How do police catch you speeding? |RADAR and LASER

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what's up everybody it's just that officer and welcome back to another video yes I do have duct tape on my shirt because I've not figured out how to blur it and editing before we get too far in today's video I want you guys to know that I am not currently working I'm not on the clock I had training today and after my training and decided to do this video just so you know that I'm not getting paid while I'm making these videos I'm not on the clock right now this is me just personally doing this and to show you guys how these things work not on duty cool thanks back to the video you ever wonder how police catch you speeding well we use two different devices I'm going to talk about those today but before we get into that I'm gonna explain to you what the process is and getting speed certified as a law enforcement officer and this is in the state of Florida I don't know how it works in other states this is how it works here important so what you'll do is you'll go to the Academy nope they don't teach you speed measurement in the Academy which is something I think they probably should do but they don't so once you complete the Academy you come out and you hire with the department you got to be hired with the department go to speed measurement course all right you can Harvard apartment and then you're gonna put in for speed member ajmer course now they're hosted at various different colleges and different academies and so forth just make sure you put yourself out there a fine one some departments won't go out looking for you for training you need to put yourself out there and find it or if you wait for your department to find one it's parting to take longer than it needs to be with me with all the people that are ahead of me for getting speed measurement almost took me two years just to get speed certified so you don't as soon as you can find a class and sign up for it and get it done that's a 40-hour course once you complete the 40-hour course then you're good to go alright so during that 40 hour course you go through summer processes you go through over you'll go through classroom work which will kinda explain how each device works and the science behind them now you don't need to know the science for core purposes or any reason like that it's just so that you are aware how the technology works all you need to do is know how to test it properly and make sure that it's working well so we do a function checks before and after every shift to make sure it's working properly document that so we have all that records for court if we ever have to go to court for it so we document every every every time we come in the shift we do both the radar and the laser if we're going to use them for that day so now make sure that they're working properly those function checks tests work all right so soon as you turn on a device it'll run through the testing process normally and then there's other ways that you can test it and I'll go over those when we go over each device but anyways in the class you're gonna do the classroom stuff you'll go over the scientific stuff I'm not gonna go over all that stuff you can look it up but basically go over that stuff and then you're gonna go hit the road all right they're gonna split you up into different units and you're gonna go out on the road and you're just gonna practice with this what they want you to do is they want you to practice your speed visually so this is what you're trained in as when you go to that course you're trained to detect the speed visually so you just by looking at a car you need to be within five miles an hour of that that vehicles speed to pass the class alright so what you do is you look at that car just say oh it's going 45 activate the late radar it's 143 all right you're good you're within that five mile an hour zone and you can pass the class all right what it's doing is basically you're visually estimating that vehicle and you're using the radar or laser to confirm that vehicle speed alright that's what it is it's a confirmation so that's how the test is gonna work at the end of the class all right so you go over hours and hours just visually estimating vehicle and then you guys kind of all get into a bus at least we did and we go around and we grade each other on how how much why want wait to text speed before we get into the bus we actually did the side of the road test so we'll sit on the side of the road you'll be with the instructor and you'll have to call out that speed and he'll use the radar to say yup it's that's exact speed or it's within five miles an hour and you're good alright so you'll do that several times I believe they've made us do a lot about 20 times to make sure that we are fully accurate before we move on to the next step the next step was going into the van and that's a moving radar so that shows us how we detect vehicles while we're moving and we're basically visually estimating speed while moving stuff a little bit more differ but we had to do the same thing guess within five miles an hour and we could sign off on that after doing about 20 so you'll go through that and then they'll go over laser and how that works all right so laser is a lot more simpler than radar uses light but yeah they'll go over that you'll have to detect the estimate the speed we're gonna spin speed on that and they'll use the laser to make sure that's not a person accurate on that vehicle make sure that you're talking about the right vehicle too and I just guessing whatever vehicle it is or whatever like oh yeah it's that yellow Hummer right there or something like that all right so basically you go through all that then you hit the road and you're good you're certified all right so now what happens after that so is the radars just good after that do you need any more training nope you don't need any more training all right after that you're done with training basically you train yourself every day so after that you're out here you basically you check your radar make sure it's working properly you know before and after every shift I can tell before and that's it all right so long this market probably you're good if you have an issue with it you gonna be able to tell and we'll send it back and so forth so so not only did we check it before and after every shift every six months we have these tested by an outside agency basically they'll come and they'll test our vehicles so if you didn't know a law enforcement vehicles they are certified in their speeds so basically our speedometer is accurate to speed true to speed this gets tested by an outside agency every six months along with our radars and lasers so they come in they have their fancy tools where they you know they can use these tones and everything like that to make sure that the radars and lasers are working fully properly so yeah so we do several several things to make sure that these Raiders are working good and so they're always working good so we get a certificate with that and we keep that in our folder basically I have a folder it has all my radar logs and laser logs and shows that it was been tested by an outside agency and then last six months we don't test them it's an outside agency we pay to do it so yes so that's the basics there so what two devices do we use so this one right here is the stalker it's a radar this is called a stalker - it's the newest newest version I do believe there might be a newer one on unaware but this is what we use alright so this is the Raider one so radars work off of radio waves alright they send out waves to the vehicles and they bounce back and they determine the speed alright does all the work for you and all the scientific cool stuff that I don't really know about but yes basically radio waves bounce off come back it's called the Doppler effect and that gives you your reading all right so now you're probably like well what if there's a bunch of cars and your radar ring and how do you tell which car it is all right so this is where visual estimation comes in all right so we're gonna visually estimate usually so most of the time you can see that vehicle is approaching a lot faster than the other vehicles all right so you're gonna get on here and they're gonna see CL says pass on there I did an internal test as well so does internal test pass right here and this right here F CL o is forward and closing so front and closing so that's amazing what we do here so hold it down you can hear that that tone right so the higher the pitch the faster that vehicles going alright so this is what we're we're making sure that it's a solid tone when we're listening to it so we're watching we visually estimated vehicle you know Sark vehicles going 70 you know pull the trigger to confirm it I'm gonna confirm it but I'm also going to make sure that it's a solid tone alright that means it's count the frequencies coming back solid there's no interference if there's any kind of interference you'll see the numbers kind of fluctuate and we can't get an accurate reading and we can't go off that so right here in the target area that's gonna be your target vehicle that's coming your front vehicle and then right here is where it says lock and fast all right that's where we can show the fastest speed alright so if there's a vehicle that's in front that's going slower but there's a vehicle that's behind that's going faster than that front speed then it's gonna show up right there and we're gonna be able to visually estimate that vehicles coming at that speed right so then why here why is it's a lock it says locked because we can actually lock that speed in by hitting this button right here and it'll keep it all locked on there so we can show the driver hey that you were going this fast alright so right here you'll see patrol now this is gonna be in moving radar so when you're moving I usually have it on the dash I'll show you guys that oh yeah well it's on the dash you have the patrol right there that is the patrol vehicle speed all right that's going to show the speed so basically to make sure that that's working right you'll match it with the speed of your speedometer as long as that's working right then the vehicle that's approaching and that's it it's gonna be accurate for sure all right so if you're staying you know right here sta mov this is the button we press here to go from stationary so we're stationary to moving so if I switch it over to moving you're gonna see it changes to F OPP so Ford opposite alright so basically that's me going forward traffic going opposite though that's if you're moving alright so right here in this zone here that'll be your vehicle speed and then you'll see the target speed over here alright so with this so if you're stationary and say that you got a vehicle that is going the opposite direction so they're going away from me so if you didn't know this we can get you going away from us too so a lot of people don't know that alright so going away from you we can change right here we can hit this button right here it says both directions so we'll hit that and you switch this to you can hold it for both directions so I can hold it down and it'll do both directions so pull it down like this all right so I'll hold it down like that you'll see that it says forward both alright so it's gonna give me both directions of speed so it's gonna get going away and going forward well how do we tell which one's going away which one's going forward and it'll show up little errors next to the numbers here then I'll show you which way the vehicles going so if the vehicles going away go up its going towards you to come down alright so that's how we do that and then we can just hit it to away and we get vehicles going away all right so that's the general functions all this you can change the lighting on here you can change the volume how the Doppler combs comes out you can't turn it off but you can change the volume everything we need to have the Doppler all right so yep that's the radar that we use alright so this is the laser or lidar so which is a light detection and ranging so basically this uses light so it doesn't use waves like the other one it uses light to reflect back now it does this at extremely high rate of speed so light travels at 186,000 miles per hour per second or something like that it's it's fast all right so that's what's happening so I basically I put this on a vehicle and there's a little dot in there and I put it right on the front of the vehicle and it's that exact vehicle that's reflecting that light back to me so it's a short burst of infrared light bouncing off that vehicle directly back to this unit very fast and giving me that reading all right so these are really really hard to dispute in court all right so this is right on your vehicle right on the front of your vehicle all right so I put it right on the front of your bumper your specific vehicle there's no doubt about that it's any other vehicle it's your vehicle all right so you turn this one on as well it will do a self function test there you go it passed all right yeah your battery life you got your miles per hour and then you got your feet all right so this is gonna tell you your distance so I love about this is that it stays on the screen all right so it's easy locks your speed and I'll show the speed on there it's a 60 and what distance the right when I got them this is one of my favorite things to use because it's so accurate and it's the exact vehicle that you put it on all right so there's no way fans or buts about it that's the vehicle so this one's also made by stalker the stalker rlr lidar device this is the one that we use all right so now how do we test the devices really curious they did the internal test right it showed you how they do the internal test all right so we also test them a little differently all right so with these we test these by measuring the distance all right so we'll take a sign as to be reflective signs that reflects the light back off so we have these set a certain distances on our Police Department where we can actually sit there and the light reflect back and is long as reflecting at the acts accurate distance then these are working properly and as long as they pass the internal test as well all right so that's how we do that one there's not really a way for me to show you how to do that but I can show you how we test our radar all right so what we have is what's called tuning forks all right these are tuning forks these little metal things here actually test our radars so as you can see on them they tell you what miles per hour they are rated at all right so this one right here is at forty forty point twenty five miles per hour they have kilometers on here as well and then twenty five point two five miles per hour so basically that's what these should read once you hit them and show them in front of the radar and that will show that it's producing the accurate speed all right so what we'll do is we'll try these off each other so this is the forty mile one all right so I got it ringing I activate it and it reads it 40 all right so I'll do it again so I can show you guys see that so that was 40 miles an hour perfect it's working all right so we do another one right so we're gonna go and do it 25 make sure it's working at 25 all right we'll hit that 25 and so you guys can see so that shows that the radar is working properly that's what we do before and after every shift all right we see here we'll do that and then we write in our logbook that it's past I had there's any issues with marking our logbook that I had issues there it would send it off to get fixed and they'd send it back and it's good to go I've never had a problem with him they test him every six months and I've had this radar for a very long time for years and I never had any issues with any of them all right so they've been working just fine well guys I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did hit that like button and if I had missed anything you have any questions please leave them down below in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them alright guys so thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video bye yeah I'm not a Robocop I got family got friends I got people who depend on this job that I got I'm not a Robocop I got people that Nick Brown and I got people in the system and I miss him luck I'm not a Robocop I got family got friends I got people who depend on this job that I got I'm not a Robocop I got people in the ground and I got people in the system and I miss him luck yeah I'm only human trust me if you cut me i'ma bleed like yo
Channel: Just.that.officer
Views: 85,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how do cop radars work, how do police radar, how do police laser, lidar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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