it tries the leech seed because Reggie steel can rest off its leech seed damage and use a struggling shift three as an easy opportunity to set up all of my curses and Amnesia once I did this Nolan showed an absolute meme team as I destroyed FOH and glay in the back and we are on to round 10 round 10 was an absolute Breeze my draft was amazing and I ended up picking an allout attacking Ludy Colo a choice band grandbull and a surprisingly good ladio 7 one usually thinks of Lio as a special attacker but having Dragon Dance instant recovery and earthquake makes for an ultra deadly Pokémon I decided to lead with granbull to get big hits off right away and activate intimidate to potentially allow for an instant laddio sweep which it did multiple times this round carrying me to the quickest round of this run that wasn't an early round coming off of the high that was round 10's draft was rounds 11s which besides the amazing lattos 1 was filled with terrible Pokémon so terrible that that my best two options were legitimately this sunny day solar beam earthquake xloud and a Reggie steel that only hits with explosion in ancient power after swapping for a willowwisp destiny Bond gavor me and my awkward team find ourselves facing a normal type trainer with the battle style high-risk High return and it's lead gavor versus a lead Ursaring this is probably the worst possible lead for me I can't willowisp the Ursaring as instead of having its attack I double it with its ability guts an Ur ring can have eight possible sets I'm not guaranteed to two KO the Earth Swings with psychic and many of them can instantly take me out I also don't want to Destiny Bond on them clicking bulk up from set seven and 8 so I make the play to go to reggi Shield to try to explode on it but then yes that's right it's urang 6 also known as Freddy Faz beam an ungodly set of yawn double team Swords Dance with its only attacking move being hyperbeam and it's come back with a vengeance after me passing it up on an earlier draft still this is easily the worst case scenario for reggi steel as there's no chance I'm about to click explosion and Miss on the double teamed Ursaring what's also interesting about this Ursaring is that it guaranteed killed my gavor with hyperbeam yet chose not to because the AI generally discourages recharge moves considering them to be risky especially at high HP the play may seem to be go to gore and click Destiny Bond but URS rang could totally keep clicking double team Swords Dance and even yawn and I only have five chances to use Destiny bom combined with Hyper beam's 10% chance to miss if they click it therefore I had to waste turns by clicking counter and bring its HP down a little bit with ancient power giving Freddy Faz beam time to raise its stats and make it more likely to click hyperbeam when gardav war came in gavor finally came in on perfect timing and dispatched Freddy Faz Beam with a destiny Bond I hope you can see how sketch I have to play with this team I beat the rest of their team and went on to win this round along the way having a funny moment where I swapped for a Swagger psych up Metagross and proceeded to psych up an omni Boost from yes the same Reggie steel we used that round in round 12 I got a Godlike suun suun 2 able to 1 V one almost everything with a super intuitive set you toxic the opponent then do everything to not get hits such as protecting making yourself harder to hit with double team or diving underwater it's very powerful it works especially well as a lead with protect scouting out the opposing Pokémon set and this is a godsend on around where I have to face Nolan four I paired this with an explosion wheezing handling grass and poison types while giving me boom and passed up on Waters like Lapras and Gyarados that made me too weak to Electric you may think I could have taken this Doug Trio then but without Choice band it's a terrible Pokemon being one of the only Pokémon I've never used in the factory so instead I chose Hypno 4 also known as the temptress or tempter if it's male I call Hypno for the temptress because don't be fooled by its appearances a psychic type with stab and Elemental coverage it's still a subpar Pokémon as it is very weak rather slow and doesn't have overwhelming bulk the reason mons like Star me and gavor with great coverage like this work is because they're actually able to outpace most Pokemon that get hit by that coverage either way Hypno can be on the team something interesting here is that the scientists said this trainer's battle style is impossible to predict this is an extremely rare f as even though there only needs to be two moves to activate it the only common move is curse and as I take down a needo king on lead and see AOS come in I know for a fact it is either Trick band Alakazam or metronome clefable in the back this is because Nido King has no sets with a style six move on them the six denoting impossible to predict and Os lacks them as well Trick band Alakazam and metronome clefable are the only sets that can activate this phrase by themselves well Fable I won't ever lose to so I have to prepare for the 50% chance Alakazam in the back suun has a great match up versus Alakazam and Hypno as well but the problem is AOS is on the field and has a great match up versus suun I want to switch directly to wheezing and boom keeping suun and Hypno for Alakazam but if I get paralyzed by a thunderbolt or a thunder or even critically hit that could end the game therefore I decide to chip AOS with dive and sacrifice the suun guaranteeing the explosion kill even with reflect up and now it's the temptress versus what could be Choice band Alakazam let's hope it's clefable cable is less scary technically it's Alakazam all right synchronized I'm going to ice punch cuz it does the most damage they trick me sure sure big oh they got me oh [Music] baby no okay they just can't crit they just can't crit I just can't get crit this is not a mistake they just can't get crit no crit and I win please man please dude yes that's how you play Battle Factory that's how you play Battle Factory going to wheezing on the OS my ass with such a powerful suun set I calculated my way through the rest of the round swapping wheezing for Gengar then Hypno for Metagross then Gengar or ladios before facing off against Nolan 4 Nolan 4 brings out Electabuzz so I click protect to scout out its set it clicks Thunder Wave revealing itself to be elect of Buzz one which lacks ice punch so I can go to lattos set up six Dragon dances and sweep his entire team Dragon Dance lattos is such a beast and we are on to round 13 let's see what it is let's see what it is let's see what it is let's see what it is let's see what it is oh my God all right you guys you guys I love this Gengar I promise you this is going to be the real test is my Gengar one love Justified here's what makes this Gengar so scary you guys just look at the moves and it could basically just eliminate the opponent from moving the rest of the draft was pretty bad in round 13 hilariously all being set one Pokémon meaning it's usually their worst set but I decided on Gengar 1 Fortress and Espeon I decided to lead Gengar so I could use confus Ray and hypnosis to set up my only win condition Espeon in the back with the rest of the Pokemon and my draft being poisoned in psychic types I felt I needed to go Fortress for its resists and at least a somewhat Okay match up versus lates yeah that's a lattos I am Mega coping right now and I'm forced to go into Fortress to scout what lattos this is it clicks Thunder Wave meaning it has to be lattos 5 or lidios 6 I am super hoping it's lidio 6 is I can actually 1 V one it with Fortress but I light screen to play it safe and the dragonclaw roll reveals its lattos 5 the call mind recover set help me I need to go Espeon right now while light screen has four turns left and pray for a miracle lattos gets paralyzed because I have synchronized and because I had Lumber it had to spend two turns paralyzing me which paired with a full paralysis I got to plus six call Mines while lattos only had three it's time to click psychic oh yes spit up drop okay oh no this is this is so csed I feel like I'm playing like rby yoou or something like that oh crit crit come [Music] on SPF drop yes spit up drop yes yes yes this was amazing I win the battle and I swap the garbage Fortress for the lattos and we are on to what would become the most cosmically unlikely Pokemon battle I have ever ever ever played it's something I still fail to comprehend to this day the battle was going great I used to Flygon as lidio setup bait took it and an xcloud out but then I think the Gen 3 legendaries they did such a good can't be Reggie Steel 2 which is kind of bad let's see how much I do I bet I do a lot more than half let's go oh no that's pretty bad problem here I'm just going to declaw it here I think that's always the play here and then it Dodges all 16 dragonclaw crits so I went to Gengar to confuse it and sleep it then went to Espeon and try to win but reggi steel did this please stay asleep bro oh my of course of course of course oh my ah of course oh my God please Gengar something magical oh oh oh that's did nothing please don't wake up okay okay oh my God please hit hypnosis oh my God oh my God there's no [Music] way please give it to me man I got to I got to get a crit [Music] man no it's going to snap out here no matter [Music] [Music] what fu I miscounted this is an unreal battle this battle this is this is this is genuinely so unreal right now oh oh my goodness hypnosis and it's game over please after A Moment Like That [Music] Gengar what do you even say what like what do you even I if there is a shadow of a doubt that you guys doubted Gengar one I hope you will always remember that Gengar one is the goat of battle Factory the odds of this were 0.1 0599 or one in 100,000 Gengar 1 had to overcome Cosmic odds but the Stars aligned and the Run continues sadly I had to swap Gengar one for Reggie steel one as it's a much more solid Pokemon and after some really cool stall scenarios that took me maybe an hour each to think and playthrough versus a dusclops and a Snorlax round 13 was in the bag round 14's draft had no standout Pokemon I acquired a cool core of lantern 3 and Flygon 4 in the back but the most interesting pick was my lead of shift 32 the leech seed set Nolan used earlier I had to swap shift three for a Shuckle anyway as there was a flying type trainer up next but after that I beat a normal type trainer that brought the two scariest normal types in blissy and Snorlax and as I swapped Shuckle I got the devastatingly good Blissey one this man is so good because it gets free setup versus special attackers and if a physical Pokemon comes in after you likely have Max evasion and can still toxic plus softboiled stall them or even sing them I swap Lantern for a dust clops I just fought forming the incredible normal ghost core and begin what would become the longest and most intense battle I've ever played I encounter a Metagross lead which I previously discussed during the stream would be a nightmarish lead matchup I had to go into Flygon to get chip on it and also let dusclops take a huge hit while I Revenge it with earthquake the disadvantages of a slow team are showing itself little did I know that this vop plume this vop plume would take almost two hours off my life this was actually crazy and again probably the deepest interaction I've ever had in the battle Factory I know it can't be vop plume 4 is the Metagross on leadhead quick claw which turns my attention to the other three sets vop plume 3 I can stall out by switch stalling Blissey and dusclops vop plume 2 only threatens me with toxic but because my Blissey has natural cure I can go into Blissey and then keep swapping in and out to make V plume run out of toxics and hilariously I didn't even consider V plume 1 at this point as no matter what I had to go into blissy for fear of toxic vop plume then clicks pedal dance and misses revealing that it's vop plume one then one once vop plume crit my Blissey with sludge bomb and poisoned it I realized this was going to involve a lot of patience and calculating to get out of this alive the main issue is that Blissey can't 1 V one vop plume here while I can stall out sludge bombs vop plume still wins the pp War as pedal dance has 20 PP which is multiplied by two or three because while it's in the middle of a pedal dance it doesn't use any so Blissey would start struggling and it doesn't even matter if Blissey beats the vop plume a struggling Blissey and a low Health dust clops have almost zero chance to beat a Pokémon in the back so I had to use dusclops to beat the vop plume blissy here had to stall some sludge bombs and then sing to provide a free opportunity for dusclops to come in and get some leftovers recovery which also baits pedal dance so vop plume Burns its person Berry a Barry that heals confusion I then have to sing again so Blissey can set up double teams to stall the rest of the sludge bombs so that vop plume pedal dances and confuses itself while I sing again so dusclops can come back in to fire off a Swagger it was important to Swagger after all the sludge bombs were gone so that Blissey wasn't dropping to a plus two sludge bomb of course the vium instantly woke up so I had to go back to Blissey to repeat the process and preserve Health on dusclops which was awkward as I had to use toxic to preserve double teams and sings and not use any soft boils all while slowly losing Health the pedal dance either way I got dusclops back in only for V plume to dodge a Swagger so I had to Swagger again giving V plume two petal dance hits I then had to go back back to Blissey and wait for it to confuse itself with petal dance and hopefully sing on that exact same turn so that I could go back into dusclops with Max sleep and confusion turns on the vile plume and hopefully hopefully have time to psych up the plus to attack vop plume while praying to God that I can beat whatever is in the back H to think my brain would get a break here Swamper comes out which is ultra scary I have to sacrifice my dust clops here and get chip damage with Shadow Ball and it reveals itself to be Swamper 4 with its damage rooll and shell Bell item activation and now it's Blissey versus Swamper I have to sing it to allow myself to set up double teams and minimize the chances Swamper can hit me with earthquake is I have only two soft boils versus its six remaining earthquakes it's a battle so intense I'm just going to let the stream footage tell its story no counter me no no right powder oh my God bro hit the sing please to God [ __ ] please just hit the sing Hit the sing Hit the sing Hit the sing please to God just hit the sing no oh my God you're so stupid Swamper I got a double team I got a double team team right now oh my gosh do I toxic it hold on no I've got a double team no oh my gosh I can't I got a double team I got a double team I got a double team dude this is this is an unreal battle this is an unreal battle um okay I've got a double team I've got a double team because toxic doesn't matter when it gets shell Bell recovery I've got a double team please mirat me no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop Oh I thought that crit oh my gosh I thought that crit it's not going it's going to earthquake cuz it sees the kill oh why did it do that I get hit with Earth I just need to dodge two of these last four earthquakes I think I still I still go on the same route I have to double team again yes I double team again I double team again I double team again I double team again dude I love you Blissey one ly one you are the hero okay that that's seven that's seven that's seven okay okay okay that's seven that's seven that's seven I don't win so let's get that toxic off man hit please Mir coat please mirr coat please mirr coat please mirr coat please Mir coat please mirr coat please mirr coat oh my God thank you thank you thank you double team time baby double team time baby double team time oh I don't want to watch I don't want to watch I don't want to watch Dude bliss's HP moves so slow I like have a I just explode every single time I don't know if it's going to crit I win onless crit I win onless crit I win onless crit yes yes and as I swapped dusclops for Metagross my team became stupid good the Beck the beckan Pokemon I'm swapping the beckon Pokemon for the iron leg Pokemon yo metag girl was the first paradx Pokémon you see that iron leg it was Paradox before anybody else was Paradox and there weren't many other highlights of this round except my Blissey humiliating a Gengar by winning with struggle oh my gosh and we my friends are on round 15 man in round 15 my draft luck continues I'll show you what my team was through a pre- Nolan battle hype up as the first six battles were pretty quick the volcano Pokemon ente thank you again Andrew Capel I really appreciate it it's got pressure this is going to be pressure stalling stuff it's the it's the call mind Resto chesto ente 31 IVs this thing is a monster ah help guys I'm weak to water types what do I do it I'm weak to water types oh I got a water absorb God Lapras surf Ice Beam Thunderbolt psychic Max HP Max special attack also 31 IVs this thing is an absolute monster it is great at cleaning up games because of its bulk and its coverage it'll never be you know down and then Lastly lastly we got Gengar 7 Gengar 7 it's only three IVs it's not going to be doing as much as the others but here's what it does it doesn't offer any unique coverage but here's something that it does do it resists fighting for ente and Lapras it resists ground for ente and Lapras it resists normal for ente and Lapras and it gives me something that can trade down with Destiny bond which for the mons that ente and Lapras are weak to is so so huge let's do it Nolan let's go you guys get hyped get hyped up okay that's scary objectively that's okay KRA nasty lead for me to deal with KRA is a scary Pokemon when it's set as unknown two of them are special attacking oriented and the other two are nasty Dragon Dance sets thankfully I have the perfect tools to Scout and respond to whatever KRA this is Lapras comes in on KRA 1 or KRA 2 clicking their water move but instead the kingra clicks Dragon Dance revealing either an Endor flail set or a Resto chesto double-edge set set after I ice beam and switch to Gengar in case double edge and then go back to Lapras where it clicks Ice Beam revealing KRA 4 I can perfectly stall this out of ice beams and double edges by constantly switching between Lapras and Gengar once it was out of attacking moves I did something genius I purposely fire punched it with Gengar every time Gengar was on the field as KRA would only click rust seeing that it was already at Max stats with Dragon Dance and Gengar is immune to double edge I then switched into ente then into Lapras and back into Gengar on the turn KRA wakes up rinse and repeat the reason I make the mids sleep switch of ente is that it saves PP on my lapis's and gengar's moves you never know when you'll need it I then went to ente and proceeded to set up Max double teams and Max call Mines purposefully flamethrowa would spend two more turns sleeping from rest if I didn't do this KRA would struggle before I could set up my stats and a plus six struggle critical hit could end my ente after the sequence succeeded ente showed that he got that dog in him and destroyed Vaporeon and ursing defeating the L last Nolan I needed to obtain the world record in round 16 my amazing draft luck continued with a draft of suun laddio and choice band armaldo suun lead makes sense in case I need to Roar to scout a threat and I'm comfortable using it as a lead in general lattos is a lattos even if it's a quirky set and provides a crucial pivot and answer to grass and Electric types and lastly armaldo is clearly the best choice here giving me the immediate punch versus blissy and snor and even lattos that my team needs a part of me didn't like keeping armaldo in the back as armaldo was has only a single resistance and is rather slow meaning it doesn't like switching into attacks but it was too crucial to save it in the back for the previously mentioned threats to suun and laddio on the Second Battle armaldo clutched versus eladios and I made a funny decision to swap my armaldo for eladios because the upcoming trainers specialized in the water type eladios had the exact same set as my laddio and was only three IVs and made me weaker versus the satanic water OKO Trio of wall rain Lapras and Duong but I needed to make myself as strong as possible versus the rest of the water types with aralo only helping with the previously mentioned Trio and set up double edgems like KRA 4 and wh Lord 2 this is going to be a tough one this going to be a tough [Music] one right expert Emma ah all right man I got a roar okay whatever pressure pressure pressure pressure let's get a crit Dodge please bro come on come on come on crit Dodge SPF drop something yes okay come on man no oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh you scare me so much wall rain kill it please yes yes I hate you wall rain anyway we win the battle and find ourselves facing another water ice type later in the round all right well this is scary um the type in phrase for this battle was water type no battle style meaning it could really be any of the Lapras I did risk taking an ice beam here but decided to play it aggressive and psychic it in case it wasn't oo Lapras which of course it was after I see this I decide to psychic again for chip dodge another sheer cold and at this point I still don't know if it's Lapras 7 or Lapras 8 similar to the Espeon situation before I decide to Shadow Ball it to fish for a special defense drop in case it's Casino Lapras and rests which of course it is this could totally end my run as my suun and Tentacruel 100% loose with Casino Lapras having access to sheer cold and Horn drill and the Demonic idon Lepa Berry restoring the pp of a move without any this on top of sleep talk not using the pp of its oo moves makes this an automatic wind versus my Pokemon in the back I fire off one sidekick and then this happens how about you don't have shell armor and I get a crit [Music] man yes Yes Man yes the Ceno Lapras was taken down by quite the stroke of luck and I actually ended up swapping for it over my previously swapped for Tentacruel using an OKO only Pokémon might seem dubious but this Lapras absolutely destroys most water types and gives me a great answer to Snorlax and Blissey the biggest threats to my team either way we now find ourselves facing the final trainer of round 16 difficult listen up I always win all right we'll see about that all right all right to Toby I listened I listened I listened to you Toby and uh okay suun here outpaces two of the four possible Zapdos sets and because the slower Zapdos are likely to click Thunder Wave and I have Lum I think there is huge upside to staying in and clicking Ice Beam as none of the Zapdos can even Ki yeah so this was terrible I was forced to go into ladas getting paralyzed and chipped by drill peek and then please don't give me something stupid bro [Music] I don't even know what to say man this is okay though as I had a beautiful realization the scientist before the battle told us that the opponent's battle style was slow and steady on the spreadsheet these are Style 2 moves unlike previous battle Styles like highrisk high return and impossible to predict the opponent needs three moves in this category as opposed to two we know it's Zapdos one as it outpaced suun and clicked Thunderbolt the only other Zapdos that outpaces uses thunder and Zapdos one has a slow and steady move and a lumber looking at starmy sets now we know it can't be starmy 3 four or five as they all have Lumber so it's extremely likely to be star me 1 or 6 as they have two slow and steady moves completing the phrase I've got to hope for the best case scenario of star me 6 as my Lapras has water absorbed totally Walling it and it clicks confus Ray then Thunder Wave and then recovers this confirms that it's stari 6 because here star me guessed that I am water absorbed so refrained from clicking at Surf this was was amazing but I still had to play this optimally as while I guaranteed beat this star me I wanted to set myself up optimally for whatever the third Pokemon was in the back my end goal was to have a my laddio take zero damage and have my Lapras in not paralyzed asleep or confused versus the last Pokémon to do this I switch stalled between laddio and Lapras to stall out confus rain Thunder Wave but only switched Lapras out once I saw star me recover on Lapras or use surf giving it the knowledge that I was water absorbed this ended up working perfectly as I landed a horn drill on the star me and cleaned up the Venusaur in the back with laddio and we are on to round 17 dude this is like the most important draft of my [Music] life I'll just cut to the chase this was absolutely amazing my draft ended up being suun Mr mime and weezing Mr mime proved insanely clutch here as a lead tricking its Choice band versus passive threats allowing suen to come in set up and steamroll opponents and It All Leads up to battle 119 I want to enjoy this battle I do too I do too because this is the Tie the world record of a facility a thing that has been in one of the most iconic Pokemon games ever 20 years I could tie the world record in one of the facilities in its battlef Frontier that's Pokemon history I'm excited Venusaur bye bye venu oh I don't actually kill Venusaur 2 as well hold on what a what in the world yo wait hold on I don't even kill I still just Psy kick sidekick I'm not going to trick it into Choice band sludge bomb that would be absurdly terrible I'm not playing [Music] around okay that killed okay we're up that's good I've got to trick reggi steel I can't let this set up I cannot let this be that Amnesia set and set up so I got to switch I got to go to Espeon then back to mime I'm going Espeon and then back to mime okay it's regie seal one back to mine it cursed okay let's trick this thing look another setup [Music] move I know what this is is it not just the best thing ever it's just that easy sometimes it really is after it clicks curse here it'll click curse six more times when I switch suun in on the next six turns what I want to do is what is the most optimal way that I set up my suun in six turns all right that's curse however because the curse move when it's a ghost type targets the opponent does it is it affected by pressure there's no way it is right no it's it's still not it's still not affected by pressure I mean I don't even know what to say if this happens man goodbye hopefully nice roll give me a nice roll give me a nice juicy roll suun I'm a happy guy what can I say I'm a happy guy what can I say I got nothing else to say I'm just a happy guy right now oh my go I don't even need to think goodbye nice son goodbye the Charizard that ended my 113 streak wow that's poetic hold on a second can we just realize this for all you guys that didn't know Charizard 1 is the Pokemon that ended my 113 streak and it came out at the last moment to tie the world record to remind me hey I'm here but you've conquered that you've conquered that misplay cuz I thought that a star me was faster than a was faster than a Charizard and the Charizard came in at the last moment to be like this is how you have leveled up past that misplay you made all that time ago how poetic I'm you can you get more poetic than that you can't get more poetic than that as I'm doing this voiceover it's surreal looking back at this moment first off to explain what happened with the curse pressure interaction let's read what dark antimatter on Smogon found out about it he says the cause seems to be that changing the move's target from the opponent as is the default for curse to the user when they're not a ghost type only happens when the player selects the move in the actual menu so when the AI uses curse this check is neglected and the opponent is always considered to be the target meaning it's affected by pressure this means that during human versus human battles this won't happen because we are always selecting our Target that's just so crazy and I think keep your horns on put it best when he said can't effing believe 119 could have been lost on a crit due to a curse pressure mechanic that you even suspected but it just wasn't documented anywhere because it's so insanely leash Niche that no one would ever run into it in any other circumstance like what the actual f are the odds that would come out in such a big way on the exact battle that tide world record LMAO I can't imagine how astronomically unlikely that is thank God struggle didn't crit here so as I entered round 18 I had to talk real quiet because it was close to midnight and a resident night next door was trying to sleep so I'm going to have to do more voice over for this tldr my draft was insane I got maybe the best lead in the game guard of War 5 with a powerful psychic and access to endure plus salic Berry and Destiny Bond guard of War can get into many scenarios where it takes out two Pokémon combine this with an explosion in exeggutor and I could win many games this way the real kicker of this draft though was getting a bulky Dragon Dance Resto chesto Gyarados the gods set Gyarados 4 this is exactly what I needed for around featuring a Nolan that no battler has ever faced but first we must face cool trainer Miriam for the world record and oh boy she has a lotos vdio's likely bolt beam coverage is devastating for my Gyarados and exeggutor so I plan to Shadow Ball Shadow Ball then endure into salic Berry and Shadow Ball again to take any lattos out then I can Destiny Bond on whatever comes in and explode with exeggutor so I Shadow balled the lidios and from that damage and the Damage it did to me with dragonclaw I sus out that it's lidios 4 A ldi with Bol beam coverage I now considered clicking Destiny Bond just to play around a critical hit leaving my Gyarados and exeggutor versus the two mons in the back but decide the upside of keeping Gore alive was too big plus Landing a critical hit is a 1 in6 chance there's no way that can happen right that did not that there's there I don't I don't even know what to I don't even I can't even put into words how much this sunk me I was now forced to go into executive to hopefully not get crit by Ice Beamer Frozen or explode and hope that Gyarados 4 can on V2 whatever is in the back that's not good though this could rock slide me I've got a DD it's it's always DD turn on so let's just see what happens after that please don't be the stupid Thunder Punch my champ I'm going to flip uh okay okay there's no other play there's no resting I just got a frustration frustration does more um matter I'm this going to earthquake doesn't [Music] matter the mood swing you guys the mood swing is real oh that makes me so happy oh my gosh you guys I got it
Channel: LRXC
Views: 420,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dMpH9sNv7TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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