How do you MASTER Spirit Shell??

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hey what's going on guys it's jack back again to bring you the masterin of spirit show there's been a lot of questions especially over the course of my mythic progression about how you can best master spirit shell and absolutely blast with it really spiritual has been crazy dominant throughout all of castle and astria and it has just completely overshadowed so many other healers so i wanted to be able to make another video to kind of complement the 9.0 guy that i made to start going over some of the lessons that i've learned after as we've gone through all of castle math for a progression and finished us fourth and uh wanted to start you know kind of reflecting on some of the things that i learned to help you guys as you're going through your own progression so starting it off quick refresher um talents again what uh what you see here on your screen for example the usual sort of build you know you're going to be running whiskism full time whenever you're playing with spirit shell uh you're always gonna be running with mind bender because the lines of spirit shells cool down and everything like that uh to be able to just pump up those shields as great as you possibly can now in terms of taking perk wicked versus halo usually you're prepping lots and lots of shields before the damage actually happens so often you're not really getting any heal value from that halo that's going on it's also a lot easier to be able to maintain purge the wicked and have more time for other damaging abilities as opposed to shadow or pain things like that so this is your usual setup that you're going to be running with for the covenant ventier is absolutely crazy insane and of course there's two soul binds now both uh nadia and theotar that both have their second potencies available you can no longer cancel aura nadia's thrill seeker so you're not able to have quite as much control over that and then general draven gets his second potency conduit coming up very soon as well as his stand your ground buff which is like the four percent healing buffer just standing still so probably be looking at that or theotar sometimes nadia can have some good alignments with your ramps but other times it's just totally random so as we've got ourselves ready for that legendary you're gonna be running with is clarity of mind getting that extra three second extension onto your atonements is really insane because it guarantees that you know the atonements that you have extended are going to be able to be uh hit with schism mind games your panics you're gonna hit a big chunk your damage with that extra three seconds it gives you a lot more room to work with so getting a sledgehammer's kill is incredibly crazy important after watching this video i'd really heavily recommend you guys going into uh two or three boss encounters depending on where your progress is at and just working on a lot of practice for this you know pick fights like you know shriek wing or sludge fish that are very predictable you know even a hungering destroyer you know very predictable boss fights that don't require a crazy amount of movement to be able to tell to practice and get that ramp as consistent as you possibly can and then we're going to talk near the end of the video about some of the more stressful situations that you can work on that you can be dealing with as well to help kind of get you through and still continue to have very powerful ramps while also being able to do the mechanics as well so as we're looking at uh what your ramp should be what is a ram right uh ram's just the turn has been popularized since uh basically legion when they've remade disc and it's basically building up a lot of atonements this one doesn't really have like a i'm gonna hit divine him i'm gonna hit tranquility or whatever you know your ramp is your uh mass application of atonements to be able to heavily shield or in the past heal the raid so your ramp right now is going to be with spirit shell and for most people it's probably going to involve getting six or seven uh powered shields you can also uh cast a shadow mend into a shield as like your first cast because shadow men applies atonement at the end of the cast whereas shield applies it you know it's instant cast so at the beginning of the global cooldown is when it applies it so you can kind of go shadowmend into shield and usually be putting out six or seven shields if you have a lot of haste like 27 to 30 something percent haste you know you can go with eight shields uh followed by your double radiance cast so as you're gonna be seeing from my ramp so you can see the action tracker in the top left of your screen as we're going through a lot of these different ramps it's going to be like i said that's six or seven shields followed by the double radiance uh often i'll go radians reapply purge the wicked then cast radiance again and then there's a macro and you'll see it on your screen right here which macros together uh your unused trinket because you really want to be using the badge that you can get from conquest even just getting it at like 200 item level if you really hate pvp it's still very very worth to go get ideally get up to 16 1800 as you can you don't lose any rating before 1600 as well in arenas so it's uh overall just kind of like a grind fest you get it out of the way and you're in good shape a lot of people are also using the insignia the alacrity trinket which is just baseline haste because it's just a predictable trinket to go target you know so those are always good options uh you definitely want to get the badge though because you can macro like i said uh your trinket your mind bender your spirit shell all of those different things together to be able to just have one button and you can hit every single time the bonus part of this macro though is that whenever you switch to lenience for dungeon content it'll still use rapture as a mouse over macro so that you'll be able to just use it as you normally would whenever you activate rapture it'll cast a shield out onto whoever you're targeting or whoever you're mousing over at the time which makes your life very easy so you've got the fundamentals of your ramp you're going to be having that like i said six seven or if you have tons of haste eight powered shields you're gonna be pumping out radiance into purge wicked into radiance followed by your mind bender your spirit shell uh your unused trinket all in the same button because spirit shells off the global cooldown that is then going to extend the duration of all your atonements thanks to the clarity of mind legendary and then you're going to start damaging so ideally you're making sure you're hitting a target that's not going to go immune because like the council of lead fight some targets can go immune which wrecks your spirit shell you don't care if the target takes 99 less or 99 more damage uh that doesn't affect your spirit shell shielding at all uh ideally you hit the target that's taking a lot of damage like on sledge fist or something like that sure uh but it doesn't actually affect any of your shielding or anything it's only if they're immune is when it gets affected so you'll cast your schism you'll cast your mind games your ventier covenant ability followed up by penance mind blast and your smites best build up your shields so most of the weight of the shields is gonna come from the schism the mind games followed up by the penance those are the you know just a big big chunk of it so if you ever get into a situation where you're running late on a ramp you know you're kind of falling behind a little bit uh that's always gonna be an area where it's better to you know kind of cut your losses and make sure you're still early or before the damage comes out rather than trying to sneak out a couple of extra atonements and then you're late and you miss the whole damage window right keep that in mind some fights will kind of vary and we'll talk about that as well so now that you've got that that is your basic ramp but what else do you do is one of the most frequent questions i get on the stream as well is what else do you do when you're not ramping right so every minute you're going to be able to have access to spirit show but outside of that you really don't have a lot of mana even if you do have an innervate as well you don't always have a lot of mana to be able to work with so it's very important that you're being very conservative with your mana outside of your ramp window right that means keeping up at home on the tanks you can you you can spread around purge the wicket a little bit if targets are going to live for a while you can use your penance on cooldown you do not want to use your mind blast on cooldown because mind blast costs a hefty amount of mana you only want to use it with your ramps and a lot of times you're going to be spamming smite you know you have one extra radiance charge that you can use in between every spirit show so you can produce a mini ramp if you'd like so if you have a ton of mana you can cast a bunch of shields followed by a radiance and get that extra schism to cast out penance etc if you don't have a ton of mana then just cast the radiance and make sure it's hitting the tanks make sure it's hitting whoever has bleeds on them and call it a day so for the more advanced sections this is that was the ramp the mini ramp and in between you want to make sure you're being very managed efficient let's start talking about some more advanced topics as well okay when it comes to how to build your spirit shells stronger you know a lot of people are saying okay well i know that stuff how do i make shield stronger right one of the big things with spirit shell is that it has a cap to it the cap is equal to sixty percent of your maximum health okay you can increase that maximum health by using desperate prayer your defensive start bolstering that up however i would warn you guys not to just instantly macro it together uh just because because there's a lot of times especially on progress where you need to have that extra defensive and doesn't always align with your ramps but i'd say sometimes it does actually work together quite well i think sired in atheists is a pretty fair fight to be able to use your defensive and your ramp at very similar times where you're saying well okay i'm going to have a ton of damage going out at the same time that i want to be ramping because i want to be ranting for like the blood price or i'll be ramping for the incoming damage from the crimson chorus which is constant ticking damage that lasts a very long time then you can take advantage of that but other fights like sludge fist especially on progress you're very vulnerable as a priest and you want to make sure that you have defensives when you need it so keep in mind that works uh other things that do work are like shaman's ancestral vigor ank totem uh stamina pots um the battlemaster trinkets as well there's a bunch of different things that give you temporary stamina bonuses that can all work to help build up your shields larger so something to keep in mind to be able to kind of help you uh and really the most common application is you can use desperate prayer especially at times where there's going to be good synergy another area where there's actually very good synergy is with mind games so you know that you already want to use mind games anyway with your ramp but you don't really think about it too much except for siren and atherees where in phase one it has a night hunter mechanic and it's happening just before blood prices do and the whole goal of it is while you're ramping the night hunters are gonna draw the lines they're gonna crash into their target and they're gonna deal damage to them and everybody has to soak and hunky dory hazak the other side of it is that those night hunters try to actually heal siren atherius based off of the damage they dealt to their initial targets so the more people that soak the less healing that he gets but if you have mind games up on the target at the same time then he'll deal damage to the raid which consumes some of your spirit shell shields if you're shielding at the time but if you still have mind games up on the target it attempts to heal sire which then ends up damaging sire which then converts into a atonement transfers which create bigger shields so in phase one of cytonathius if you have the shattered perceptions conduit you always run the exaltation conduit but uh there's some debate and everything like that over the second conduit you can run but shatter perceptions is really good for phase one uh to be able to help basically cheese this so you have enough up time you can deal extra damage to the boss and you can crank up your shields to infinity right now that you kind of know all these different ways to crank up your shields sometimes there's going to be fights which really start messing with you in terms of movement mechanics what do you do when things just go wrong right starting off stone legion generals this is uh one of the most freaking annoying fights to play a disciplined priest on right you have to crystallize which happens at varying times sometimes it's every 55 seconds sometimes it's like 63 seconds or something like that it doesn't like perfectly align with spirit shell the way you want it to uh so one of the biggest things there is learning how to go early enough so that you can try to be able to generate the larger shields but also understanding that you're not gonna be able to always get the full maximum ramp possible right uh sometimes you can get targeted by the blade causing you to run out and not be able to cast your radiance as quickly sometimes you're getting the crystallize on yourself you know sometimes you have to cast the master spell because you want to have the uh spirit link totem going down at the same time as the crystallize meteor is coming down at the exact same moment there's a number of different things that are really happening so one of the biggest things i would tell you guys is try as best as you can to uh practice cutting corners on relevant areas so for example if you start getting the blade on you you have to run out and you're still in the middle of like applying your power shields start casting like get to your location start casting your radiances and try to go early and try to preempt it as best as you can right and say okay i'd rather be early than late especially on a fight like stone legion where if you fall behind you are absolutely left behind and you just um you you could very well have a bad spirit shell in the first one if it means that the second and third are consistent and good right rather than being good timing on the first one and completely missing the second and third you know the more that you're able to kind of lock down those timings the more potent your overall shielding will be stone legion you often we're going to lean on multi-dotting with purge the wicked you're going to lean on your mind benders attacks and just trying to get out you know your schism your mind games maybe your pendants if you can with enough time remaining artificer zymox is another great fight to be able to uh well get you into really big trouble with some of your ramps and it's very awkward when you're having to have ghosts chasing after you when you're having to run out specific mechanics like any of the portals for example a lot of these fights start sort of coming together and challenging you in terms of your movement and your positioning and everything like that so one of the biggest things i would stress is watch what you have to do next because you have such a wide range of time you usually have you know good 15 20 seconds or something like that in between each spirit show where you're able to say i can move around a lot i can reposition myself i can start preparing for the next thing without really any hps punishment because your job isn't to cover all the healing all the time your job is to cover the healing once a minute and then provide some nominal support on the side help the tanks out help whoever's taking priority damage from like wither touch for example right so when it comes to dodging ghosts you know watching for where you have to move next some ghost chases you want to already be in the middle of the room uh some of them are going to have you for example run to the portal or using the lock gate of the opportunities for example to take advantage of your door of shadows you know for example when you're getting chased by ghosts you can use dwarf shadows really quickly and then you can start being on the run applying shields uh get into the corner away from the ghosts get your radiance charges out like you'll see on the clip and everything to make sure you're not going to be in a poor position there's a lot of different fights that are going to mess with you like that and trying to understand that you have so much time in advance to say okay well i'm at the edge of the room i just finished my ramp now i can take the time to start walking around moving around and reposition myself to better be able to maneuver as needed we're looking for timers for specific fights i'd really heavily recommend checking out my written guides below i've got a link to them in the description i go over every single boss encounter i go over all of the relevant mechanics that you want to be ramping for i also have when i hit spirit shell so i start ramping about 15 seconds before that spirit shell timer so you can check all those out in the description below as well as having one minute clips for every boss fight except for the last three and on the last three boss fights i have our first kills or second kills with commentary and going over pretty much everything so be sure to check it out let me know if you guys have any sort of questions uh comments concerns anything i can help break down for you guys otherwise thanks so much for tuning in hope you all enjoyed it hope you all found it informative love your faces i'll catch y'all next time [Music] you
Channel: AutomaticJak
Views: 30,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automaticjak, Mastering Spirit Shell, Discipline Priest Guide, Spirit Shell Guide, Discipline Priest Rank 1, Advanced Disc Priest Guide, Discipline Advanced Guide, Hardcore healing guide
Id: cQ2BYNxxuB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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