How does Bergmann-Bayard model 1910 work?
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Channel: NobleEmpire
Views: 30,121
Rating: 4.900929 out of 5
Keywords: gun, firearm, encyclopedia, 3D, model, animation, World of Guns, Gun Disassembly, disassembly, assembly, field strip, x-ray, slow motion, cutaway, diagram, fixing, pistol, rifle, assualt, shotgun, slide, bolt, locking mechanism, trigger group, СССР, world war 2, WWII, mechanism, design, caliber, устройство, пистолет, автомат, пулемет, разборка, калибр, сборка, ремонт, запирание, ствол, УСМ, ударно-спусковой, арсенал
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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