How Far Can You Run In 1 Hour Challenge

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it's challenge time today we are going to find out who can run the furthest in one hour the only catch is the only miles that count are the ones from start to finish as the crow fly so any twists and turns do not count who do you think is going to plot the straightest route there's currently 2-1 to Sarah in terms of challenges so hopefully I can claw my way back today yeah we've got three minutes on the clock to plot the route and then one hour to run you ready I don't think three minutes is long enough but let's go okay three two one [Music] okay right so I've chosen the start location now I want to see are you going north south east or west I am going wherever you're not going as far away from you as possible I'm so bad at geography I tell you what whoever plotted out London did not put it straight enough uh yeah honestly New York is like the best city to run there is nowhere straight from here thank you still doesn't know so I think if I follow the central line it makes the most sense because it's as straight as you can go what would the Romans do oh hang on look at that look at that I'm gonna get onto here the worst way you can possibly go we've got 30 seconds 30 seconds I just lost it you can't get a straighter than that unfortunately it's 15 kilometers long and I don't know if I can run it in an hour 10 seconds left I am set five four three two one stop is that gonna be enough one hour on the clock how straight's your route as straight as straight as you can go to be fair I'm telling you said three two one oh we go I've used a sneaky Garmin feature that I feel like mobile have forgotten about Pace Pro because elevation you might think London's pretty flat the elevation is really going to help me out here and making sure that I am pacing the best possible race there we go I think I probably the best route that could possibly be plotted in this London no thanks to Sarah but I've got this 100 in the bag the start of my route is not very efficient but then Super straight the only thing that I think is going to let me down is stoppages for crossing the road that's my final turn and hopefully it's now just straight so we've plotted these routes using Garmin connect on our phones which is personally my favorite way to do it but the really cool thing as well is that if you get outside and you're like oh I'm bored of all my running routes I want to plan one your watch can actually do it for you you can just click do a 5k Loop and it'll plot one for you which is so cool or if you're in a new place or if you just want your watch to guide you around your local area and perhaps make you discover some new rules look at this beautiful beautiful AMOLED screen which is like a version of an OLED screen so I'm used to running with a breadcrumb mat but now I'm running with a full map it gives you the format on your phone so you can see every Twist and Turn every like corner and crevice of London green light green light green light can we get a whole hour without it without it raining I don't know I'm not the greatest of Navigators if you remember the sub free Marathon video that we've done with Andy and Sarah I got lost so many times but I'm hoping that I'm in my whole city my memory will save me well I'm going to an area that I've never run to before so I'm hoping the Garment sees me stays me correct I'm currently fasting at the moment getting my excuses out the way early if Sarah wins it's because of that but if she doesn't I mean she just lost to a guy on zero fuel um so tough luck Sarah okay so first kilometers are down 447 which is a little ahead of the pacing definitely got too excited there definitely gonna pay for that look at the sky that's so ominous although look how pretty is oh I'm a green we're very lucky in there because we work with Garmin we get to see sneak peeks of what they've got coming up and this particular the 965 launch was the one where it's been so hard not to talk about it because it's just such an upgrade oh no I've run into oh shoot which I should have thought about it's the worst place to cross ever trying to plot a route around central London anything I'm hoping Sarah has picked an even busier route I wonder where she is stuck at a traffic light a screen taxi driver did not want it to be green for us there's new Pace I need 506 per kilometer for the next three kilometers this is why I love paste Pro so my second comment it was 509 usually that would have crushed my soul because it's so much slower but garmin's telling me that I can still hit my desired pace which is five minutes per come to overall if I do five or six for the next three let's hope we can get as far away from this crowd down right under as possible [Music] I've hit a bit of a potential floor with my root planning I didn't think about people traffic have I lived near London my whole life yes do I now live in London yes do I still have any kind of sense of where stuff is in London no comment down below if you are Teemo or team Sarah when it comes to these challenges for everyone that comments team MO I'll send you money I think this is this is Oxford Street terrible route planning oh need to switch shoots look how beautiful and well look that screen is I've just about reached shortage if I know Sarah she's either plotted the river route or somewhere down Oxford Street all the way to that High Park Shepherd's Bush they're very busy in tons of people traffic it's a Friday and I am running a nice bouncy Road nice leisurely pace and damn we're good we're golden the weather is turning should I start doing a rain dance or is that to make rain happen Come On Son come on I mean Oh Come On Son oh yeah that's hail do you think it's raining not me beautiful right now oh my God London oh I'm risking my life hail is a state of mind we are about 5k in 25 minutes though so I do feel like I'm running a little bit slow to take off to 415 but as long as I can get as far away from the office as possible by The Crow and then I'm content I am cold I am wet I forgot about this bit I now need to go round Hyde Park and I need to get a lot faster right come on come on really soggy bye now head down this way I just need the I need these traffic lights to be on my side come on what's going on contrary to what I said on the Randy Channel podcast for the purposes of this challenge I haven't been pausing my watch at traffic lights therefore with six minutes which is about a minute off where I need to be so we're gonna run a bit faster the reason I'm so confident in my route is I've literally been running this straight for about four kilometers now without a single turn so I told you when the crow started to me yesterday he told me this is a route he normally flies we're about 30 minutes in now and I'm just under half the distance that I plotted for myself what really worries me is that big gray cloud every time we've got a little corner Garmin will come up at the bottom of your watch screen and tell you how many meters before you've got the next corner so that little diversion there I think I lost about 10 meters which isn't too bad I reckon so far I've probably lost half a k this challenge is to celebrate the launch of the beautiful new 4Runner 965 and so we can't show it off without giving you a chance to win one can we comment down below right now who would you want to race against in this Challenge and we'll choose one of you to give away one of these watches this is my first time in 5K which is beautiful I've got a little light on my watch and they let me know when is the right time to turn hey or I'm gonna be really disappointed in myself but the traffic lights are not on my side 20 minutes to do 4K I want to get I want to get to 12. the interesting thing about this challenge as well we're actually talking about this in the podcast a few weeks back is what motivates you when you're running is it time or is it distant like are you more likely to run faster if you're like right I'm gonna run for one hour and see how far I can get or if you say to yourself I'm gonna run 10K and see how fast I can do it in I'm definitely distant I think because you know if you get to that distance quicker than you have to stop whereas an hour's an hour I just thought me and mo running in totally different directions so maybe he didn't get that weather oh my God imagine if you didn't I used to run faster it's actually just watching right now until I get to the end of my distance come on come on come on come on ah they're holding me up in traffic all right let's go I think the thing about plotting a route in three minutes is that you're aware of the elevation but you're just not sure where it's going to come two minutes two minutes I just lost that travel light one set of traffic lights and I lost two minutes there's no button to even press where's the button thank you four and a half minutes there's no way come on come on now run them all you're in run them while you're in just run past the food market in the food smells so good it's hungry um we've got like another few hours before I could break my fast for a while 56 minutes and 41 seconds 10.4 come on come on come on if you are watching this right now hit that like button to cheer us along come on apart from not from Moe obviously only for me put team Sarah down in the comments click the like button you know the drill I genuinely think these traffic lights are against me so the ninth one I stopped at in the past like kilometer alone where it might might be tired and I thought Lord and Savior as Deborah Crossing I have right of way I have right of way one minute 20 150 meters oh my God come on it's just a straight it's just a string ten seconds three two four one yes oh that's one hour done that was so hard so much harder than I thought how far did I get we're gonna have to go back to the office and find out but I want to start off by talking about that weather I don't know what you're talking about I had nothing I saw a cloud and that was that was I was it was it was a little damp just just a tad of a Hailstone so you've told me where you finished and I've got your revealed as the crow flies here but how far did you watch 0.39 kilometers on the watch how far did I actually run you ran 10.72 I'll take that out two kilometers that's quite a big difference I did have a lot of twists and turns so I I'm quite truffled it I knew brute force was going to get me to as far as possible route planning not so much not speed on your side okay what did you get so I ran 11.15 and I haven't looked at this yet and my distance was 10.41 so I am 300 meters quicker than Sarah but terrible at planning so if you are but mine was way more efficient I wanted 0.5 I got 0.5 so that makes two wins to Me overall two wins to Me overall I have one two in 2023 though so when we reset in New Year's because people would do reset in New Years I'm currently 2-0 right so if we need a rematch let us know but if you want to see what Sarah has been has been winning then go and watch this video that we've done last year
Channel: The Running Channel
Views: 67,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to run, running, running tips, training for beginners, how to start running, running training, training advice, half marathon, marathon, couch to 5k, fitness, running challenge, personal best, best running watch, parkrun, how to run faster, best running videos, 10km run, garmin, garmin 265, running across london, garmin pace pro, how to map your run, best smart watch, ruinning advice, how to run further
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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