How does shift registers works ? PLC Programming Tutorials for Beginners

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what is shift register why and how does we can  use shift registers in plc programming before   starting today's interesting session i would  like you guys to please subscribe my channel   and press the bell icon to stay connected for  more upcoming video tutorials to understand a   shift register we can imagine a shift register to  be like this with some data bits inside it data   bits will be in the form of zeros and ones shift  register can be 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit and so on   but the basic working principle will remain same  as its name suggests that the shift registers   are shifting data this means that data or  the data bits inside the shift register   will be shifted to the right side or the left side  for example if you are using right side shifting   register this means that the data bits will be  shifted to the right side by one bit each time   shifting instruction is executed one thing i need  to discuss here is that we can shift a single bit   or two or three bits at once it depends on  our programming requirements similarly if   we are using left shifting data register the data  bits inside the shift register will be shifted to   the left side each time the shift instruction is  executed another type of the shift register is the   rotate data shift register in this register the  last data bit will be shifted to the first place   in the shift register and all other data bits  will be shifted once place ahead so we can   imagine the bits are being rotated in the shift  register each time instruction is executed   so far we have learned that shift register has  some data inside it and it is shifted or rotated   across the register each time shift instruction  is triggered now let's see an example so that   we can understand how to use shift register  to execute complicated task in the easier way   here we have a bottle filler with eight filling  nozzles and this filler will be filling two   different size bottles which are 250 ml and 500 ml  for this filling task we have to track the bottle   size under the each filling nozzle accurately we  can imagine these 8 filling walls as the eight   data bits of the shift register and this  data register has the data bits inside it   in the form of zeros and ones corresponding to  the size of the bottle under each filling nozzle   data bit 1 indicates 500 ml bottle and data bit 0  indicates 250 ml bottle under the filling nozzle   next thing is the bottle height sensor which is  either on or off means it is detecting 500 ml   bottle as it turns on and it gives one for small  250 ml bottle it remain off and give zero data   we also have a index sensor in the conveyor which  is activated once for every rotation of the gear   this sensor indicates the conveyor belt is moved  one step forward we can use the sensor signal   as a trigger to shift the data bits across  the shift register let's see the complete   animation and try to understand how the  whole concept of shift register is working   as you can see that we have a big 500 ml portal  under the infeed sensor the height sensor is   giving the data one as the conveyor move one step  ahead and index sensor triggers the data bit 1 is   moved to the first place of the data register  next 250 ml bottle is under the infeed sensor   which gives the data zero as the conveyor  moved one step ahead and the index sensor   triggers that the data bit zero is moved  to the first place of the data register   similarly the data bits in the form of zeros and  ones are being entered into the data register   and shifted forward in the right side each time  index conveyor sensor is triggered in the last   we have eight bottles of mixed size in the filler  and we can track the location and the size of   bottles under the each filling nozzle using the  data bits we have stored inside the shift register   0 bit is for the 250 ml and one bit is for the 500  ml bottle as we have discussed earlier we can use   these data bits to control the filling time of  the each nozzle so that we can control how much   volume we need to fill in the each bottle  so now we can fill 500 ml in the big bottle   and 250 ml volume in the small bottle so  this is a very basic example to give you guys   a concept how does a shift register works and  how we can use shift register to make our life   easier while programming that's the end of  the today's video please subscribe to this   amazing channel and stay connected with  me till next video take care and good bye
Channel: PLC Programming Tutorials Tips and Tricks
Views: 12,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SIMATIC, MANAGER, PLC, shift register
Id: srTU0L2ORH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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