How Far Can I Trade A Panda Dunk In 24 Hours?

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today we're seeing how far we can trade the Nike Panda dunks this is probably one of the most popular sneakers in the world right now we wanted to start the challenge off right by buying this sneaker at retail which cost 100 so Finish Line how to restock a few days ago and we were able to secure a pair for retail all right so I just joined thecube for JD Sports it should be in one minute when things start going hopefully I get something there and we're also trying to get on Finish Line and I cannot find where to go just found the pandas on Finish Line and I'm trying to get through found it found it under ten dollars men's go for men's eight and a half I had the bag all right here we go see if I can place the order check out Finish Line that would be easy got him eight and a half not that bad that was my first time going from pandas for retail and it was pretty easy to be honest right now it's 1001 they dropped to 10. let's go there's our trade shoe so our call spaces is a hundred dollars with these sneakers as far as store credit goes we're looking at about 200 250 bucks we're gonna be going to about five different sneaker stores today and seeing how far we can trade up this sneaker and whatever sneaker we end up with at the end of the day we're gonna give away to you guys for free on this video let's go and head to the first store and trade these Panda Ducks let's go no no no I just got to the first store we are headed to showroom ATL trying to get this first trade going for the pandas see what credit we can get size eight and a half let's go [Music] all right it's got our showroom we brought them some pandas here the first of this trade series basically trying to trade those up and see how far we can go today I know this is probably a popular shoe for most stores so it should be an easy sell want to see what store credit we could get and then uh kind of go from there again 250. 250 store credit is good for me so we'll do that and then we'll look around maybe if you have some options that you think would be good and then uh kind of go from there [Music] foreign three options so we're looking at what are these easy 450s utility blush okay and some dunk Lowe's okay then greens cool I guess we'll kind of you're cool with any of those options yeah so we'll uh I'll kind of talk with Nick kind of figure out what we think would be best for the trade Challenge and then we're gonna go from there so let's see all right so here are the three options that we have so far initially so like some of these they have a little higher 28260 250 Market on these I know is like 250 ish which can be good because that'll give us like I think at stores it'll be like 300. um these if they could be harder for the trade because they're a little older do you think so Nick yeah I think I mean yeezy's weird I don't think people are really selling too many of those right now and that Jordan one's a little old for me yeah I think people aren't wearing ones as much I think the dunks are like it right now and uh so I mean this is Atlanta also so Clark University I think that's an easy option I think that's a good trade so let's go so you have the right to lock this in we decided Clark Atlanta's for the pandas cool with that foreign series off got it appreciate it so here we go guys First Trade Up dunk for dunk probably gonna see a lot of the dunks today so we'll see how far we can go [Music] all right first trade complete we went from 100 in to now having a pair of Clark Atlanta's at a size nine that right now before fees on stockx are 237 for after fees you're looking at about 260-ish dollars so we went from 100 to 260. let's see what we can take this for hopefully we can get around 260 to 300 Trade Credit and usually with that we're able to wiggle a little bit and add some more in so uh we're gonna head now to probably good times Delana we're going into the city let's go [Music] foreign [Music] Good Times Atlanta area we're gonna go over there now we might do a challenge with them and see if we do rock paper scissors and if they win then we buy a shoe that we lose money on we're down 20 bucks and if we win we get a shoe that's worth an extra 20 in credit we're gonna see if that'll work but uh I don't know yet but let's have a good time to land [Music] all right so this is where we're at we start the pandas that I got burrito and we're here you know what these are ah yeah it's not too bad but since you guys like to have fun with these we want to have a little bit of challenge with this how about we pick two shoes one that's worth less one that's worth a little bit more and then we do rock paper scissors whoever wins if I win that gets a more expensive shoe you win I have to take the less expensive yeah I'm down you're down fully for sure all right let's find two options let's see what we can do so he said up to like 3 350 ish so we had to find that range all right here's a 280 right here so this is the championship dunk so this may be could be good as like the lower and then because it's kind of like a panda and then we could find out why this is risky because this could reset us this can take us a step back and we don't want that we're trying to go up so I got to get my what do I go for Nick I need your skills your scissors I don't know paper might be the move paper might be the Moon [Music] what do we got so I think these two would be good and then like that yeah that's straight all right we got two options eBay deconstructed or the uh the Jordan 3 Canyon purples you ready to rock paper scissors yeah this is the lower one this is a higher one I win I'm leaving with these if you win I'm leaving with these come down are we doing two out of three yeah okay because everybody I'm doing rock paper scissors then you throw it yeah okay all right cool let me know when you're ready all right ready oh man it's not good [Music] oh man we just got reset just like that dang I don't be losing this man oh my God I took Nick's advice you told me paper dang all right the house always wins the house wins we just got set back [Music] all right well I don't know if that was a great idea I just took a step that'd be like 170 on resell apps that's just a good 70 hit off of freaking rock paper scissors and I'd even think about it even like I should have put more thought into it but sorry about the bad suggestions yeah well hopefully we can trade up in the next spot I got do I double down and go for another rock paper scissors and try to get my money back like you're at a casino or do I really do think you might need to try and get the money back we'll see we're gonna head to this spot this is actually Khan he used to work in another stormland he's in a new spot we're gonna head to him now and then uh try to keep trading up [Music] all right we're at a static ATL right now we're gonna do our trade and try to redeem ourselves keep going up [Music] so we started with a pair of pandas that I got for retail we did another trade up and then at the last place we do rock paper scissors for a cheaper shoe and a more expensive shoe and I lost the rock paper scissors so it set us back but we're just trying to trade today see how far we can trade from the pandas this is what we have right now so kind of see what you put about store credit for these uh I've got a 200 credit 200 credit okay so let's see if we can look around find something to our credit and then uh go from there it's not a joke but I don't think it has come out yet it's still called a panda but oh okay with the red it's a good one [Music] all right so I think we might have found a pair we're looking at the Drake Air Force Ones as a good one I think this could be these are these are pretty hot right now I think it'd be a nice trading I think the next door we're going to would like these so I think this might be the option waiting on con right now to grab the box I think we can lock that in icon ready to lock in got the e-base for the knocked Air Force Ones let's do it all right lock it in there we go next trade thank you sir appreciate that and uh we'll hopefully we can keep moving on up from here [Music] so the eBay has definitely set us back and are trading up but right now I think we're in a good spot right now with the Drake Air Force Ones I think these are a pretty sought after pair right now can't go wrong with the Air Force One so we're gonna head now good times maybe or versus two more stores to trade up and get you guys a pair for good boys [Music] all right guys we're over at Full Circle Atlanta right now we're gonna go ahead and do this trade this is trade number four hopefully we can have a good trade from this maybe we'll bring back the rock paper scissors and try again all right we're doing a little trade-up challenge we started with panda dunks we made our way up pretty high then we did a challenge of rock paper scissors for the store if we won we got to get a higher priced shoe we lost get a lower we lost so we got set back so this is after our setback we're now at not to drink Air Force Ones and so we're just gonna do a little trade trade for whatever I don't know if you'd be interested in doing the Rockford Scissors because I'm kind of nervous to do it again because I don't want to go even further down um but the ultimate goal we're giving away the shoe that we end up with so it's all for the viewers so whatever you guys think maybe check store credit what you think they're they're worth and then um let's go from there maybe go a little higher we we'll do 250 for you okay can we do rock paper scissors if you want but I totally I almost don't want to offer because I want to help you get the most out of them as possible so it's up to you whatever the ball on your court here what if we did 250 and the rock paper scissors if I beat you then I can get 300 store credit let's do it try to minimize our risk here because I'm not trying to I'm not trying to get you guys a bad shoe [Music] it's so annoying because we're literally pandas are like 250 now like if you're not a freaking gun to have rocket serious I would have this is the 300 okay these are at 250. right who are you who's stepping up what do you want to say are you are you feeling with your game of rock paper scissors dude you got this one all right are you ready one out of one or two out of three all right on the line ready [Music] all right man man I cannot lose again all right [Music] are you worse you know what we're gonna do though to contribute to the video we're gonna do this for you can't let you go we can't let you I appreciate that back to back so we'll we'll do that I'm the worst rock paper scissors player in Atlanta currently I'm over two right now I appreciate that but uh I'm trying to trying to make my way back up thank you for that anything we can help with trade right there [Music] all right so we got this pair of Jordan threes here and uh shout out to Full Circle for doing that I had a game is off for the rock paper scissors I don't like it I should by now if I was winning I'd probably be like a 600 shoot but we got one more store left it's gonna be our final store of the day versus ATL hopefully they like these and hopefully they can get a good uh little trade up and end this off right so we're gonna head there now finish off these trades all right we're at the last stop versus Atlanta let's hope we can get a good final trade and I might be adding something on there personally from me to make this better because I was the one that handed the yells to you guys so we'll see what we do at the end of this but let's go try to get this last trade in [Music] all right so we're buying a pair of shoes we're doing a little trade challenge today this is actually the Final store whatever we trade these for we're gonna be giving away so I'm trying to do a little bit of a trade up all right here hopefully it's a good one for you guys three size 11. it's a decent pair but trying to mainly just trade and see what uh see what if I get to store credit I guess and then see what uh see what you guys got and just you can look those up let us know whatever store credit you might think they're worth and then we can find them foreign [Music] we'll look around real quick see if there's anything that we can find and then uh gonna go from there okay cool cool all right so what we're going to do is we're gonna end up adding some cash on top on our end to make it better because I took the L's with the rock paper scissors so I'm gonna put up two shoes right now on Instagram and you guys vote which one it is and that's one we're gonna go for so I'm gonna put this up now this is pretty pretty preliminary but right now we're at 65.35 so seems pretty obvious I don't think that's going to change too much so that's only not too many boats but I think that's the way all right so we're gonna do these but we're gonna add cash on top throughout the video I took some L's and so I'm trying to give them back something good so that's whatever cash on top that would be just let us know [Music] all right so there's the final pair we're gonna actually go back to the warehouse and have you guys give you all the details on how to enter this giveaway but uh we ended with a good pair there had to add to it for you guys because I took the L's so let's head back to the warehouse and show you guys giveaway details all right guys Rose's giveaway are very simple and up on the screen number one you have to subscribe to the YouTube channel number two you have to follow at Harrisonville on Instagram number three comment on this video your Instagram username and your favorite shoe that we traded in this video and we will go ahead and pick the winner in two weeks time and good luck [Music]
Channel: Harrison Nevel
Views: 1,163,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streetwear, Harrison Nevel, sneaker trade series, trade series, trading from a penny, sneaker trade challenge, sneaker trade, trading in one day, trade up challenge, panda dunk, panda dunk trade, panda dunk 24 hours, panda dunk 24 hour trade
Id: kr6rVE1IEl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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