Bergmann-Bayard M1910/21 at the Range

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hi I'm Ian thanks for tuning in to another episode of Forgotten weapons video we're out here with an interesting pistol today that we're going to do some shooting we'll show you some details of the gun do some shooting and we'll go back and I should we already have detailed disassembly pictures of this particular gun available on the site so after you watch the video and go take a look at the site and see what all the internals so this guy look like we have today is a Bergman bayard this is an M 19 10/21 variant this is about the most the fullest developed version of this particular automatic pistol these were first developed in the 1890s by Theodore Bergman he came up with a design for an auto loading pistol really one of the three major early designs by Germans the other two obviously being the broom-handle Mauser and also the Mannlicher this particular gun is a model 1910 / 21 these were issued to the danish army they actually kept these as their standard service pistol until 1946 when they were replaced by the browning hi-power what we have here this is in nine-millimeter bergman which is a 9 by 23 millimeter long case this actually is surprisingly Pilton cartridge considering this gun was originally developed in the 1890s fires a 135 grain bullet at about 1,100 feet per second so that's no slouch the magazine release is right in the front of the trigger guard we have a 6 round magazine you can see the whole barrel and bolt mechanism reciprocates when the gun fires the bolt does lock open on an empty magazine but it doesn't stay open so if you take the magazine out the bolt will just slam shut go ahead and drop it gently for this case the safety right back there comes up blocks the CR inside the trigger will still move but it won't fire the danes originally ordered these obviously in 1910 about 5,000 of them 4,800 or so little under 5,000 were initially delivered they were manufactured in Belgium and the outbreak of World War 1 stopped the production and also stopped development or stopped deliveries the Danes came back in 1921 decided they wanted some more of the guns and they had made some modifications to them the most notable one this is a 1921 revision they widened the grips out quite a bit the original 1910 version had very narrow grips that made the gun a bit more difficult to control especially considering the relative high power of the cartridge that these fire so this one was retrofitted as where most of the original 1910s and about 2000 more were manufactured in Copenhagen this is the most common variant of the Bergman that you'll ever find for sale they're more of these types floating around than any other kind of Bergman I'm excited I thought this thing looked really awesome for a long time and this is the first time I've got to shoot one that's not a bad you wouldn't know that was a really strong cartridge the recoil is pretty light triggers a little heavy but I suppose that's kind of to be expected for a gun this old wasn't exactly there their first priority when they were building it to make a full day's target trigger put a few more rounds through it so I'm kind of curious if you can single load this through the top the answer is no because when you put the first round in and depress the follower bolt comes right up so it'll load one but you can't reload the magazine that way unless you have a stripper clip you
Channel: Forgotten Weapons
Views: 170,823
Rating: 4.9606557 out of 5
Keywords: Bergmann, M1910, 9mm, Forgotten Weapons, Bayard, shooting
Id: 81Om4R3gPfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2011
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