How Floyd Mayweather lost to Jose Luis Castillo

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in the career of every boxer there are unpleasant memories of previous fights these are not always because of defeat often a controversial victory causes more resonance in the boxing public than a crushing an unconditional fiasco at the dawn of the 21st century on April 20th 2002 a fight took place between rising superstar Floyd Mayweather and the current WBC light weight world champion Jose Luis Castillo Floyd left his title in the second featherweight division and rose to the lightweight division a young star against a strong champion is a classic of dish genre modern boxing enthusiasts were watching this fight already speaking about the great achievements Mayweather will achieve after his battle with Castillo this creates a cognitive dissonance a distortion of reality increasing coit skills and nullifying Castillo Mayweather does not like to remember the fight against the Mexican he knows how dangerous the nondescript and appalled me was castelia received the nickname and pomian in honor of his birthplace the village of appalled me Sirona northern Mexico jose-luis had established himself as a skilled boxer he did not have a rich amateur career he studied along the way walked the path of failures and bright victories forming his own unique style caste Leo did not impress as a punter he had thin arms a lack of well-developed muscles and he had an unhurried viscous manner of fighting however at the time of his first fight with mayweather his record was amazing 45 wins 41 by knockout four losses and one draw upon a detailed examination of his style the secret of the embalming was clear turning him into el Temma ball the Mexican logged the vigilance of his opponent throwing punches and resting with his gloves on the target when the enemy matured castelia dealt a smashing side impact with his left hand on the body or on the head and as a rule he did not have to when fighting at the champion level the Mexican showed off other skills yielding a little to his opponent he used his strengths fantastic endurance pressure and interrupted visa vie on his field castelia fought too stubborn fights with Mayweather's partner on the US Olympic team Stevie Johnston which earned him the WBC world title to competent defenses followed and then a fight against one of the main stars of world sports even with all of the above advantages the Mexican did not convince the boxing experts of those years defense genius Mayweather was a favorite at four to one odds protect yourselves at all times we'll be watching what the wait fights genera Floyd started the fight perfectly the first four rounds unanimously went to his side on the cards of all the judges [Applause] to set something else up in effect that's great weather upstairs [Applause] look if you throw a beer bottle into the ring it's gonna hit Castillo somehow in round five Floyd entered his left shoulder the moment coincided with Costello's awakening the Mexican seized the initiative one point was withdrawn from him in round eight and one from Mayweather at 10:00 [Applause] [Laughter] now if it happens again he had an advantage he knows what it's all about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back to the middle of the Ring [Applause] 70 bucks estimate Jose Luis Castillo landing 75 powered shots Mayweather down talk about Castillo being the aggressor Larry [Applause] spectacular career power village of that point that spectacular stripped away [Applause] this is instigated by mid-run [Applause] and another combination [Applause] this competitive confrontation ended with a unanimous verdict of the judges in favor of the younger applicant 1:16 to one eleven and one fifteen to one 11 twice the crowd booed the decision to fight 115 111 seven for one even Jose Luis Castillo John Kane and Jerry Roth both have it 115 to 1 enik Hong Kong calm scores it 116 to 1 11 for the winner by unanimous decision and new [Applause] [Music] why didn't castelia win the fight he lost by points but the score the judges did not match what was happening in the ring this put Bob Arum Mayweather's promoter in a difficult situation Mayweather was a rising superstar it would not look good for him to go against the judges and to state that the fighter had lost his quotes would fall along with his top-ranked earnings Bob got out of the situation very professionally he condemned the judges overzealous estimates but at the end of his interview cautiously noted that Floyd nevertheless deserved to win Aram's great experience in the field of promotion showed through top ranked understood the certainty of a rematch and hoped for Mayweather's victory the young fighter would not fail stand and fight him in the last two rounds that it was very very close opposite I was wearing him down so he talking you know each other and all my big fights you know you air guy down like we're on a 10 11 12 you know standing there you know and breaking down so I wasn't worried about boxing easy was he much tougher than you anticipated you after all said this was an easy fight and route to bigger fights I beat his guy with a messed-up arm my arm is mister back down a turn-off fun so it was a harder fight than you anticipated with what you came into the ring with one arm yes it was only in battle that Mayweather realize the full strength of caste Leo the nondescript religious family oriented Mexican turned out to be a real monster in the ring many years after the famous confrontation Floyd noted caste Leo's unpredictability he and his headquarters studied the Mexican but in the battle he showed himself differently the weight factor also had an effect for that day castelia gained about 13 pounds while floyd only gained 2 pounds all of this overlapped with an injury to mayweather his left shoulder joint as a result this is one fight that floyd recalls with great reluctance on december 7th 2002 floyd and jose luis took revenge mayweather made the necessary adjustments to his style he did not pause used his footwork and a constant jab with his left hand became his main weapon [Music] trying to finish [Applause] - really [Applause] pounds well smart little left don't like there's a lot of Mexican support for him [Applause] good stuff [Applause] kiss the so the cameras Mayweather's art was more effective than the pressure and power of castelia floyd won the second battle and put an end to this confrontation oddly enough the judges voted a closer score than the first time 115 to 113 twice and 116 to 113 Arum was a political genius and knew how to restore Floyd's reputation even Mayweather's fiercest critics recognized his skill Judge Daniel bandolier scored about 115 to 113 Judge Larry O'Connell scores at 116 to 113 and judge again three this worth about 115 to 113 all to the winner my weight of unanimous decision [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doesn't get a pig okay Luiz Basilio he was real tough you know a tough opponent and that's what I was looking for a tough fight a good exciting fight and that's what he brought tonight a few years later castelia spoke of this he said in an interview that Floyd had always been better in the first battle the American underestimated his strength but in the second everything fell into place this does not take away Jose skills or his level of boxing talent he had many other victories over Stevie Johnson Diego Corrales Julio Diaz and Cesare bazan Floyd himself and the witnesses of the events of those years are well aware how skilled the non descript but terrible Mexican and palmy was in the ring thank you for watching click the like button below this video and subscribe to the channel see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The World of Boxing!
Views: 5,171,240
Rating: 4.3928599 out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, floyd mayweather jr, highlights, fight, fighting, mayweather vs castillo 1, mayweather vs castillo, greatest hits, Jose Luis Castillo, Floyd Mayweather vs Jose Luis Castillo
Id: hSK8Pe2RiDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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