How expensive is a MAX DUPE character in Arknights?

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it's time guys we can finally use our aroms that we've been saving for so long welcome to my own summons and guess what guys I have a trith for you guys today we're not only going for one copy of the entire Banner we're getting the entire Banner to P6 that's the goal I cannot wait for that this collab is my favorite hey you know the r six cleap that's pretty cool you know I didn't play R six at that time when it launched but hey monster hunter what an amazing franchise I cannot wait for this how many pulls do I have today uh I actually don't know I don't have too many pulls we have three 10 PS 16 singles and uh 400k orundum is that a lot let's do this guys I'm going to go right in please oh [ __ ] so I actually heard that for this Banner after the first 120 pity or after the first yat you don't get the 120 pity anymore like who who decided that was a good idea oh wa why why did they just keep the 120 pity man so we're going to have to get lucky cuz I'm pretty sure we're going to hit yato alter before the 120 uh and then after that it's it's no man's land all right 20 PS we got nothing that's okay a single five star nor corn nice damn dude nor dude they they did an amazing job drawing nor corn with the Rathalos armor I feel like he fits it so well back no okay we're going to have to speed through these chat that's fine uh you know what 30 PS gone that's not a big deal wait 40 PS what am I going to hit uh the six-star am I really going to go to 50 out here okay we got 50 P here what blue again dude how does this happen two blue bags before a Pity no guys I need to get six copies what is is this [ __ ] we're already eating the aroms okay you know what that's fine I think that's my pity pull 60 PS all right seventh pole I'm going to skip it's too easy guys you see that it's too easy all right that was the pity no more 120 pity unfortunately but hey we're going to keep going let's do it blue bag no anything before 30 is very good I'm going to skip this one no a blue bag again oh dude is is that what they say blue suit blue bag oh no 30 pulls nothing dude what is this who what is this pull dude no five stars essentially all right here we go no no no dude guys you know the game is mad at you when it gives you two backto back pity PS man what is this what dude okay what is this holy [ __ ] three blue bags before a Pity holy [ __ ] you guys know how unlucky that is holy [ __ ] man that is not correct that's wrong guys they they're rigging it they knew they knew that this Banner they can get people because it's a limited Banner they knew people were going to pull so they [ __ ] rigged it dude holy [ __ ] all right well I'm not happy about this anymore this one's a wash guys so six stars in here guaranteed but if there's two what if there's two what it's the first one all right let's see it let's see it yat all right we're on our way guys wait that's not bad that's not bad okay we reached about 110 to 120 poles that's not bad two yat Alters at least there's no hey look we got a nor corn as well at least there's no off banners let's keep going let's keep going no another blue man okay we're going to really have to play this like this is [ __ ] genin isn't it this is literally the genin impact experience is this actually a 2% rate oh no dud I guess this is the average experience right you expect that 2% rate you kind of can't really hit the oh my you can't hit the six star before 50 the am of we've seen so many blue bags in this poll session so far no dude where are the early procs where oh my God I mean so far it's not bad because we're keeping it on Banner but the second we go off Banner all of the the max pity poles pile up and hey look there we go there we go please oh only one all right let's skip this better be y it's too easy wait guys we're actually in line with the possibility of getting six backto back Yos wait that would actually be nuts is this going to be a lucky session oh I hear it guys I hear it the blue I heard the blue bag surely oh let's try that again oh yall hear that guys I hear the blue bag the gold bag give me two six stars right here no you get me a blue bag instead man wait dude what is this usually I'm pretty lucky what happened blue bag no every single time we haven't gone the six-star Before 40 PS yet oh [ __ ] all right please no dude is that 50 already this time though this is guaranteed we're just going to skip it silver dad it could have been any other six-star that I don't have P6 already okay you know what one off Banner that's not bad all right we got three Autos it's one silver rash that's okay Blue Dude okay stop with the blue bags Yar stop it oh my God I'm skipping what the dude let's go wait is that P4 okay that one came early we just got to start skipping okay that was bad wait the skipping actually makes it a lot more scary cuz you don't know until you know oh no the blue back I'm going to skip one more one more no you know what we got nor corn dude you know maybe I shouldn't be excited for nor corn anymore cuz I'm pretty sure we have't at P6 it's like a p12 or something at this point all right six star in here I knew it I had a feeling guys let's go five all right we're going to skip we're not going to wait for that it's too easy it's actually too easy hey I'll take it guys we're getting unlucky on the late procs but we got five in a row or not in a row we got five out of six that's pretty good I'll take that we're kind of winning all right final pull oh here we go Blue Back stop the blue bags holy [ __ ] guys stop okay that's fine we still have to build out that pity a little just one more yes just one more but I hey I I think we did it guys I'm pretty happy with stop the blue bags holy [ __ ] I'm pretty happy with these results uh we didn't get shafted like I thought I would all right it's over guys it's over you know this was not that exciting of a summon session but we did exactly what we wanted to do so it's a dub guys you [ __ ] what are you doing I I thought I thought the video would be over but I have to keep going oh okay now it's over guys it's actually over third po yeah I'll be I'll be patient I'll wait for it guys I'll wait for it but it's over guys that was a good run guys again you know not that exciting of a pulling session but that's okay cuz we came here to do what we wanted to Doom we got our P6 double uh double collab characters it's j guys 07 it's j hey what the f dude what yoar you listening to me man you kidding me bro I'm F going to praise your game brother like bro what are you doing okay what is this we're actually getting scammed I can't bother with [ __ ] getting off Banners at the very end man we have to get to the viewer summons no and now we're getting delivered blue bags holy [ __ ] dude all right let's oh no no no no no we're actually suffering now okay the thing is I doubt the next one is going to be a an off Banner chat like for real we can't get three in a row so we just pull until success now only 200k a random left holy [ __ ] blue B I am dirt poor now I'm actually poor I look like a free to play no no you really said I'm going to take you to 60 they really said guys that's fine you know what I know it's j this is the pull guys I don't even have to I don't have that look I know it's a six-star I know it's over guys 07 wait oh my God wait there it is holy [ __ ] well guys there we go we got the P6 that was kind of mid but we did it that's all that matters oh wait how much did you spend sure there we go guys that's how much it costs to P6 so you ought to alter it's j [Music]
Channel: Vifer
Views: 18,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XxbgrR56LWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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