How did The Silk Road Actually Work?

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All the way back in the 2nd century BC, the Han  Dynasty served as the 2nd Chinese imperial dynasty   to date and had ambitions to accomplish more than  just that. Initially hoping simply to resolve the   recurrent issue of conflict with the Xiongnu  tribes along the north and west borders, the   Han emperor, Emperor Wu, decided in 138 BC to send  an envoy off to try and form some type of alliance   or garner support from the Yuezhi in the west. As  he traveled through Central Asia, the emissary,   Zhang Qian witnessed for the first time a variety  of new people and cultures and was particularly   fascinated by the Da-yuan people. To be specific,  Qian was drawn to the horses of the Da-yuan.   Although the Han Dynasty had long been using  horses in warfare, and even as far back as   during the 11th century BC Shang Dynasty cavalry  and chariots were popular, the horses of Da-yuan   appeared to Qian to be far superior to those  that were bred in China. Admiring their size,   strength, and speed, Qian returned to Emperor  Wu and informed him of these magnificent beasts. As a result, Wu decided to purchase some of these  western horses and in a short matter of time,   with the help of their new horsepower, the Han  Dynasty was able to address the Xiongnu threat.   Impressed by the success of Qian’s journey  west and the collaboration it inspired,   Emperor Wu decided to take things a step further,  triggering the official opening of the Silk   Road in 130 BC, connecting the East to the West  through a network of trade routes spanning roughly   4,000 miles from end to end, reaching from  the Han in China to the tips of Europe… This was not the first such  road, or more accurately,   roads, to create an international  trade route though. In fact,   it was the Persians under Darius I and the  Persian Empire who had created the original. This was known as the Royal Road and it stretched  from Susa, which lies in modern-day Iran,   all the way nearly 2,000 miles to  the west in Sardis, which is today   a part of Turkey. The Persians would also add  smaller routes to the main one which reached   parts of the Indian subcontinent and northern  Africa as well, and this network came to be   roughly 300 years prior to the opening of the Silk  Road. Although later outdone by the Silk Road,   the Persian Royal Road was quite impressive in  itself, and the writings about its messengers,   provided to us by Herodotus, would later form the  basis of the United States Postal Service creed. Nonetheless, the Silk Road would soon be  the ultimate route or routes for messengers,   merchants, and explorers alike. The  roads were used in a few manners,   with the main being for commercial trade. Despite the fact that the term we know it by  now was not actually coined until the late   19th century, the Silk Road did, in fact,  serve as a major contributor to the trade of   silks throughout the regions it spanned over.  For a long while, silk only came out of China   due to the fact that it was the  Chinese who had discovered how   to harvest the material from the cocoons of  silkworms and had strategically hidden this   discovery from the rest of the world. Thanks to  the creation of the Silk Road network though,   the material and products produced from it could  now be sold all throughout the path to Europe,   and it was the far west Romans, in particular, who  really fell in love with this Chinese commodity… This near-obsession with silk that the Romans  developed would actually also prove to be   a prime example of how the Silk Road not only  spread goods from west to east and east to west,   but also brought culture and new ideas to each  state that it touched. In the case of Rome and   silk, the remarkable demand for the product within  the empire eventually put Rome in a position of an   “unfavorable balance of trade”, which deeply  bothered the emperors. While nothing would ever   be done to rectify this before the 476 fall of the  Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire,   or the Byzantines, would take on the burden and it  would be their emperor who now put an end to it. After discovering the source of this  infatuating material, Emperor Justinian   sent two men undercover as monks into China to  steal enough silkworms to start a new production   stream of silk back in Byzantium. The expedition  worked, and now the Eastern Roman Empire could   save itself from the same high-priced silk-induced  trade imbalance of their Western counterpart… Silk was still not the only popular  export along the Silk Road though.   Additionally from East to West, products such as  teas, dyes, spices, porcelain, paper, gunpowder,   and medicine were all frequently traded. Paper and  gunpowder would go on to make significant impacts   in the contemporary European world, with gunpowder  changing warfare as they knew it, and paper soon   becoming the primary canvas for writing. As  the Eastern trade changed the Western culture   and world, the West did the same for the East.  Western merchants would sell goods like glassware,   textiles, animal furs, certain foods such as  fruits or honey, live animals, rugs and blankets,   armor, and horse-riding necessities. Here alone we  see the inspiration for new thinking and new ways   of life being passed along the network of trade  routes, and this does not even include the spread   of religions and ideologies that would occur  thanks to the merchants and travels themselves. And yet, all of this was done whilst  most merchants, messengers, and the like,   never went across the whole Silk Road network.  In reality, the vast majority of the traders   especially would only go part way, sell or trade  their goods to another merchant, and then that man   would go and do the same. This created a large  system of middlemen and also allowed for the   opening of new businesses. Inns and resting places  for the common caravans would soon begin popping   up along the routes, and on the less legal  side, robbers became frequently employed. There was one man who would travel from one end  to the other though, and he would later make the   road famous through his writing about the journey.  It was Marco Polo who spent three years alongside   his father, aged only 17, traversing the Silk Road  until they finally reached the Chinese palace of   Kublai Khan in 1275 AD. The Polos would stay  in Asia for years more, where the young man   traveled to places, he’d never seen and met  people and cultures he’d never imagined.   When Marco Polo yet again traveled along the Silk  Road, this time to return home to Venice in 1295,   he brought back with him all of the knowledge  and experience that he had gained from his   time in Asia and shared it all with the European  world in his book, “The Travels of Marco Polo”. Language, culture, religion, discovery, and so on  and so forth were all shared along the Silk Road,   making the ancient trade network  an invaluable part of history   and our world today. Even disease spread along  the routes, and many historians point to the   Silk Road in particular as being the possible  culprit for the spread of the devastating Black   Death in the 14th century. Yet, the Silk  Road only lasted for another hundred years… This is because after the Ottoman Empire  conquered Byzantium, the Ottomans all but   entirely cut off any trade with the west and shut  down the Silk Road. Looking for ways around this,   many Europeans began to explore the seas instead,  hoping for a means around the blockage on land.   This birthed the Age of Discovery, lending soon to  the eventual European expeditions to the New World   that would shape so many countries as we know them  today. In many ways, it was the Silk Road itself   that can be credited for these monumental moments  in history, as it was the possibilities provided   by the incredible trade network that would give  Europeans a craving for further exploration and   global trade, which would send them to the  seas in response to the Ottoman intervention. Thus, the Silk Road worked in a plethora of ways.  It served, obviously, as a hub for international   trade and commerce. Additionally, these routes  would open up new journeys for explorers,   allow for easier passage of messengers from East  to West, and through all of this helped to share   and exchange cultures, languages, religions,  ideas, development, and sadly even disease.
Channel: Knowledgia
Views: 1,634,863
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Keywords: How did The Silk Road Actually Work?, How did Silk Road payments work?, How does Silk Road delivery work?, Silk Road, Merchants through the Silk Road, Ancient Silk Road, Roads, Silk Roads, Silk Road route, Trade in Ancient Times, Trade in Medieval Times, Europe Asia ancient trade, Han Dynasty, Roman Empire, Ancient Kingdoms, How did the Silk Road work, Silk road routes, Ancient China, Ancient Rome
Id: J-pfeFbssMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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