How I Became Immortal On Minecraft...

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everyone on This Server wants me dead but I'm gonna be using an immortality exploit to take over this SMP and here's why yo yo yo what do you do to my house why are you going to my house there's not something I can land with that's the only thing I can land with please oh oh my god did I just land that okay bro I've had enough I'm getting out of here okay you know what's going on this is the exit how did that lead here when I've just mined out that makes no sense it turns out my house become a never-ending cycle and there was no Escape okay what so let me try go upstairs first of all okay and yeah I've got three floors on my house but on my turn what is going on am I running up and not going anywhere but I don't think I'm going anywhere this is stupid this is so stupid let me break this door now where did the door for the door disappeared okay you know what I can't deal with this I don't have nothing in my inventory do I have an escape luckily I still have wood logically I can make a boat now using the boat I think I could use the boat to glitch through their massive holes like so wait he just they put me through here so the boat didn't work and for something it pushed me into this area this is a top floor and from what I'm mistaken if I go down here I end up at the bomb floor which makes completely no sense haha didn't think about this if I break the floor I should be completely fine bro why is just not where do I where am I going where am I actually falling I can't tell am I just on the same floor I have a minute left can you hear these guys they're planning to build my house in a minute because if you've got guys I don't have a Tom I don't have anything while I was completely stuck in this Loop they were auctioning off my house the winner gets to blow up with me inside okay wait this can work in my in my favor okay if I was thinking this room leads to the furnace now I have some ingots but I may need to smell all my gear now if I smell my gear I have enough to make a minecart now I have 99 nuggets and now if I go back to this place I could quickly make an iron ingot now I've got five using the five I can make a minecart Now using the minecart I could completely glitch out of here unlike the boat I hear them counting down they're gonna blow up they're gonna blow up they're gonna blow up okay okay um right now it's cool in between maybe this comes in I place the boat I use the boat to glitch out I'm I'm out oh my God as soon as I escape the TNT went off I escaped with the skin of my teeth and my entire house was blown up the first time to take over the SMP is the shop I already said that the best place to make this is actually the desert because I can use the sun blocks and they won't believe that it's rigged so if I just quickly dig this entire place out and now I just completely fill this place up with signs I could place all this sand here I will not it's completely done I'm gonna steal someone's items and bait them to come to the shop and when they try to buy their items I'm gonna unleash the Trap and they'll die and just to test if this really works if I break this ish oh my God it does actually fall although that needs to be fixed because that might be a slight problem I secretly went on to my old account and stole all the loot from sheep's house with no one seeing me I came all the way to the shop and gave it to myself and just like that I could give all the loot I just stole to my main account so I'm gonna send them Mr sheep and okay now I just hope no one else comes other than sheep okay yeah no he's on the way quiff okay yo yo yo yo what's going on here okay let's give you a warning why have you got my loot full nether right how would you want it for I'm just gonna take it this is my my loot take this chest plate you you should probably wear the chest plate yeah I am man thank you very much yep see you later bro which I thought you could kill me I'm Immortal after popping sheep's Tom he disappeared after that he was nowhere to be found it turns out sheep was Immortal whenever his totem was popped he'd automatically get tped away but this was just a theory so I had to test it even further the service currently out to hunt me so I have I have to test this plan even further there's only one way for me to actually test this I'm gonna use the team team machine to break bedrock so from what you know totem's not actually work in the void so if I was gonna quickly just break the Bedrock there we go bedrock's done bedrock's complete okay with the void trap now completed if my hunch is correct when they fall into the voice trap the totem will activate and if it's a totem that's making them Immortal then that means I was right and it means that taking over this s p just got a lot harder and now when RJ walks in he's gonna completely fall inside all right finally back in my house why are those there it's so stupid what do they think I'm just gonna walk on I could easily jump over that wait what oh my God wait come on no either way I'm Immortal I can't what he's just full of the world which means he's dead and that means the totems don't work in the void this proves my theory for the Minecraft immortality glitch not to work you need to kill him so the totem doesn't pop and for me that would be the void I shouldn't be here but this is a RAID Farm totem grinder okay I'm on the top of the raid form and I already want to blow this entire thing up by Khan yeah because the real planet is for me to commit mall I need to find out exactly what glitch they use and exploit it for myself or I can't take over this SMP and this form seems to be working oh my God what is this they're roughly making 10 000 totems an hour I can't find any totems which means they check this every couple minutes although I found one which is really good so before they come back I need to get rid of this I need to destroy what makes these guys Immortal using their mini TNT I had I've rigged this place to blow okay time to make this jump subscribe now I only have this one totem and I need a lot more so this is where this comes in with the totem currency being currently inflated people will happily trade that for diamonds but once they've run out of totems they're gonna head back to the raid form and I'm gonna blow it up and then when they spawn I'll know the location to the immortality exploit quick I'm here you called perfect you have totems yes I have this one right here for you and if you win I gave you two diamonds back and they landed on red you don't you don't hear you go man and now if you land on it I owe you 20 diamonds at this point the totem shop was on fire people were queuing over to have a chance to win diamonds but Lil didn't know all I wanted was totems all right buddy there's all my toes oh my come on I got you okay and there you go okay if you win I've got no space it's insane I'll see you want diamonds you could take them I'm gonna get more more tones with saf going to get Toms it was the perfect opportunity to blow up the entire raid form because now I can find out what their mortality glitch is and with that it should have blown up what's going on over there is it actually blowing up oh my got this quick hairstyle looking guy oh my God that's where he came from wait please don't see me please don't see me oh right now after following exactly where stuff came from I found the machine okay what is this machine and I assume it's an Interpol stasis the totem's full up okay I understand how this works so they use the Interpol stasis that when that totem gets popped it tp's them back here if I steal this they'll know so instead I'm gonna take screenshots and build this myself just so I can make this less suspicious I'm gonna quickly break these I'm breaking these makes it not work so they think they have this Immortal machine but they don't at the same time I was building the immortality glitch the entire server was saying of booby traps they wanted to kill me and end this rivalry if they look up at any point this this whole plan's going downhill I finally created that mortality machine can you please invited me to a house to make a truce okay Kimberly I know you don't have any tomes left so tell me where are you are you inside yo yo yo yo yo back to him oh my God wait what just happened well I can say this works but it turns out I walked into a trap this entire server itself to kill me and that was the final straw I'm gonna stack myself with tomes now I think I know where these guys are I can't believe I know you tried to kill me yeah so yeah so and you how's your mentality field looking it's still working man what do you mean you don't want to do this yeah yeah what are you gonna do about it you can't do it oh my God they now know about my immortality glitch but it's too late I'm ready to kill this SMP and take over and let me go back down no I'm gonna end them now yeah okay please that's my fault okay yeah yeah Tom's gone wait what what stop that oh stop oh my God there's no way I just killed her oh my God the Tom sent me back yeah I'm back I'm back and you're dead oh my God okay now you sheep it's over what are you doing man it's over I'm involved how are you so strong what the hell and you're not oh my God okay okay that's that's what that's another tone gun I know if I go back again he's right there he can't heal sheep I'm back I'm a mole bro and you're dead you're comfortable oh my god I've just killed everyone in the SMP and I'm infinitely Immortal this glitches overpowered subscribe
Channel: Quiff
Views: 669,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, minecraft, how i became immortal in minecraft, immortal glitch minecraft, immortal minecraft, max hearts, minecraft infinite, infinite hearts, stealing hearts, infinite hearts minecraft, stealing hearts smp, max hearts smp, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, mccurios, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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