How Connor TRICKED His Parents to Eat Eel

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and then we went to Canada which I've never been to you went to kanazawa yeah why because it's kind of on the way yeah it's kind on the way so I drove there it's better than Toyama that's for sure yeah yeah I thought it was like a two-hour drive and I was like ah Church whatever it's a four hour drive it's long yeah and I was just like it's just a highway the whole time and I was losing my mind just driving straight for like four hours it sucked but we got there and then it started like pouring it down and holy [ __ ] because there's so many tourists in kanazawa really so many I know I know because I was kind of like one of those hidden tourist places uh I don't think it was hidden well hidden in the sense of like when you compare it to like Tokyo dude it's more busy than like uh like Osaka for tourism really it was crazy how many and you're the only person I know who's been to come along I I I'd never been before because I'd not heard much and then I was like okay well I should go because apparently there's this famous Park and stuff yeah yeah and I went there and I thought oh it's okay this way this is kind of boring actually I think in my head now I'm realizing yeah because all the stuff that people talk about that you can do in Japan is just stuff that's accessible only by like bullet training yeah exactly because like all the good stuff in my mind you have to like either drive to or get a train then drive yeah like oh genuinely like a lot of the really amazing and fun stuff in Japan you do have to rent a car or drive it's just so annoying I mean I mean I kind of like that because to me it means less tourists are there yeah I mean I I I wouldn't disagree but I would say the like if it's your first time in Japan you're going to be amazed by anyway but you know for people like living in Japan like us where we've seen a lot of like the more I guess like normal tourist stuff than more like some of the more interesting things you have to get to by car well I think that's why my parents enjoyed nigato a lot because it was like really quiet it was like no no foreign tourists at all yeah it's really Pleasant really good vibes very quiet and then we went to Canada's hour and it's like really busy and you know it's nice looking around the park and stuff but I I was like I was walking around this park and I was like damn thing like Shinjuku Park is better than this one and I was like and my parents thought that too and I was like oh [ __ ] I came all this way to this damn Park and I think shouldn't you be better yeah what else what else is there to do there in the park what is it famous I've heard I've heard so many like I know kanazawa is a really uh famous tourist attraction for a lot of Japanese people yeah there's a lot of um old shopping areas I think that are styled after Japanese stuff and uh that night I I one of my parents even though it's not famous for it you know it's you know uh Carlos I was famous for fish typically yeah right but I was like well we should try uh we should try um uh uh eel uh what's it called again and I wasn't going to tell them because my my dad had mentioned like a few days before he's like I don't like eel and I was like okay [ __ ] okay well oh I don't think this is ill it's not ill so I was gonna not tell them that it was eel yeah so I found this really nice unagi restaurant that happened to be a chain actually they had a few locations around Japan but it's really good and really good reviews uh and when there and I was okay cool I'm not going to tell them to you I'm going to order a bunch of stuff sure enough we sit down [ __ ] everything has eels on it like like theming wise like the Chopsticks have a giant eel the menu is one giant eel Scrolls and I was like all right what do they feel birds are like and it's all in [ __ ] kanji and I can't yeah but I know like what to order because I've been to an Aggie restaurant since yeah I got this so it's not a meal it's a mud fish yeah it's like a it's like an extended fish yeah yeah yeah it's like a Japanese fish that's only available and you know not a meal his premise is I I ordered like a bunch of Naggy and uh she's like no no you should get the unaki sharing thing what I've never heard of a negative sharing thing right there's basically one of those giant like in the cooking special where we cook that what you call it right giant Clay Pot oh yeah where they just put all your nagging and they put like three portions in that instead of doing three little boxes that sounds good and uh it was super [ __ ] good yeah my parents loved it they were like yeah this shit's good did you tell them afterwards yeah I told them I told him I was ill and they were like oh yeah we kind of figured it out who gave it away I just thought it was a fail yeah they were like oh it tastes like chicken I was like well okay but they loved it they had a great time uh and they I think they the kind of say I was all right I mean I was kind of like shoot because I was lame yeah but I think like for one day yeah is just like one of those prefectures you don't really hear a people going to and be like what's like known in that prefix because like you know Japan always has that thing of like oh in this prefecture we're famous for this this and this where it's like you hear about ishkan it's like what are you famous for it's like we have kanazawa it's like okay but what's this yeah I mean I I think it's I I feel like I've traveled enough of Japan now to be a bit uh be able to like kind of rate some of the places I mean I've got like a [ __ ] ton of places I feel like I can accurately tell you what's a fun place and what's not I guess I was okay also it was raining so it was also just coming up okay yeah yeah the day after uh how was that how many tourists yeah oh my god dude it because I I've only been to Kyoto now during the pandemic I've been three times during the pandemic and it's time it was slowly busier than the last it was never busy yeah like the first time I went and you can watch this in my um when I did the British town but yeah we it's in Kyoto this British town and we filmed at the Kyo mizudera the the the picture of Japan and every single tourist picture yeah yeah and and you can see in that video actually like we filmed it a thing and you can see in the background there's nobody there there's no one at this Temple um and it was it was like really cool and I thought oh this is kind of neat and I went there this time I was like I never want to go to kid I ever again this [ __ ] sucks like it's like shoulder to shoulder yeah the whole thing like you can't you can't do anything fun there was actually a pretty cool um Craft Beer Stand like right at the bottom of the street right before the kill music it was kind of cool it was and it's a good beer it was like standing thing it was kind of fun other than that but everything else was like okay the views were cool I think they enjoyed that um uh yeah we went around temples but dude I got recognized so much it's kind of like all right I felt bad for my parents because in the kill music we got stopped like nine times just walking around there's nowhere to go as well because this is like everywhere shoulder to shoulder but I think my parents kind of they they kind of got a kick out of seeing people recognize me they're like oh I've done this three times before yeah I would if my friends were like hey Connor let's go to Kyoto let's go look at Temple I'm like absolutely not like I I'll I'll come out and drink later yeah it's like have a good time no not because like I I I I don't want to get recognized I don't give a [ __ ] about that it's just a dude it's so busy for me I don't enjoy it even for people who are like okay in a crowd like just how packed Kyoto gets especially at Nara as well like those those like I think are like the top two places where it's like it's literally like going to an anime convention it's just like you're [ __ ] standing like this and it's like and you can't even get like a good view because you have to [ __ ] look over the heads of everyone it's just like is this is it an age thing where you just like I don't know if it is but it has been for me because I used to be like so up for like going into big crowds or you know seven age thing yeah yeah and then the the more older I got the less patience I had for like big groups of people to the point where now I I would do anything to just avoid it if I can I think it's an age thing because I think all three of us are there we're just like yeah okay here's if there's a giant crowd it needs to be something that makes the giant crowd in my mind worth the sacrifice yeah yeah yeah exactly something about this is like such moving but something about not being able to walk the pace I want to walk just just gets to me and it's just it's such a small thing but if you're a [ __ ] penguin walk right like yeah yeah if it's a little tiny baby steps yeah if you just penguin walk like uh because when we went to uh Shibuya like last weekend yeah and you were like uh where are you and uh I was like oh I'm just around the corner 10 minutes later he text me again being like where are you and I literally was just like penguin Walking In This Crowd I was literally just around the corner and I'm like Shibuya never again never [ __ ] again that that shoulders oh my God my parents went to shibiot and they told me it was too busy yeah yeah okay well yeah that's the point yeah like the crossing was really busy yeah of course it is yeah um and uh yeah every night we went out as well so cute we went out and luckily I had a friend who um was from Kyoto who I I hung out with a few times when I went last time and they'd show me a bunch of bars so it was great so I had a bunch of bars that I knew that were great yeah they were good vibes and I like it when they're like not on the street and a lot of these bars weren't so it's great because you can actually always get in yeah um and then um which if you cocktail bars and then I was like okay I got an idea I want to take them I just looked on my phone I was like is there an airsoft Barn nearby and there seems to be an airsoft bar in like every city yeah it was fun yeah and so we I found an airsoft bot it looks super Jank they did like tacos and shisha and Airsoft it's just like a weird combination it was in Kyoto about it it's really peaceful like Kyoto apparently The Nightlife area of Kyoto is like pretty wild like oh yeah it's very loud and touristy can't say I think in general is like very loud so I was like yeah I found this bar and I was like [ __ ] it let's go so I took my parents to the shooting bar and I'm like yeah pick a gun we'll go shoot we'll shoot it in the shooting range so I'm like you have a Japanese experience yeah not getting what's happening yeah my dad's like oh well I'll shoot this one my mom's like I don't I don't want to shoot anything just shoot a gun shooter so she picks like the like the Desert Eagle or something yeah and they they stick her in this range I think she really enjoyed it she was having a good time yeah I picked like the most big gun I was like give me the biggest one you got so the grenade launcher yeah they gave me like some giant assault rifle thing and I just started [ __ ] they were all like they were okay and I was like all right let me show you how I sound like I was like that's gaming and I did pretty good of course but yeah but more importantly uh there is such a weird bar and then after that I was like we've got to find some weird ass salary Man karaoke bar that isn't on the street right it's got to be on like the fourth floor yeah and I found this bar with it was this is a weird karaoke bar um there was like a mismatch of like there was like a tatami area with like game consoles and there was like lawn chairs in this other Corner because my parents wanted to do karaoke and at first they were like no no I don't want to do any songs and I was like yeah I'll sing I'll sing so sang and then eventually they were kind of like I guess we'll do one song and then they got two into it and I was like all right we're gonna go now stop stop queuing songs and she's like yeah we'll go we'll go and then as we're standing up my mom's putting in another [ __ ] song I'm like Mom we gotta go just one more song please yeah yeah and there's a lot of karaoke and the I think the Japanese uh bar owner was like what the [ __ ] is going what the [ __ ] is this because our friend came with us as well and he was [ __ ] awful at singing and he was screaming I of course Eugene would be of course of course he would be off pit he doesn't he doesn't strike me as a bit of a singer he was like all off Pitch screaming and then this guy was smoking his cigarettes before we came in in a moment when our friend started singing he was like all right I'm out see ya they just laughed and then I went in the toilet and it was I posted on Twitter the tiny ass uh toilet and I'm taking a piss and just a cockroach just walks over my foot and I was like yeah that seems about right yeah I was like oh God you're all right at home oh God you know I kind of love the vibe of those bars you find no I do I love them because you know there are so many bars nowadays where you know people think about oh what's the concept of this bar what's the selling point of this bar and then you find places like the airsoft shisha place and it's just like some guy drunk at 3am being like dude they were like just Bros yeah yeah super chill they were like what do you want to do yeah I was like I feel like opening a bar what should we have some like really nice ones really like good sit-down ones but also a bunch of weird ones yeah and the next day we uh oh dude like I was really shocked I my parents are like how are we getting to All Star girls like I don't know I'll figure it out in the morning it can't be and I took this for granted like I think people when they come to Japan like they feel really like intimidated by like transporting and getting places yeah and I guess because we've just done it so goddamn much it's like dude there's always a way yeah there's all you don't need to worry about it you can figure it out in the morning yeah and like luckily because I I knew that um uh I'll sucking Kyoto super close I was like yeah sure there's 30 minutes away yeah I'm sure there's like commuter trains that you can get so it's like don't worry about it and they happen to be a train station in like uh that had this train that went all the way there and it was more of like a kind of like a hybrid between a commuter train and like a shinkansen where it was like all the trains were laid out like uh like shinkansen's where you get like a seat and table yeah and I found this train I don't know why I'm gonna be like a train nerd for a second even though I don't normally care I so we went to this like normal ass train right and then we go down to the platform and there was like this kiosk on the platform where you could buy tickets to the premium car the green car not the green car because this is like a different line entirely right right they had their own branding and [ __ ] and it was like a kiosk it was like if you want to go in the premium car you're going to pay to upgrade here and I thought okay [ __ ] it let's see what it is so go up to the thing uh bear in mind this whole journey from uh Kyoto to Osaka it was like 300 Yen yeah uh because it's like a normal ass Transportation train super close um and so I thought okay well how much could it be like so I go to this thing and it's it's 500 yen to upgrade to this like luxury train I thought oh let's do it sure let's see what it is we get in dude it's like the nicest thing ever it's like this train is immaculate these seats are incredible and it had like a chauffeur in the [ __ ] seat I couldn't believe this thing wow I was like 500 yen in the UK this would cost like 400 quid yeah just to upgrade to this I was like holy [ __ ] dude it was so cool I just and I just got such a like that made me so happy just finding that out and that we just got on that thing and it was super nice and not the first class of commuter trains it's just randomly found this premium ass and I wouldn't have found it unless I just happened to walk past that section of the car because they had these two things so you could just pay with your suitcase upgrade it I thought dude that's sick and then the moment you walk onto the premium car there's like someone is like immediately like show me your tickets to the premium car he's all dressed up like a like really fancy yeah yeah this is sick this is so sick oh yeah
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 41,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: C9zunt7ev5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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