How Could A Good God Allow So Much Suffering? - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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[Music] we're also disheartened by the evil that's in the world these days and the hurt that it inflicts but if God is love and all-powerful why does he allow so many people to suffer this is from his heart with pastor Jeff Shrieve who's in his new series life's big questions where today he'll answer this question how could a good God allow so much suffering [Music] [Music] a new ministry began was called Youth for Christ it was an evangelistic ministry it went out into different cities and places shared the gospel hundreds and hundreds of people young people came to know Christ as a result of Youth for Christ Youth for Christ had two very well-known speakers one was Billy Graham he wasn't well known at the time but obviously became very well known and then probably their primo speaker their number one speaker Charles Templeton Charles Templeton was greatly gifted in the pulpit Charles Templeton and Billy Graham were friends but Charles Templeton had a problem that Billy Graham didn't have Charles Templeton began to question the Word of God he began to have doubts in his heart about the Word of God and as he heard about science he started to say well maybe Genesis is not true and then he said well maybe I need to get more training and he went to a liberal seminary which the liberal seminary all that did was confuse him even more Charles Templeton told Billy Graham I just can't see how the Bible is true when you compare it to science and when you compare it to what these scholars are saying and then Charles Templeton said the thing that really broke it for him the straw that broke the camel's back in his belief in God he saw a Life magazine picture it was an article about a drought in northern Africa and he said there was a picture of this woman and she had her dead baby in her arms and she was looking up to the heavens with the most pain forlorn expression and Templeton said when I saw that picture and I saw all the grief and all the pain on that poor mother's face and I said to myself why couldn't a loving God have sent rain I can't send rain but God can send rain why did he not meet her at the point of her need why did he not come in and rescue that situation and send rain and he said I couldn't reconcile that and so I just said farewell to God God must not exist did you know that when you think of the issue of pain and suffering and evil in the world that some people come to the conclusion there must not be a God because they see so much pain and suffering and evil some come to that conclusion but all of us have to wrestle with this issue of a good God 11 God and evil and pain and suffering in theological circles that issue is called theodicy theodicy it is the defense of God's character in nature His goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil see Odyssey theost meaning God dec a meaning justice it's you're trying to show that God is just even though evil exists now the question of how could a good and loving God allow so much suffering is a question that has been asked for thousands and thousands of years by people way smarter than yours truly and when it comes to that question we all have to step back and say that is a difficult question there are no just Pat answers for that question now we can talk about evil and suffering in general and you know we read about the Holocaust and obviously that was horrific with six million Jews being exterminated by Hitler in his gas ovens and death camps but most of us maybe the majority the vast majority maybe all of us we don't know any of those people as one man said when one person dies a tragic death it is a tragedy when a thousand died it's a statistic it's just too big to wrap your brain around and so we look at the the issue of pain and suffering and evil and when we look at it on a global scale we see we kind of are distanced from it but when it hits home when it hits into our lives when it hits into our loved ones then it's a totally different ballgame it's kind of like surgery you know there is surgery when you have surgery it's you know whatever it is it's minor surgery when I have it it's major stuff I mean it's it's this is me and I don't care what it is if you're getting your toes scraped it's like man that's a big deal everybody pray because I got to go in and they're doing some stuff so when tragedy hits home then it changes the complexion of it and we have all asked the question how could a good God allow so much suffering now as far as the existence of pain and suffering and evil in the world there's really no question about it Jesus himself said in John chapter 16 verse 33 these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you have tribulation Phillips's is the greek word that word means pressure affliction anguish trouble distress trials sorrows that's what you have in the world Jesus made that clear then nobody was arguing with him Jesus experienced ellipsis pressures and de stresses and troubles and sorrows a man of sorrows it says of Jesus and acquainted with grief but he goes on to say but take courage I have overcome the world now how can we answer the question of evil pain and suffering I mean those of us who say well I I don't reject the idea of God because of the existence of evil but I really don't know how to explain it I don't really know how to understand it so today we want to look at four aspects of this question to get a better understanding of the answer and just know up front the no one has ever given an answer that has satisfied everyone the Bible talks about in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 about the mystery of iniquity the mystery of lawlessness and there is mystery surrounding evil but we're going to try and look and get a better understanding as we look at the question so four aspects to this question number one the question is used to argue that God must not exist how could a good God allow so much suffering and people will say that and it's kind of like the skeptics trump card they play that card and say well I just couldn't believe in God just like Charles Templeton how could a good God not intervene there's so much suffering there's so much pain if God really loved people then he would swoop down and he would rescue them but he doesn't do it therefore there must not be a God now the syllogism the reasoning goes like this God is all-powerful number two God is all loving number three evil exists so because God is all loving and God is all-powerful but evil exists well how do you reconcile that because an all loving God would swoop in and and rescue an all-powerful God he would do the same so God is either not loving or he's not powerful or maybe he's not even both and so many come to the conclusion because evil exists and I can't reconcile how that fits in with God God must not exist that is the reasoning that many people give that is what Charles Templeton came up with that is what Larry King would always default to why he was an agnostic is I can't believe in a God who would allow so much evil to exist now something that's important to remember is that evil only exists in the backdrop of good evil is not a thing that exists on its own evil exists in the backdrop of good think about it this way metal can rust and rust is like evil metal is like good if you take away the rust from metal the metal is good the metal is in a good place but you take away the metal from the rust and the rust doesn't exist if you cut your finger and all of us have had a cut paper cut or some kind of gash sometime in life on our finger a cut on your finger is not good take away the cut from your finger and your finger is better take away your finger from the cut and the cut doesn't exist evil can only exist because of good and it exists in the backdrop of good it doesn't exist on its own Ravi Zacharias who has been used of God in such great ways going around the world speaking on college campuses and just a great apologist for the Lord and explains very coherently and cogently why belief in God makes sense and why science gives us evidence of the fact that God is real well he spoke on this subject of suffering and evil and he said that early in his ministry he was speaking and a man stood up in the back of student and he said I can't believe because there's just too much evil too much evil in the world so therefore I can't believe in God and Ravi said this to him he said ok sir he said if there is evil in the world that would mean that you think there's also good he said yes there's good and evil he said okay because you have to just assume if you say there's evil you have to assume there's good and so he said if you say that there is evil then there is good and that would mean that you have to have some kind of a moral law that would differentiate between two actions whether it's good or whether it's evil he said the kid didn't want to concede that point but he was kind of backed into a corner and he said wouldn't you say there has to be something that tells you this is good and this is evil and so he said okay okay so there's a moral law and Ravi said now if there is a moral law that would mean that there has to be a moral law Giver where does a moral law come from if you don't have a moral lawgiver so he said to this young man he said young man if there is no God there is no moral lawgiver and if there is no moral lawgiver there is no moral law and if there is no moral law there is no good and if there is no good there is no evil so what is your question and he said the kid looked at him and he said then what sir am I asking you he said if you don't know I can't help you but do you see how that works evil only exists in the context of good and if you want to write this in your notes evil means there has to be good and good means there has to be moral law and moral law means there has to be a moral lawgiver because moral law doesn't just come up on its own you know somebody Bertrand Russell the atheist he was arguing about a moral law Giver and he agreed that there was a difference between good and evil but he was asked in a debate he said well how do you differentiate between good and evil he said the same way I differentiate between green and blue and the person debating him said will you differentiate between green and blue through sight how do you differentiate between good and evil he said by feeling he said really by feeling he said that's interesting I mean think about this if you differentiate between good and evil by feeling well there are some people in this world that feel it's important to love your neighbor and there are other cultures in this world that feel it's good to eat your neighbor well which one do you want to side with you know oh it can't just be by feeling it has to be by something outside of just what we feel atheists are being backed into a corner today because if there is no God and if everything is just blind chance and if it's just random selection and it's just survival of the fittest then where do you get a value system where do you get the concept of that which is morally good and that which is morally evil morals don't exist and the famous atheist Richard Dawkins said this the universe we observe has no design no purpose no evil and no good nothing but blind pitiless indifference DNA neither knows nor cares DNA just is and we dance to its music that's one of the leading atheists and you know what that is consistent with atheism there is no good there is no evil how can there be good and evil because there is no God there is no moral lawgiver there is no moral law therefore there is no good there is no evil Ravi said he was at a meeting and at Oxford and a student challenged him and and he agreed with Dawkins and so he said to this student he said if I took a baby up on stage a little one-year-old baby and took a butcher knife and carved up that baby in two pieces he said to that man he said young man would what I have done I did it just for my pleasure would that have been morally wrong and he said that kid started to make little shapes with his toes on the carpet and then he looked at him and he said mr. Zacharias I wouldn't like what you've done but I couldn't say that that is morally wrong and the audience gave a gasp but how could it be morally wrong if there is no God and see the question if there's so much evil and suffering and pain in the world then therefore I can't believe in God that question is rooted in the fact that there is God because there would be no evil without God and so the question that is used by many to say I don't believe in God really shows that God is and that God exists second aspect to the question the question not only is it used to argue that God does not exist but the question does not consider key facets of God's nature now it just looks at mainly the the historical question looks at two facets of God's nature God is all loving and God is all-powerful so you have this loving good God and this powerful God and so if we say that God is all loving and God is all-powerful yet evil exists we struggle with that because we say well wouldn't a loving powerful God wouldn't he intervene wouldn't he send rain in North Africa so that woman didn't go through the drought and her baby died wouldn't he have come to the aid of the Jews when Hitler was on the throne wouldn't he intervene in your situation in my situation when evil comes upon us and suffering comes upon us and we get into the horns of the dilemma we say well maybe God is all loving but he's not all-powerful maybe he wants to help us but he can't help us because he doesn't have the power to help in that situation well that's a problem because he's Almighty God or maybe you say well I think God is Almighty and all-powerful but I don't think God is all loving because if he were all loving he would intervene and that's where a lot of us fall we say well God must not love me God must not be loving and see either one of those things puts you in a bad place because evil does exist we know evil exists you know the Atheist can say what they want to try and be consistent that evil doesn't exist but all of us know that evil exists there are disasters and there are diseases and there are murders and rapes and robberies and all sorts of terrible things and atrocities and abuses we know that evils out there we know that pain and suffering is out there Jesus referred to it and said that in the world you have tribulation and all of us would say that's true so if you just look at those two aspects of God's character it's really hard to reconcile it but why do we just have to limit it to those two how about if we add a third aspect of God's character God is all-wise he's all loving he's all-powerful and he's all wise yet evil still exists and God knows what he's doing the wisdom of God is like the Pacific Ocean the wisdom of you the wisdom of me even the wisdom of Solomon is like a teacup Solomon may had a big maybe a grande I mean here's bigger but compared to God it's nothing God's wisdom and understanding is unfathomable so we say well God's all loving God's all-powerful gods all wise but then evil still exists that still doesn't help me I don't understand this but how about if we add this characteristic of God God is eternal and evil exists in time he's all loving he's all-powerful he's all-wise he's the sovereign God and he's attorney is the eternal God from everlasting to everlasting you are God and evil exists in time not in eternity see many of us say well if God were really God then he would do away with evil God is gonna do away with evil just because he hasn't done away with evil yet and evil brings pain and suffering obviously so just because he hasn't done it yet doesn't mean he's not going to do it you know it's kind of like reading a some kind of a mystery novel and you read halfway through and you say well this book stinks this guy is cheating this guy is killing this guy is lying he's doing all these terrible things and he's getting away with it he said well you hadn't finished the book you're in the middle of the book you finished the rest of the book and you find out hey that guy's going to get his just deserts he's going to get his comeuppance at the end of the book well what happens at the end of the book at the end of this book his evil always with us no Revelation chapter 21 the eternal state and the Bible says this and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall no longer be any death there shall no longer be any mourning or crying or pain the first things have passed away that's a good place to say praise the Lord that's a good place to clap and say that's the God that we serve he does do away with evil but he hasn't done it yet you say well I want him to do away with evil now you know maybe you would have said that in 1979 why doesn't God do away with evil now I'm so glad he didn't do away with evil in 1979 because I didn't get saved until 1980 he had had done away with me says in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 the Lord is not slow about his promises as some men count slowness but he's patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance if God deals with evil today there are people that are gonna get saved maybe at the end of this service hopefully if you're not saved that today would be the day but but maybe next week maybe next month and if he does it right now you'd be lost and God has pay Ghent and so that's why he doesn't come and judge sin and judge evil and take it out of the way but he will just because he hasn't yet doesn't mean he won't we don't know the ways of God and his ways are not our ways we can't figure it out but we can know that God is all loving we can know that God is all-powerful we can know that God is all-wise we can know that God is sovereign he's in charge of everything and we can know that God is eternal and listen just because we may not have the full answer to a situation as big and as thorny and as naughty as this question it doesn't mean there isn't an answer in my studies I ran across this illustration I thought it was really good suppose I were to say to you you're over at my house and in my house I have a pup tent and I were to say to you hey I need you to go back in my backyard and look in the pup tent and tell me if there's a Great Dane in there so you go back in the backyard you look in the pup tent pup tents aren't very big you don't see a Great Dane you come back to say Jeff there's no Great Dane in the pup tent we can be about 99.99999% agreed that there's probably not a Great Dane in there because if you didn't see it he's not there Great Danes can't hide in a pup tent but what if I said to you hey I want you to go in there and see if there any little noseeums in there you know what a no seeum I didn't know what a no seeum was and no seeum is a little gnat it's a gnat that's so small it climbs through the screen and gets in to your house especially if you live up north and it will bite you you know see them but you feel so I say ghosts go see if you see any noseeums in there so you look in there and you like I don't see any noseeums you come back I don't see any noseeums but that doesn't mean there aren't any noseeums in there the reason they're called noseeums is cuz you know see them that's why they're called that so here's the thing when we come to God with this question we come and we expect there to be a Great Dane answer that we can all see and because we don't see a Great Dane we say well there must not be an answer therefore I reject the whole concept of God but how about if there are answers that you can't see strange other ways of God his ways are not our ways you know when Jove had the big problem with God because of all the suffering that came on him he began to ask questions of God he never sinned with his mouth he didn't describe one seamless seemingly Ness to God he didn't curse God as the devil said he would do the devil said God you do this to him a curse you to your face well Joel never did that but he wanted to know why all this was happening he came to God with all these questions and the Lord didn't answer him for many many chapters but when God does answer him in Chapter 38 of job this is what he says then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind and said who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge now gird up your loins like a man and I will ask you and you will instruct me where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth tell me if you have understanding who set its measurements since you know or who has stretched the line on it or on what were its basis sunk or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy where were you mr. Joe thinking you are entitled to so many things see we come with our little teacup mine to the Pacific Ocean we say I demand answer and God says you can't understand I can't put my mind into your little teacup so you're never gonna answer so what answers aren't enough just trust him and listen when you don't know trust the things you do know and what do we know God is all loving God is all-powerful God is all-wise God is sovereign God and God is eternal and I just trust the things I do know because those other things I know see them I don't know but I do know this so the question does not consider key facets of God's nature thirdly the question must be understood in the light of love in the light of love first Corinthians 13:13 but now abide Faith Hope Love these three but the greatest of these is love the supreme epic in the world is love the greatest ethic is love the greatest value is love that's why when Jesus was asked the question what is the greatest commandment he said it's to love God with all your heart all your soul all your strength and all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself on these two Commandments hang the whole law and the prophets everything hangs on love loving God and loving people those two things love is the supreme neck now in order to have love God has to give us free will love requires free will because without free will there cannot be true love see for us to freely love God we have to have a choice we have to be able to not love God if you don't have a choice then you God just makes you a robot you can't choose you just I have to love God why because there is no other option that's how he made me I just have to do this because that's how I made I can't do anything different but God didn't make us like that why because God wants us to love him freely he wants us to love him truly he wants us to love him not because we have to he wants us to love him because we want to because we choose to says in proverbs 23 verse 26 the Lord says give me your heart my son and let your eyes delight in my ways that's what God wants from you that's what he wants from me he wants our heart he wants our love he wants our devotion and he doesn't make us do it he invites us to do it he asks us give me your heart my son so if God made Adam and Eve with no free will then they wouldn't have sinned because they couldn't have sinned but then they wouldn't have been able to love God truly genuinely from the heart because in order to love him I have to be allowed to not love him in order to obey Him I have to be allowed to not obey Him because anything less than that is a robotic mechanical response well we know that in the Garden of Eden God gave one commandment don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for the day in the day you eat of it you will surely die all these fruit trees they could eat of any that they wanted because God is a good God but there's one that they couldn't eat from but we know the story in Genesis chapter 3 the devil came and deceived Eve and she ate and she gave to her husband with her and he ate and the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves from their nakedness and then when God came down they hid from the presence of the Lord because they were afraid their eyes were open and now they knew things they wish they had never learned you know they did know good and evil but here's the thing this is why God says that they were to obey Him and the devil played on the fact that if you eat of that fruit you your eyes will be opening you will be as God knowing good and evil and they did know good and evil but they couldn't know it like God knows it God is holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory how does God know the difference between good and evil everything is compared to his holiness and so if something comes that doesn't match up with his holiness that is evil that's what determines what is evil or not when God says don't lie he's not being capricious in the Ten Commandments God is truth and so lies are an abomination to God because they go against his nature and so the God evaluates everything based on who he is a human being can't do that why because we're not holy holy holy Adam and Eve were innocent in the garden they had never sinned but they could sin and when they did sin then everything the knowledge of good and evil they're comparing it to their sinful self and they're not able to distinguish in and of themselves what is good and what is evil it says in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin so death spread to all men because all sinned and it didn't take them very long to see the effects of sin as their son Cain kills their son Abel and they cry great big salty tears at the grave of Abel why did this happen they knew why it happened because they sinned and sin brought death into the world and we now live as children of Adam and Eve in the loins of Adam and Eve we live in a fallen world with terrible things that happen in this world and God had to make it like that with man having free will even though man could use that free will for evil because without free will there is no true love aspect number 4 the question must be understood not only in the light of love but in the light of God's plan God has a plan hate through one man sin entered the world in death and suffering through sin but through the god man Redemption and life and salvation entered the world and Jesus he's not immune to suffering a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and when he was in the gardens sweating blood praying father if it be possible let this cup pass from me the cup that was coming to him was the cup of all the sin of all the world past present and future right there boiled down concentrated in that cup and he knew if he drank that cup he was going to take on the sin of the world he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in him and Jesus went to the cross and suffered the wrath of man and suffered the wrath of God as God's fire fell on his own son who became sin for us now wasn't an afterthought with God it says in Revelation 13:8 that the Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world the Lord knew before he ever created this world that this world would sin against him God knows everything he knows the the end from the beginning and he knew that was going to happen and he knew that he was going to have to send his son that his son the second person of the Trinity would become a man and would have to die on a cruel Roman cross in order to redeem man and many people say well if God knew all that then why did he ever create this world in the first place because he saw down the road when it's all over when we're into the eternal State in Revelation chapter 21 and 22 and he sees a family of people who have chosen to love him and he said it's worth it it's worth it that's why he did it the Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world because he knew that would be worth it and Jesus experienced suffering in order to redeem us from sin and it says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 therefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people through his own blood suffered outside the gate he suffered outside the city on a hill called Calvary don't ever get the idea that Jesus is he doesn't feel for your suffering he's impervious to your suffering he doesn't know anything about your suffering he knows everything about your suffering he suffered more than any man because he suffered all the wrath of God in addition to all the pain that man could inflict upon the cross he suffered the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief let's listen when Peter three times denied that he even knew Jesus the Bible says the Lord turned and looked at Peter there's a look of wounded love he was betrayed by one of the twelve betrayed with a kiss don't you know that hurt he knows about pain he experienced the worst of suffering so he could redeem us from sin we have to think about the light or look at this issue in the light of God's plan see God uses suffering to teach us and to grow us he said why the suffering I mean I just wish God would take it away why do we have to go through all this because the sound rake routes used to say sing through it all through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus I've learned to trust in God if I never had a problem I wouldn't know that he could solve them I wouldn't know what faith in God could do you know there's a girl I read about who has a rare disease where she doesn't feel any pain her mother prays for her that she would be able to feel pain you say well wouldn't it be great if he had a body where you didn't feel pain no it would be very very dangerous if you had a body that didn't feel any pain you could put your hand on a stove and you wouldn't know it and your flesh could be burning you wouldn't know it you could step on a nail and never know it and and end up with a terrible horrible infection God uses pain in our body not to to us but to reveal situations and dangers and problems within us we wouldn't like to live in a world where our body didn't feel pain we would have a problem with that and so God uses sufferings and problems and pains and and the evil things that happen externally to us and and people doing things to us he uses all that uses it to teach us uses it to grow us Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 5 Peter writing to 2 believers who are going through a lot of suffering and difficulty in persecution he said your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour but resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world and after you have suffered for a little while the God of all Grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself perfect confirm strengthen and establish you how does God do that he does it through suffering how does the refiner of silver purify the silver he does it by turning up the heat and scraping off the dross and God does that in your life and he does that in my life and he does that through this thing called suffering and we don't like it but we need it and the greatest testimony that you can possibly give for Jesus Christ is to go through the fire and you're still praising him anybody can praise God when everything's going well nobody takes notice of that but when the bottom drops out and you're still loving the Lord and you're still praising the Lord and you're still serving the Lord everyone takes notice of that when Paul and Silas were beaten and put into the stocks and about midnight they were singing praises to God they were praying and singing praises to God and the prisoners were listening because you get everybody's attention when you're hurting and you're still trusting Paul said to the Lord I have this thorn in the flesh please take it from me and the Lord wouldn't take it from him pray three times take this thorn from me the Lord said Paul my grace is sufficient for you for my power is perfected in weakness in your suffering Paul said really Wow most gladly therefore I will rather boast about my weaknesses that the power of Christ may dwell in me God uses suffering to teach us and to grow us and to use us as a witness for him and then lastly our suffering will one day be swallowed up in glory says in Romans chapter 8 verse 18 for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed to us for momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison he says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 how awesome is that man you know we need to start living with eternity in mind because if we get caught up in the snapshot of I'm suffering and we're not thinking bad but what lies ahead we just think this is all there is then what do we do we join with mrs. job and we curse God and die let me tell you a story as I close out about a lady she was born on Christmas Eve in 1866 her name was Annie Johnson Flint Annie Johnson Flint was a poetess and a hymn writer but she had a very hard life her mother died when she was three her dad died not long after that she and her sister were taken to live with the another family the Flint's and that family loved the Lord and they trained Annie and her sister up in the ways of the Lord but then her foster family those parents died and she was just left her and her sister and they didn't have much money and then Annie got sick rheumatoid arthritis and it just took over her body she was a teacher but she could only teach for a short while before she couldn't even walk anymore she spent 40 years in a wheelchair or in the bed she had cancer she was incontinent she was all mangled and gnarled from the cancer suffered tremendously when she wrote the words of this hymn he giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater he send us more strength as our Labor's increase to added afflictions he had at this mercy two multiplied trials his multiplied peace when we have exhausted our store of endurance when our strength has failed ere the day is half done when we reached the end of our hoarded resources our father's full giving His only begun his love has no limits His grace has no measure his power has no boundary known unto men for out of His infinite riches in Jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again in the world you have tribulation jesus said but be of good courage I have overcome the world we're talking about life's big questions and the biggest question of all is this question have you personally received Christ as Savior and Lord if not today is the day for you all you have to do is pray this prayer from your heart Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost and I can't save myself but Jesus I believe your God in the flesh I believe you died on the cross for my sins I believe you rose again from the dead and right now Jesus I opened my heart to you I ask you to forgive me of all my sins be my Lord be my Savior I surrender all to you and I promise to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray that kind of prayer and mean it the Lord will come in and your life will never be the same I'd love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this broadcast to be a blessing in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you're important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the viewer supported broadcast ministry of dr. Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how badly you messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life you can find out more about the plan when you go - from his heart o Arjuna real true [Music]
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 8,568
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: X6-4fQZJwdU
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Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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