How Fintech can positively impact the world | Spiros Margaris | TEDxAcademy

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[Music] I'm actually not only honor I'm actually very touched to be here with you so I don't want to talk much about tech although I'm a Finn tech expert I want to talk about people because I tell you something tech is dead without people haven't seen any tech if it's abused by people so I want to stress more than the people side how it can have an impact in our lives and how we should encourage tech to be used to help us society now how do everything start most great startups the way the ones I know they start with this with a dream and it's wonderful to dream and then to think my god could it be possible could I my people my parents were very simple parents now I'm standing here I was thinking about this before never so touched and they wanted to be here and it's possible things are possible you know the things we we are not Mastiff and the great startups they try to follow their dreams and I like to think of startups like surface maybe because they're sexy wow if I could do this and I think most startups like to think of them is you know Silicon Valley California I love that seriously and so you know and startups have a lot in common with surface because surfing you fail a lot I mean you because you aim to get this perfect wave but it's very hard enough to do to ride it and and you know their odds against you especially for me and but and you take a leap of faith you do things that we have no clue if you could achieve it with all the consequences that come with trying new things and now I'll come a little bit too to the word FinTech FinTech comes from financial technology the young not only young people but people think hey I don't like the way banking is done now and I think I could do it better so friends come together to three people and they say okay let's find a solution outside of the bank to provide better savings or how can I send money from Paris to Casablanca and and how can I make it cheaper how can I make it better for people and what the nice things about the FinTech startups is that the very customer focused and very simple you know why because that's they're all they have don't have much money they don't have a reputation the only thing is the customer they get and you know we all know how hard it is to win somebody over for your idea so if you haven't then try everything to make their experience from asset management lending you know to the poor whatever as pleasant as easy and as cheap as possible so they think very hard to be very innovative of course they don't want to be bankers it's not because bankers are bad but it's probably those startups that don't feel comfortable being in such a big corporation where we're obviously they feel like they can't innovate they're more like these guys and even that looks cool we're not there but you know they think hey we can do it but you know we forget if we look from top top down the risk feels very different so those people take a lot of risks maybe there's less to lose but in the graphic to that they take risks and that's encouraging that we have people who take risks in order to help us all this FinTech start up a very successful tech startup basically with that kind of message they said hey the old system of overcharging clients is dead that's how they shoulders I give an example it used to be instill is you if you send money with a one name names with a big organization it might cost you 10 to 15% the moment they charge you exchange rates the moment a person picks up the money and with those FinTech startups it might cost only 1% of 1/2 they did another ad that did another action where they walked almost naked it seemed to look naked that just had skin colour underwear on to show hey we're transparent we show what we charge and we wanted you to know this is a billion dollar company so you can see not only they take risk in the proneural risk they also want to show that they dare to be different and to dare to be innovative and this is a little picture but it gives a little picture in the middle is any bank you know and this is only a small picture of established players around it where you can see any banking from lending to as I said to sending money to Robert Wise they will cover the space and they will provide you if they're successful with better solutions and most banks you know this is the future that doesn't mean big banks can't innovate but probably will be together with them because they're much more nimble they really they really care for you I mean care in terms of I mean they want to win you over obviously it's it's a business but I think the successful ones it's more than business you will think who uses FinTech FinTech solutions of course Millennials they're born 1980 to 95 you would think they use it yes they do use it but it's more than them it's everyone Challenger banks and those banks started out of FinTech those customers are both 55 because I have the money but it's as I said it said cross everybody will use it as estate get more established you will be very used to banking with them or with Facebook it's gonna be so normal and you might bank with your bank if we provide to those services and the customer focus you will my bank course with your bank but it is not only but young and old it's something much more important I think that's where the legacy if you remember FinTech hundred years forward I think the legacy event it will be a different one not only simple cheap or better but helping people who are on the bank people on the bank people are people who don't have a bank account who lived maybe like in Nigeria in some areas where there's no branches and the consequences are not having a bank account it's severe because you get a salary where should we have Wireless salary you want to build something as more business you need a loan so it might be good to have a bank account it might be good to have a relationship with somebody who says I believe in you it serves us all and the beautiful thing about this and pacer is called the service were not with a smartphone that was any phone with a Nokia with in all Nokia you were able to transfer money to receive money that's empowerment it's fantastic and from being non-bank than becoming on the bank and the next step it will be to live hopefully live we are so accustomed to I think yeah it's very important then we have something worse than on the bank the unbanked refugees they have no identity there's no bank account and imagine how hard it is for those people it may not even dream of a bank account to to start a normal life and you know a lot of them more successful startups in the world were built by immigrants so some of those unbanked people here hopefully a lot of their children might be our future so we should provide for them so what we do in the FinTech space through blockchain technology we give them an identity there's something that companies together with governments they give them a credit card on the credit card acts as a bank account so when they when they come out of of of this awful life were there no identity they become underbanked but it's a first step you know so when they get a job they can say transfer the money to this account they can provide better for the children I mean it's something so important for all of us that we we strengthened society as a whole so for them again basically it's like we go to a shop and it says you're closed but you want to get in because the coffee is good because something good is behind the glass for this under banked and unbanked people it is like this and they know it but that's not something we should aim for you know under Bank you won't find on in Africa on India you'll find it among ourselves for instance through a debt crisis as we know normal people had normal jobs who had some debt all son lose their jobs they can't provide for payments for the debt but they have a family so if the government would tell the bank hey be more conscious about the situation we have to find a way there all you the money but we have to find a way to ease it to pay so they can feed their children because that's a priority I don't think many banks would say oh yes it's a good good idea because they have a different business model so but fintechs of course for them they would be open for those on banks and and those people who won't want to transfer money to the banks will transfer the money they can the FinTech account because vintage like in the UK for instigates them probably one of the most important winter cups regulators realized that they can't really change the big institutions but by encouraging the vintage to flourish they changed banks because you build the competition you know you know that's the best way and the same here if if the government can't do it by telling banks okay we have to be more reasonable or we have to look for solutions for the underbanked then fantasy it'll help because they're happy to help even if it's all of their own interest but they're there I lived in America so long so I didn't take a soccer game at the baseball I think like in baseball it's not only about winning or for company about making money fans one identify with cooperation with identify with with the team the means you have to show some values and imagine if it's a big institution you would show that you care a little bit more than then it's expected from you I think people would identify with you and if you don't you will miss an opportunity of people there will be your own future as they grow more established and there will be people with jumping the opportunity thank God to allow those seeds to be filled and to help those people from rich to poor from people can't help and since we can help I think it's worth to do it I mean that would be the goal you know I don't know if we can reach it and at least should be the aim by governments regulators big banks and fintechs to fill the stadium to let most of us participate in a better future and you know I think maybe together we can turn the sign around from closed to open I think it's a dream worth dreaming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 265,261
Rating: 4.9873152 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Business, Economics, Innovation, Life, Life Development
Id: Sz_21SD4xCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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