How Difficult is it to Ride a Penny Farthing?

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this episode is sponsored by curiosity stream this is a standard 29 inch road bike wheel you've seen one of these before just for comparison this is a 50 inch penny farthing look at the size difference and in this episode i'm going to learn how to ride it this penny farthing belongs to and was designed by roger davies from where coincidentally you can buy these the links are down below people seem to enjoy watching me learning to ride bizarre vehicles so i thought i'd make a little series of it starting with the penny farthing if you've got any other ideas please leave them in the comments down below right let's get started there's people staring already to be fair if i seen somebody doing this i'd be staring as well oh yeah i penny farthing you want to go i've never been on it as expected this has um attracted a lot of stairs and oohs and ass it looks preposterous right i don't think there's anything more for it i think it's just a case of day one hour zero and uh let's give this a go so if you look closely on the back here there's these pegs and these are used for mounting you can put your feet on these and climb on and that's how you get on the bike i think they also look like nasty shin graters as well i think i should just try and scoot along oh jesus so oh my god it's so high it's so so high people are just staring at me they expect me to do something cool but i can't ride it oh jesus yeah to think that this was like the main form of transport back in the day oh god what i want to do is put my house on the seat and then on the pegs on the seat on the packs on the seat and the packs speed is your friend jesus oh i'm on oh my god i'm one oh my god i'm on oh my god i'm on oh my god i'm on oh my god i'm on holy holy okay come off yes yes how did i break oh jesus oh my god that was terrifying i think if there's poo actually coming out of your butt whilst you're doing it it doesn't count as being learned one two three four oh jesus oh my god right i'm on i'm on it on it holy good day to you sir so the height is terrifying oh i'm going too slow but it's actually quite easy to mount to the penny farthing and pedal turning however needed more work i'm turning i'm turning maneuverability is not great all right day two okay so it's not too bad to ride but what i want to be able to do is to turn i feel like to really say that you've got this down you'd have to be able to maneuver it a little bit better so i want to actually be able to ride up these tennis courts turn around and come back and do the same thing one two three oh yes oh it's so much easier today initiating turn i would say i would describe the turning circle as rather wide but i am turning around can we do a left-hand turn and i don't know why this seems much more difficult am i going to crash into the fence oh my god oh yes that's a right and the left hand turned down i got this down does it look ridiculous kim good day sir what i would say is the ride position is remarkably comfortable your back is so upright this is better posture than i have at my desk after just 30 minutes with the penny farthing i was able to maneuver quite happily and even gather some decent speed this guy's just filming me on his phone it's surprisingly comfortable and stable with the massive wheel just gliding over any bumps in the road all right i think i got this down let's roll the montage [Applause] [Music] so [Music] but you've never seen where it is so if you should have recorded [Music] [Music] it's actually surprisingly stable unbelievable [Music] that's how i get on that's the pedals there oh [Music] curiosity stream and nebula two streaming services are working together and they're also helping to support this video curiosity stream is a streaming service dedicated to non-fiction and documentaries like this one with david attenborough or this one all about massive human carrying drones and it works everywhere too ipad smart tv roku etc nebula however is different it's a streaming service built by youtube creators to host content that typically wouldn't work on youtube think extended discussions extended edits and longer form content i'm on here too i did a game show with tom scott and a bunch of other creators for real money where we have to essentially sabotage one another to win up to 10 grand highly recommended along with a host of other exclusive content i'll be putting longer versions of my videos without any ads including this one on there too my viewers can get both streaming services that's curiosity stream and nebula for a 26 discount so that works out at less than 15 per year the link is down below go check it out and thank you very much for watching you
Channel: Mike Boyd
Views: 398,193
Rating: 4.9747 out of 5
Keywords: penny, farthing, bike, weird vehicles, mike, boyd, learn, quick
Id: AuXmuhmtwz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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