How Easy is Moving FreeNAS Drives From One Server to Another? Very Easy!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 54,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home server, freenas 11, home server build, network attached storage 2018, freenas, network attached storage, nas, zfs, open source, storage, freenas (software), freebsd, tutorial, freenas migration, truenas, ixsystems
Id: _DmMpETyBsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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tldw; FreeNAS can import disks from another system fine, as long as its the same ZFS version on pools. It doesn't even care if you use the same order for the drives, each drive gets a unique GUID that it uses to track. Either way, Thomas does a good job of explaining this. Nice video!
Tom is great. Been following his channel for the better part of a year now!