It’s the Reality! Scientists Have Finally Discovered Habitable Planets!

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for centuries we earthlings have dreamed of learning about cultures and civilizations from other planets ever since astronomers discovered that the light phenomena in the sky are stars and planets speculation arose in recent years thanks to modern technology astronomers have been able to go searching in other solar systems want to learn more about the exciting discoveries in the Cosmos on a regular basis then remember to subscribe to Simply space and click on the Bell to never miss one of our videos in the future feel free to show us with a thumbs up that we can keep you engaged with the content of our posts thank you [Music] Proxima Centauri B just 4.2 light years from us in the constellation Centaur the exoplanet Proxima Centauri B is considered not only our closest Earth-like neighbor but also a promising candidate for the discovery of Life the planet's existence was detected in August 2016 using the radial velocity method later researchers used model calculations to find that liquid water could exist on Proxima Centauri B the basic requirement for Earth-like life astronomers evaluate Earth-like planets according to a certain system and then give them an earth similarity reading the value called the Earth similarity index is 0.87 for Proxima Centauri B so only 0.13 points are missing to be absolutely Earth identical trappist-1e in the constellation of Aquarius is the star trappist-1 it is orbited by several exoplanets of which trappist-1e is an Earth-like planet with an earth similarity index of 0.85 at 0.92 Earth radii it is only slightly smaller than Earth and at one of 0.62 it has a slightly lower density its distance to Earth is about 40 light years the comparatively small planet was discovered only with use of a special telescope the Spitzer Space Telescope detects planets outside the solar system by the so-called Transit method the planets become visible from Earth as Tiny dark dots in front of their stars when they are in transit trappist-1e may be covered by oceans however it most likely has a bound rotation which means that it always shows the same side to its star thus one half is thought to be cold and dark and the other warm and bright researchers are of course eager to find out soon whether organic life is possible under these conditions light and be light and B is sometimes called gliese 273b in the catalogs this Earth-like planet is most likely a rocky rocky planet it orbits the Red Dwarf light and star within the habitable zone this means it's close enough to its star to get enough light and heat but far enough away to allow vegetation and life at only 12.2 light years away light and B is one of the most earth-like planets ever found making it the fifth closest known potentially habitable exoplanet for this reason the seti project staff sent a signal to it in 2017. seti stands for search for extraterrestrial intelligence this special unit of astronomers is dedicated to sending signals to the nearest Earth-like planets the signal will travel a little more than 12 years if possible inhabitants of light and be answered it would take at least another 12 years for it to reach us of course it's also conceivable with all exoplanets that they are inhabited by living beings without higher technical development and can neither receive the signal nor answer it k2-72e in 2016 researchers on the Kepler Mission discovered the planet k2-72e also known as epic 206 209 135.04 this exoplanet is likely Rocky and orbits its star in the habitable zone the red dwarf star k2-72 was observed by the Kepler spacecraft as part of the second light Mission at a distance of about 217.1 light years in the constellation Aquarius the telescope was able to detect observe and measure k2-72e and three other exoplanets through the obscuration effect with any luck researchers will soon be able to peer into deep space and find out whether planets like k2-72e have atmospheres and whether they have vegetation and traces of life gliese 667cf the planet named gliese 667 CF is only 22 light years away from us this makes the rocky planet one of the closest candidates it's quite possible that the planet is a solid rock planet with an atmosphere and water it orbits its star in the so-called habitable zone thus the conditions for sufficient light and warmth would be present in any case the star gliese 667c is orbited by further exoplanets and some of these others could also be habitable at present the observations around gliese 667c and other exoplanets are actively continuing we can be truly curious when the first research team will provide definitive proof of life beyond Earth GJ 3323b planets like GJ 33 23b and all the others in this video are also called super Earths in the scientific Community the term has become established for all those exoplanets that are similar to Earth some of these planets could be even more habitable and offer even better living conditions than our home planet gj-3323b is comparatively large for being an Earth-like exoplanet it has a mass of 2.02 earths and orbits an m-class star its Discovery was announced in 2017. it's not yet entirely clear whether this exoplanet also provides the basic building blocks for organic life a carbon-based organism can only form and survive if three essential basic building blocks are present water energy and organic material Tea Garden B the star with the beautiful name Tea Garden is one of our 30 nearest neighbors within the Milky Way astronomers have detected over 4 000 exoplanets in the Galaxy so far the number of earth-like planets among them is steadily increasing for some researchers it's virtually certain that at least a few of these planets Harbor life others however are skeptical Tea Garden B at a distance of only 12.5 light years would again be a candidate that could be reached by radio signals and perhaps by a probe at some future point in time so far all statements regarding the exoplanets are based on preliminary calculations and observations around Tea Garden there are four more exoplanets that might also be habitable they are all in the habitable zone of their star system the planet's Tea Garden B and C are similar in size and orbit even to the inner planets of our solar system they are only slightly heavier than earth and water may exist in liquid form on both since an international team of astronomers announced discovery of the Tea Garden exoplanets in 2019 International interest has been directed towards the system together NASA and other space agencies are considering how we can better study exoplanets today to find out more about their makeup and any civilizations that may live there Trappist 1D trappist-1d has the nice nickname two Mass j230 629 28-050 22 85 D and is a small presumably water Rich primarily rocky extrasolar planet its star trappist-1 is special as an Ultra Cool dwarf star about 40 light years from Earth astronomers were also able to observe this exoplanet only by the transit method since planets themselves do not emit light we can only see them when they pass in front of their star as Tiny dots this happens only once every few days weeks or years depending on the planet's orbit theoretically an Earth-like planet in a system with a very large Sun can take several Earth years to orbit its star therefore we still cannot be sure to have found all exoplanets within reach of our telescope so far trappist-1d is the lowest Mass planet in the system with about five percent of its mass consisting of water this is probably distributed on its surface in the form of a huge liquid ocean in addition NASA experts have confirmed that trappist-1d has a compact Earth-like atmosphere and receives only 4.3 percent more sunlight than Earth thus this planet could truly be a super Earth gj1061 the star gj1061 is a red dwarf at a distance of about 12 light years from Earth it can be spotted from Earth only with telescopes in the southern constellation pendulum clock despite its relative proximity it's very faint and with an apparent brightness of about 13 mag it's mostly obscured by the light of other stars Planet GJ 1061c is an extrasolar planet that orbits its star in only 6.689 days this means that on GJ 1061c more than 54 years pass while here on Earth only one passes the question remains as to whether life exists on such planets and what the seasons climate and possible living things are like there kepler-442b the planet kepler-442b 1200 light years away was discovered in 2015 and subsequently observed intensively kepler-442b is about 33 percent larger than Earth and is at an optimal distance from its star most likely this exoplanet in the constellation Lyra is a rocky planet in 2021 a team of researchers announced that kepler-442b is very likely a rocky planet and has a biosphere similar to ours this adds another candidate to the list of best prospects for the ultimate discovery of extraterrestrial life these exoplanets were only the top 10 among many other Earth-like planets that have already been discovered we can be sure that more Sensational news will be added in the coming years for a long time it was considered unique our Earth for a long time we searched for other living beings in space in vain but in recent years more and more planets outside our solar system have been discovered that could be true super Earths whether these planets are actually inhabited however Still Remains a mystery the Kepler mission planets outside our solar system are enormously difficult to spot the main reason for this is the lack of light we can observe light emitting stars with our technologically very Advanced telescopes on Earth but not their planets Stars hundreds thousands or millions of light years away are already comparatively small objects when seen from Earth the planets of distant suns are tiny the only possibility to observe the planets of foreign Solar Systems is when they pass in front of their star as minuscule dots depending on the size of the planet and the size of the star system this might happen once every hundred or thousand years how many exoplanets are out there and what they look like exactly is therefore still a great mystery of astronomy the Kepler space telescope was a NASA project specifically designed to detect planets outside the solar system and it was extremely successful the project was active from March 2009 to October 2018. the Kepler space telescope in orbit of around the Sun meticulously search space outside our solar system for evidence of planets the amount of data was enormous and is still being analyzed by global experts to this day initially researchers found planets compelling them to search further and they have been rewarded for their efforts in the meantime the researchers have examined approximately 4 000 exoplanets among them the scientists identified approximately 24 super habitable planets this means that these planets could theoretically offer several characteristics and bases for organic life an intelligent civilizations some of the discovered planets could even offer better living conditions than our Earth what makes a planet super habitable for a long time experts around the world argued over definitions of what constituted an Earth-like planet and which new worlds should even be called super habitable finally they came to these conclusions first a planet must offer water to make organic life possible in the first place it must have an atmosphere temperatures must be moderate yet warm enough according to our current knowledge only rocky planets like Earth provide the basis for life it was here that certain researchers on the fence protested because after all it's conceivable that in other solar systems life might be based on other chemical or biological conditions the discussion came up especially at the time when evidence from methane-based microorganisms was found on Saturn's moon Titan but most researchers didn't want to go that far then they continued to focus their attention on the known parameters around Earth-like life for example water oxygen the presence of soil seasons and temperatures at which an Earthling would also feel comfortable the researchers started to evaluate the data and calculated the result was 10 exoplanets that are considered particularly hot candidates for extraterrestrial life and optimal living conditions in space top 10 of the most Earth similar planets glees 667 CC the planet named gliese 667cc is only 22 light years away from us the rocky planet orbits its star in the so-called habitable zone life would therefore be theoretically possible gliese 667 CC needs just 28 days for one orbit around its star or in other words one gliese year this is because the star is a red dwarf at the moment the planet is under observation because researchers are not quite sure yet whether glees will be swallowed by its star soon Kepler 69c a little further away kepler-69c is making its Rounds Around a star that is about 80 times brighter than our sun the planet itself 2700 light years away is also about 70 percent larger than Earth a year lasts 242 days in this world the planet is calculated to be in the habitable zone and could Harbor life Kepler 62 f Kepler 62f is about 40 percent larger than Earth but orbits a star that is much cooler than our sun the planet could thus support life despite its proximity to its star because of its size it's most likely a rocky planet and could even be covered by large oceans of water Kepler 1649c discovered in 2020 the Planet Kepler 1649c is 300 light years away from us and is almost an identical twin of our Earth at least in terms of size but its solar irradiance is also similar at about 25 percent less Kepler's 1649c gets slightly less light from its star than we do nevertheless according to NASA researchers that would still be enough to give rise to a lush green plant life Kepler 186f this planet about 500 light years from Earth is only 10 percent larger than Earth and it too appears to be in the habitable zone of its star Kepler-186f receives only one-third the energy from its star that Earth receives from the Sun the parent star is a red dwarf so the alien world is not a true Earth twin and is probably much cooler than Earth nevertheless some form of simple vegetation and micro life would be possible Proxima Centauri B our nearest Earth-like neighbor is Proxima Centauri B only six light years from us this planet orbits a star only about a quarter larger however Proxima Centauri is so close to this star that the prospects for life are currently considered less good trappist-1e trappist-1 is an entire system of potential worlds orbiting the star are seven exoplanets that are currently being studied in more detail at least three of the planets could Harbor larger water deposits than our home planet since seven planets are within the habitable zone and orbit very close to each other around the star multiple civilizations of different species on different planets would be conceivable especially promising is the planet with the designation trappist-1e at a distance of about 40 light years the system is comparatively close to Earth this brings us to the last three exoplanets kepler-452b kepler-442b and Kepler-22b are currently considered the best studied and evaluated potential twin Earths kepler-442b 33 percent larger than Earth Kepler 442b orbits its star in 112 days the planet 1200 light years away was discovered in 2015 and then in 2021 came The Sensational news Kepler 442b probably offers such perfect conditions that it could have a large biosphere this greatly increases the prospects of discovering extraterrestrial life forms so far however we can't fly anywhere near this potential Earth twin we probably couldn't send a radio signal either because that would take an incredibly long time to travel we earthlings are dependent on the development of new technologies to initiate a realistic contact attempt kepler-452b kepler-452b although about 60 percent larger than Earth is very likely a rocky planet its sun is intriguingly similar to ours except that with a distance of about 1400 light years kepler-452 is also too far away to make contact with possible inhabitants Kepler-22b Kepler-22b is about 2.4 times the size of Earth and only about 600 light years away it too lies in the habitable zone though it's not yet entirely clear whether the planet is Rocky gaseous or icy the star also resembles our sun in a very striking way and a Kepler-22b year of 290 days is similar to ours 14 other planets are currently being studied evaluating the data from distant planets is a meticulous search effort and a feat of astronomers and modern technology as already mentioned researchers on Earth see these planets only as a tiny blip in front of their Stars once a planet is discovered they enter all known values into the computer model computers create prognoses to orbits times the distances to stars and further values nevertheless all this information remains pure conjecture we cannot take a close look at the planets although this remains a small disappointment it doesn't prevent NASA researchers and many other astronomers worldwide from continuing the search for other planets worlds and possibly other living beings experimental mainframes fed with billions of data of known sizes and probabilities have found in the course of several model calculations that even under the worst conditions there must be at least 36 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy the exploration of our home solar system is far from complete what spectacles once took place on Mars What secrets lie dormant beneath the surfaces of Saturns and Jupiter's moons these and many other questions remain to be answered in future research missions nevertheless it's no less essential for experts to understand the phenomena and constellations outside our solar system especially the search for new possibly habitable exoplanets as an incomparable importance within modern space research and which celestial bodies would be better suited for the exploration of alien worlds than those objects that are practically right on our Galactic doorstep because of its proximity to the solar system the binary star system Alpha Centauri has repeatedly become the focus of scientific interest Alpha Centauri just 4.34 light years away from our home solar system more precisely in the constellation of the Centaur in the southern sky is Alpha Centauri as already mentioned at the beginning this designation not only denotes a mighty Celestial body but a double star system this system consists in detail of the brighter yellow star Alpha Centauri a and its orange counterpart Alpha Centauri B together with the red dwarf Proxima Centauri which is the closest star to the Sun at a distance of about 4.25 light years Alpha Centauri forms a so-called hierarchical triple system if you want to examine the double star with the naked eye you will not be able to see that it consists of two different components as a telescopic object the true composition of Alpha Centauri can only be revealed with the help of a telescope as a star of the first magnitude class the double system is the third brightest object in the firmament whereas Alpha Centauri a is the fourth brightest star in the night sky to orbit each other once on their strongly elliptical orbits the gleaming celestial bodies need 79.9 years the distance between Alpha Centauri A and B varies between 11.5 and 36.3 astronomical units remember the length measure of the astronomical unit or Au for short corresponds approximately to the average distance between our blue home planet and the sun rounded up One AU measures to about 9 million miles during detailed investigations of the orbital period and the semi-axis experts succeeded in determining the total mass of the double star system which clocks in at 2.08 solar masses it's generally assumed that both components of the double constellation were formed about 6.5 billion years ago concerning their characteristics the stars are classified in the main sequence this means those stars that release radiation energy from hydrogen burning in a core although the two celestial bodies were formed at about the same time it's foreseeable that Alpha Centauri a will evolve to a red giant much earlier than its steady companion due to its larger intrinsic Mass [Music] both stars in detail just like our sun Alpha centaurier is a yellow dwarf of the spectral type G25 since the celestial body also has some other similarities with our host star it's often referred to as the closest solar twin to Earth for example Alpha Centauri a has a diameter equal to 1.22 times the diameter of the Sun the mass of the star is given at 1.1 solar masses at the same time it emits about 1.52 times more radiation than our native parent star Alpha Centauri a and the sun are also very similar with respect to the prevailing surface temperatures while the thermometer on our Central Star averages 9939 degrees Fahrenheit the average temperature on the object 4.34 light years away is 9981 degrees Fahrenheit a closer look at the chemical compositions of the two celestial bodies shows that they differ strongly with respect the proportion of heavy elements Alpha centauri's heavy element content of 2 2.74 percent is 70 percent higher than that of the Sun the remaining components of the star are composed of 71.5 hydrogen and 25.8 percent helium with an intrinsic diameter of 750 000 miles Alpha Centauri B is significantly smaller than its Cosmic counterpart while Alpha Centauri a ranks fourth in the list of the brightest objects in the night sky Alpha Centauri B is only 21st in this category with an average surface temperature of 9081 degrees Fahrenheit the star of spectral type K1 is only slightly cooler than the Sun but due to its smaller surface it achieves only 50 percent of the radian power of our host star in the course of their investigations the researchers realized that Alpha Centauri B needs 41 days to rotate once around its own axis to put this into perspective it takes about 25 days for the sun to complete a full rotation Proxima Centauri as we mentioned at the beginning the binary star system Alpha Centauri forms a superior triple system together with Proxima Centauri although the actual affiliation of Proxima Centauri to this Cosmic group has been much discussed in the past its Galactic membership is now taken for granted the star closest to the Sun is separated by a distance of about 12 900 astronomical units which corresponds to one thousand times the distance prevailing between Alpha Centauri A and B despite this huge spatial Gap a detailed scientific investigation showed that the Red Dwarf is indeed gravitationally bound to the pair of stars however before Proxima Centauri orbits its counterparts a tremendous amount of time elapses the orbital period is about 600 000 years because of these circumstances the object in the southern sky is sometimes called Alpha Centauri C the search for planets for about five years we've known that Proxima Centauri serves as host star for at least one exoplanet with a minimum mass of 1.17 Earth masses at the same time evidence has already been discovered suggesting that another companion with just one third of the Earth's mass is orbiting there in the case of Alpha Centauri A and B however evidence of the existence of exoplanets there has so far been lacking the computer models of the experts show however that terrestrial planets could very well form in the Realms of the double star system at present there is one hypothetical Celestial body that repeatedly makes astronomical headlines Alpha Centauri a b it could be an exoplanet which orbits the star component a in a distance of 1.1 Au meaning the celestial body would be within the habitable zone of its system also worth recalling the habitable zone means that distance range in which a planet must be to its host star so that the basic condition for the development of life can be present there the existence of water in permanently liquid form however since so far researchers have not excluded the possibility that Alpha Centauri a B is in truth another astronomical structure the theoretical exoplanet has only candidate status while the existence of rocky planets in the Realms of Alpha Centauri is not improbable the presence of gas giants like Saturn or Jupiter can be generally excluded this is because according to our knowledge gas planets cannot form in binary star systems due to gravitational perturbations in order to finally be able to report the first Galactic Bullseye in Alpha Centauri in the foreseeable future experts are currently placing Great Hopes in the development of a piece of equipment that should revolutionize the exploration of the corresponding star system the ptoleman telescope the ptoleman mission this ambitious but relatively inexpensive project is to be put into action as soon as the year 2023 and to supply important new discoveries about those strange worlds that might be orbiting around Alpha Centauri in detail the Optics of the ptoleman Space Telescope which was created as part of a collaboration between NASA the University of Sydney the company saber astronautics and the Breakthrough initiatives program were designed for just this purpose the search for potentially habitable planets in the Realms of our neighboring Stars what distinguishes the ptoleman telescope from other space telescopes is the fact that the exoplanets in question are to be detected not by means of the transit method but by their gravitational effect the gravitational pull of exoplanets always causes minimal irregularities in the motion and rotation of their host Stars these tiny irregularities in turn can show up in the light spectrum through spectral shifts to ensure that the revealing patterns can be detected in detail the taloman Space Telescope will be equipped with a so-called diffractive this has a very fine corrugated structure which amplifies and refracts the incident light in a special way the resulting Optics are ultimately particularly well suited for identifying discrepancies in the Motions of stars in addition to the ptoleman mission the Breakthrough initiative is already making plans to analyze Alpha Centauri in more detail accordingly the goals of the research program which is looking at ways to contact intelligent extraterrestrial life include the deployment of mini probes the unmanned spacecraft are to be brought to the double star system with the help of light sails and give terrestrial researchers an even more direct insight into the environment of Alpha Centauri exoplanet toi 1452b could be the first discovered Water World in the cosmos water is considered the basic requirement for organic life where there is clean flowing oxygenated water there is very likely to be some form of life but it's not just the fact that toi 1452b could be the long-awaited alien world with the first discovered life forms that is fascinating this planet has some other exciting features and we're going to take a closer look at them now a water World 100 light years away exoplanet toi 1452b is located only about 100 light years from us in the constellation dragon it was discovered by a group of researchers from the University de Montreal in Canada the team was evaluating data from the test mission and came across the toi 1452 system NASA's test Space Telescope is the follow-up project to the Kepler mission both telescopes were built solely to detect planets outside our solar system tes's discoveries carry the main name toi for test objects of Interest this is followed by the catalog number and at the very end astronomers append another letter if it's an exoplanet toi 1452 designates the star which also takes the letter A the first exoplanet discovered in a system then gets the letter b the parent star toi 1452 was long perceived from Earth as a medium bright star only the latest technology allowed the exciting realization that toi 1452 is in fact two small double Stars both are not very luminous on their own and resemble each other they are two red dwarfs much smaller than our sun orbiting each other at a distance of only 97 astronomical units this is about two and a half times the distance between the Sun and Pluto the exoplanet toi 1452b most likely orbits the slightly larger star of the pair the planet was discovered using the transit method in this method researchers measure tiny obscurations of the star's light planets which have no light of their own only become visible when they pass in front of their star thanks to Tess these minimal changes in light are visible if the planet is relatively close to its star it will periodically pass in front of its star in the case of toi 1452b it quickly became clear that it returns to the same position every 11 days thus the planet orbits its sun in only 11 days which at the same time corresponds to one year in this world despite this proximity to its star toi 1452b is in the habitable zone despite its proximity the star toi 1452 gives off only enough light and heat to its Planet so that the climate could be moderate and life-friendly basic conditions for water occurrence on toi 1452b so what of all things indicates the presence of water on this world well first the planet must be close enough to its star to get enough heat and far enough away to not be so hot that water would evaporate immediately it also must not be too far out in the system or the water would freeze into ice next of course some parameters must be correct that allow conclusions to be drawn about the presence of water the Canadian researchers took the data from the test Space Telescope and further decoded the signal with a special camera at the observatoire DU Mal megaltique this first revealed that toi 1452b is an object about 70 percent larger than Earth using radial velocity methods and measurements of the light spectrum researchers were able to determine more details about the planet's mass density and presumed composition the radial velocity method detects minimal gravitational interactions that occur between the planet and star the orbits of planets cause stars to oscillate slightly ellipses and frequencies emanate from these motions providing further Clues to the size and composition of the planet the second important clue is minimal changes in the star's light spectrum from a distance light moving toward the Observer is blue moving away from The Observer the waves become wide and red special computer programs can detect minimal changes in the light waves and simulate the presumed Celestial body in this case the exoplanet toi 1452b it turned out that the exoplanet has 4.8 times more mass than our Earth the density is most likely 5.6 grams per cubic centimeter so toi 1452b is similar to Earth which has a density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter density provides information about the average mass in a given volume in this case one cubic centimeter it's clear that this density is not the same everywhere but indicates an average value a cubic centimeter of Earth measured on a beach naturally has a completely different density than the same cubic centimeter measured in a deep layer of rock nevertheless researchers can make other important statements about the average density of a Celestial body for example it becomes clear whether the planet is a rocky planet a gas planet or an ice planet the gas giants have the thinnest density with us in the solar system is Saturn the fluffiest planet the highest density on the other hand is the small rocky planet Mercury in the case of toi 1452b the Earth-like density pointed to an exciting thing after all the planet is almost twice the size of Earth and has a similar density so toi 1452 must be much lighter but it's not a gas planet so close to its star and it's too heavy for that rather this lightness points to a rocky planet which has very high portions of metals toi 1452b could be a rocky planet interspersed with light metals measurement techniques provide scientists with accurate diagrams suggesting similarities to terrestrial elements and known compositions of other planets exploration of our own solar system showed that these calculations have an amazing hit rate from a distance meanwhile in the case of celestial bodies in our immediate neighborhood probes have been able to confirm such calculations but this is not always the case sometimes the measurement data of the probes on site also produced some surprises so we cannot be so completely sure about this information about toi 1452b especially in the field of exoplanet exploration much must therefore remain in the realm of speculation until we can one day send probes to these planets or an even better telescope delivers better data the probes will probably take a while but a telescope capable of finding out details about exoplanets is already an operation [Music] toi 1452b a humid and watery world the researchers at University de Montreal in Canada found out something else about toi 1452b which excited the whole world of astronomers and cosmologists on the basis of the measuring data indications of large occurrences of water on this planet resulted either toi 1452b has an atmosphere with a very high humidity or this planet is a world whose surface is covered with approximately one-third water this would make toi 1452b the first very likely Water World among all exoplanets discovered so far thanks to the Kepler and test missions researchers have now identified about 5 000 exoplanets and by 2022 not a single water world was among them some of the planets did provide indications of the presence of water but the measurement results were never as clear and abundant as with toi 1452b for comparison our Earth is covered by about 71 percent water and that is even a little bit more than two-thirds water along with oxygen and carbon is considered a basic building block of life on Earth all life probably began in water around 3.5 billion years ago the first single-celled organisms formed in the primordial oceans later more complex mollusks plants snails fish and finally even giant creatures like the dinosaurs and complex creatures like us humans developed from these beginnings the probability that further life exists in the universe is very high we know only a tiny section of the universe so far 5000 discovered exoplanets also do not mean that there are only 5 000 more planets outside our system the number only reflects the worlds that we have been able to identify so far at present we can observe with our technical possibilities about 50 billion galaxies and every single one of these galaxies contains several hundred billion stars and every single one of these Stars can be orbited by several planets the number of Presumed planets in the universe known so far is several trillion a number hardly imaginable for the human brain it's really improbable that we are the only living beings in a universe of this size researchers have never found two stars or two planets that are exactly the same but there are similarities patterns and repetitions of certain parameters so somewhere there must be the earth-like planets and almost certainly living beings similar to us and to other life forms that exist or once existed on Earth will James Webb bring clarity currently all hopes of soon getting more reliable data on exoplanets and possibly inhabited worlds around us lie with the new James Webb Space Telescope located about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth the new telescope peers deeper and more accurately into space than any of its predecessors thanks to the great distance not only is the telescopes range better placed in space and on the far side of Earth from the sun James Webb's eye will not be blinded by light pollution from Earth or by sunlight researchers have been working for more than a decade on ultra-sensitive measurement technology that should finally be able to scan the surroundings of exoplanets in a way never before achieved thanks to the brand new nerris a near-spec spectrometers James Webb has the ability to detect the mass temperature and chemical composition of even the most distant objects when astronomers will let James Webb look towards the toi 1452 system is unknown at this time however it's certain that the day will come and then we will learn more about this interesting planet the galactic Manhunt continues although experts have already succeeded in identifying more than 5 300 exoplanets in over 3 900 systems Earth's Cosmic twin continues to Slumber in obscurity but even if no Celestial body has yet been found that can be classified as clearly Earth-like this does not mean that there are no red-hot candidates in this regard quite the opposite recently experts filled in a blank spot on the star Maps which could turn out to be Earth 2.0 in the course of future investigations Kepler 1649c as we all know scientific observations of the Kepler space telescope were scheduled to cease on October 30th 2018 however in light of the highly acclaimed deployment of the James Webb Telescope we should not forget that data analysis of that information collected over a nine-year period is still in full swing in the process it recently became known what breathtaking Secrets the old Kepler images still promise according to an official report from NASA researchers have found evidence of an exoplanet in the course of their sighting that is about as large as the Earth and moreover is located in the habitable zone of its home system once again to briefly jog your memory in the context of the astronomical research the habitable zone means that distance range in which a Celestial body must be to its mother star so that there water can exist in durable liquid form or in other words so that the conditions for the development of Earth-like life can be present clearly identified as a rocky planet with a radius 1.06 times that of Earth the newly discovered world has been described as the most Earth-like planet the Kepler space telescope has detected to date and who better to assess this than the director of seti's K2 Science office to answer the question whether the celestial body 300 light years away from us is theoretically habitable or possibly even Harbors extraterrestrial life forms there are still some factors to be clarified however first there is the question of the climate although extremely few data were collected in this connection researchers assumed that the planet exhibits similar temperatures as our terrestrial Homeland the atmospheric composition of the celestial body however is still completely unknown however it's certain that Kepler 1649c needs just 19 and a half days to orbit its Central Star a red dwarf we can be curious which exciting details the astronomer have yet to uncover regarding the habitability of the exoplanet as soon as there are new finding we will inform you about it toi 700e what's more exciting than the discovery of a potentially habitable planet of course the identification of not one but two celestial bodies that could be exceedingly similar to our terrestrial home back in 2020 experts announced that they had discovered toy 700d and earth-sized rocky planet orbiting its red dwarf within the habitable zone but recently it became apparent that this is by no means the only potentially habitable world in the corresponding system during a new data analysis of the test telescope the researchers registered some Telltale barely perceptible shadowing in the light curve of the host star it soon became clear that these were the signatures left by another previously unknown Celestial body as it passed by its Central star with a size corresponding to about 95 percent of the earth we are most likely dealing with a rocky planet with an orbital period of about 28 days toi 700e is just in the half zone of its Stellar fixed point however since it's exposed to 1.3 times the terrestrial solar irradiance it can be concluded that the surface temperature is there are somewhat higher than ours despite this a temperate climate including the existence of permanent liquid water would be quite conceivable on toi 700e Tea Garden B in order to place the frequently used notion of Earth's similarity into an appropriate scale some collaborators at the University of Puerto Rico introduced the so-called Earth similarity index as main reference of the possible habitability serve also here the position and the surface temperature of a Celestial body completed by its mass energy flow and radius with a value of 1.0 our Earth is logically the measure of all things within this classification to which all other extrasolar worlds are compared while the already presented toi 700d and Kepler 1649c ranked second and third with an ESI of 0.95 and 0.93 respectively no other known planet is as similar to our Earth as tea garden B located in the Realms of the namesake Red Dwarf Tea Garden star its planetary companion receives about the same Stellar irradiance as Earth with a mass of 1.25 Earth masses the exoplane somewhat heavier than our terrestrial home however at a good 8 billion years old it's about twice as old this leads to the conclusion if Tea Garden B really offers life-friendly conditions its hypothetical creatures would have had enough time to evolve what's more assuming they really exist and our intelligent life forms they could soon catch a glimpse of our blue home planet starting in 2044 Earth will pass directly in front of the Sun as seen from Tea Garden star trappist-1d about 40 light years away from us and located in the constellation Aquarius trappist-1 d orbits a dwarf star in detail however the celestial body is in the best company since a total of seven exoplanets have already been identified in this system the extent to which trappist-1d could function as a Haven for life has not been conclusively clarified but it's certain that the planet lies just outside the habitable zone however the researchers assume that it has a bound rotation which means that it always turns one and the same side towards its host star between the warm day and the significantly colder Nightside a Zone with average surface temperatures could exist with about 0.79 Earth radii and 0.39 Earth masses somewhat smaller and lighter than our home planet scientists believe it's possible that trappist-1d still contains small amounts of liquid water even though its former Seas probably evaporated long ago Proxima Centauri B close closer Proxima Centauri no other star reaches as close to the Sun as this glistening object in the constellation Centaur in detail the distance between the two celestial bodies amounts to 4.247 light years what seems like an astronomical leap at first glance however means a travel time of more than 6 000 years with our current propulsion Technologies in the summer of 2016 the existence of the planetary companion Proxima Centauri B was again confirmed which has at least 1.17 Earth masses and estimates a little more than 11 days to completely orbit its parent star but just like trappist-1d this planet probably has a bound rotation thus potential life would have to have evolved in the temperate zone that lies between the day and night sides against the background of an assumed Albedo of zero experts calculated that the surface temperature of the planet is a bone chilling minus 38 degrees Fahrenheit night provided that the celestial body calls an atmosphere its own this could turn out however also substantially less Frosty due to the greenhouse effect furthermore the so far unexplored composition of the atmosphere also plays a decisive role when it comes to the question of the presence of liquid water the higher sense finally we would like to dedicate ourselves to a question left out so far what is it about the search for Earth-like celestial bodies on the one hand the realizations that researchers attain in this connection can bring us closer to the answer to a question which is probably as old as mankind itself are we alone in the universe given the overwhelming diversity of the cosmos is it even possible that the Earth is the only Celestial body that Harbors life however quenching our thirst for knowledge is by no means the only Factor driving the search for new planets ever forward if renowned experts such as Stephen Hawking are right then the discovery of a second Earth is equivalent to the survival security of our species our terrestrial Homeland could change due to asteroid impacts pandemics and climate change into a life hostile Place throwing us into ruin against this background mankind would have to continue to look for a new home but in view of the enormous distances that Prevail between between us and the next potentially habitable Celestial body one could think that the settlement of other planets will remain a pipe dream for all times however we should not make the mistake at this point of underestimating the future development of revolutionary propulsion Technologies whether and when Interstellar space travel will become a reality remains to be seen and it's clear that the field of manned space missions is still in its infancy it is only 62 years since Yuri Gagarin the first human being left our blue home planet and plunged into the gigantic expanse of space and now it's time for you to dive into the vastness of the comments section what do you think about potentially life-friendly exoplanets do you think Humanity will one day move to another Celestial body drop us your thoughts suggestions and your feedback on today's video in the comments below are you in the mood for more exciting contributions on the topic about outer space then take a look at the other videos of our Channel which we have linked for you here in the credits and with that thanks for watching take care and we'll see you next time
Channel: TheSimplySpace
Views: 32,396
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Keywords: thesimplyspace, the simply space, universe, space, science, planets, galaxy, top 10, top 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 50sec (3170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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