How 74HC595 Shift Register Works ? | 3D animated 🔥

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so this is 74 hc 595 shift register ic [Music] so let's see the function and working of this shift register 74hc 595 is a shift register which works on serial in parallel out protocol it receives data serially from the microcontroller and then sends out this data through parallel pins we can increase our output pins by 8 using the single chip let's see the pin out of this ic it has vcc and ground pins and eight output pins for leads or any other thing let's see the data input pins of this ic that is clock rclk and data in data in the data is sent to the ic by pulses of high and low voltages with synchronization of clock signal that is 5 volt means a digital value 1 and zero volt means a digital value zero clock it is a consistent high and low signal with fixed frequency which works as data shifter for the register rclk it refreshes the output of the ic even after the data is sent to the ic it will not show the output until this is turned high what is a register a processor register is a quickly accessible location available to a computer's processor registers usually consist of a small amount of fast storage although some registers have specific hardware functions and may be read only or right only to test the 74 hc 595 we will use a lead here is the ground and positive pin of lead let's connect the lead with 74 hc 595 [Music] foreign we can increase the number of outputs using number of ics in series by connecting output seven dash as a data into next ic output seven dash is not output seven it is the data signal that passes after taking input from data in pin how much shift register it takes to make memory of 34 kilobits as of 80 mega 328 that is 34 multiply 1024 equals eight 34 sixteen yep that's a large number so you will need thirty four thousand eight hundred sixteen ics so if you like the video make sure to like and subscribe to our channel
Channel: Blue Butterfly
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Keywords: what is 74hc595, 74hc595 3d animation, 74hc595 shift, 74hc595 shift register tutorial, 74hc595 explanation, 74hc595 full explanation, 74hc595 hindi, 74hc595, shift register tutorials, 74hc595 features, blue butterfly, blue butterfly arduino projects, shift register explained, shift register, shift registers, shift register tutorial, what are shift registers, electrical engineering, 3d animated tutorials, 3d animated explanantion 74hc595, 74hc595 ic, 74hc595 pinout, registers
Id: Rftc7yEGfKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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