How did me and Johan meet? | Ep. 13

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Some wood to keep the fire alive. Today, it was like waking up to a new world. Comparing to how it looked yesterday, this is like... A paradise. Wow, I really hope we can stay like this. -Hey, what are you guys doing? -Working. [Speaking Swedish] -A Rimfrost bracelet. So it's not finished yet? -No -Wow, beautiful. -I will let you continue with it. Right now it's, eh, the middle of the day And this is how high the sun goes up now. It's just a little bit over the horizon, or over the trees, But at least it's better than the very north parts of Sweden Cause they have the polar nights right now where the sun never goes up... For a few weeks. So at least we have a little sunlight every day and that's... That's good, that's needed. -Hey! -Hey. -Are you... hungry? -Mhm. Have you made food? -Eh, well I wouldn't say food [Laughs] But it's something to eat at least, Some "Fyka", Nyponsoppa, And er, -Classic. -Yeah. [Laughs] -Nanook, you took my place. -Nanook, you're not supposed to sit here. -You want... [Laughs] Some cheese? [Laughing] -We got a lot of questions people asking how you and I met, Like when we got together. And... Well, I was actually thinking about making a... A long video, like a storytelling video to tell You all about eh... To tell you how, argh! I was thinking about making a long video to... Tell all the details about how we met. -Mmm -But, so I'm not going to do that now but, I can just shortly answer that we met... Through the blog. -Mmm. -Didn't we? -Mhm. -Yes, so Johan was a blog reader. [both laugh] So cute! And he was writing some, so beautiful comments, I felt like he was so wise so I thought he was like hundred years old, So for a long time I thought he was an old man. -Mhm. -And then you emailed me, and then we started to mail. A big reason to why I kept mailing with you, And I kept feeling more interested in you is that you didn't ask to meet me. -Mhm. -You never, asked if we could meet. He never, you know, said: "Hey Jonna can I come and visit you?" Cause he just lived like, an hour away from me, but he never asked. And, at that time I got so many mails every week From men in all ages, in all countries Asking if they could come here, you know, drink a coffee with me And I was just like: "I don't want leave me alone!" But he never asks, so I felt desperate like "When is he gonna ask if you're gonna come and meet me?" So I had to ask him. The first time I asked, I was like I said to him that: "Oh you're so welcome to visit me anytime!" And I thought that he would come like immediately And you didn't do that. -You baked a cake. -Yeah, I baked a cake that night Cause I was sure that he was gonna come immediately And he didn't come, and I was like crying all evening And I was like "Oh my god, I should never-- why do I fall in love?" Because that is so time-consuming. It was like: "What the hell am I doing?" Now I'm waiting here with a cake and he's not coming. Well, it was actually my mom that said to me like: "You have to be brave and tell him right away that you want to meet him". So, the next day I was so nervous, But I wrote to you that: "Hey, can you come this evening?" I didn't want to- to spend more time... You know, feeling in love with someone that I had never met. Cause I've done that so many times before and it's been a bad experience. You know, falling in love with someone over the internet. It's like... That's the only way I ever... Had relationships before and I didn't want to do the same mistakes again. So, I wrote to you: "Can you come this evening?" And what did you answer? -I did. -Yeah, you did. -The same evening. -Were you nervous to meet me? -Mhm. -Yeah. -Very nervous. [Laughs] -Yeah, I was so nervous as well We were sitting here at the kitchen table... And... -[Laughs] Staring at, -Staring at each other! It was like a really, you know Quiet date, quiet first date, you know. Erm, -So, how did it-- date went? We ate my cake and it was a bit bad Because it was two days old now, -Mmm -So it was like dry, So I couldn't eat, I was so nervous I, when I, You know, was gonna chew which felt like I was, looking so ugly So I couldn't eat the cake And you didn't eat the cake either! The first date but I was so nervous I couldn't think of eating anything, But the second time I saw Johan Then I was like, okay, that's him. That's the man in my life. [Laughs] Before we met both me and Johan was sure that we would Like never ever meet someone really. -No -I felt that I was done with that I didn't want to meet anyone anymore Like, because I felt that: "No I'm fine being alone the rest of my life." And you felt the same. -Yeah. -So, at the same second as we both... You know, excepted that the fact that we would be Alone for the rest of our lives, that's when we met. That's so weird. -Mhm Interesting. -Yeah. -So, when I started to fall in love with you Over the mail conversations I was at the same time... I was struggling because I didn't want to fall in love I wanted to be alone. Sometimes I felt like: "No, no I should just stop it now I don't want this to go further." And I'm so glad I didn't! We really are like soul mates. I think so, It feels like you are part of my soul. Hey guys! I'm in my studio again as you can see. I've been spending some hours here just doing some work. I just wanted to say thank you again. [laughs] Because erm... If you saw my previous video Er, I read some comments and questions, And one of the comments I read was from Asya She was, er... Writing a comment that really touched my heart. She was feeling depressed and... Yeah, if you haven't seen it just watch my previous video. Just as usual, there is so many beautiful comments. But this time it's a bit special because, There is so many beautiful comments to Asya. Wow! This really melted my heart. I mean, some of you even started like a thread on the comments section It's like a thread where people write comments to her... To give her, you know, love and support and... Sharing own experiences of having a depression and everything... It's just... This is just so beautiful. I know, everybody says like, They have the best followers in the world, but I really do! I mean, I've always felt that like with my blog I have the most amazing readers, and on my Patreon community it's like my family, And now on this YouTube channel. I don't even know how you come here, everyone! I just, I don't know how to thank you! And I guess, it's something special to see You guys interact with each other and give each other love and support. Because it's so rare on the internet today to see that. Often, when you see comment sections and people answer each other. It's just you know, Bullshit, it's just negative words, it's just hate! But it's not like that here and... It's just the total opposite. I know, I have talked about the comment section in almost every video now, And I'm sorry if it gets boring, but I just have to... Tell you how much I appreciate it. I guess, I will talk about this so many more times Because I'm never gonna stop appreciating this, I'm never gonna take this for granted. Because your support means... So much to me. Look what I got here... My dear sled. I shared a photo on my Instagram the other day Talking about how much I wanted the snow to come So I could go on my sled again. Well, it might still be a little bit early Because the surface maybe isn't that frozen yet? So, maybe the sled just go right through the snow down to the ground. If there's a beautiful winter night with stars I just love to go on the sled. And have music in my ears, and bring the lantern, and... Just go through the village, And further away to the forest. I can't find the words to describe that feeling, and then... When I've been on the sled for a while, you know, you get tired, I just sit down and look at the stars. That's like one of the best things during the winters. Now it seems like I can soon do that again. So, now I thought, I would just prepare the sled Maybe tomorrow I can go on a sled ride. That would be nice. So I usually use... Candle wax to make it go a little bit faster. I guess, you could do other things to make it better, but... Candle wax is good. And this sled is actually super fast even though it's super old. Now it's ready! And it seems to work fine. It's so dark here, I don't know if you can see anything. Wow! It's no-clouds tonight, so the sky is full of stars. I really wish there was a camera... So good that you could film it. I mean, you can take photos of the night sky, but you can't really film it. Well, at least not with my camera equipment. Alright, I'm gonna go on my first little sled right now And see if the surface is good enough. Thank you so much for watching today And I see you in a few days. Take care, everyone! [Blows kiss] Lots of love. See you soon. Bye bye!
Channel: Jonna Jinton
Views: 1,921,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, jonna, jinton, countrylife, daily, how did we meet, couple, Jonna and Johan, love, engagement, in love, nordic, scandinavia, snow, winter, sled, spark, stars, nightsky
Id: xB_SZD8_TuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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