how get ccie

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be careful getting my CCIE was actually a process it wasn't setting a couple hours aside it was actually a eight to twelve month process in which my learning curve just went up exponentially I got a pretty good new job shortly after getting my CCIE I moved out of being a low-level knock positioning to be into the network engineering staff and then I got hired by a training company shortly thereafter I've become a specialist in my group I've become my expert and people think like oh you're a CCA so you should know your stuff I realized how little I know because when you pass the CCIE you understand that there's so much more to know than what you already do know the CCIE has often been referred to as the PhD of Cisco certifications it carries with it a badge of honor and it's a route to higher pay and membership and really what's a very special vlog right it's got a reputation it really does and it's now I'm not a CCIE so let's go ahead and get that off the table cuz I don't want to imply anything cuz these guys I just wanted to know that by the wigs no no I just I just I play with this I play with CCI he's on TV as they might say Jim array he's got more than he's willing to admit so here's the thing the CCI is I haven't I've gotten this feeling after having worked with so many different engineers over time it literally feels like something like the Marines is what it reminds me of because these guys have shared a bond to trial by fire and then they they they know that when they look at another one that that person has also been through this and because they Marines of networking that's a good way about it actually I mean they they really take this thing seriously what they do now is they look at they'll get leather jackets a lot of times it within Cisco I am a manager might get you a leather jackets congratulations I don't think they get that automatically but you get your CCIE number on there serious absolutely but you know what I mean I'm not saying it to make fun because I fully appreciate the fact that they've been through that and the fact that they're celebrating it and they're saying you know you're now in this club and now boy you keep up those certifications because I keep making it harder at will speaking of which you and Jimmy ray spent some time at a whiteboard do some deep diving yeah right we sure did take a look big changes to CCIE routes which kind of granddaddy of the certifications realm if you will as they go to version four I was looking at some of these changes here I want to get your perception so the big area is planning and evaluation right performance routing optimized edge routing eg our GI g RP that's a mouthful version six version six ipv6 multicast that's a bidding a shudder before because that's big stuff betters books off MPLS and layer 3 VPN as we talked earlier you said MPLS is the one that not only do you need to understand as an engineer moving forward for the for the work that you do but definitely for passing the test and it's heavily featured in this version four of the update right wai-wai-wait is that practical to degree do you think these changes are the right ones to be made I do you know the thing about it's kind of funny about certifications am is that when you're studying for it you want to be these exam fossil and as you pass that you want to be like really hard you know right it's different on the CCAA because you know we'll have to research you know and so that if it gets more difficult than eventually it's going to be tough for us as well MPLS is it has been considered for a long time to be more of a service provider technology and something that's very heavy on the CCI ASP on exam now we've moved it into here because we're seeing it actually replacing the frame relay a lot more and it's a lot more effective it's a lot more secure and it gives us more abilities to design network so as we're bringing it closer and closer to the customer edge it's more important that as a routing and switching as a foundation engineer that we understand I'm PL so if you're an engineer that works for a company or an enterprise you're not on the service writer side but you're saying that is still knowledge it's going to be helpful absolutely positively yeah just kind of understanding you know what do you need the field versus what do you need to pass a test obviously we're focused on certifications and getting passed the test so we don't want to go to a service providers and they start talking MPLS on notice and we're so um ok right you know or be able to know that the service writer is telling you what they're supposed to be exactly right exactly right so just from a base level setting perspective MPLS is valuable why well here's the deal MPLS let's just do a quick walkthrough of what it is ok because a lot of folks may have not even mess with it yet it is a new thing so we'll talk real quick about MPLS if you understand VLAN tagging I mean you understand frame relay then you understand a lot about MPLS already so it kind of gives you a leg up so look at it kind of in that arena MPLS is you know as we all kind of know if remember the the OSI model here of networking all people seem to need data processing right which is you know obviously layers one through seven MPLS kind of exists right here it's really considered officially a layer two point five type of protocol so right there near Ethernet - yeah it really is and so what we're looking at is basically a header a label that is applied just after our layer 2 information as you can see down here on this slide it's my layer 2 header and I've got my label on that's on here and I'm applying a 20-bit information right here that's actually saying you know that just has a number and it's hot like that be equal to like a del C or a vid of how to actually direct that traffic across actually understand frame relay and if you intercept VLAN those are all locally significant and I'm understanding how this works on the wide side so this is probably the really cool area here is what we're calling the experimental side and here's where we can actually set we got three bits here and remember we're trying to use VLANs cough as an overlay to kind of understand this wider technology it's like we have a class of service bits in there this is really kind of our class of service where we can do some traffic engineering cool last that type of stuff the s in this frame is considered it's called bottom of stack because you can take these labels and you can start stacking them up just like I'm doing down here I'm stacking every one of these labels up so I can actually tell it different directions to go on the network but then my time to live of course is so I don't get routing loops right so that those packets will live on infinity and keep going round round round round living so we'll protect that but you can see here on my label stack I'm right I'm at the end of layer two but right at the beginning of layer three and this is where you know in this is on my label stack up now take me the next slide Rob and I'll be showing you something how this kind of works I look like a pretty busy slide but this is our MPLS works kind of in action okay so I want to be able promise if you say this is really complex and this is a we're only talking for 10 minutes this is going to be something that's going to help if you foundationally understand some of the concepts you're talking about here it's going to be so every round don't be afraid of it because you a lot of people look at MPLS as being a very service provider type of technology and it's like it is and you can give it just like anything get very complex with it and stuff but just get the fundamentals down don't be afraid of it because it really has evolved from a few things MPLS came from cisco tag switching right if we murder tax put you back in the day we took that tag switching gave that up to the IETF they made it a standard and that standard became MPLS right and so it's a line solo but whatever you kind of get the point and it became MPLS and so it's something that we know and it's something really not that tough to learn but as you get better with it it's just like anything else man you can really do it like you said use a hammer but do you see a carpenter with a hammer man they can do a lot more well one of the benefits you were mentioning before you jump into this one too deeply is the fact that this is also enabling enterprises to do some very creative things yeah from a long-distance perspective because you're down there at that lower level allowing you to I think you said you can maintain spanning tree protocol that's right large geographical distances things we wouldn't have considered from an engineer design that's right go back to slide one again real quick and you're and you're looking at where I'm living right here is I live right here at layer two when I'm looking at MPLS what I'm doing is I'm looking at these labels my my provider edge router my PE so you taking the IP address out of this yeah you're not even you don't even look at this this does foot forward up the stack what looks at this is my customer edge router is looking at this IP address so it allows me to be incredibly creative I can use what we call pseudo wire when we're setting this up and I have my pseudo wire actually connecting data centers for like a dissenter interconnect and we can have this strategy from Dallas to so we'll say Dallas d al here and we can have a data center that's layer two connected you know I can use multipathing whatever the case may be to data center Milwaukee we got our sewer water set up here and you know I can I'm actually you know passing you know layer to traffic and send us at very high rates of speed right and maintain this and ROI setting this up now a lot of people they get a little claw get the quills because you know insight once you're inside the cloud it's a little kind of hard to track the stuff it's in inside but he ought example works pretty good
Channel: behzad nazifi
Views: 29,703
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Keywords: how get ccie, CCIE CCIE CISCO GET CCIE, ccnp, ccna, ccie certification, ccie security, ccie data center, become ccie, ccie training, free ccie, download ccie workbook,,, اموزش سیسکو, فیلم اموزش شبکه, فیلم اموزش, ccie, فیلم اموزش مایکروسافت, سیکوبرتر, اموزش امنیت, امنیت شبکه, امنیت اطلاعات, بهزاد نظیفی
Id: MP-bOfibpd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2012
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