How Easily Can You Beat Elden Ring as a Tree Sentinel?

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how easily can you be Elden ring as a tree Center [Music] it's true you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain and today we are that villain the tree Sentinel is every new player's worst nightmare and in this video I'm gonna be taking control of it and using it to fight some of the game's most iconic bosses the rules of this challenge are simple we play on Mac's new game difficulty and this video will not end until we defeat the Elton Beast before you begin let me know which boss you guys want to see next by leaving a comment below and don't forget to subscribe because YouTube doesn't always recommend alright if we lose this ditto then that's going to be pretty embarrassing since my AI is way better than his let's step on them let's step on them oh great minds think alike I guess let's get this guy out of here finish them off boom easy feels so good look I could just knock down trees by just walking through them hello Market I'm something of a boss myself compared to my last run where I played as a Revenant we actually have twice as many moves because we're in Mac's new game difficulty stance breaks are much harder to pull off but since we're playing as an enemy that goes for the opponent as well I have no idea why the storm Bale Castle overlay came up here that was pretty random but after stomping Margate with my horse something unexpected happened what the after another Shield slam and a stomp Market was down wait wouldn't that also make him the Lord of me all right let's bring in the tree signal whoops that is The Wrong Enemy going into this fight I knew I wasn't gonna be able to tank godric but fortunately his arena is very spacious yo am I stuck on a tree what's going on once I got him into phase two it became clear that his 17 616 HP was nothing to scoff at as annoying as he is to fight though he's actually kind of fun to play as how do I do the roll there it is in my rematch I discovered something that I never seen a tree signal do before oh I have a heel wait is this healing me it heals him too oh no that's not good at all even though the heel worked on godrick too this meant that if I could pull it off without letting him walk into it then I could artificially increase my own bulkiness to match his this made a huge difference and once I got him back into phase two the fight was pretty much over as far as the Second Great Rune goes there is absolutely no way we're being Reichard so volcano Manor is out of the question instead as the tree Sentinel our best bet is ranala and you're about to see why before that though we're gonna have to put this dog down I hate how small this room is the tree signal is not nearly as mobile as the red wolf and fighting this thing feels like you're trying to squash a bug fortunately each attack does like a million damage so once you do manage to catch the wolf it isn't really much of a threat The Shield bash puts in with work by this point I started to get more comfortable with the tree sandals movement and it really paid off with that said I did make a mistake here by going for the heel and I'm pretty sure that stopped me from killing her in one cycle going into phase two the tree Sentinel was made for this fight I know what you're all thinking and no you can't deflect Ronaldo's Kamehameha with golden retaliation because it technically isn't a projectile but the defense bonus we get while we're using it is phenomenal once I defeated ranala and acquired the second great room it was time to take on my brother in gold and no I'm not referring to Gold free a lot of people see the draconic tree Sentinel as a direct upgrade to the tree Sentinel but I promise you that is not the case as a fervent tree Sentinel apologist I can assure you that they both come with their own fair share of strengths and weaknesses while the draconic tree signal has a much higher HP stat and a very understandable 40 resistance to lightning the regular tree signal has a 40 resistance the whole and much more defensive utility overall although I did lose the first fight it was still very competitive and I knew that if I made a few adjustments then I could easily come out on top no as it turns out my shield does a ridiculous amount of poise damage and despite how menacing the tree Sentinels look they actually only have about 80 points which makes getting stance breaks super easy when it came to this fight as long as I played to my strengths and blocked whenever I needed to then the draconic tree signal just couldn't keep up Gold free on the other hand was another story oh my God I can't move I think this is the hardest fight in the run this fight presented a very unique problem because the arena was so small anytime I used the healing Circle Gold free would almost certainly benefit from it too and while I could block his attacks to survive I just couldn't dish out enough damage to actually hurt him after a lot of attempts a lot of patience and a little mining off screen I eventually beat him finally more got more like less Scott am I right am I right yeah Mor guy isn't particularly difficult and the tree signal Shield continues to surprise me we're able to block pretty much all of his attacks but the problem with morgot is his agility oh he's trying to get behind me when he goes for the holy blades I'm able to interrupt him with a satisfying Shield slam and after regrouping for a moment morgot goes down in just one try first try Morgan Let's Go the fire giant is where many of these runs go to die going into it I didn't think I'd be able to block the Giants attacks but I was wrong what this fight boils down to is a war of attrition where most enemies fail the tree Sentinel excels in this fight when you consider the fact that he can heal at least in my theoretical experiment where he tries to become the Elven Lord unfortunately you can't reflect many of the fire attacks but that's not too big of an issue as long as you can keep him on his belt after a somewhat heated fight the fire giant is extinguished a lot of people complain about this fight but I just don't get it as long as you have the right build then the godskin duo is whoa was I recording I was what was that alright so the black flame does percentage-based damage that's not good going back through the footage it looks like it still gets reflected but we end up taking more damage than he does let's try a different approach haters will say it's cheating but the draconic tree signal is technically still a tree signal so we can use them in this run abusing the tillers in the arena and taking advantage of his lightning attacks help make the squad more manageable but if we get hit by that rolling attack then it's pretty much curtains because we get no iframes when it connects once I kill both I set up a field of lightning for when they respond but the noble refuses to go down without a fight luckily this Sentinel has Fireballs though so yeah GG I'm not proud of that but it had to be done malikit Gronk is a walk in the park but malekith is another story destined death is absolutely terrifying and under no circumstances should you get hit by it and my Royal Revenant run I had poison it helped me deal with this fight and in my Millennia run I had Scarlet rock this time around I had pillars yes the pillars make a return in this fight and for good reason too malekith is a nightmare it's like he's capable of killing gods or something in spite of his lore though he is still no match for the draconic no malachite please just die yes yes oh that was so close I never thought I'd be saying this but Gideon is a problem he's still going trying to joust this guy from a horse is one of the worst experiences I have ever had in a run and in hindsight I should have just switched back to the tree Sentinel and used golden retaliation for his spells the Sentinels hip check would have also been useful here given that it's a fast and reliable way of hitting small targets but I discovered a much more humiliating way to beat him instead after suffering through Gideon burst phase Godfrey was a joke as a boss we don't have to worry about getting grabbed so horalu isn't too scary either and he actually loses most of his resistances in this phase that includes lightning the radagon I switched back to the regular tree Sentinel because golden retaliation is the perfect counter to Magic there's just one problem though whole given radagon's sacred disposition this was a terrible idea and I was gonna need a bigger halberd or an ax in this case rodagon is kind of hard to hit it's nice nice no how did that Miss comparatively though he is not that hard to stance break there it is oh wait we can do this oh please stagger please oh nice wait I wanted I did it oh my God how much HP do we have 128 countries I imagine this is what the final fight would have been like if you could actually ride torrent the lightning field completely decimates the eldenbeast normally it's really annoying when he swims away but that's when the Fireballs come in we're fast enough to outrun the Elden stars and after dodging the triple Rings let's try it now go go go there it is that's it first try eldenbees let's go [Music]
Channel: Amazing Chest
Views: 440,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, beat dark souls, dark souls, dark souls 3, dark souls no roll, boss moveset mod, amazing chest, chest dark souls 3, can you beat elden ring, Playable Boss Mod, beat elden ring, elden ring but, elden ring mod, elden ring but challenge, elden ring gameplay, elden ring review, elden ring pvp, How Fast Can You Beat, gameplay, elden ring tree sentinel, tree sentinel, beat tree sentinel, tree sentinel guide, how easily can you, play as tree sentinel, ekwrp
Id: MgPy3kG7e6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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