How I’m changing my life at 30 | my 2024 goals, habits, mindsets, and vision board

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[Music] wow you look so perfect I'll hit the crown if you keep on looking at me like that hi cuties happy 2024 I hope you had a marvelous New Year's how was it I want to know tell me in the comments I spent Christmas in Michigan with my fiance's family and did you know that fiance and fiance different then I flew back to LA and I spent New Year's Eve having hot pot with my family cuz that's how we celebrate our holidays then I celebrated my friend's 31st birthday he's a New Year's baby and then I went to the offline TV New Year's party and I got all glammed up for it thank you Broden for inviting me I had a lot of fun and now it is 2024 are you alone right now cuz I did hear a rumor that we're going to make 2024 The Best Year Of Our Lives I'm dead serious you don't know me I live and breathe news resolutions Reflections I mean I am a product manager I freaking love strategy annual planning especially when it comes to the most important things which is our own lives and before some of yall are like I don't believe in you resolutions you should just achieve your goal whenever you want it just stop it I'm just saying this is the perfect time to do it because it's a natural break in the year we have holiday things are slower than lots of annual planning so why not use the momentum we don't got to go against the currents okay so I'm thrilled you are here I just came back from Taiwan and I did hella Reflections on the flight so today I want to tell you about my moonshot goals habits vision and mindset that I'm going to use to dominate 2024 is I'm going to be a dmy mommy okay that came a little wrong but you know what I mean I do have a pretty good track record I am unusually motivated in my friend group last year was a lot of Dubs I'm going to say proposed to my boyfriend got engaged posted a recital bought a house and I did a lot of content and speaking of content I know a lot of you DM me about advice and if that is a goal of yours this year I want you to know know that it's freaking hard but it doesn't have to be especially in 2024 because we have Immaculate tools at our disposal that makes content so mind-blowingly easy and today's sponsor is one of them riverside. FM your online recording studio for podcasts if you're an OG viewer do you remember that I used to have a podcast called happy hour at home it was about me interviewing my tech friends like Kristen and getting their spicy stories on work life like it was really good it was actually trending in South Korea and South Africa for a while but I stopped it completely because it was just way too much work a few months ago I flew out to Taiwan to record a pod with my friend Jackie on his podcast left side escalator and he whipped out riverside. FM and I was like what is that and turns out this is the go-to tool that has everything you need to make a podcast in 2024 basically you fire up a studio session if you have a guest you send them the link and then you start recording the videos are also recorded locally up to 4K which is way better than a lot of other platforms that's the best quality I've seen especially if you have like virtual guests and when you're done they'll create a trans transcription automatically for you which then you can slap onto your video and you can edit the video Itself by deleting the words in this transcript you know what I mean there's also features like Auto removing all silences the most impressive thing is that they have this thing called Magic Clips where they use AI to find the best moments in your Pod episode and they make a clip for you are you picking up what I'm putting down in 2024 you cannot launch a podcast without doing short form Clips so Riverside is really coming in clutch here I don't know what PM worked on this but I just know they need a promo if your 2024 goal is to launch that pod you've always been talking about now is an excellent time because Riverside is giving us 15% off if you use my link down below or my code CLA she I'm so excited to see what you make with this show me thank you to Riverside for sponsoring now let's get back to the video first things first we got to do a 2023 year in review remember last year at the top of the year I did a 2023 vision board and there are a lot of impossible things I had on it let's take a look become a creator that inspires you and brings out your inner artist I think I did a lot of content last year and I'm super proud of it join a Creator crew so I didn't join an official Creator crew but I do think I met a ton of creators in LA and New York and Taiwan last year I have group chats I got friends to talk to about this stuff for the first time ever if I'm going through anything I have someone to talk to that's not Kevin you know what I mean set healthy systems I was healthier I will say but did I build a morning ritual no I almost did it and then I had to go to EDC and then it ruined the rest of the year so let's try to fix that this year own my own home boy yes I did that was the biggest dub of last year except for like getting engaged like okay there are a lot of big dubs okay now on to the second half I did focus more on quality relationships and friendships did I cook more with friends no I probably cooked three times last year and I got to do more this year did I stabilize my life to get a dog it's very debatable be more time efficient at work it was okay sharpen my ax yes I did learn way more about interior design and took a lot of singing lessons and lastly I did host a big s30 and I did host an amazing recital not just for me but for for a lot of people so I would say excellent definitely an 8 out of 10 year so before we go into 2024 goals I do like to do even deeper Reflections on my life what went well what I need to improve on I usually do the year compass and I also did Ali OB doll's Wheel of Life exercise speaking of Ali abdall he sent me his latest book feel-good productivity and he even wrote me a personalized note hi Chloe your content is so lovely I'm especially a fan of your work life Vlogs yeah just super excited share this book with youah blah Oli XX anyways where was I ah yes what's interesting is that this is kind of a different era of my life now that I am in my 30s I can't just take things yearby year and see how it goes I kind of have to think about where I want my life to be in the next decade oh this smells so good so then I was doing this designing of my life in my 30s exercise where I literally chart out what I want to do in my early 30s mid-30s and late 30s and a lot of it is around family it's kind of crazy because this year I am so far from that reality it's going to be a very pivotal year so then I thought if I wanted to design the most ideal life nothing's stopping me what does that look like CL and then I came up with a very inappropriate acony chill if anyone ever asks me what my dream life would be it is this I want to live a life of creativity health impact love and freedom so I think it's really important to keep these grounded in values and then have bullet points to describe what exactly they look like what does being creative look like to me what does freedom look like to me and yes Freedom looks like being able to fly to too and Taiwan and New York every year on premium economy or business class the dream so now that I have my vision for the next chapter of Life how does 2024 strategically fit into the context of that decade that is how I think about my New Year's resolutions the way I set my goals is setting 50/50 goals 50% of the time they should be kind of achievable and the other 50% you're probably going to fail and I think that's how a lot of athletes do it and it's the way that we did it at Google when we set our okr because they shouldn't be so easy that you're just guaranteed to hit them all and then you got to wait for the next year for your new goals so some of them should be somewhat moonshot dream big why not you can do it I'm a huge proponent of thinking that you can achieve the impossible because sometimes you really can that's how I got everything done in my life I don't know if I'm going to make it so remember I split them up into core and foundational core is what I really want to focus on they're specific and foundational is more like what I want to continue doing and then the blue are my objectives and the rest are key results and yes they're mother freaking okrs don't hate the player hate the game my biggest objective this year before I start the family is to become a go Creator and make cultural impact yeah this is the biggest hobby I have that I've always wanted to do for the last decade within that I want to hit following and money goals eh they're a little bit personal so going to keep it to myself I want to make an impact cultural impact Community impact I do want to level up my non-career verticals I know I'm very known for my product management topics and I want to continue to share educational content content but there's just so much more to life that I want to share outside of it life is more than your job like interior design I've just been so obsessed with it I want to launch my special projects which I've mentioned before my podcast I'm stuck on the title I have literally everything else but that there are a lot of digital products that I want to launch and I think I want to launch the course I think it's time I don't really talk about this every single educational thing has hit me up to make a course together and I have not said yes I only want to do it if it's right I get doubt if I see someone selling a course and I'm like o over the last few months I've met a lot of course professionals I think there is a way to do it right to make a premium experience and to share knowledge so I really want to aggregate everything I've ever learned and put into this course so other people can move forward faster I want to become known for my amazing storytelling and Vlogs these are wonderful Inspirations I want to make it feel like a movie I want to make it feel cinematic next I want to establish my operations I need to build and scale my team like I got my content strategist I need to line up all my editors I also got to get a talent manager or an agent I've been in talks for the last like 6 months or so I'm at the point where I can't do this all by myself work is a lot and I got to sleep too so that's the goat Creator the next objective is to plan my wedding I don't think it's going to happen this year just cuz planning is such a big undertaking and did you know the top reason for divorce or separation or whatever is the wedding the house and the kids and finances those are like the top four besides infidelity but I want to plan the wedding in a healthy way you know what I mean next goal get a doggo I think this is the year and the next is to develop myself as an artist as a hobby I think specifically when I did the recital last year and will Stetson was in it I learned so much about the anime cover artist industry and I think it's dope as hell now onto the foundational number one live the hot and healthy girl life oh yeah oh yeah I want to build that morning ritual become an 8 a.m. gir work out be hot I have S Gia here I want to still invest in long-term act sharpening so all the skill skills the languages The Design interior design I have frean here because she dedicates her entire life to learning magic spells and I want to love and support my fiance I think that's really big I want to help my family specifically help one of my brothers get himself up on his two feet he just graduated very lost the job market is really tough I want to treat my parents luxuriously and make sure the other brother just feels supported yeah that's pretty much it I also want to make work really easy to work with that's going to be a tough one we'll talk about that more later and then I want to go deeper with my current friends and I want to just do less altogether less traveling less big random social activities so that's my 2024 vision board so after I do my vision board I usually try to see if any of this is actually realistic cuz my head's all in the cloud and I need to bring it down to reality and I do the ideal week method I go to my Google Calendar or a Google spreadsheet and I literally chart out exactly how my ideal week would look like if I would be accomplishing my goals and I got to put in things like chores hanging out with friends resting binging my anime and Korean dramas then I do annual calendar planning where I chart out all the big events that are happening in the year travel birthdays big events deadlines like doing taxes or financial planning or I got to do spring cleaning or whatever and at this point every time it Dawns on me there are literally not enough hours in the day it's a very rude awakening but it is what it is I think this is going to be a pretty hard year so I'm going to need some great habits tactics and systems to make this all happen I have read a lot of habit books a lot of productivity books I understand the techniques and Concepts like habit stacking and the Q routine reward thing I think those are cool but I need to know specifically what I need to do in my life to make my particular goals happen and this is my real talk for myself there are three things I need to get my together on and that's one work life balance two investing hella time and creative work and three being extraordinarily excruciatingly consistent that's it so for work life balance my problem is that I tunnel vision a lot I just get handed a project and I go apeshit on it I go all in I'm whole ass or no ass but I can't afford to do that anymore how am I going to do this in my last video I said that if I'm going to get tasked with new projects and priorities I really got to hit them back with if you need a done then my current task B cannot be done which one do you want I need to do a hard cut off at 5:00 p.m. which means my last meeting has to end at 4:30 so I have the last 30 minutes to wrap up my day and prep for the next day I got a bacon time in my week for emergencies like if I see a free slot I just got to fill it with emergency it always happens every week no more work travel I'm done I am not extroverted enough to see the entire company it wipes me out for the entire weekend afterwards I also want to take more frequent mental health and rest days put on the calendar and force myself to actually take it off and just be kind of anal about when resources change like when reorgs happen when my Engineers go on loan can't just change resourcing and expect to deliver I'm a product manager and not a magician I feel like I look a little bald so I'm going to take this off for Creative work I'm going to need a lot of time and I need to master the art of saying no I see a lot of younger people have a goal of saying yes more but at this stage of life there are so many things that want to fight for your time and attention and you have limited yeses but you have unlimited NOS but the NOS are a little scary because of peer pressure or fomo let me put you on to Joo the joy of missing out it is the joy of saying no when someone wants you to go out clubbing with them and you say yes to staying home and watching anime or working on your hobby or putting face masks on and getting an Immaculate night of sleep that is so underrated for the consistency I just got to craft an environment that makes it easy for me like for working out what I like to do is having all my workout outfits in a drawer and I just pluck them out put them on and get on the elliptical now the new home if I want to film I have my standard places I place my camera I'm working on creating an office space that helps improve my productivity and creativity it's a little Barren right now but I'm going to work on the vision now I know there's a lot of talking there are just two mindsets SL reminders that I want to share with both of us don't let perfect be the enemy of good I am so tired of hearing myself and my friends say that they don't want to get started because they're a perfectionist and that they're too scared to put out something that isn't good enough I hear a lot of what if people don't like what I make they don't like my videos they don't like this product that I'm making yeah no people of course are not going to like it especially your first 100 videos or your first product it's going to be cringe as hell there will be mean comments it's going to flop and that's okay if we stick to the analogy of content you need to create your first 100 shitty videos to make your first good one you just got to fail a bunch of times and then you're going to get it right it's that simple and it's par for the course and the second is I don't know who said this but my friend Lil mentioned this at one point which is you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great no more excuses what's stopping you from doing it today do the thing you want to do today that's all happy 2024 everyone I'm really excited for us to manifest everything this year remember I read every single comment I try to reply in the first day I know you have your own problems dreams goals stories and I just want to see you flourish hope you likeed today's video don't forget to check out riverside. FM even if you're not making a podcast if you just want to support me click the link check it out that way I can make more cool videos like this the next video is going to be my living room tour and I hope I see you in the next one bye y'all along the road everything seems slow I feel so empty inside my heart
Channel: Chloe Shih
Views: 85,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new years resolutions, adulting diaries, self growth diaries, chloe shih, chloe, day in the life of a product manager, living in los angeles, taiwanese american, taiwanese creator, taiwanese content creator, vision board, goal setting, ali abdaal, 2024 goals, 2024 vision board, productivity, routines, self reflections, life in la, life is new york
Id: oWLjKycpDcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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