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yes yes indeed [Music] ladies and gentlemen Michael palmisano here hope you're having a good day my good friend Anthony stoffer a lot of you uh probably follow him on the on the interwebs if you will he hit me with one he said dude you ever done any Sean Lane videos and uh I don't think that I have and he goes so look here's the track he died 2003 so there's not much footage available of anything that's really high quality but this is one of the better ones this is with Jonas hellberg and Jeff Sipe love Jeff's playing by the way um he says the fireworks he's known for start around 4 45. so let's let's pull it up here and uh we'll bring it a little bit oh nine minutes okay we'll bring it at like four minutes and see where we are it looks like he's having a smoke on stage I mean why not right why not let's put it together come on come on come on come on come on come on with it here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay okay Anthony I get I get what you're saying just look at this guy with this with this cigarette hanging out all right hard to hear the uh the whole accompaniment underneath we're clearly in the neighborhood of C here um so many cool things he was doing like like banded up and then hitting you know well I don't have the right tone or anything to do it but hitting the harmonics right so not like you're tapping like evh style tapping like yeah like this this whole thing but you're but you're tapping like to actually have the overtone harmonic ring out that was really cool uh let's watch [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right this is just one of the best I've ever seen um like for real for real I don't even know how to begin uh analyzing a lot of what he's doing um damn this is gonna beat the crap out of me here um let's just take a little bit at a time things like that we're so used to you know being like a C minor Vibe this [Music] forget to switch up into pattern five and this this these little runs here where here's your root here's your flat seven on the fifth string bending to that from the fifth string that's a that's a zone that does not get enough love in my opinion [Music] he's got such a great mix of like just speed metal runs that are super clean and and really intricate Melodies just this little thing root two flat three four five right but all this little [Music] these little tiny runs like that like like a vocal line where he's just thinking up and down the thing like just playing all the little all the little nuances and not thinking about a lick it's such a great thing to do when you also got a giant lick bag right you know and you could just and you can just you know right you can go back and forth [Music] the Theos as I call them that [Music] you could tell all right the main thing that jumps out at me is he's not thinking uh um like Blues based lick patterns that that we all get caught in he's thinking linearly like up and down in sound not across patterns if you will I mean yes when he gets into the three note for string stuff like you have to think in patterns but these these little movements here you know you're used to going like Steve Raven you know Albert King stuff but doing the those those little pushes it's like a vocal thought process [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I love how he leads with his pinky he's doing it he's doing it everywhere now that is something that I find myself doing more and more with age I don't know how much the actual age has to do with it but when I was younger I never LED with my pinky and I find myself doing it more and more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see I just love this man [Music] just huge huge bends right like grabbing the others that getting the third string with it so much Command right that that that so much command stop stop [Music] that [Music] so it's good is is again these are broad Strokes ladies and gentlemen this is not no for known you know this but so see right all this four five flat seven root flat three two one something in there [Music] why why why why why why why why why why why why [Music] foreign [Music] things that's such a hot sequence I gotta watch that again [Applause] [Music] about to just put it to one two three four five six seven eight is it eight oh my God [Music] so hot um I have no idea how I would approach that lick there um I'm gonna have to come back to that that's just true [Music] push that like watch this I should push through this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I mean [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is about the best three note per string playing I've ever seen um each instance for about second each instance in this requires its own like 20 minutes to figure out at least right this is this you're watching a literal lifetime of this dude sitting in the chair burning burning these lines uh ripping butts um coming up with this stuff so this is this is a this is a beating of the truest form okay but this uh so like this little this little three note per string run from the sixth string right [Music] not that that one's gonna I gotta come back to that [Music] okay so he's working his he's working his way down okay now [Music] so so that right there let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen that's some seriously hot [ __ ] right there um when you learn three note per string stuff um and I have a whole course about it uh basically this is the time when you really abandon the Caged system you really abandoned the uh there's five spots for everything because when you do three notes per string uh you kind of have to commit to there being seven spots of of any scale right so like if you're if you're a G major what what so for example like if you're G major right and you're [Music] the first set of three starts on G if you go up the second set of three okay if you will right that you know that it's been a minute since I've done these um you know starts on a and then B and then C and then D respectively but it's still all three note patterns in any key um clearly I need to brush up back on it um and you're seeing him just go through these evolutions in real time but you can tell he's improvising and the way he leads with his damn Pinky and slides up to the melody notes is is about about as clean and profound as I've ever seen in a guitar player and I really truly deeply mean that this is a crazy Series right here [Music] foreign so he starts out it's like it's like [Music] [Music] clearly I can't do it but but that's the concept but what's so mind-blowing is that when he comes out of and he's in this part he's not leading with his pinky right he's doing all of these you know like this though not but then then he starts leading [Music] [Applause] [Music] filthy filthy now he obviously undershoots this hits that b going for the sea as the day is long okay this is what I mean like it's clean as [ __ ] but it's absolutely improvised like he's going for it he but then he misses it and so what does he do he goes up to the tonic which he was shooting for tags it brings it back down to the B and then bends it now wait now wait he looks at his fretboard finally and he's like hmm how do I just tag how do I double sell that little piece of dog poop I just threw out there how do I now I'm not saying that that that his playing is crap I'm the exact opposite this is like this is the stuff dreams are made of this is you're free flying Free Falling you're flying okay you're going for something you miss it okay or it's not exactly what you wanted it to be but you're screaming you don't give a [ __ ] okay and you hit it again you tag it and then you gotta come down and you got to find a phrase in real time and and what you really want to do is play something a little obscure something a little out to kind of put a nice little bow on the whole package the whole phrase right and so he looks at his guitar neck and let's listen to what listen to what he comes up [Music] [Applause] who the hell is that foreign [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen [Music] B G E flat B foreign [Music] how you just you just commit you just dude watch I bet he takes a huge drag off of smoke as he leans forward you can't tell but I know he did you shoot for the see you miss it you push up get to it kind of get back on it and then you hit major seven five right minor third Major Seventh again it's awesome awesome [Music] and then you immediately move on to your this singing guitar lines you've gotten out of Legato land you know you just put a nice bow on that crazy little thing you lean forward you probably took a drag off your smoke you know and you slow down and then you kind of just start making it sing now I I love every second [Music] how about Jeff back there [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] a little more like that that is such a like foreign otes four fingers right but there's a there's a fifth in this there's a slide in there [Music] this leading with the pinky is gonna drive me insane root second flat three fourth right into the flat five foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I gotta stop it there I can't handle anymore all the little adjustments that that the key takeaway for me is um okay I'm going to go with easily the best Legato control uh and emotional content and phrasing probably that I've ever seen okay uh and that's really saying a lot um but the leading with the pinky man the the commitment to going back to these super articulate melody lines um and just an absolute coupled with an absolute fearlessness for thinking linearly up and down and overshooting and undershooting and adapting on the fly with your ear ly remarkable truly remarkable um Anthony we're gonna have to dig deeper ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed this video you certainly got to see me get the crap beaten out of myself um but you know what that's one of the beauties of YouTube and this Channel and this community in general is um that uh you don't always have to get things right you just gotta go for it and hit the button right and that's kind of the point that's it ladies and gentlemen know that I love you keep the guitar in your hands don't forget um if you want to take my lessons and courses uh that are actually step by step and it's not just a free-for-all like these YouTube videos click the first link in the description it's called guitar gate I'd love to be one of your online teachers and make sure you give Anthony a shout too I'll put a link to uh Texas Blues Alley and his link below I hope you're doing well up there hope to come visit you in the barn soon pick a little guitar that's it cheers my friends
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 85,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, prs guitars, paul reed smith, improvisation, music theory, guitar scales, Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, Jonas Hellborg, Jeff Sipe - personae aka juvalamu, shawn lane, shawn lane live, shawn lane guitar lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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