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as soon as the game starts mute and stay muted if you die yeah only unmute if it becomes voting i didn't listen to words so get rid of the chat yeah you have to meet now don't look at trash how about you suck my you [ __ ] two brain cell irish you you're probably an imposter yeah whatever i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing these [ __ ] have been sweating their golf watching all these other streamers playing this [ __ ] dolma yes whereas last time i was playing warzone jesus christ brian are you are you a disc this game why would you have them in the game why would you have them in the game i hate you i hate you whoever whoever i hate you i hate you this game ladies and gentlemen this game unbelievable on bro bro i have how many kills and i lit okay that just happened gg to that man who who knew who knew that that strat was just overpowered okay i got 18 kills and i came second place and i cried myself to sleep last night what's this this is the cameras i think i know that much yeah no idea what i'm doing okay so i have to swipe a card oh nobody on music hold on for this whoever reported the kill speaks first and say where you found the bomb it was me i found it right outside of electrical in the hallway next to storage and the only two people i saw there were no glass standing still and moo leaving electrical [Laughter] noglet was coming for me like i saw him coming and i was like i'm about to die that's brock's acting voice i know it i know i'll be honest just because i have imposter syndrome doesn't mean you have to automatically move the biggest to say something i want to say something again real quick um yeah okay so you don't have to vote someone off each time sometimes it makes more sense no glue was gunning for me oh that's fine i understand guys i respect it dude he's not even defending his case bro honestly i'm a libertarian okay wait did we turn it off and we see if this is possible or not yeah we have no idea yes yeah we don't know which is why this is really dumb of us but [ __ ] it yeah i'm hella suspicious [Music] we were intellectually good scotty did a task and then i wanted to be clear i voted for mu because i can tell by your voice you're [ __ ] shut up brian wait wait wait am i you have to go i'm dead no okay he's a [ __ ] liar lads i've no i can't look at the chat and i have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm doing what's that mean oh i'm here wait if i die nine one eight oh nine okay like what the [ __ ] do i do all right ladies and gentlemen we have a crazy electrician going around murdering people found a dead body right outside electrical pretty much in the same spot as last time according to a report i'm gonna vouch for someone brock was wait i saw brock a lot he was with me i i'm right side with rock right now and i mean and i was alone putting in a code and this man did not stab me in the back so brock it was you you you didn't stab me in the background i apologize no that way i wasn't i think it was possible i think hold on right i was doing shields and i came up to oxygen you were not bottom right i was bottom right let me explain real quick because we have 30 seconds if we vote off the wrong person here the there's two impostors they instantly win so it makes probably no they're just if we don't and there's two they only have to kill one person so we should probably vote here oh man what did you say i i'm in the room across camps unless we think no global for sure was an imposter what do we think so you're buying electrical grid vote what would you think i'm going to escape oh [ __ ] i'm skipping yeah there's no evidence well crispy just okay i said i'm in the room across camp doing a [ __ ] so as soon as soon as that one screen pops up goes away mute like we should only talk during the democracy no you're dead shut up ladies and gentlemen watch me i do apologize i have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to be doing i feel safe with brock i don't want brock thinking i'm following him grizzy i think it's puffer or else wild cat okay i called an emergency no one died i just called an emergency meeting so if you are not an imposter you need to do the task we are not even halfway in almost everyone's dead so i think i i i don't know for certain definitely not but i don't think they have seen move come out of a van don't talk how to do that already it's a big [ __ ] button that says vent so i know what event it is but i gave no i can't there was none of it the fits are everywhere what do you mean nowhere did near actually see him come out of it it was like on the edge of my light and the thing is terrorizing came like up the hall behind him wait yeah did you see him yeah we came and we were going the whole way we were going south and brock was winning me out but you but you'll lose that's all i'm saying go ahead and vote me out i don't even care oh that's a it's a double bluff play i don't know i saw no one that whole time i was left-sided where were you we don't have to vote we don't have to vote i don't i think we got no glow out i think nobody was impossible we don't have to vote i'm skeptical of those two now we might have just lost wait we just lost friend grizzy just played us wait the [ __ ] am i downloading oh god no get out of here i don't know what that is i'm sorry guys you have to watch this [ __ ] really huh really who the [ __ ] is dead it's [ __ ] puffer as soon as i see you he's got the trap man that's [ __ ] i [ __ ] saw that the thing is you tried to trap me in storage with you but the [ __ ] the doors closed too late that was way too [ __ ] sus i'm innocent so you [ __ ] are you really gonna do this off of his work are you serious okay if you die here dude i think i think it's buffer oh my god i love you puffer [Music] got to do tasks as quick as possible please okay i didn't do [ __ ] all of that really just joined started barking orders why'd you vote me at the end why did i vote you because i could tell by the tone of your defense was pretty like hey brian clutched up you know chris chrissy's tone had too much confidence in the description of like the door closing and you were just like no i saw it like all right you know it's not buffer he didn't kill me right here i'm going to follow him and chris christie just had wait there was way too much description and detail and you just came up with like a really said that i came out of a vent you were i said okay boys all right tap okay so i'm gonna go down and here so i have to do this press and hold all right don't die brian press and hold instructions are hard puffer's gonna kill me puffer's gonna kill me okay all right we got that ggs thank you chad all right we're learning we're learning we're going to go down and to the left oh okay i might change that keybinding navigation hey i don't like the way puffer is right on me [Music] [Music] i [ __ ] called it you little [ __ ] [ __ ] um i was just doing my tasks and then i heard this crazy loud shriek of someone being murdered i don't know what that was about but i just want to report something i heard i had this radio on i heard yeah [Laughter] delirious don't say anything what whether we were right or wrong don't say anything how many people did you kill i killed like four dude [ __ ] people dude we're delirious she get on mute now we lost we got it let's go delirious you were standing next to delirious and i was acting like i was doing my task and then the second he left i just ran over and he swiped you you were in march no no i did not this much no no this this [ __ ] puffer watched me med scan let me walk away join the entire group do attack and then and then i got the awards hey let's let marcel finish the simon simon said task and then i'll kill him but i'll [ __ ] it i'll kill you now this [ __ ] group toxic dude someone kill me now get in there you little [ __ ] navigation he doesn't trust me body is in communications which is bottom right wow poor nogla huh we're just getting oh it was delirious i thought nobody was greetings very fast you see you see even when tyler goes for talking no i didn't i am top right i was with marcel scotty i was there grizzy but wildcat came from the bottom no i didn't i know i was in navigation and went to oxford it was the only two places i went to navigation he was the navigation when i went in he went out so i don't know where he went after that but he went to oxygen terrorizer was right side too though yeah i was i was coming in we're missing brock and nogla where was the body i wasn't on the bay i don't know it's bottom right quickly explain myself i came down uh right side i did the leaves in the oxygen room and some water i pulled the vent down and went into the navigation so it was like people were missing yeah they're unaccounted for no good because no no the revenge killed delirious just saying why are you pointing fingers already so nice because everybody else is everybody else no they said you were unaccounted for puffer just said he was there said anything this whole time what a [ __ ] i have nothing to say i wasn't by anyone i'm skipping i'm holding no glue out i'm voting away no go out because he revenge are we voting somebody out or we really just oh yeah sickest tick tock okay okay why'd you call this wait what what do you do if the door's closed you just have to sit there and wait okay i got scared to be fair brock that is a way to open them it's just going to take 90 seconds but yeah i think brock triggered it it closed and he doesn't know what to do i think it's brock okay skye could have done it he could have done it oh tyler or scotty the cogs are turning in my little brain suspicious of tyler it's brock it's [ __ ] frock it's brock it's [ __ ] broke how do you know where's the body because i don't know what to do when i see a body you report it you always report how do you report it no button on the right you do this and then we vote your ass off and then we will go ahead okay wait who was just an admin with me i just ran into admin and brock's running out oh freaking buddy why do you run away tyler was fixing the oxygen he fixed it and then brock murdered him okay i did see tyler in there but nobody else tyler's i noticed scotty was in the room with tyler and the doors shut down like the [ __ ] sabotage thing time okay we we either win the game right now or there's another killer but brock is a killer i think it's scottie ambrock wait wait you're right because brock was top 02. he was the other o2 202. earlier though i noticed because grizzy came down to the room and the door was shut because scotty and tyler are in there tyler's dead so it makes me think scotty could have saved him he came out though it's not going to save him let me ask him quickly after the first jesus idiots after the first o2 did you see wildcats leave the area just admin room you guys suck how do we win no okay cool [Music] who do you read who who's that was nuts how you locked yourself there's multiple maps when i was doing my leaf blower or whatever the [ __ ] that is go navigation grizzy i saw him like run past me with moo okay then it's hilarious i saw him pushing me no no i'm not mixing up i don't know i don't understand you one is smart enough to stop before and blame it on delirious i was in the top right all i saw was delirious grizzy and and it moved because he's dead i know it's buffer because i was doing a task in the top right he went and then walked away from it and i had to finish it why wouldn't he finish the task i was i was at the league i was at the lead yeah i have no strong feelings one way or the other can i get back to my tasks stop wasting my time i need to finish [Music] need to keep nogla and puffer alive so he's our scapegoat oh it wasn't oh that's interesting it's [ __ ] delirious yeah it's [ __ ] delirious and here's what you gotta say for yourself it's not me i just saw terrorize and walk past me admit he's dead too who's that all right so it's delirious in terrorizer yeah yeah okay what it's not me i'm voting delirious wait somebody delirious i'm sorry literally is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah let's vote for terrorizers are killing it this game this is boys wow [Music] for someone that has such a successful channel you're the biggest [ __ ] mong i have ever met in my life why would you mention [Music] [Laughter] if you're an imposter i highly recommend not killing the other player everyone's very suspective of my chat i literally said on the stream keep puffer alive as a scapegoat [Laughter] what are you talking about vote for i'm trying to say i wasn't around i didn't see anything why would i vote but when everybody's so sure you just have to go along with them criminals shut the [ __ ] up [Music]
Channel: Terroriser
Views: 1,103,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, video games, among us gameplay, among us twitch, among us impostor, among us funny, among us funny moments, terrorizer, the terroriser, terroriser, multiplayer, glitches, funny moments, comedy, irish, goofy, hilarious moments, fails, nogla, brian, secret, humor, silly, parody, funny gaming, funny gameplay, among us game, among us imposter, among us with friends, gaming, trending
Id: ltU88kGHafc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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