How does an MWD system work?

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[Music] welcome to phone with drilling engineering when people notice i have some experience in they often ask me how is it possible to drill curves there are different options one way to drill cough is the use of this terrible downhill motor a downhill motor provides rotation to the drill bit and this terrible downhill motor is such a motto that is not straight i hope you can see that in this model here it has a tilt now if you operate this moto in the rotary mode with string rotation the tilt rotates with the entire drill string and the assembly will drill straight ahead but it will stop the string rotation this is what we call the sliding mode in which only the drill bit continues rotating of course the tilt on the motor then constantly points in the same direction as the result the assembly would really curve in the direction of that tilt cool so we can create any desired wall part by just combining rotary and sliding sections as you can see behind me in principle we can drill anywhere when we want to drill a curved section we have to stop drifting rotation adjust the bends on the motor up down left or right and then drill the curve in any case we need to adjust the tilt on the motor in the required direction experts say we need to orient the two phase of the motor but wait a minute we cannot see the directional motor down the deeper hole how can we know the rotation of the bent of the motor if we stop string rotation the bench will be pointing in a random direction nobody at the surface will be able to tell us which direction it is but relax there is a solution for this problem it is called an mwd system mwd abbreviation of measuring while drawing it is a device placed above the directional motor amongst other measurements it tells us direction of the tilt on the motor that is the two-phase orientation i have here little model it's from an old mwd system but you can still see how everything works at the top of this envelope system there's a compass which we can always use to measure direction we are drilling that is the azimuth on the bottom of the tool we have a plumb which shows us the actual inclination that behold it tells us if you're drilling vertically or with an inclination of 45 90 degrees or etc so with such an nwd tool we always know where we are because it continuously measures direction and inclination along the way apart all right but now what about the measurement of the orientation of the tilt on the motor for this purpose there's a rotary sleeve installed in the mw2 which is a bit heavy on one side so that this side always points to the center of the earth you can easily see it here on this motor i have another model to show you in the household of the mbd2 there's a sleeve which is fixed in a way that it can freely spin in the housing then there is a liquid attached to one side of the sleeve and therefore the sleeve always lies on its every side at the bottom of the tool so the sleeve acts as a stable reference point so we can easily evaluate how far the outer housing of the mwd tool is rotated against the vector of gravity as our nwd2 is firmly screwed on top of the directional motor we can always determine which direction the tilt in our mode is pointing upwards to the right downwards or to the left in this way the mw system enables us to adjust the bend and reduction of the whole motor to drill a curve in the desired direction today instead of art of measuring devices no longer work mechanically like this model rather electronically if you open instead of at mwd now you only see a lot of circuit boards electronic components on it there's so many electronics installed and they require electrical power to work we therefore need a little downhill power plant to generate electricity in the boho this is generated by a mod driven turbine when drilling mod is formed through the drawstring it hits the blades of the turbine wheel set it in rotation this rotation drives an alternator which the electric energy for them that we did mw system the mlu system also includes a data attention system that sends information to the surface the computers in the direction of the last cabin receive process evaluated signals and display them on the screen with this real-time information the directional driller can really place the butthole in the exact target zone if you want to learn more details on directional drilling come to our lecture drilling engineering one here in freiburg we look forward to see you look off
Channel: Fun with Drilling Engineering
Views: 9,471
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Keywords: freiberg, drilling, drilling engineering, rig, oil, gas, geothermal, directional drilling, directional driller, matthias reich, geotechnics, mining, geo energy system, fluid mining, mwd, mwd system, azimutz, inclination, tool face orientation, survey, build rate, drop rate, walk rate, prof reich, dr. reich, prof. reich
Id: 8UTAbhhWbnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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