How Gojo and Sukuna Ran A GENERATIONAL Fade

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oh y'all Gotta Wait for fights to be animated to start them nah not over here on my dog for all the help on this one he the goat so we here Gojo versus sakuna this got to be one of the most anticipated fights within the last 5 years but before we hop into it I got to paint the picture for y'all and it starts with sakuna straight violated got my dog orbiting around the planet this man is nefarious my man's moving vile for no reason straight took a Chomp off Angel like we biting shorties now I mean after sakuna was running the clean ones with Maki and itadori Gojo pulls up and he's like fine I'll run it he asked them to wait till the 24th of December he had everyone dapping him up in the locker room he was ready to drop sakuna off but before we even get to that pause rwind zoom in closer closer bro when did he get a fade I know somebody's lying to me because ever since his brother died this man has never seen a barber rocking that Drake and Josh ass hair do see this is why I hate you Shrinky Dink ass lightskins nothing about y'all can be done like a civil human being like yes bro I see your John line and yes [ __ ] I see your eyes like damn now we get to the actual fight and we get Gojo pulling up clean as hell just a drip straight from the nomads in Egypt you put that [ __ ] on Twin and Gojo starts this off holding back nothing and he starts revving up the hollow purple off rip and he Booms that [ __ ] straight to sua's face and once I saw this I already know Gojo was coming on a different timing using the move that boomed the father of the person you're fighting like I know it's not actually him but off rip me personally I ain't taking that [ __ ] at all all it does is GRA sakuna and then Gojo lands and these two start trash talking look at that sakuna I guess I'm the Challenger one thing you going to see even though these are the strongest Sorcerers in history they cannot roast to save their life put them in a middle school lunch table I promise they're not surviving cuz you got auna talking about some Gojo you're just a fish on The Cutting Board I'm going to start by ripping your scales like this [ __ ] been staring at a wall for eight centuries but can't think of something better than fish you're trash they about to get the boxing but Gojo says this I don't even know why you wearing megumi's face I'm not going to hold back because he looks like a [ __ ] I packed up like I told you that [ __ ] was intentional and these boys get to scrapping I'm telling you they using telepathy and nothing but straight hand Gojo throwing straight highways at this man only for sakuna to clean leave out that hole and Rush right at him had these [ __ ] scaling buildings like it's Sonic Adventure let me get this scene right here where they're charging up a punch in between a falling door only for the punch to decimate the entire area nah these [ __ ] moving different but I'm still watching this kind of concern because y'all it's December y'all about to clip my [ __ ] Rudolph for collateral and while this is all going on we get this straight Yapp Aon like I'm telling you 12 straight Pages just like can you shut up but I can't hold you it's kind of of needed because even I have to Yap for this video cuz this isn't the type of video where I can just sit down and Niggy the fight I have to actually explain what's going on because not only is this fight kind of confusing while they're boxing they break every single rule juu kaisen has ever put into place we literally got characters in the series themselves watching these [ __ ] box talking about something well damn I didn't even know we could do that i w beat they ass y'all made me read all this for no reason she crazy but hey going to get right into man yo DJ play my Gojo and sakuna hit domain expansion and their domains equal out normally when this happens whoever takes the most amount of damage and has to heal themselves will have to drop their domain in order to do so allowing for the sh hit effect I'm not going to explain this [ __ ] put on the screen to hit the other domain user and that's what should happen but like I told y'all we watching two cheat Cod ass [ __ ] because sakuna sees his barrier expansion but because his domain is larger than Gojo's it breaks his from the outside allow ing Gojo to get affected by the domain and also Kuno was feeling himself crazy he was sitting there talking about something come on man that's too easy Bojo immediately got blicked with cleaving dismantle got my dog looking blacker than me this is crazy Gojo tries to back up and sakuna chasing him down with some straight pressure this that Hall of Fame chase down only for Gojo to hit simple domain so we could heal himself like hold up something right cuz itadori sees this and he's like bro Gojo can't do that and I'm like that's what I'm saying if name is Gojo or sakuna it do not matter the cook regardless despite sakuna domain still being able to slice this [ __ ] up Gojo stops healing himself got my boy running around like he smashed mayay on her period he leg locks sakuna and then he pulls up on him just like this like first off weird testy as hell too what's up with you [ __ ] but I can't lie he look clean here he hit sakuna with the Red Dot beam to the face slamming him right into his Shrine and then he's out here hitting this cold ass pose afterwards like bro I know he's swe where he tough this ain't getting animated for another 5 years you're getting no edits anytime soon but normally what Gojo just did wouldn't be possible and then here I got to go with another explanation oh my God play the music basically every single time one of these characters uses a domain expansion it gets a certain part of their brain fried like how y'all's brains be on a normal basis oh so now y'all booing me I y'all too lay man [ __ ] Gojo instead if healing his body us is his healing technique to heal the part of his brain that's R so we could be able to use a technique like red again and then we got UDA on the sidelines really talking about some bro you can do that you got Gojo and sakuna moving crazy they out here creating new rules on the spot they know everyone after this fight taking their whole flow they created the new wave after this Gojo activates his domain again this time he expands the range so far it wraps around sakuna and he makes the barrier around them extremely tiny and again this [ __ ] ain't possible but in the words of jinxie that [ __ ] cheating Gojo was stuck in the prison realm he could actually imagine people inside such a small space because if you can't imagine it the barrier will not shrink domains are basically where imaginations come to life they on that Disney [ __ ] when their barriers break again Gojo was somehow able to injure sakuna in that short window of time and this is where Gojo begins to apply pressure because he wants to injure sakuna to the point where he can no longer maintain his domain and he got to do it as fast as possible and he's really putting hands on bro because this page right here man he got fraa shivering they hit domain expansion and then this is where they hit that anime [ __ ] now they do it again at the same time except because sukuna took so much damage he was a millisecond slower than Gojo and he immediately gets sprayed with unlimited void y already know what this dude this [ __ ] is cooked Gojo's looking at us like nah don't eat [ __ ] the dish ain't finished I still got to cook his heart his lungs his Li I want this [ __ ] to taste death I just start getting geeked while reading this [ __ ] is preaching let him cook this man was about to put sakuna on some vone and then this [ __ ] shows up Baga spawns and I proceed to close the manga now that I'm finally talking about jiujitsu Kaizen I can finally speak on this I know y'all love your jiujitsu Kaizen jumping me as a certified boxing commentator I just watch this and I'm like what happened to the game I loved cuz the moment jjk started jumping [ __ ] like it's Atlanta everybody want to jump now especially in this show not a single [ __ ] can run a solid fade y'all [ __ ] trash I love the boxing but the moment they step out the series they getting dog walked let that [ __ ] told you get hit with one fang over a Fang promise you he's folding but anyways this [ __ ] mahara is op moment you hit him with a technique three to four times he's going to laugh it off and then completely invalidate it due to this really long explanation that I'm going to put on the screen this [ __ ] sakuna is such a demon he used megumi's Soul to get hit by unlimited void five times so the moment mahara spawned was immediately immune to it even if megumi gets saved this man sakuna turn that [ __ ] into D Rose he is never boxing again Gojo sees this but he tees up anyway and then Gojo's like all right I'mma wipe this [ __ ] out in one blow he tries to open his domain and gets it with the master roshi nose bleed and no it's not because utahime is out here shaking ass I wish to this Man actually cannot open his domain anymore zakuna is out here crying he already got the rip Bozo on the T-shirt he's ready to get active only for this man's eyes to actually start bleeding cuz he can't do anything either and then Gojo's like all right my students are watching I got to tea up and when he means tea up he means tea up because he starts with the cleanest right strike i' done ever seen in a manga since you SK [ __ ] and for two straight chapters they start brawling I mean duking this [ __ ] out Gojo hits a beam straight at him only for sakuna to weave out the way sakuna darts back only to get snuck and Gojo proceeds to up the beam at his face sakuna blocks it but the beam makes a full lap around the building and backo sakuna and then Gojo rocks the [ __ ] out of him and look at him I know his brain is on straight repeat right now like the chaa slide talking about some oh no my man got small and then once sokuna took the biggest l in this entire fight mahara again appears zakuna admits that he's getting cooked and he decides to do the or reliable the Jutsu kaisen jumping and as much as I hate even I cannot hate on this because they are moving with such Elegance like the Zone coverage sakuna is doing for mahaga to sneak him sakuna taking advantage of the play he just made this is beautiful Works before they could even cook as a 2v one sakuna is like uh I'm not finished and he spawns another one aito for the 3v one I'm tell telling you this jumping business is going way too far gun to the back of your head name five dig K FS that don't involve jumping you're dying you're literally dying Gojo's getting jumped by the three of them and he tries to formulate a plan to take out aito cuz he's allowing sakuna to heal while he formulates his plan mahaga slices Gojo's arm off the slash so strong it slashes the building in the back and keep that in mind because it's going to come up later and these three actually start jumping this [ __ ] crazy like y'all look at this while they boxing Gojo looks at aito he's like I'm not going to lie you weak as hell get your weak ass on and not only that he obliterates that [ __ ] with a blue at Max output too I know little bro did not deserve that at all cuz even sakuna knows if he makes purple it's over this man's biggest op literally uses a coloring book as his move set y'all [ __ ] are garbage put me in that [ __ ] I'll show you that nigga's nothing but they got my man Gojo looking IC see like this right here godam damn me grabbing every single tight black shirt in my closet I have never seen a [ __ ] this sexy no pause resume cuz Gojo makes a purple and before he makes a purple he drops this soaka the only reason you were the strongest sorcerer in history is simply because I was not born yet Purple and that [ __ ] booms the entire area it leaves sakuna with nothing no mahara no aito no curse Technique No domain no [ __ ] no money no family nothing they end the chapter and they say Gojo has won the battle until I turned the page and then I saw Gojo out here talking to ghetto backstage at a juice World concert [ __ ] what that's right sometimes you got to sit back and observe not everything needs a reaction that's what sakuna was doing this whole fight he had F your homie Dead playing in his ears the whole time he knew this was about to happen off screen too you turn this [ __ ] into go Jo and you did this [ __ ] off screen that's crazy as hell [ __ ] I cannot let that slide at all but how he did it was crazy so we going to have to dial it back like I told y'all mahaga is a cheat cold ass [ __ ] the moment you use a technique on him he's going to become invulnerable to that [ __ ] how he usually does it is by altering his cursed energy and sakuno was like Fu that you going to make me learn that [ __ ] too he basically forced mahaga to learn how to bypass Gojo's Infinity without doing it the way he usually does it got my man working overtime with no pay the monster but basically what mahara did was bypass Gojo's quote unquote spidey sense Infinity basically works the same way it only blocks something it perceives as a threat and by attacking behind Gojo the infinity won't see it as a threat therefore he could bypass it hence why when he took off his arm the building was sliced in half as well yeah I know that just some crazy foreshadow and tell fra to take some notes this allowed sakuna to take him down and even though his trash talk at the beginning of the fight was some garbage his last quote to Gojo was something fierce he said as long as space exist you will be torn apart your Infinity meant nothing like bro where was this clean ass talk at the beginning ex sakuna really one of them [ __ ] that only think of cold [ __ ] to say in the shower after it's done but the fight ends Gojo's packed up as usual sukuna can't even get a drink without going into another Juju and jumping I'm done with these [ __ ] I'm out W up it's like you got come in peace I want war feel my pain every time I had distract myself in the store you been PRS every
Channel: Zephfire
Views: 395,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujustu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen chapter 239, gojo vs sukuna, jujutsu kaisen manga 242, sukuna vs jogo, sukuna vs gojo, sukuna awakens, gojo vs toji, gojo vs sukuna fan animation, gojo vs sukuna full fight, gojo vs sukuna edit, gojo vs sukuna manga, gojo satoru death, gojo death, Jjk gojo vs sukuna, jujutsu kaisen, jjk gojo death
Id: As9An92I8KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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