How CS:GO's Most Hated Prodigy Became The Smoke Criminal

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[Music] [Applause] let me guess you look at Stewie's infamous behold and you see a feisty little freedom fighter a scrappy up-and-comer who against every odd became one of five misfits to cement themselves as the unlikely a saviors North American Counter Strike has ever seen they say what he understood they weren't heavy on this up but they fit it for those America yeah I bet you're getting all misty-eyed watching that aren't you yeah that's cute you know what I see a disrespectful little [ __ ] see before he even won a major and a grand slam before he become the first na Counter Strike player to amass a million dollars in prize winnings Jake Stewie 2k yet was pretty much the most hated prodigy in csgo history from his high for aggressive peaks to his nutty ass pop flashes Stu became notorious for adopting a cocky in-your-face play style that was as innovative as it wasn't reverenced rdptour jump in there but Stewie earned his now infamous moniker for the way he played around one piece of utility in particular he's gonna come to this city and that's what turn to balls-to-the-wall BM inducing pug star into a pioneer a revolutionary an outlaw known only as the smoker criminal ok so how did the venerable young Stuart mm to become the smoke whisperer well it all started about five years ago when he first started to take CS goes amateur scene by storm you started playing counter-strike in October 2014 yes yeah okay wait hold on did I hear that right during 2014 a buddy of mine decided I should play csgo and get to be a thirsty Stewie started playing counter-strike in 2014 and like three and a half years later won a major yeah I'm done nope now to be fair Stewie had played a little bit of 1.6 when he was younger but not seriously instead he spent his time honing his mechanics in fast paced arena esque titles such as Call of Duty and League of Legends you know norming [ __ ] but those roots actually proved to be invaluable unlike his opponents who pretty much been indoctrinated with the methodical traditions of Counter Strike Stewie played fast he pushed absolutely everything he gave zero shits played with zero fear and showed zero respect but there was one deceptively simple thing that turned young Stu into the bane of NES elite one smart yet seemingly smooth brained maneuver that made him a total headache he always pushed smokes and in an instant it's all ruined Lucas to be walking past the smoke seats on the other side is he gonna check it it's gonna fade any second now he's actually walking in behind and should be an easy kill but he wants more he's gonna pick up the one goes into the middle and Stuart you see since time immemorial there's been this sort of unwritten rule in Counter Strike that once an entryways been smoked off it's just off-limits until the smoke subsides now to be fair there's plenty of good reason for this you can't see your opponents they can't see you and if you push the smoke someone is probably holding the angle so in the majority of cases it's safer to just back off and well wait the problem is that once you've been playing like this for over a decade and a half it becomes the norm something that your opponent's never expect you to deviate from since it would be felt idiotic oh my god see that was the genius of scuse apparent stupidity nobody expects you to do something not silver one that consistently yes and man did it piss people off you just ran the site you ran through smoke stewey idiots kind of [ __ ] history so much dude Stu quickly cemented himself as something of a menace a spectral smoke pushing psychopath whose sole purpose was to terrorize the finest fraggers north america had to offer the kid was basically the [ __ ] lizard king of counter-strike everywhere you turned there he was Wow I'm The Lizard King naturally it didn't take long for people to start realizing that Stewie was the real deal within a year of becoming an amateur he was chosen to be Cloud nines contentious new fists at which point he began to endear himself to the very figures he'd been pissing off in terms of up-and-coming young player young talent Stuart's UK is literally nuts and I believe he's gonna be top of na I really do but there were those who doubted him because at heart he was also he knows how to do is get close and I I tell him that all done he gets mad he takes it personal and I tell him he's a shitty trollers he doesn't know how to [ __ ] in mid-game he doesn't know anything about wicked if people aren't in front of Stewie's [ __ ] Serena's jail then he's useless literally useless there was even that one weirdo who accused him of cheating remember that [ __ ] in the suit who kept getting meme Don for saying crisp clean loft boys here we go he locks on and again afterwards he starts doing this weird shake it's the same pattern he locks on the enemy then starts doing his weird [ __ ] shape this one's right on crisp clean lock boys doesn't get more horseshit than that the best part is that he only ever referred to wall and/or aim hax as the gear on the [ __ ] gear boys these pros already good but they're using the gear to get an advantage these probes without the [ __ ] gear they're good anyways but to get an advantage over each other they're using the [ __ ] I mean how could you take this guy seriously he sounds like Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys mr. stupid ehed [ __ ] pissing me off right now thinks he's a captain of the [ __ ] liner and by the way your fish sticks sucks needless to say Stewie did end up excelling at the professional level and much of it had to do with his ability to inject the big leagues with a healthy dose of BM fire on the bomb so jks swaps with a smoke down miss Joey he's gone for the night he's gonna go for and he does it Stewie he might find this clutch and he goes again for more it's trading back and forth but Stewie he finds the clutch he finds a round on cloud nine with a second pistol or he's fired up with tranship towards banana yes sir well he doesn't have to help anymore in liquid just sneak by in that round I can't believe called inclues Corner not gonna lie to you yeah that is see Stewie was among the first wave of csgo pug stars to make it all the way into the top tier and while he definitely had to become a little bit less of a [ __ ] to outperform world class competitors he never lost sight of what made him so explosive to begin with so [ __ ] and neither did anyone else likes to was jumping across the stairs before the smoke pop and then what does he do he catches s key members with grenades in their hands because they're about to smoke or Molly palace and then steals like a [ __ ] or whatever the smoke criminal strikes again and even though he has matured and isn't quite the same smoke of using dick he once was every now and then you'll see the venerable esteemed student mm revert back to his old ship disturbing self why because bro it wins games Chris J trying to read something territory yet he knows is defense you never play out history to K means strong now it was too short Kerrigan removed and he find the second flashbang goes over is it enough it looks like it that is phenomenal Stewie 2k not slowing down at this point flashbang goes in he wants to keep applying the press here Molotov towards sport look how this to you he's trying to take that out surely everyone he does take down his daddy fight boxing yes because even though he's not around as often as he used to be the spirit of young stood on nor forgotten it lives on in the hearts of huggers everywhere yeah Meyer Stewie Stewie Stewie Stewie and legend has it if you play passive enough you're guaranteed to stumble upon the smoke criminal who sits ready and waiting to strike again yeah like so you said yeah I'm done no no this is [ __ ] nope nope I'm done nope no [ __ ] you no [ __ ] you this is [ __ ] nope [ __ ] this this is
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 2,983,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, cs go, counter strike, global offensive, stewie2k csgo, csgo funny moments, shroud twitch, stewie2k the smoke criminal, stewie2k highlights, stewie2k interview, counter-strike: global offensive, smoke criminal, CS:GO, csgo, boston major, boston major grand final, boston major cloud 9, boston major stewie2k, crisp clean lock, stewie2k cheats, stewie2k inferno hold, stewie2k reacts to everybody hates stewie2k, everybody hates stewie2k
Id: c5PPvvvaXJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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