How Docker Works - Intro to Namespaces

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In the last video where I introduced how to generally use docker, I said stuff like: “We can use docker exec to execute a process within this container.” or “inside of this container we are root.” And at the end of the video, I told you to rewatch the video and replace “container” with “namespace”. so you would get: “We can use docker exec to execute a process within this namespace.” Or “inside of this namespace we are root.” So what are namespaces? We will answer this in this video, and we will also understand why containers are not like VMs. Like always when you want to learn how stuff works, it’s a good idea to just check the documentation or source code. In this case, let’s start with the docker documentation so we can work our way down. The underlying technology Docker is written in Go and takes advantage of several features of the Linux kernel to deliver its functionality. Docker uses a technology called namespaces to provide the isolated workspace called the container. When you run a container, Docker creates a set of namespaces for that container. These namespaces provide a layer of isolation. Docker Engine uses namespaces such as the following on Linux: The pid namespace: for Process isolation The net namespace: to manage network interfaces or The mount namespace: to manage filesystem mount points There are a few other features used as well, but the core functionality to achieve this concept of “containers” are the namespaces. Before we look at namespaces, let’s make a few different observations first. So this here is a shell inside a container. And this is outside the container, on the host. In the container I’m the user ctf, which has the userid 1000. And on the host I’m the user named “user”, and have the userid 1000 aswell. When I create a file in the container, I see that it’s owned by the ctf user. And when I look at the shared folder on the host, I see that it’s owned by me, the user. That’s kinda interesting right? Same userid, different names. But look at this. So I’m executing watch with “ps ax”. Watch is a small tool to watch the output of a command every 2 seconds, in this case always executes “ps ax” to look at the list of running processes. So you can see here the watch process itself! And you can also see ynetd, because this is the challenge container from the previous video. Now let’s look at the processes on the linux host. There are a LOT more processes. A lot. But if you look very closely, you can find a mysterious “watch ps ax” process. WHAT?! It has the pid 12675. But inside the container it has the pid 79. This should be your first evidence, that docker containers are not VMs. they share stuff with host system. There is a certain level of isolation between the host and a container, I mean inside the container you can’t see the host processes. But clearly it’s not like an actual VM. Now let’s use pstree to look at the tree of processes. You can see here systemd is the init process 1. That’s where the system started. And systemd then started different services. Just FYI if you ever wondered. That’s how linux works. There is an init process, which uses syscalls to clone and fork itself and then execute new child processes. Eventually one of those child processes will be a shell you use. Anyway. We are looking for our watch process from inside the container. Where is it? AH here! So it’s a child from the containerd-shim process. Which is a child from containerd. And containerd is a service started by systemd. What is containerd? “An industry-standard container runtime. It manages the complete container lifecycle of its host system” Whatever that means. In the README of the containerd repository, we can also read this: “Runtime Requirements for containerd are very minimal. Most interactions with the Linux container features are handled via runc.” So let’s checkout runc. “runc is a CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification.” Okay… so we have like docker. Containerd. Runc. oof. What is all that. Let’s zoom out again and look at the highlevel docker overview. There is this picture of the docker architecture. The docker command line tool that we use, like docker build or docker run is a client that communicates with the docker daemon. Dockerd. That d at the end always refers to daemon, which is a term for like background running services. The docker client can talk to the docker daemon via a HTTP REST API or a UNIX socket. Now in the dockerd documentation, you can search for containerd and find this sentence. “By default, the Docker daemon automatically starts containerd.” Combining with what we learned before, we can paint this picture. Docker communicates with the docker daemon - dockerd. Dockerd started containerd earlier, because containerd actually manages containers. But it uses runc, which is used for actually spawning and running containers. So let’s investigate. We could use strace to attach to the current containerd process to trace all the syscalls containerd uses. We also want to specify -f, to follow all childprocesses. And log the output to a file. Pidof containerd gives us the process id so we can attach to it. This way we should figure out how containers work. Alright. We are attached. Now let’s use docker run, to start a new container. And this immediately triggered containerd to spawn some new processes and doing stuff. The container runs now. So we can have a look at the syscall trace. This trace is huge, and most of it is not interesting. But for example we know, that containerd should run runc, to actually start the container. So let’s look for that! Here it executes containerd-shim, we saw that as another child process of containerd earlier, and we know it must also be the parent of the container processes. Let’s continue. there we go. The next call to execve, is to execute the runc binary! Okay… now I’m looking for a very specific syscall. But there are soooo many. It’s obviously doing a lot of stuff. Let’s see if I can find it. I scrolled for quite a while and was unsure if I’d miss it. I mean I know what I’m looking for and could search for it. But I was curious if I can catch it. OH! There it is! Unshare. That’s the magical syscall I was looking for. And just before it you can see that in the same process, so that number here is always the process id where this syscall was called. Before it called processcontrol, with SET NAME, which sets the name of the calling thread. So this is the child thread of runc, which calls unshare. So what is unshare. unshare() allows a process to disassociate parts of its execution context that are currently being shared with other processes. The argument [...] specifies which parts of the execution context should be unshared. All flags here are interesting, but let’s focus one of the flags CLONE_NEWPID. It means: “Unshare the process ID namespace so that the calling process has a new PID namespace for its children which is not shared with any previously existing process. - NAMESPACES - “The calling process is not moved into the new namespace. The first child created by the calling process will have the process ID 1 and will assume the role of init(1) in the new namespace.” So let’s follow this process, and we can find a CLONE() syscall. This creates a new child process. So this will become the PID1, the init process of the new namespace. The return value of clone is the new process ID on the host, because it was called from the host, but inside that namespace, it should have process ID 1. When we look at what this process is now doing, we can see that it’s still runc, but it renames itself as INIT. It has become the init process of this namespace. Of this container. And now let’s continue to see what this new child process does. Eventually it calls clone() again and creates another child process. But this time it’s a process in the new PID namespace, right? When process ID 1 has a child, it should have pid 2. And clone() as I said returns the new PID. So what does clone executed in that pid namespace return? It returned 2. Now strace is a bit confusing. Because obviously outside the namespace, where strace is running, this child process will have a different pid. It might be this one here 29866. But the return value of that syscall inside that namespace is 2. The processes inside of the namespace think the process has now pid 2. You have now these two parallel universes. They are somewhat shared, the processes of the child namespace live in the parent universe too. But that PID namespace creates a bubble around all the children and they think they are PID 1 and 2. So this is the process ID namespace. There are many more namespaces. And in the manpage of the unshare syscall you can see which exist. CLONE_NEWNS - Unshare the mount namespace. “Mount namespaces provide isolation of the list of mount points seen by the processes in each namespace instance.“. Every storage is mounted, so this refers to stuff like your hardrive, SWAP, the temp filesystem or procfs. You want containers to be isolated from your host filesystem. Or CLONE_NEWNET - Unshare the network namespace. So you can also isolate the container from the networks that are available on the actual host. That’s it. That’s the magic behind containers. Docker is just a fancy interface around this unshare namespace feature. Containerd and runc are just components to interface with all that. In the end it comes down to these syscalls, that tell the kernel, please fake a new process ID or fake a new network for this child process. Now one last thing. You can check the namespaces of a process in the proc filesystem. So here we have the pid of the watch process which we know must run in it’s isolated namespaces. And with ls we can check the ns folder of this process. And now we can see here the different namespaces identified by this number. Let’s compare this to the init of my host system. So this is not inside the container, this is actual systemd on my machine. And we can also look at the namespace of the current shell process. $$ just represents the current process id. And if you look closely and compare, you can see that my shell, and init, which run on the host, share the same namespace. They see each other normally. But the watch process, inside the container, has a unique namespace. But not everything. It has a different pid namespace. We knew that already. But the user namespace is the same. This makes sense because in the unshare syscall we didn’t see the flag CLONE_NEWUSER. Usernamespaces are cool: A process's user and group IDs can be different inside and outside a user namespace. In particular, a process can have a normal unprivileged user ID outside on the host, while at the same time having a user ID of 0 inside the namespace; So you could be root inside of a container, but in reality you are just a regular user. It looks like you are userid 0 root. But you actually have no additional privileges. But for the example at the beginning this was not the case. Userids were equally mapped inside and outside the container, and you saw that when we created that file. The user id was 1000 inside and outside the container. We just had different names displayed for it, because the name is read from /etc/passwd. inside the container the name was ctf. And outside it was user. Anyway. I hope this helped you to better understand what containers are. And you understood that you are using the same kernel inside and outside the container. And that you can choose what to unshare and not unshare between the host and the container. That’s why it’s not like a VM and you need to be careful that you don’t expose too much to the container, because it can be dangerous for breaking out of it. And of course some kind of kernel exploit would mean you can break out of it too. I can also recommend to you the LWN article about namespaces. It’s from 2013 and many things have evolved, but it’s still a good introduction for namespaces. At least it was my first resource where I learned about it.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 103,606
Rating: 4.9800305 out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, docker, runc, containerd, dockerd, containers, container, namespaces, pid namespace, kernel feature, strace, deep dive, under the hood, how it works, tutorial, mount, network, docker exec, docker run
Id: -YnMr1lj4Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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