How Does Earth Move Through Space

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ever wondered why is russia experiencing chill winters whereas dubai is witnessing hot summers at the very same time what makes the season change the answer is in the movement of the earth in space by that we don't mean earth literally walking or rolling all across space but yes it rolls on a very specific path its orbit since ancient times by looking at the sky humans have been able to orient themselves and calculate the passage of time through repeating cycles and that's what's been bringing changes to the seasons stay till the end of the video to discover more about it day and night summers and winters spring and autumn who decides these cycles everything can be explained with just three concepts rotation revolution and the tilt of the earth's axis yeah a little bit technical yet a bit more fascinating the earth rotates around the sun like a huge basketball on an invisible finger earth takes 24 hours to make one complete rotation around the axis this movement produces day and night day is the time for that part of earth that receives direct light from the sun and the part that stays away from the sun experiences complete darkness or night although the earth is rotating on its axis at the same time it also revolves in its orbit around the sun which is known as revolution the earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun the earth is not sitting in a straight posture but its axis is actually tilted [Music] this slight tilt makes one part of the earth lean towards the sun while the other part leans away as the earth spins with the tilted movements at one time of the year the northern part that tilts toward the sun experiences the summer season and the southern hemispheres experience the winter season and vice versa takes place when the southern hemisphere tilts toward the sun and the northern hemisphere faces away the movement of the earth cannot be simply justified by the rotation of the earth on its axis around the sun however it can be determined by the motion of the solar system around our galaxy and the motion of the milky way around the local group and the motion of the local group around the inter-glacier space when we add all of these motions together we can actually calculate how fast the earth is moving in space at an instant it comes south of 365 kilometers per second yet again that depends on which time of the year we are in and what direction the earth is moving it is now that we question time and how the earth moves combining these two led to some discoveries about certain strange things do you really think that the earth is moving around the sun or are we humans moving we're the ones that are moving we're tumbling through the universe on a giant wet rock vehicle called the earth with the windshield called the sky if we look from the north pole we will notice that we are spinning in a counterclockwise direction the earth was formed 4.6 million years ago and has been rotating since then we wonder when earth will get tired of moving but not anytime soon though it will continue to do so until the sun exhausts its hydrogen fuel and engulfs the entire earth something we wish not to witness nonetheless this doesn't eradicate the fact that we don't just spin we also revolve around the sun on a plane that is tilted at 23.4 degrees relative to the spin of the earth that's quite nauseating isn't it we don't get dizzy or feel motion sickness sitting right here on earth though let's discuss something about meridians the sun is the highest in the sky to us and when our meridian is pointed right at the sun a very cool thing happens right at this moment the shadows towards the earth point directly towards one of the poles of the earth unless a subsolar point which is situated right below the sun appears if the equator faces the sun all of the time the earth always orbits at the same speed the subsolar point will be just right at the equator out here the amount of extra time spent for the earth to rotate will always be the same but that isn't the case the earth's orbit is elliptical so its speed varies throughout the year it is moving around the sun faster at the beginning of the month of january the extra turning time needed to complete the solar day is certainly longer there is a relatively low and unnoticed way in which the earth is moving through space it is known as the drift movement as it affects earth it also affects everything else around it the earth is a part of our solar system it's just a small star in the vast galaxy called the milky way which is huge massive and most importantly it is in motion all the planets clouds dust and stars move in and around its affecting gravity the solar system is caught in an elliptical bridge around the center of the milky way so we take a step back and see that the milky way is pulled towards the nearby galaxies within our local cluster the galaxy is also continuously in motion like i said nothing stays constant its movement is due to the gravitational attraction of dense matter and the lack of gravity from the under dense areas now we take another step back and notice that a local cluster is being pushed around inside the cosmic supercluster of our galaxy leniakea if we zoom that out again we will see that we are being moved around by other large collective groups and cosmic voids that make up the large-scale structure of the universe you're confused aren't you let's hop on to the science part of it the spin our planet earth is more experienced and graceful than any dancer when it comes to spinning the earth spins around its axis with an average speed of 1056 miles per hour sounds really fast doesn't it but the earth itself is so large that the speed is broken down again it is only 0.31 meters per second another way of looking at it would be one millionth the speed of light which is universally slower than the pace of a snail as the other planets in the solar system orbit in the chain of the solar system they continuously change their motion with that of earth and all of them return to their starting point along with earth which returns almost to its starting point after 365 days so why do we spin let's take a look back at the history of the formation of the earth [Music] it was first formed out of the gas and dust swirling against the gravitational pull of the newly formed sun over time these tiny dust particles were transformed into chunks of rocks and eventually these chunks of rocks clumped together and then formed a mass and developed their own gravity as the accumulating debris revolved around the sun over time space objects that were crashing onto the newly formed planet caused it to spin the earth started rotating as a result of the spin imparted by these hits this is the reason why most of the celestial bodies in the solar system spin on the same day but why is it rotating in the first place starting from the formation of hydrogen gas which is under the same intensity gas content became harder and entered into the most exciting form of energy although the gas would have been moving in all directions all it would have taken was a small percentage to be moving in one direction more than in another creating a tipping point setting the torsional force in motion and eating the moving cloud of the planet literally the gravity of the earth keeps spinning even if clusters of galaxies rotate for hundreds of millions of years to complete the cycle this brings us to the solar orbit that spins around 67 miles per hour or at one ten thousandth the speed of light it takes a full year to complete the journey around the sun if you use that earth year as a standard of measurement then it stands to reason that a shorter distance orbit like the inner planet mercury takes just a quarter and a half years and the outer planets like neptune take 165 years to complete the massive trip around the sun we are in orbit in the first place because of two equally important factors the first is the sun's immense mass three million times that of earth that creates a gravitational pull that is strong enough to drive the earth towards it this answer came in the form of a realization by sir isaac newton who had one of the greatest minds ever to walk the earth the apple falling down from the tree towards the ground demonstrates the exact same force that the sun is exerting on us after all his theories weren't only reading material to us why don't we collide with the sun that is because there is also a sideways force that is acting along our orbit our galaxy is operating in the exact same way the star system orbiting around a supermassive black hole at its center the solar system takes an astonishing 250 million years to make just one circle around the milky way but why can't we feel it why can't we feel the earth moving because we're moving at the same constant speed when two objects are traveling at the same speed there is zero acceleration it is this lack of acceleration that enables us to remain fixed in our place we can increase the acceleration by running at speed greater than that it is then that we feel the momentum change did you like this video if yes make sure to like share and subscribe to the channel for more amazing content that's all for today and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: How Does
Views: 67,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how does, nature, earth, planet earth, space, universe, today, how fast does the earth spin, earth's rotation, guide to space, why earth rotates, why do planets spin, why does the earth rotate, why the earth spins, science, earth spin, gravity, vsauce, why does the earth spin?, the earth, how does the earth move, how the earth moves, how the earth rotates, how the earth really moves, planet, how does the solar system move, how earth moves, how earth moves in space
Id: 2y2LBHltvnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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