HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME IS KAREN!!!??? Need To Speak To Restaurant Manager!!! r/TalesFromYourServer

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welcome to r slash tales from your server it's a place where waiters share awesome stories about their guests and the first story is my coworker has a weird issue with me i casually push her buttons which quickly showed management her true colors i can't tell short stories for the life of me so apologies in advance i like context it's a blessing and a curse let's go ahead and set the setting a little more owner carly antagonist linda manager ashley hosts carol and jen i recently got a new serving job at a fine dining wine bar with fresh seafood a gourmet cheese room sushi bar and scratch kitchen it's just a part-time gig to get myself more experience as in my other job i serve very fast casual american fare with a lot of tables but with very low daily tip potential i work each job every other day and then i have sundays off keeps my days from feeling repetitive only working there two days a week and i've worked there seven nights linda has also been there for about two and a half weeks but she works here four to five days a week i've known for a while linda doesn't like me very much one of the last times i worked with linda she was on a bartending shift and hadn't been getting out my drinks had a table wait 15 minutes for a glass of wine but she wouldn't allow me behind bar then started to loudly argue with me about whether or not i sent them in when i found the ticket for my drink punched as a completed order she loudly chastised me for being unprofessional in front of customers and embarrassing myself at the workplace i very sternly said something along the lines of ain't that the pot calling the kettle black and just kind of walked away at the end of the night i made 115 dollars i had to tip out dish host and bar i decided five dollars a piece was fair enough considering my total and left keep in mind this is a small gourmet restaurant on nights we aren't busy servers do our own dishes and bar and don't do tip outs if it's slow hosts and dish go home early without tips the next shift i had linda wasn't there but jen was jen went on to tell me that linda told her directly that she didn't think jen deserved tips for her job and it was ridiculous because that money should be going to the bar jyn told me without prompting that she heard how linda talked to me the last time we worked together and that she really didn't think it was acceptable but didn't want to add flame to the fire by saying something i come into work thursday and we were clearly overstaffed i was the last one on rotation got there at 4 pm and by 7 o'clock i'd taken one to go order the couple was incredibly nice and thankful though repetitively said how helpful and thoughtful i was at explaining the menu tip me six dollars on one sushi entree and a bottle of homemade salad dressing promised they'd come back soon and requested me as their server even good people after they left i grabbed a staff drink and said later well today saturday linda was again at bar pretty much as soon as i came in jen found a moment to pull me aside and tell me that while i was at my other job friday linda made a complaint about jen and i the owner carly had already pulled jen aside to talk to her about it and jen heard my name wrapped up in it so wanted to give me a heads up jen told me that she thinks linda is an absolute bully and that it's really upsetting her carly asked to speak to me for a moment in her office but suddenly a customer calls and asked to speak to the owner guess who it was it was the nice to go order people who just decided to call two days later to buy the owner's words rant and rave about your service i couldn't believe my luck carly shook my hand and told me i did a really good job and never talked to me about linda's complaints i immediately realized that knowing about linda's complaints but having management not know that i know was powerful information that i could use to my advantage if needed my shift goes on and linda is super irate all evening i went out of my way to sell full bottles of wine as much as i could so that i wouldn't have to worry about her making my drinks and got quite a few glasses of my own wine while she was servicing tables at one point i accidentally rang in a pinot noir even though it was 86 and she flipped out even the owner's husband was very lightly telling her it wasn't a big deal and was picking out an inexpensive pinot from the wine room she kept going on and i finally looked at her and just said i'm really going to need you to be nicer to me grabbed the bottle offered and walked off not long after i'm walking behind her in a walkway and without realizing i'm there she says to herself mockingly i'm gonna need you to be nicer later in the evening as i'm holding a very heavy tray she holds the door open for me and as i'm rather focused i didn't think to say thank you she very loudly goes uh-huh you're welcome just kind of dumb rude stuff a 55 year old woman working customer service should have more tact at this point i'm kind of just like what do i have to lose i've worked here for seven days i got the manager ashley alone and pulled a very innocent hey i hate to be this person i know you have a lot going on right now but linda's been really harsh to me and it's gotten bad enough that i have jen and carly both coming up to me saying that they aren't okay with how she's speaking to me ashley said that she'd seen it herself a bit and that she would mention it without mentioning that i brought it up and told me that they really liked having me there and not to worry about it about 10 minutes later i see and vaguely hear linda saying things about my service work ethic and making a bunch of her like you see gestures i rung in a drink to go back to bar to be annoying and nosy basically and linda shut up pretty quickly the night goes on and closing time is afoot linda keeps repetitively asking if i printed my revenue yet and at first i couldn't understand why as soon as i printed out my report she circles my total beer sales total wine glass sales and total wine bottle sales and tells me that those are the numbers i should be using to calculate or tip out keep in mind i went out of my way to sell bottles of wine so i could avoid using her service and sold 200 worth of just wine bottles which was half of my total sales on this slow night i ended up with an sh selection filled with just friends of the local band that was singing they all shared bottles of wine and apps i'll add i'm new enough that asking how to do tip outs based on total drink sales was really reasonable especially as it's not restaurant policy i grabbed my report all of my tips walked up to the manager to turn in my cash for the night and in the most innocent voice i could muster up ma'am what would a proper tip to barbie based on my total drink sales honestly on a night like tonight you don't even need to tip bar we all just kind of helped each other out all night you got some of your own drinks oh well linda said i needed to be calculating her tip based on my total drink sales well no one would ever expect you to tip based on your full bottles of wine oh i think she expects me to could you just tell me how much you think i should tip her out so i know i didn't do it incorrectly does some quick math based on your beer and wine glass sales five percent of total sales would be about six dollars thanks i grabbed out six dollars placed it on the bar without saying anything to linda walked into the dish pit slash back room to finish my drink i hear linda stomping around and approach the manager with attitude linda she just completely stiffed me on a tip no she didn't i calculated how much i should have been tipped based on a revenue report she completely stiffed me and walked out i also just calculated how much she should have been tipping you except i figured it should have been zero the way you're acting is completely unprofessional you shouldn't be calculating anything on anyone's revenue reports we aren't going to schedule you for the next week after that we can see if you can play nice with co-workers i left my drink a dish and headed out the back door to avoid confrontation but had the pleasure of seeing linda stomp to your car in a hissy fit never have i ever seen karma act so swiftly in my favor never have i ever had such a random idea go so well everything just kind of lined up in my favor if i hadn't been able to push the full bottles of wine the disagreement over whether or not i needed to tip out on bottles wouldn't have happened if those customers had called any later carly would have had the meeting where she told me i was on thin ice like jen due to linda's complaint instead i kind of just cast reflect but i look innocent and spooked it just felt nice wanted to share thanks for reading the second story is karen gets called by her name at store this past sunday with a friend of mine we both are waiting in line to buy stuff and our register was pretty close to the customer service desk my friend is staring at the customer service desk and then nudges me to look woman is a customer service desk complaining she's going on and on about not being able to return the two packages of toilet paper that she had bought two months ago store policy was that they were not accepting returns for that item along with disinfecting wipes rubbing alcohol and other cleaning products so this woman looks like a classic karen in every single way right down to the frosted bobbed hair it truly was the perfect care and cut also in yoga pants so yeah on point so this discussion between the hapless store employee and karen is getting ugly store employee is no match for karen who is well versed in karen language and using the terms to get her way i.e why is the store policy only applicable to those items and i buy stuff here all the time and have never seen that sign and i have a store credit card here and have for over 10 years i give you so much business and i'm gonna cancel my card if you don't allow me to return these items then karen being karen goes right for the jugular need to speak to your manager right now my friend who's with me is a server at a pretty popular restaurant the same city i'm a bartender but not at the same restaurant she knows the woman complaining my friend starts telling me that the woman complaining is her worst nightmare she would always come into the restaurant with her two kids and demand all sorts of special stuff for free then complain about not taking some type of coupon or membership discount card and the best part this woman's name really is karen so my friend yells over to her hey karen how are you to which the woman explodes how do you know my name is karen who the heck are you just mind your own d business and stop acting like you know me don't call me by my name like you know me ah so a few of the other employees are now snickering to themselves including the cashier that is our cashier for our line who says to us seriously is her name really karen to which my friend tells her yes absolutely and she is a total 100 karen my friend then tells the cashier that this woman comes into her restaurant and pulls the same sh all the time and at least now she knows that it isn't just her that's the target of her missives we stick around to see if karen gets her way because well i insisted to see the outcome because i wanted karma to kick karen's a yep karma kicked karen's a in this case as the store refuses to return the toilet paper and recommended she donated to charity or a shelter or community group that provides necessities for those in need the manager even told karen that if she wanted to leave it at the store she would make sure it got to a group that needed it more than she did ha ha ha karen's head exploded at that point as she dragged the toilet paper back to her car total karma payback worth the wait to see my friend can't wait to see karen back after the restaurant reopens as she's planning on bringing a roll of toilet paper to the table along with the menu for karen as a fun new promotion for the restaurant reopening and the last story is those mundane regulars that tip exactly 15 every single time they come in i used to have these two older guys who came into a fantastic place i worked in a small town every single wednesday for over a year same table same order same bottle of wine and their conversation was logistics basically boring stuff nice enough but just very routine hardly any small talk after waiting on them 52 wednesday night straight they left 15 so mathematically correct it was almost annoying one night i was talking to the owner about how they just talk boring numbers nothing exciting ever and i told him but man you gotta appreciate them though they're more reliable than anyone i've ever met i suggested after over a year we put their bottle of wine on the house and he said put the whole check on the house and thank them for being the most reliable table we have they were surprised and really appreciated it so i had a very very classic honda cb750 motorcycle an incredible shape always parked out front and the chef my best friend in my life always had his motorcycle and there were friends that stopped by on theirs i bought a really nice v-twin sport bike and it was where my old bike used to be and we were all talking about it lo and behold these two leave me over 200 cash tip i was floored their exact words well you just bought a brand new bike so we figured you could use the cash for your bank account so long story short as they were both pilots who owned an air freight company and they met every week in our small town in between two larger cities to have their weekly business meeting logistics they know a lot about engines and motorcycles so i got to know them and then one of them starts telling me stories about racing motorcycles in the 60s in europe he really knew a lot about bikes but also specific race tracks in europe i asked how are you racing in europe oh i grew up with ally mcgraw my entire life as really close family friends so i was your private pilot and then steve and i became really good friends when they started dating so i flew him everywhere and we raced bikes and cars together for years i literally asked him about a specific race steve was in and he said oh i was there but i met a french girl and we left before the race even started and rode all over europe together for several weeks and steve couldn't find me i was dying laughing the most boring table ever had raised moto goodsies was steve mcqueen in europe he had wrecked at 100 miles per hour and walked away he was the most laid back humble but all business kind of normal guy i'd ever met i asked about ally and he said i still see her several times a year she just doesn't need me to fly anywhere anymore thank you for watching bye
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 29,060
Rating: 4.9465241 out of 5
Keywords: r/talesfromyourserver, r/, talesfromyourserver, wait staff, reddit, cringe, stories, reddit cringe, cringe stories, waitresses, waiters, servers, bartenders, tales from your server, Restaraunt, Karen, r/idoworkherelady, sever, employee, /start, client, customer, reddit stories, reddit story, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, funny, reddit videos, reddit video, entitled people, reddit funny stories, reddit story time, Karen At A Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant Manager, karen
Id: LejR8-Ookh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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