How did the Fast & Furious community react to Paul Walker's death?

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[Music] so around uh what was it november 2013. by this time i was done doing you know car rally stuff i kind of mellowed out i'd settle down i was working doing jd power stuff and all that kind of stuff so i was just kind of living my life not going to cars and coffee not doing any car events or anything but it's pretty much stopped talking about fast and furious stuff because nobody gave a about it the the the the fanfare it was all done people had stopped talking about it i get a phone call on november 30th it was late in the afternoon and i didn't recognize the voice on the other end of the line somebody's yelling like he's dead he's dead did you hear this he's dead slow down who are you talking about paul paul paul walker and i saw i turned on the news this was still when i had cable tv i'm like what's going on there's nothing on any of the news channel right so i'm going on social media what's going on what's going on he's dead he's dead what are you talking about there was a crash what a plane crash a car crash he was racing no he was just going for a ride in the car what who is what's good tell me what's going on they were at this this event at rogers at the warehouse the the building on santa clara valley which is where i grew up i knew exactly where this place was and it's a road you know you go around it's a big business complex and you go around and it's like one or two lanes this way and then there's like this double a yellow line and there's like that dead zone in the middle of the road you know where all the marbles gather up all the debris that falls off of cars to all the tarp bits and all that that's where it is so apparently he got into this uh carrera gt with old tires and cold tires double rookie mistake you just you just i to this day probably saved my life a dozen times because i can leave a cars and coffee and go to get on the arm as an old tires cold tires that's still ingrained in my head the car you know he was going at the speed the back end comes around you're a passenger right it's the the moment of inertia right it comes around and you're just a passenger it hit the curb jumped the curb hit a tree gasket popped open spark whatever the thing caught on fire and he's trapped inside couldn't believe it not not paul anybody but paul right anybody but paul and then when this details start to emerge we find out it was roger driver roger should have known better okay and i'm sure i never had never had the pleasure of meeting roger i'm sure he's a wonderful guy and we've all done it how many stories are there are people that we know we're doing that we've done a thousand times and got away with it but this one time it didn't it didn't happen it didn't go down that way and then i was just i was in shock i mean i wasn't close friends with the guy i hadn't seen him in probably four years at that time five years now that i think of it the last time i saw them as a track event with matt and tanner and all those guys when i was filming that that video paul walker track day with jason stadium so it was before 10 so it had to be 2009. so i was in shock and i and i had a gel on the information for a while i didn't hear anything from anybody else until about a week later and i heard the details of the accident and i was mortified and then several months i followed the news story to see what's going on there was going to be a lawsuit and all that because i had met meadow walker when i was touring with paul when we were doing fast and furious one she was in a high chair we were at his hotel it was in i want to say with san jose and meadows mother i forget the young lady's name his girlfriend from which she had this this child they came and joined us for breakfast one day she was a she was a baby she was maybe two years old and so all i could think about was the daughter and then as the details emerged of the case and then the autopsy report became public knowledge you could look it up it was horrible it was an absolute horrible horrible thing and it made it even worse to know that there was a chance that he could have gotten out and that was really bad for everybody and so every year it's it's a thing this year this past year just several months ago we did a memorial event at bob's market uh and john lapid who was the owner of the caller that paul drove the eclipse had recently passed away from complications from liver problems and so we had a double kind of memorial service there for that and people are every year people post it to instagram what it did was the effect of his death hopefully sobered up some people and secondly inarguably that he is responsible for driving interest in performance cars of any year maker model because of these movies because he's the guy everybody could identify with we have other characters in the franchise that we like we like sung we like we like uh ludicrous we like but he is the guy he is the face of the franchise and with him gone it's just not the same it's like that your favorite uncle at the family reunions and he's just not there it's an empty chair now and so it's kind of hard every year we remind him i get choked up about every time i talk about it so these the other shocking part of the story is another good friend of mine shawn lee from purist group he was supposed to get in that car that day you know i was never a guy who was starstruck paul was just another car guy to me i just i've never gotten autographed you live in california you mean actors all that it's just nothing it's nothing but hanging out with him on set you know we would joke around on set you remember the guy ted levine who played the cop in the first movie right well he was in silence of the lambs so i had a moment with him right so just to just talk people like they're just people to do the voice do the voice it puts the hose on that no no not that one oh wait is she a great big fat person so he paul was just like that he was just another guy on set okay so we talked about cars we were talking about cars he was good friends with sean lee he was good friends with sean morris so all these people who touched him with cars one way or another they all became friends they were just they were all buddies because we think about your car friend he was that guy he's in the prime of his career everything was accidental for him you know it was accidental he he'd been in some other movies before he did fast and furious he didn't think too fast too furious was going to be a thing a sequel he was like what the did how are they making the sequel just like i said fast five by fast five he was done he told me the story he was like i was done i said no we've done everything we can do we can well you haven't gone into space yet paul which they're doing now and there are people who say that that you know the franchise should have died with him i i disagree i mean it's living on it's they're still using his likeness in the movie to some extent you know by putting him in i thought it gave him a fitting tribute in the last movie with fast seven which made 1.5 billion dollars and that was a fitting send-off now you can argue after fashion seven maybe the movie franchise should have should have ended but you know as long as they're making money they're gonna keep going but again when you think about the franchise you have vin diesel's there of course but paul is the face of the franchise so you see people's running around with stickers that say four paw four pole you never see one says uh vin diesel it's it's for paul and you know vin's gotten a big bit of a car guy himself but paul was everybody's brother he was the neighbor across the street that you would share tools with paul was the guy like if you got stuck and stranded on the side of the road you'd call him up and he would come over and see if he can help you fix it if not he'd give you a ride to wherever you were going paul was the guy that whatever you bought there was no envy or jealousy in his eyes there was no kind of condemnation there was like oh right man great bro all that kind of stuff he was that guy he was your he was your cheerleader and he just wanted everybody to be successful he was just down to earth guy we all love amazon but most of us have had that experience where you buy something with a lot of glowing reviews that shows up and it's just a piece of garbage and it wasn't what you thought you were buying unfortunately amazon can be full of bad actors and fake reviews and things that just don't live up to what you think is gonna come in a day or two after you order it that's why new on amazon has been developed it was developed by patrick cupolari a friend of the channel a good storyteller who's talked about bmws and mclaren f1s and things like that and he's a huge e-commerce expert you can learn more about that on his youtube channel but he built a site of trusted sellers well-reviewed products and things that he actually knows will show up looking the way that you want them to and so it's a great way to filter out some of the noise and some of the bad products that you might otherwise discover on amazon so check out new on amazon at the link in the description below and thank them for supporting vinwicki this month [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 120,824
Rating: 4.9241319 out of 5
Keywords: vinwiki, car stories, craig lieberman, fast and furious, paul walker, vin diesel, reach out worldwide, tribute, for paul, fast, furious, franchise
Id: dEKrN3hBX7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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