10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight

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Ten great exercises to improve your eyesight Exercising your eyes is one of those simple things that very few people do however it can help you maintain excellent vision Here are 10 exercises that will take you no more than 10 minutes to do You can give them a try right now while watching this video We are going to do all of them with you Exercise number one blink for a minute This exercise helps to regulate blood circulation inside your eyes take your time and let's begin Blinking is an excellent way to relax your eyes It has three functions. It helps grease your eyes clean them and give them a break from light With a lack of frequent leaking your eyes become dry at least to inflammation and poor vision Keep opening and closing your eyelids quickly without straining them Do this exercise regularly to adopt the habit of frequent flinging? You can perform this exercise just about anywhere for 30 to 60 seconds This practice is especially useful for those who work with anything that requires a lot of attention Exercise number two rotate your head while staring ahead This exercise increases the blood circulation in your eyes you need to turn your head in a circular motion while staring ahead First slowly turn your head from right to left Then up to down keep looking straight You can do it for thirty or sixty seconds depending on how much free time you have By far the most important sense organs are your eyes also. It's one of the most complex sensory organs in your body for vision limits you in many ways Therefore find 10 minutes every day to perform this exercise to have great eyesight at any age Finish the exercise in a calm Manner, and then we will continue Exercise number three look to your right and left Again, you can perform the exercise for 30 to 60 seconds make yourself comfortable and let's begin To do it correctly you first need to look to your right do it slowly while inhaling as far to the right as you can but without stressing it and Slowly move your gaze to the left while exhaling Remember that you should perform the exercise very slowly after finishing close your eyes for a few seconds exercise number four close your eyes and relax Darkness is leaves to help strengthen the photoreceptor cells in your eyes which in turn can contribute to clear vision All you need to do is just close your eyes and sit back Most important is to relax your eyelids completely think about something that you like to do your future vacation or other pleasant things and Stay with your eyes closed for at least 30 seconds Exercise number five move your gaze in different directions This exercise improves all aspects of your visual perception It is suitable for both nearsightedness and farsightedness You should move your gaze in different directions first look right-to-left for five seconds Now look up and then down for another five seconds After that turn your eyes in circular motion do it for 10 to 15 seconds Then draw a figure 8 with your eyes take your time no rush exercise number 6 close and open your eyes This exercise helps to relax your eye muscles and increases blood circulation in your eyes Close your eyes tight for 3 to 5 seconds Now open them do it again you and again and one more time Totally you should do this seven times exercise number seven push against your temples with your fingers This exercise improves the flow of intro Cooler fluids Slightly push against your temples with your fingers and maintain this pressure for around two seconds You should repeat the exercise four to five times Let's do it together one two three Four well done now. Let's check out the next exercise exercise number eight draw geometric figures with your gain Keeping your eyes open draw a simple geometric figures with your gaze. You can start with a triangle And draw a big rectangle Also, you can draw a square and a circle Then you can move on to more complicated shapes such as a trapezium and parallel pipe Exercise number nine move your eyeballs up and down first close your eyes Then slowly move your eyeballs up and down up and down up and down Keep doing it very slowly with your eyes closed You can repeat the exercise five to ten times Let's do it together five times one two three four five Well done, you're doing great exercise number ten strengthen your eyes near and far focusing First sit in a chair or stand in front of a blank wall Place your thumb about 10 inches in front of your face and focus on it for 10 to 15 seconds You can also focus on an object that is five to ten feet away for ten to fifteen seconds Here are your ten seconds give it a try? Now focus on an object that is ten to twenty feet in front of you without moving your head Again, you should focus on the object for ten to fifteen seconds. No rush. Take your time After 10 to 15 seconds refocus on your son practice this exercise five times Keep performing these 10 exercises regularly and you will see great results within a week To achieve the best results you need to monitor your health as well According to experts good eyesight depends on your diet Remember that the most useful food is natural food with minimal heat treatment as it keeps the greatest amount of vitamins So have you tried the exercises? How did they work for you share your thoughts in the comments below? Don't forget to hit the like button and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life
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Keywords: improve eyesight, improve eyesight naturally, improve eyesight exercise, eyesight improvement, eyesight exercises, eye exercises to improve vision, better vision, stringer vision, see better without glasses, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Id: QQ3ki1dCcnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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