How Companies Bowing to China Affects YOU - NBA, Blizzard and MORE!

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------ Kow Tao'ed to China ------

16:13 - Dreamworks: Abominable - shows map of China including Taiwan

17:23 - Blizzard: Hearthstone Grandmasters- if you haven't heard of that fiasco, google it.

21:12 - Delta: Taipei no longer listed as "Taipei, Taiwan" and apologized to China (23:28)

24:06 - Apple: There's a whole other video about apple, but this one talked about Apple taking down apps that China finds confrontational. Recently, they took down an app that helps Hong Kongers avoid areas of conflict, put it back up after complaints, then took it down again after China complained about it.

28:48 - Audi: board meeting slide didn't include Taiwan; apologized to China for using an "inaccurate geographic map"

30:08 - Cathay Pacific: fired employees participating/liking posts about the Hong Kong protests, also agreed to give employee information to China for vetting if they are flying over Chinese airspace.

31:10 - Coach & Versace: got in trouble with China for not calling Hong Kong, "Hong Kong, China" and "Taipei, Taiwan", "Taipei, China"; apologized to China for inaccuracy

31:53 - NBA: big story, google it

37:43 - GAP: didn't include Taiwan in map of China t-shirt. Apologized.

38:42 - Marriott: Didn't list Taiwan as part of China, China got mad, Marriott apologized.

39:21 - Mercedes Benz: used quote from Dalai Lama, China got tilted. MB Apologized for using the quote.

40:17 - Nike: pulled Houston Rockets products

41:00 - Ray Ban: Changed "Taiwan" to "China Taiwan"

41:56 - Tiffany & Co: Made an ad that China saw as support for Hong Kong protesters (but actually completely unrelated); apologized and took down the ad.

43:18 - TikTok: is a Chinese company; Hong Kong protest, Tibet, Xinjiang etc. Content being removed/censored, even in the US.

45:33 - Vans: design contest winner disqualified for including Hong Kong Protesters in the design

46:57 - Paramount Pictures: Tom Cruise's jacket in the new Top Gun no longer has the Japanese and Taiwan flag.

49:48 - Zara: website listing "Taiwan, China"

----- Stood up to China -----

1:04:28 - South Park: just google it

1:06:04 - Ubisoft: refused to alter/censor their games for China

1:06:40 - Prague: deleted sister city status with Beijing, NYT article lists some other ways different parts of Czech Republic stood against China.

1:07:20 - Epic Games: made statement supporting free speech immediately after Blizzard fiasco (they are partly owned by tencent, which is a Chinese company, so take that how you will)

1:07:40 - Immutable: offered to pay prize money for BlitzChung after Blizzard fiasco

1:08:10 - Pocari Sweat: pulled ads that appeared pro-Beijing

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/rei_cirith 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey love winners it's loud e6 here I can't say with another video I can say with another stream instead of doing like a prefabbed video today I figured today would be a good day to do like a bit of a hangout I think I cut in there a little bit late so I'm going to say it again hey Lau when is this Lobby 6 year with another stream instead of doing like a premade prefab video today I figured I'd just hang out chat with you guys and always always every time I do a stream for this or for the podcast you get all the the people out there trying to claim that this was pre-recorded self as a live check trademark to see mail clarity 6 the live check is that you guys are actually chatting about football and basketball and you said the two-minute warning was life for football so you couldn't use it for my stream speaking of football my team the LA Chargers are doing very poorly and I'm not very happy about that this is how it's gonna work basically what I'm gonna do is get into the topic you guys are more than welcome to ask questions and then towards the end all get into some of those if there's any particularly spicy and awesome questions I'll break it up a little bit and chat to you guys too mmm might as well tell you guys one bit of drama and I don't want any tinfoil hat speculation and there's a reason I didn't put this out into the zeitgeist of Lao 86 and ADV media but one of the bigger tools and I'm very very sad to say this to share my content has been Facebook and a really terrible thing happened the other day was actually ironically when I was trying to play pokemon go with my daughter she's a huge fan of Pokemon and I tried to log in and it's connected to my facebook account and it said that my facebook account has been disabled I tried to contact people at Facebook I tried to contact Facebook I tried to appeal no response yet it is now five days so the Lao 86 Facebook is gone so I was my personal Facebook so if you guys you know go to the Lao d6 Facebook to actually see my concert wait for that area to be shared I like my videos and stuff I apologize I have no idea what's going on I think again I'm not gonna speculate or make some video saying like China's trying to shut me down or Facebook Mark Zuckerberg did it I will reserve judgment until I get a response as to why this happened it could be impersonation it could be a multitude of things but as of now if you want to get a hold of me the easiest way through like direct messages on slash Lau 86 otherwise just go to like the community tab here on laude 6 and you can get you know updates on what's going on I'll probably use that for the time being now what I wanted to get into today was there's the best way to put this is this is the first time that everything that me and Winston have been saying is actually in the spotlight I'm not talking about us personally but China I feel like a lot of you guys that follow our channels have a very good finger on the pulse of you know as to the goings ons going ons of China like what's happening in China how to interpret certain news you know political things like that we've always tried to stay away from stuff like that but recently we've had we've had so many meetings about this about how we're like morally conflicted we don't want to be a another news source but when you dedicate ten years of your live into China and you watch it palpably change from this very quaint and amazing inhospitable place to a very worrying trend a very worrying trend of events in the way that foreigners in particular are treated and the whole almost populist there the mentality is shifting towards believing and sting and latching on to state media and state opinion we almost feel like it's it just be immoral not to talk about it because there is a lot of misinformation on both sides there's a lot of misinformation coming from very what's it called sensational media in the West and there's almost zero accountability in terms of China state media of course we've seen a trend of them latching on to social media platforms that are blocked within China to share their message to spread soft power and propaganda and kind of change the Western mentality towards one party leadership in China which doesn't really have a whole lot of legitimacy and 2019 this type of government that suppresses its individuals and global dialogue and access to media and allowing their citizens to have their have informed their own opinions this type of government doesn't really fly in 2019 I think the rest of the world is succumbing a bit to things like corporate corporate censorship the rampant uptick and you know political correctness culture outrage culture cancel culture all this stuff is stuff that free countries have to deal with but the checks and balances at least at a basic political and government level are there I'm like I say to protect people it's just to make sure things don't get out of hand China doesn't have a rule of law China doesn't have a situation that allows growth outward growth in terms of opening of minds and creativity and things like that so that's the reason that we've been covering this kind of stuff number two the other reason is that we still have friends and family and people we talk to on a daily basis about what's happening and we never want to discount the Chinese opinion that maybe is a little bit against or a little bit more open-minded than the state-run opinion so to be a vessel of truth we can say you know for what a lot of people that can't speak up in China can't say to be a vessel of that is another responsibility that we've taken on so that's kind of the the reason for the shift and to go back to what I was saying this is the first time that you didn't have to go on Google News or whatever new source you use to you know propagate your news it's the first time you don't have to go on like Asia globe is a global or China tab the front-page news has had China on the front page for weeks and weeks and weeks now and it almost takes a more basic media to allow China to enter you know an important sector of someone's mind that maybe just sent it past either a passing interest or no interest at all in at all I'm not gonna say it all kicked off with a huge huge bit of this kicked off with a whole South Park thing if you guys haven't seen the South Park episode called banned in China I believe they uploaded it for free so that everyone can see it this really shifted the world's I'm gonna say America's attention to China and really poked a bear named Winnie the Pooh poked the bear of corporate censorship to appease China to be able to enter the Chinese market to be competitive in the Chinese market and there's been a slippery slope I mean if we're totally honest the world that we live in today is completely interconnected it's a network of trade it's a network of purchases and the success of a company the success of a corporation is dictated by whether or not people you know like the products I feel like in the 80s and 90s when I was growing up people were very disconnected with the corporations around them but because of social media because of things I'm not going to say Facebook because they screwed me over things like Twitter things like messaging apps the fact that people have information at their fingertips at all times means that people nowadays can make much more informed decisions about what they're buying so when you hear about that I remember growing up there would be some some pieces on Dateline or on BBC or whatever about sweatshops in Vietnam or China and this is where your Nikes are coming from but if those stories are few and far between and that type of media was not just constantly available there wasn't access to the Internet so people make more informed purchases now and that's why we see the kind of dirty deeds of these corporations from you know very quickly after these decisions are made it's very easy to leak information out of these things so basically the Southpark thing put into the psyche the idea that there are corporations operating out of our countries and I'm assuming you know there's many Chinese viewers but if you're not Chinese out of our countries that I like to pride themselves on operating on Western values on values of freedom values of morality it's all laughable obviously because we all know corporations you know by and large innately are for profit right and morals can go out the window at that point but the problem is is that these corporations are so intertwined into our daily doings into our daily actions into our freedom of speech into the things the way we communicate even and even in some cases if you talk about like Australia or something even politically as well so when you have a one-party state like China that demands almost emperor style demands certain standards or things not to be said or completely avoiding some topics or markets or changing their entire philosophy just to be able to enter that Chinese market to get even a small percentage of some of that China gold you're seeing corporations doing that and again like when it doesn't affect your daily life when it doesn't enter your entertainment when it's not something palpable or something that you can see or feel or touch it's not something that the average person is going to care about it's kind of like the whole sense censorship theory right it's like when I NSA was the whole thing blew up and when people said well now the government's tapping in your phones this kind of rhetoric it bothered a lot of people especially people that are a bit more tech savvy and you know social media apps but the average person let's say the average 56 year-old person is gonna have this theory that well I'm not doing anything wrong so what I have to worry about right this kind of theory is propagated it's it's snowball right when you have a situation now where corporations have to take their media or whatever product they're making and adjust it for the Chinese market it has snowball effects on that that you know product that you're actually consuming so I've been doing a lot of research after this whole South Park thing blew up and now people are talking about China and they basically if you haven't seen it they put the idea out there that corporations will do anything to sellout and censor themselves for Chinese money for Communist Party of China money or approval from their censorship board people started talking about it people started digging a little deeper and it was almost a perfect storm of events that came out when you had blizzard and NBA kind of rolling out of the situation with their head between their knees saying like what the hell are we gonna do now so I'm gonna go in I basically covered a bunch of I have some notes here I covered a bunch of companies that I thought were especially guilty of doing this and this is not a video to call people to boycott certain products or anything like that but just to be aware that corporations that do this do shape the political landscape and the social landscape you know people like us that live in countries that are not dictated by one person that tells you what you can say or do and that when you allow certain technologies and things like that into your sphere into your your country's system it's a slow process but it does it does snowball like I said it does affect your way of life and we're gonna talk about how and why each one of these companies have done that just quickly though what I'm gonna do is I saw some super chats pop in here so right before I get into these just to make this a little more of a social experience and also say thank you so much to you guys that are supporting me also my last video was demonetized the one where I took the piss out of the American government funnily enough Austin Mickelson thank you very much the situation with LeBron makes no sense that's the first one of the first things I'll get into so hold your horses and thank you very much for that Jason stork thank you for making a channel and giving us another source of information please keep it up literally the only reason I'm I'm still doing this right now is because it's so it's a depressing world we live in not in reality but in terms of the media we consume you're made to feel bad and I'd prefer my information with a dash of truth and I've said this way too many times but you can have good journalism you can have journalists from major news outlets and things like this that are China experts and I am by no means a China expert but you'll have these China experts that will go over there and do a piece in Beijing for five days they don't speak the language they have a translator there's so much loss in translation you cannot understand unless you spend any time in China and speak fluent Chinese but there's so many things lost in that process that unless you've spent a ton of time there I kind of understand how things work you're not going to get the whole picture and I'd like to at least give people you know part of that picture so I appreciate that Jason Gail nipson says LeBron I'm not going to read that but yes we're going to be talking about LeBron tipica cesses Shalom from Rome Utica New York I'm actually from upstate New York myself so it's nice to see a fellow upstate are out there we are very misrepresented in this in America okay cool up sorry there's one more recycled says we give our lives from the founding of our country until now defending democratic ideals giving up the fight insults everyone who paid that price I mean that's a very deep way to look at it and I would tend to agree with you but now that we're all caught up I want to say thank you to everyone that's just tuning in now we're gonna go through some of the biggest offenders now the first one I wanted to talk about is from the 1930s there lots of examples of the way that Western companies are Hollywood in general really has capitulated to foreign governments especially their censorship boards just to allow those films or media to be consumed in said countries so in the 1930s Hollywood actually allowed German censors to censor scripts remove references to Jewish people and the credits things like that just to kind of push their narrative right so this is not the first time we've seen something like this there's obviously a long tradition of this stuff happening but it's now so easy to find out who is who's doing this right the first offender that just came out the movie movie abominable there is a scene where they actually show China a map of China and there is a nine - actually a 10 - line this one surrounding the South China Sea and all the territory that China claims now you don't have to have an opinion on this topic but it's obvious that this was included to capitulate to China because Taiwan is included in here which you know claims itself as a sovereign nation something that we've talked about at length but when a movie I believe it was put up by DreamWorks goes out of their way to make sure they can enter the Chinese market by putting a map up that you could potentially alienate millions and millions of people but in a trade off be allowed into a country with over a billion people for profit it shows you you know how petty this can go why why include the map at all right why have that in your movie so that's just the tip of the iceberg I'm gonna pull up the pictures right now we're gonna go through some of these examples the first one that a lot of you guys know about is Blizzard and Activision so for those of you not in the know it is a video game company video game producer and they have a lot of a lot of foothold in eSports in particular this game called hearthstone which is a car game and it's competitive so people that are participating in the eSports they're being live-streamed they are playing for tournaments they are playing for pots they're playing for money right now in this competition blitz Chun here he was a competitive hearthstone player from Hong Kong he was finishing up he had won the tournaments for a $10,000 prize he was in contract with Blizzard he put on the you know traditional getup of the Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters with his goggles and his facemask and he he let out a phrase that said basically support Hong Kong support Hong Kong democracy I know that the average mainlander is not going to approve of this message but it is his opinion although it did break blizzards terms of agreement basically saying you can can't include any politically motivated messages the backlash that he faced after this sorry that blizzard faced after this was insane I don't think I saw any opinions out there that at least Western opinions non Chinese opinions that said that this guy should have been punished so this kind of made this huge storm all these memes came out they were going into other Blizzard games like overwatch and actually reclaiming some Chinese characters that were put in there to capitulate to China in making them examples of Hong Kong democracy and Hong Kong freedom protesters and in an effort to remove blizzards you know foothold in China with the eff with the idea that maybe China would ban them completely in retaliation for silencing this Hong Kong man's freedom of speech and I mean this it's insane how quickly this happened but the NBA scandals happened like pretty soon after that and it caused a lot of other companies to kind of rush to the forefront and say listen we don't care how much money there is in China for our game Network for our game producers and potential market they rushed to the scene saying listen we're not going to do this we're not going to pull up and Blizzard is reeling absolutely reeling there's even rumors that at their convention Blizzcon on they're not going to allow people to wear winnie-the-pooh costumes which is commonly associated with the press are a chairman of China because he looks like him allegedly so it's going that deep and people are are now really really up in arms and still trying to delete their Blizzard accounts and things like this so when you see something that affects I have this theory when you see something that affects a probably tech savvy consumer base we're talking gamers here it really brings the issue to light and I mean the Hong Kong protesters probably couldn't have asked for a better although it's a negative thing couldn't have asked for a better wake up call or wake-up call to give to other people around the world that haven't been paying attention to the Hong Kong protesters that are trying to decouple themselves from the influence of Beijing in China so that was the first boo-boo I think is that when you have a young savvy base of people that kind of understand what's going on and even if they don't they will look into or have the means to look into it that was a big blunder on their part and the next one I have here I have here is the American Airlines and Delta this one might not seem like a massive deal to people not in the know about the whole Taiwan versus mainland China thing to make a long story short mainland China Communist China lays claim to Taiwan it's a small island nation of the coast that is where the Nationalist Party I don't mean like nationalist in today's sense they were called the Nationalist Party the Guam in dong that is where they fled to during the Civil War and established or continued their government that was the ruling party of the entire China now now that they're there you know democracy has blossomed they went from a thuggish dictatorship to a very very transparent democracy and China does not like that example because you have an island nation of Chinese people that speak Chinese that have Chinese and culture whereas mainland decimated that during the Cultural Revolution and has promoted communist values or authoritarian values so when you have a successful example of what could have happened it makes time to look really bad no at least the leading party the Communist Party so the whole time one thing has become a contentious issue because although not usually internationally recognized because of the one China policy although not internationally recognized Taiwan morally a lot of people and companies have sided with the fact that Taiwan has its own currency has its own government has its own transparent democracy health care system you know voting all the the tell-tale symptoms of a functioning democracy Taiwan has and you know it's it's per person capita richer than China way better social benefits ironically from a country that is not communist it's always been a thing in the back of people's minds that yeah maybe we should support Taiwan China gets up to some really really bad human rights atrocities so nominally we will call it a country American Airlines in Delta were pressured by Beijing you can see here previously I don't even know where I'm pointing here previously it used to say Taipei Taiwan so the city the capital city and then followed by the country we're and now you know the way it says Taipei and then it's blank so they removed that and they also apologized they said sorry to China we did not mean to question your sovereignty and this is this is a thing you don't have to have an opinion on it's just very petty it's when these kind of issues come to light that other companies have to capitulate just to do business so as not to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people it's a dangerous and slippery slope I mean what's next right so what are the next demands gonna be so this is this is what happened with them next we have this is this is a big one at least you know from the Hong Kong side Apple you know very moral company that Apple is I got to be honest with you I'm changed and I'm not changing my mind about how the company was ran but I do use Apple products to to edit and produce my videos I I love Final Cut that's the editing software I use but it's pretty damning there there are abuses of this whole topic that we're talking about are they're very widespread all you have to do is is look up Apple in China and just figure out what's going on there I was always a bit of a weird thing when China blocked all Google and Android services and censored them within China when I had an Android phone I thought it was quite weird that when I got an Apple phone I couldn't use Google Maps anymore hold those apps but then when I had an Apple phone I could use pretty much all of the apps they weren't censored until I found out that you know Apple actually made a separate national based China only app store for Apple so it's the block apps that shouldn't be available in China that the government deemed you know confrontational or illegal within China so I it's very strange because I kind of when being and China kind of understood that not not agreeing with it but I was so used to the censorship within China it was like okay whatever but this picture behind me this is actually an app that was it was developed I can't I think it was something they were unnamed so as to avoid authorities but right now with the Hong Kong protests the riot police and the police in general the general opinion is that they're getting out of hand and there's a lot of retaliatory retaliatory violence on both sides because people are getting pissed off with the way this is being dealt a lot of people are under the impression that the Hong Kong police force is having their strings tugged by Beijing which I tend to sign to that idea just from the evidence being put forward and the fact that I have Hong Kong family there that are very much sympathetic to the protesters but anyway long story short they they put out this app to alert people where the police are to avoid confrontation if they're going to protest and a lot of these protests have been fully legal they've had their permits and stuff but they still get cracked down on tear gas left and right people have been shot now so these protests they need a place to happen and these people develop this app so that Hongkongers could feel safe in the way that they they protest and where they choose to do so now should the Chinese government wait ape they were like there's absolutely no way that you are allowed because we own Hong Kong you are allowed to help people you're creating a dangerous situation because we won't know how to calm down the protests anymore everyone cried a foul they were like this is absolute humidity know where they can protest safely otherwise the movement will be stopped people need to know where to avoid dangerous areas and Apple brought it back of all things Apple brought the app back I think there was enough backlash from the international community that this this was tarnishing apples reputation then there was even more pushback from Beijing the tweets flew everyone was getting up in arms in mainland China about it and just to keep that Chinese market Apple again remove the app and I'm safe to say a lot of people in Hong Kong are incredibly angry about this incredibly pissed off and it's just one of those examples of how a seemingly innocent and useful app for people's safety could be removed just for the Chinese market just for the the Communist Party of China to be happy with Apple being in their country so that was a bit of a blunder and a very big tarnish on you know American we can say ideology you know democratic ideology they Apple also removed the Taiwanese flag which is the original Nationalist Party flag that they use in Taiwan the Republic of China they removed that emoji from Hong Kong and Macau iPhones or Apple products in general so when you type in Taiwan it doesn't pop up with that flag anymore very very petty but again one of those things a lot of people are going to notice and most people probably won't talk about another thing this is this is how insane this actually gets this is an Audi board meeting so outie that German car manufacturer huge market for Audi's in China I believe a lot of government officials love the Audi a6 extended wheelbase so there's extra room in the back for people because it's more fancy and China to get driven around rather than driving anyway they're at a board meeting and they threw up a map of China here and because they didn't include Taiwan you can see this is where Taiwan supposed to be according to the CCP and then also parts of Shenyang on the on the far western side and also parts of Tibet they they used a map obviously didn't do enough research you know at least that's probably what they claimed and a lot of Chinese people got up in arms they absolutely went insane and they had to literally put out a public statement and apologize to China for using a geographically incorrect map and again like what it what are the Audi consumers in Taiwan feel about this it's it's so petty and it's not even it wasn't even a public thing it was an internal board meeting that pissed off enough people in that room because they their eyes can't bear to see a map missing a contentious area that they lay claims you absolutely insane the next one that I'm gonna go into this is a you guys probably know the the flight company Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific is a Hong kong-based company and bi and like for all intents and purposes Hong Kong is a free country I mean if you look at any freedom indexes or I can say territory Freedom Index is about Hong Kong it's way up there financial freedom property freedom freedom speech there's a reason a lot of journalists are based in Hong Kong when they report on China Cathay Pacific said that anybody participating in the pro-democracy protests would be fired or suspended a lot of people were very very angry about this obviously cafe did this to hold on to their ties with China a huge market for them they fly in and out of China in China obviously within these internal meetings is you know going to punish people that you know tend to agree with the Hong Kong protesters the next one this is coach and Versace very big luxury brands within China huge market for them amongst the second generation rich people in China they included locking it here they included Hong Kong and Taipei Taiwan is separate territories from China instead of saying Hong Kong China or Taipei China they got punished for that and they had to apologize saying that they designed a serious inaccuracy very similar case here was with Gap you guys all remember the Gap thing that we talked about maybe you do they did the same thing they forgot to include Taiwan on a map just like the Audi thing and yeah everyone was like boycott gap burned down the Gap stores blah blah this is the big one that everyone's talking about right now over here we have Mori and we have LeBron James if you're familiar with MB a massive huge influential NBA player now Mori is the general manager of the Houston Rockets he is not gonna say a spokesman for them but like he is when he says something about his team or says something in general it's going to get publicity especially when you think about the fact that the MBA is by far and large the one of the most important attributes of a Chinese males life if you have been to China if you go to China you will know that one of the most important things to a Chinese young male is to watch NBA or play basketball now China has its own basketball association called the CBA then do a couple games myself but it is nowhere near as popular as the NBA everyone knows the NBA everyone's got their favorite teams and the utmost most popular team in China is the Houston Rockets and that is because yeah Ming played for them right so you have the general manager he popped out a tweet saying he supports Hong Kong the Hong Kong protesters the democracy movement in Hong Kong everyone went crazy you saw China going into what's it called like MBA shops and plastering up any Houston Rockets logos they eventually banned preseason showings of the NBA within China it was a dumpster fire and it again this is just like the South Park thing it took something very very consumable for the average person to start paying attention to what's happening and maybe get on Google and figure out what this Hong Kong democracy protest is all about something that China's trying desperately to keep quiet or change opinion on so when you have somebody that you know it could be you could could be said to be a mouthpiece for the Houston Rockets saying something like this you're not gonna want to see what happens in China you know the government's reaction is something like this so in an effort to kind of calm this down and hope in the hope that they don't lose the entire China market on I don't know who made this decision but LeBron James of all people came out and made a public statement saying that Maury was uneducated on the issue and it was not his you know it's it should never be anyone's intention to hurt anyone's feelings or spirits or all this kind of absolute malarkey insanity coming out of his mouth to the point where I don't even know if he knows what he's saying I get that these NBA players have to go to China and they can't be accountable for for these decisions that may be the statements from the general manager or what the one-party state of the Communist Party of China dictates is it's good or not or allowed or not but to say that Maury was uneducated on the issue is is just laughable because I don't know if LeBron had talked to anyone about this I don't know if he realized this was going to go on Western media because by and large most people are sympathetic to the Hong Kong protesters doesn't matter what opinion I have or you have the average person is going to hear the word democracy or movement or something at this and just be on the side of the underdog you got this massive communist giant that's trying to completely subdue an entire populace of seven million people the average Western person is going to sympathize with that underdog that is fighting for values that they you know they themselves might have so - for LeBron James to go out there and make this kind of statement I don't know if the NBA decided to dictate this but now you're having people just absolutely going crazy for this t-shirt saying free Hong Kong like pro-democracy protests t-shirts to the point where they're actually ejecting people in American based games a Philadelphia and stuff for holding up signs for a free Hong Kong and bringing awareness of this issue the only thing this did I can say more is tweet and then pulling it down and then having a LeBron makes a statement like this has just brought so much sympathy in awareness to the plight of the Hong Kongers right now I just I'd like to believe that people's PR like our company's PR branches and PR groups are not that stupid it's just insane if you wanted to save the Chinese market you would have let this fizzle out maybe it was a demand from Beijing maybe it was a demand from up top saying you know you need to because China has this history or not history China has this tendency to put out soft-power propaganda that's very laughable and unbelievable to the average Westerner thinking that it's going to sway opinion and it doesn't so maybe it was an order from up top again I'm not gonna blame LeBron James for making such a ridiculous pigheaded statement because I don't necessarily think those were his words but definitely look into it if you haven't already it's it's really brought I think it's China's nightmare the fact that all of these kind of issues that have been contained before because no one is really talking about it are now in the public eye for every person it's it's on it's gonna be unmanageable if this fire doesn't get put out and it's very interesting to see a lot of the truths come out surrounding the way that China is governed the things that people have to do the things that I've lived through ten years just to be able to be in China the things I've had to put up with and and since self-censor are now coming to light and becoming a you know dinner table conversation for the average family I think it's very very interesting next let's move on this one sorry I mixed up the slides this is the Gap t-shirt if you guys missed it you can see there's no this is the corrected version with Taiwan but on their t-shirt over here you can see there's no Taiwan over there they actually had to go out and apologize for that and of course people's daily is Twitter which is blocked in China just remember this the People's Daily is the government mouthpiece of China they're using you know Western freedom of speech Twitter to put out this and brag about the fact that they excuse me that they apologize for this Marriott the hotel group they also this one is insane just that their apology is insane they listed Taiwan Hong Kong and Macau as separate countries because they have separate legal systems there's different customs there's a different border check there's you know there's different attributes to these territories that would designate them isn't necessary to differentiate from mainland China on the drop-down menu if you're booking something this is Mhairi international respects of sovereignty and territorial integrity of China we don't support separatist groups that subvert the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China we sincerely apologize for any actions that may have suggested otherwise so you've you've now effectively labeled everyone in Macau Hong Kong and Taiwan is a separatist who wants to subvert and tear away from the mainland just to keep your hotel chains in in mainland China huge profit margins I understand how this goes but again brought to public light now for one of the first times we're actually getting people talking about this stuff next we have Mercedes Benz I'll be telling absolute big fan of Mercedes I like old Mercedes I you know you guys probably know I'm a huge car fan they actually used a quote from the Dalai Lama says look at situations from all angles and you will become more open one of the biggest enemies of state from mainland China is the Dalai Lama because he is a religious figurehead over the people of Tibet a territorial claim that China makes and holds on to with militant force if you want to see what real it's almost like North Korea there if you want to see what real oppression looks like everyone grew up hearing Free Tibet for four good reasons but when Mercedes put this out a seemingly innocuous character like the Dalai Lama someone that's looked at with a fairly positive light from the general populace of the world immediately had to apologize for including him because Mercedes has such a big market share in mainland China as well next we have Nike Nike pulled in all their main stores in mainland China and my friends were telling me that they pulled any Houston Rockets apparel so this is all tied in to the whole Maury LeBron James debacle so they pulled all this stuff again I saw them just completely using red paint to cover any Houston Rockets logos which are prevalent around China a lot of rockets fans there so Nike also we can say guilty of capitulating just to keep their their money in China Ray Ban this is kind of interesting Ray Bans a very old company from the 1800's very expensive overpriced sunglasses but they're cool Ray Ban is ubiquitous I mean it's it's a household name for pricey sunglasses basically but they were forced to change we could see in the bottom I actually went to the website you can see in the bottom corner it says China Taiwan instead of China you know and separating it from Taiwan or Republic of China weirdly enough they actually use the Republic of China flag but yeah this is China Taiwan just claiming it as a province of China again luxury brands are exceptionally susceptible to this self-censorship or apologizing to China for hurting their feelings because of the massive luxury market that the top 1% of of Chinese people actually buy into constantly the the new wealth means a lot of erratic spending tendencies of the wealthy Chinese so you have a lot of these companies that are like if we lose out in this market where are we going right we need some of this new money this one is is pretty interesting this is Tiffany and company I believe it was also related to another company but Tiffany and company this is a big one for them these are the Hong Kong protesters you see a write-up of above me here there was a girl who had her she's permantly blinded in one eye by police in Hong Kong while peacefully protesting so in not retaliation but in a symbol and symbolism for the sympathy of the protesters around the world a lot of people are doing this covering up their I think to bring attention to the fact that she had lost her eye in a peaceful protest at the mercy of a of a police officer right potentially controlled by Beijing no Tiffany who actually shot this photo before any of this happened ironically had this which is a completely different put up this ad not thinking about the potential blowback because with China you actually you can never know what is going to be considered offensive it's like a flavor of the week type situation so they had to apologize and they had to say this was in no way a political statement of any kind which is just shows you how far this can go like it's not related to the protests whatsoever but even something like this was enough to get a Western company to shut up or retract tik-tok is a big one tick-tock I think I'm gonna I'm gonna assume that the world knows that tick-tock is a Chinese company it's called doughy in Indo Yin or tick-tock is a short video app basically you can record yourself for a certain amount of seconds it's very meme driven there's a lot of trends and you go on it it's a very good time diversion and a lot of youngsters are chasing I sound like an old man a lot of younger people are chasing tick-tock Fame and because of this bite size is almost like super hyper consumable and forgotten about media sphere that we live in today so tick tock is this very quick fast food you know app that people are using very very popular in the West and this is one of the first things that is actually fully owned and operated by to mainland China that has really taken off especially with the young people no tick-tock finally enough despite the fact that they say that they will adhere to whatever country's laws that the app is being used in so of course if you're using dough Ian or tick-tock in China it's gonna have all of its stuff censored or looked at or removed if it's considered offensive but even in America and in other Western countries they were having content removed that talked about the Hong Kong protests about today about shinjang about the disappearing Muslim minority in in China all this concept was getting removed and censored outside of China's borders so this has become a huge thing a lot of a lot of things that I've been seeing float around a social media right now is that you know forget about blizzard and NBA they're gonna sort their stuff out you can boycott them if they want to but the biggest thing to boycott is tik-tok because this is like a active suppression of the actual content it's not one player said this one general manager said this this shows the true evil nature of this company this is a company that's legitimately stopping the free flow of media so a lot of people up in arms about tik-tok Nexus vans I have a very good video idea about this one but if I if I release the details about it now I don't I was gonna pan out I'm gonna try if I talk about it right now then it's never gonna come into fruition because like the censor board will be ready for me but vans put out a competition to design their next shoe design right so people could submit their design I believe this is the winner by popular vote and this is the Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters on the shoe itself they removed the winning design they were eliminated I'm not hundred percent sure of this one but it had a very sizable amount of votes and they completely removed it and I have a statement here they said van said as a brand that is open to everyone we have never taken a political position and therefore review designs to ensure that they're in line with our company long-held values of respect intolerance as well as our clearly communicated guidelines for this competition they should have removed the line of companies long-held values of respect in Laurance how many hearts and minds are you gonna win when you're claiming that the one-party state of China the Communist Party of China is the tolerant one and that the pro-democracy mostly student protesters in Hong Kong are the ones that are being wronged the ones that are overstepping their boundaries very poor PR and vans vans is front I'm very confused as to why this one didn't really blow up in the media I'm gonna address that one later though in a future video potentially if I can pull it off it's gonna be funny though and next you guys might have heard this this is Viacom and Paramount Pictures you can see the original screenshot here from Top Gun right next to me here it's got a picture of the American flag it's got Taiwan and Japan's flag as the three national flags on there now this would be considered offensive to China number one because they hate Japan the Communist Party of China has always pushed an anti-japanese rhetoric due to historical problems atrocities that Japan committed against China and never formally apologized for you have Taiwan's flag the Republic of China obviously related to the emissions that the the US Air Force was was doing at the time it was part of the movie you can see in the remake here they've actually removed the Japan and Taiwan flag and replaced them with something I'm not even familiar with so as to be allowed into the Chinese market so a scene that could potentially last for a couple seconds within the movie had to be completely altered something so petty as a patch on a jacket had to be altered just to be allowed to be shown in mainland China and that's the important thing about talking about this kind of stuff it may seem petty and not worth mentioning but this is the the level that China operates at if you use this example of removing a patch from a jacket so as to be palatable to a Chinese audience or allowed by the Chinese government censorship board you're talking about a populace that's been blocked off completely completely from any sort of varied opinion from a different country from a different perspective so to say that China's brainwashed is a complete understatement you're looking at a populace from Education all the way to adulthood now that has little to no access the outside world even people that use VPNs to go across the Great Firewall to communicate with people abroad they are limited from birth because they are brought up on home grown apps homegrown textbooks homegrown everything homegrown opinion that China's opinion is the number one Authority in the world and what they need to believe comes from the government the government is inseparable from their country there are Chinese and they support the party so when you're brought up from from zero all the way to adulthood using no alternative to this to the state media what do you think is gonna happen to your psyche I mean if I was born in China right now I'd probably be super nationalist as well I'm not a special snowflake you know it's it's a there were a product of our environment so when you see such petty examples like this you can kind of understand how bad it actually goes you can kind of open your mind to well maybe this affects a lot more than just you know Tom Cruise's patch I got a one more here this is Zara they did the same thing as Ray Ban where they listed I actually went on here you can see the web site here when I go on here and try to go on the Taiwan Zara clothing website it says yes continue on to Taiwan China and they have to live list Taiwan as a part of China as well as ours massively popular in mainland China huge market there and that this is these are basically the companies that I saw that we're making kind of gross gross examples of what I've been saying for years and things that if you're you know inclines it to care about things like this things that you should be paying attention to there's obviously a lot more out there you know there's there's board meetings that we don't have access to there's situations where we don't we don't know what's going on you know what I mean but anyway I'm gonna do a couple super chats here and I'm gonna get into the white list of countries and things that I was kind of impressed with what they did excuse me on some water um by the way I've chosen Beijing footage for this video I thought it was quite apt excuse me hardwood thank you very much says it bothers me that LeBron and NBA are not supporting Hong Kong all in the name of money it's quite simple can you expect an entire corporation that has countless employees and it spokespeople it's its players can you expect them to all stand up in unity and say enough greed we need this certain percentage of the China we don't need this certain percentage of the Chinese market maybe if we pull out or we make our statement in solidarity maybe it will actually touch the hearts or fans or even push them into a direction of looking at a different perspective can you imagine if the entire NBA set up as a listen this is enough we we can't completely alienate seven million people in Hong Kong and the values they stand for which should be the values that we have as well growing up as Americans the idea that everyone is equal the idea that people have the right to their own opinion religion everything all these things that Chinese people don't have within mainland China can you imagine if they all stood up and started supporting that there is absolutely no way that the Board of Directors and the people actually controlling the money have their hearts in that much of a right place to completely forfeit that market right so it's disappointing and it bothers us and it is it should the people that actually sympathetic this situation but what do you expect I mean like give me give me a list of ten corporations that are completely without moral reference right like completely without wrongdoing corporations by and large by their nature are structured for-profit right and if the profit means we can say selling your soul to a country that completely abuses brainwashes and treads on their own citizens do you think in a real in the real world in a real situation that that's that's even a positive that these companies would would you know think twice about this the only thing and to finish off on your on your statement here is the only thing is that people can that people can hope for is that there is enough pushback amongst the customers that actually matter and I mean this from a purely business basis an MBA customer someone who buys merchandise MBA who pays for the channels who allow them to watch the games that people who buy the tickets to the games within America I believe are worth over 30 times more than the average and be a customer in China right so if you have an American customer that feels alienated and does not want to support the franchise anymore that loss of customer is like losing 30-something Chinese customers the problem is this is not a democratic company its corporations are not necessarily democratic right so you have a few people at the top that are massively profiting from the China side there will be a team of people in control of the China market there they have a lot of influence in the company much more than you know the people below them so in a situation where you have a few people I don't know how many but a few people in charge of the China sector that are fighting tooth and nail to make sure that they get to hold on to that instead of being the moral you know the moral character and saying you know what maybe Chinese people maybe Chinese people are human maybe they do deserve to have their own opinion you know it's not forcing American ideals down their throat it's allowing them to have access to two different opinions and this is something that gets me so pissed off when I have debates and arguments with people they've never had any sympathy for China at all in the past but they like to pull this rhetoric that Oh Chinese culture is different you can't just go out there and criticize the way that the country runs because they like things differently and it's just the most infantile excuse I've ever heard and it's something that boils my blood because I have an utmost deep love for the people in China especially the people that are my freakin best friends people that are my family people I talk to every single day I speak Chinese I actually know the country right when people go and claim that oh they deserve to have their own system this is the most immoral thing you've ever heard it's basically a saying yeah Chinese people are not human and I support that ideal right they deserve to have a completely authoritarian government that doesn't allow them to say or do or participate in the international sphere that's what you're saying right so yeah I totally agree with you it's super disappointing but we can only hope that the average consumer is aware of this guy seven that's why I put out this videos when a company does make a statement it's unfortunate but it's a lot more powerful than the average man the street holding up a sign so the hope is that these companies can look at their very very profitable consumer base have a very big dialogue and say listen guys we have a chance to make a change here is that gonna happen I don't freaking know cool Teresa Wong says do you have a favorite restaurant in Shenzhen jeez so much engines a great place to eat because everyone is from different areas of China I had a fit I'm not gonna say a favorite restaurant but there's an area that's all street food and seafood barbecue I absolutely love it I believe it's actually in of all places in Schad Jing which is a very rundown and and and pretty gross area but they have this massive street with tons and tons of amazing Street barbecue you can just sit down any of the tables and get beers and all that kind of stuff so check out staging right downtown there Ralph says super champ for super hair thank you very much I finally got a haircut enough of you complain you said enough of the frizzy weird you know I can't somebody said my hair looked like an erection or something I didn't do it for you I did it for me M graces where you staying during the mayhem and do you think the opinions of Chinese foreigners living in the u.s. of the protest um believe it or not actually had the opportunity I'm staying in LA but I will be I'll be headed off somewhere pretty soon a secret location called India I'm gonna be doing some stuff there I'm actually all around the place right now we've set up a little office in LA and we've been doing some of our editing and shooting there but we're about to pick up and and head on to different pastures something to say greener pastures different pastures pretty soon but we plan on hitting a bunch of countries this coming year after after Winston has his first kid thank you very much um the opinions of Chinese foreigners living in the u.s. if you have mainlanders fresh-off-the-boat who are not actually living here or just in America most of them will be completely pro-beijing still consuming the media that they have back home and there is a huge outlet for that to I mean you can walk down any New York City Street and get China Daily in English or Chinese so that the outlet for Chinese media still exists but the people I mean the Chinese people that have stayed in the US for a long enough are pretty decoupled from the CCP the Chinese people that I know Knots League rone up here but have spent a good amount of time in America are very switched on as to what's going on and not sympathetic towards the Chinese government but some get homesick for a lot of attributes of China as as I do as well so I actually find that the the people I most easily get along with in America are not locals they're they're Chinese people that have been America for like five or ten years kind of like how I was in China because there's so much dialogue that we can have with each other Jorge Activision Blizzard and the NBA virtue signal 24/7 yet they yield for the CCP money actual people are being oppressed double standards a hundred seven I mean when you when you do this virtue signal calling all this kind of stuff like I think a lot of people see past that I think we're moving past the whole like overzealous PC culture that we live in today I think a lot of people are honest a waking up its to its to trophy a lot of people are getting over it it's a phase companies will say whatever they want and remember the Gillette ad companies will say whatever they want if they think it's gonna turn a profit and a lot of times it backfires like in Gillette's case I don't know if people are still talking about that though thank you very much do the majority of mainland Chinese believe that Taiwan belongs to CCV absolutely oh that that's like an you can meet a very very open-minded person in mainland China pretty much everyone is going to agree that Taiwan is part of mainland China and belongs to the CCP I don't think you'll find a whole lot of dissenting opinions and that sector even amongst the open-minded people that's how far the education is gone shall masu she says chasm I don't I don't I'm reading it like it's in Chinese sorry are you familiar with the subreddit see No what do you make of it I think I got banned after one very innocuous comment on there there's two spheres of China information I read it there's our China which has a lot of China expats like people that are either living there or have lived there I have a pretty good pulse a finger on the pulse like they kind of understand how China works it's also a real big place for people just dumping garbage memes like way the poo memes and stuff but sino is the other side it's mostly Westerners that are very Pro CCP very Pro censorship which is bizarre you know you have those there's that one guy's his name's like Alejandra or whatever I think is from Spain he became like a North Korean citizen and has sucked up to the party and lives in North Korea and runs like tours and stuff I feel like it's a bunch of Alejandro's running around RC know they will do anything to post anti-west Pro CCP material and you will honestly if you want to give it a shot I'm not going to brigade but go read it go to slash are slash sino and just try to post something like if if you're interested do not try to spam the group obviously but trying to post something if you actually want to participate in conversation see how quickly you get banned it's pretty insane chip I guess why is China in the UN Human Rights Council you really got me China's pulled the wool all the CCP has pulled the wool over people's eyes for a very long time there's been a language barrier that's been a cultural barrier there's been a situation where the average of Westerner doesn't care enough about China to look into things and again it takes it's pretty sad the world we live in but it takes pop culture for people to start opening their eyes this kind of stuff so you're gonna see a very very interesting international relations as developments over the next few years which shine the depending on which path they say cuz it looks like right now the current leadership is really clamping down and that is not going to gel especially with the the new recent events that are in people's minds äúi says should we be worried if honk why you becomes the next Taiwanese president mark my words he won't hey-ey says any yang gangs in the house well you can answer that yourself I've been doing a little bit of research on it was very interesting characters very likeable but yeah I I don't know enough to have an opinion yet Xi Jinping's daughter is studying in Harvard USA one out of Chinese University hmm isn't that just pure hypocrisy all of this propaganda being pushed on the average citizen saying stay in China China's the best you need to contribute to a better China blah blah blah and then the actual Chairman's daughter is in America is that not hypocrisy our Chinese universities are the best by the way go to Harvard it's very interesting to say the least Steven says Taiwan number one time went number one agreed Taiwan is probably one of my favorite countries in the world Tom O'Connell how is the wife handling everything going on about China she is she's much more educated than the average person because she studied in Macau for seven years and also because she has worked in a Chinese company and knows how things actually work she's got no love for the actual like I say leadership the actual oppressive nature of mainland China but it's still very pro China in terms of she's Chinese she loves her country the country is not the government and very few people like my wife have been able to separate that and it's it's disturbing and it's it's scary as well because people you know and love can turn their backs on you very quickly and leave you blindsided thinking like how did how did a political argument an argument how did a how did a political change allow you to change your opinion about me that fast were friends you know so yeah she's she's fine are there any companies that actually have stood up to the PRC um I'll actually get into that right now that's a really good point let me pop over to my make sure button next we have South Park would be the first example South Park we already explained this in the beginning the episode banned in China they set up the government they talked about you know some atrocities that happened there what come Western companies do to capitulate to China and they actually put out this if you guys haven't read this you might as well read it they put it on an apology kind of like all these other companies did except there's this extra delicious official apology to China from Trey Parker and Matt Stone like the NBA we welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts we to love money more than freedom and democracy she doesn't look like Winnie the Pooh at all tune in to our 300th episode this Wednesday at 10 long live the great Communist Party of China may this autumn sorghum harvest be bountiful we do know China that's probably the best thing I've ever read in my life I love using sarcasm and humor in a way to combat this because it's just law it's lost in translation it's great that these guys are really cool for doing this but yeah they they did they did something very important and I hope they realized that this one I want to call this one out a red bull put out this thing and said Co which means freedom they put out this I think it was our only artwork a long time ago you know a lot of people are claiming that they put this ad out to support Hong Kong protesters and that's not true it's very misleading not saying that they don't support Hong Kong protesters and our anti-ccp but it had nothing to do with that very interesting story about Red Bulls relationship with China though get into that at some point thank you this this next one is Ubisoft Ubisoft is the French video game developer they they make rainbow rainbow 6 siege all those games of stuff I don't really play a whole lot of fps but they've they've said no they said they were gonna tone down some of their content get rid of gambling get rid of some of the sexual references get rid of some of the blood spatters and skulls and things like that they said now they said we're not going to do this this is our intellectual property if you want to sell it in your country or not that's up to you so that was one that stood up this is not a company but the city of Prague deleted its sister city status with Beijing effectively is not recognizing the one China policy they've been messed around too many times they think that it is immoral to do such a thing and it's not the Czech government Czechia of czech republic whatever you want to call it it's not the government saying this is the prague government decoupling and it's a pretty big statement China and retaliation cancel all their Philharmonic Orchestra's and lost kind of partnership stuff that they did so that was a big thing epic games another game company as soon as the whole Blizzard scandal happened they made a statement supporting players free speech and they said they won't get punished based on these topics so police epic games is showing that they won't bow down it might be just to protect themselves from getting you know active political protesters on their platforms but again very different than what Blizzard did immutable this is a Surrey Hills Australian develop I believe it's a blockchain developer but they they offered to pay the winning prize money to the Hong Kong guy that got banned by Blizzard let's jump and they also got cyber attacked presumably by China so that was kind of interesting after they made that offer and the last one is Pocari sweat they actually this is a bit weird this is like self censoring in the other way Pocari sweat you guys can laugh if you haven't been to Asia this is a ubiquitous string kiss is like Gatorade but for Asia and they literally call it Pocari sweat us and it kind of looks like bottled sweat so that's kind of gross but it tastes Prius Cal lemony very similar to Gatorade so basically they pulled some TV advertisements it's Japanese company they pull TV advertisements after being accused of being pro-beijing so in the other way they basically people were saying they're being pro-beijing Pro CCP so they're like pulling it they're like absolutely not we're not gonna air this stuff if people aren't gonna associate us with the CCP I'm just kind of interesting cool thank you I'm gonna go back to your questions real quick United Way stood up against China right actually I'm not sure about that one thank you for giving me something to look at right after this though next what do you think will happen to Hong Kong when one country two systems' expires in 2047 well that's the the situation is that China has been kind of pushing this thing like well we have a 50-year agreement to give China sovereignty to give hong kong sovereignty to let them have their own legal system and borders and law proceedings in judicial system and freedom speech and blah blah blah blah blah financial freedom the fact that they tried to overstep that and kind of accelerate that process a lot of people are saying well that's the natural thing to do they're gonna be reabsorbed by 2047 anyway right so why not kind of overstep your boundaries a little bit to kind of make that transition a little better because if it just wham bam thank you ma'am 20:47 happened and they're like by the way now you're just part of China obviously that would cause a lot of unrest so it's almost like a pre-emptive massage to make everyone in Hong Kong ready for that transition but it's backfired right so now it's to the point where Hong Kong people aren't saying well 2047 was inevitable we're gonna go back to Beijing now they're saying well we need to be either a lot of people are nothing separate but we need to have in a label rights protected and talk about the idea of a future without Beijing so it's kind of backfired in that in that respect next one is a Chinese comment says Niihau sea milk well she joins team Macquarie and we're shiny shiny traditional make what the - Ji Hyo Jung Hwa - er huh joining it's like okay I don't need to read a list you guys in Chinese doing basically this is an American person that is learning Chinese and he wants to know he or she wants to know that if he should be studying in the United States or in China and he wants to study international relations and he thinks that maybe America is the best for this and can I give them positives and negatives if you want to understand China you need to be in China I think that's kind of a key feature of international relations however I would never recommend someone to spend any large amount of time in China at the time being I would feel guilty of that travel go there for your yeah to check on your company or whatever you know business you're doing I wouldn't recommend studying there for a long period of time I'd give myself like a year limit just Justin's in case something happens I'm not saying anything will but the the current climate for somebody who is not Chinese in China is not the most positive of experiences however if you did want to understand and contribute to international relations being in China for a good period of time would be very beneficial I'll leave that to your discretion you know the quality of education and legitimacy of education that you'll get in America's streets ahead of anything you get in China though so I don't want say like go for a cultural experience to figure out how things work maybe do a couple classes but make the the backbone the base of your education in America American universities are much much better than anything you'll get in China cool um Mao CCP killed more Chinese and the Japanese did that is a fact oops they didn't know if you can read these super Jets you can skip mine well I just read the one L supposed to get somebody's said 999 and said ten I like the marketing that's that's we're gonna I appreciate it liberal Taiwanese Chinese Canadian here last time I went to Toronto the for a subscriber Meetup I'm in a lot of Chinese Canadians super switched on there was we had we had some great chats and thank you very much I love what you say about Chinese being different excuse I've heard it so many times I'm Chinese blood myself family means a lot but not over the China or the part over China or the party exactly that's exactly what I'm trying to say you can have your familial ties you can have your cultural values it's a wonderful thing it's something that's been preserved in in democratic Chinese society Chinese Americans Taiwanese people Hong Kong people these people have preserved these these attributes much over greed or blind nationalism to the party so it's it's difficult because I I'm treading a very thin line here I can talk to a may be a poorly educated audience of Americans at some point nothing Americans are poorly educated I'm saying there is going to be a subset of people that might be poorly educated on international affairs that would watch a video of mine be like wool from China Chinese people right and that's just literally the polarized so I get so nervous doing this stuff is that it's the polar opposite of the message that I want to have I I don't get to dictate how China is going to run itself but I like to spread some awareness that Chinese people are people and deserve to have their own values in here in human nature and opinions right but when that value when those values and opinions are completely dictated blindly by someone that maybe shouldn't be giving those values to that person I find it morally reprehensible so separating the government from the people is of my utmost concern and something that bothers me every single day as a man who never eats pork bun ever a true man I'm assuming you mean toss a bow yes you are not a man if you've never eaten a pork bun unless you can't eat pork I don't know thank you Shiva kiss the belt road initiative initiative eerily mears a little heart of the rings' blah part of up stay to you from your right Pooh was missed opportunity I'm from somewhere between Syracuse I'm gonna say I don't like to pinpoint exactly I'm from a little south of Syracuse yes it is the Belton Road initiative is literally like Lord of the Rings isn't it that's insane someone needs to jump on that right now thank you how is wing doing wing is my cousin in Hong Kong she's distraught I don't want to air her anything does the reason she hasn't put on my videos but it's it's way worse in Hong Kong you might think hardwood what about Joseph tai born in Hong Taiwan raised in the USA and supports the CCP absolutely you're gonna find again I think Joseph tai is even a bad example because at least people can look at him like a Chinese person right people on the surface will look at mr. chambers there's plenty of Caucasian african-americans you know Latinos Latinas there's plenty of people that are quite sympathetic towards the CCP and you saw the same thing in the Soviet Union you had a lot of Soviet Union sympathizers back in the day it was not the majority but these people are even more vocal now because they have a platform to spread their message right if you are in the CCP's pockets you will get the comfort of the fact that you can be in China with impunity you'll probably get monetary rewards there is incentive on that front but there's also a huge risk that the the Chinese Communist Party will dump you as soon as it's convenient or if you make one mistake right it's kind of like it's kind of like being a drug dealer right like you can try to become some drug kingpin but all you have to do is like slip up one source start doing business with the Mafia or something it's the same thing the absolute insidious nature of how that government works your mind would be blown if you could kind of see some of the inner workings of it so it's a very nerve-wracking position to be in as for the average person who is sympathetic to the CCP I mean it's just isn't it just cool to be different right you'll see people doing this all the time I mean it's the kind of people that that you know in American universities and things like this that are fervent communist but they can't even clap in their meetings because people might have a it's like the the actual revolution of communism you can't clap you know I'm in like you how would you survive in revolution what is your revolution here right so yeah I mean there's a lot of people that you'll see you'll see them more people that support the restriction of speech and kind of sympathy the support China's authoritarian rule because it's you know supposedly gets things done quicker more efficiently but the problem is is although a romantic idea to have a one-party state to get things done to improve infrastructure you don't see the stuff that I see you don't see what happens to the roads and bridges and people and human trafficking and every single facet of this society you didn't see what I saw you only see that the people's daily you see the CCTV you know an immaculately produce soft power propaganda you didn't see the absolute toll it takes on humanity burn victim children laying there without limbs so that mafia bosses that pay off communist officials allowed them to put their disfigured children on the street begging for money you haven't seen that stuff because it's huge it's rampant and that's just one tiny facet you know so I mean you don't ignore these people you can you can get people into dialog but just keep in mind it might be romantic to sympathize with a massive easy easy mode nature of government where you don't have to think about it and it just works and everything is cozy but just keep in mind you know that's actually not how things are working restricting media restricting crimes restricting atrocities doesn't mean that it didn't happen and nobody starts complaining until it affects them which has affected a lot of people around me so that's something I'm very passionate about thanks again hashtag Bruce Lee from Jason stork thank you very much and dopefish she says CCP doesn't like clapping cheeks probably not probably I don't think they're into that thick nature I want to say thank you so much to everyone that's tuning in this is a bit of a long one I also want to say it's super important to mention that adv podcasts that's with an S adv podcast every other Thursday I talk about this stuff with Winston like straight up we talk about every important Chinese current event and analyze it and give our opinions on this thing so if you haven't subscribe to that channel please do go to slash adv podcasts as a TV like adventure podcasts with an S subscribe to that make sure you're you're ready for every other week podcast it's fantastic and it's a great time we get to chat with you guys super interactive I do want to remind you guys that I'll be back normal schedule a normal video next Wednesday you can watch serpents a day another China perspective every single Friday and ADV China which is our motorcycle talk show on two wheels we can you can watch that every single Monday so we have four channels working on another one soon actually completely different stuff but I want to say thank you so much to everyone that participated thank you to hardwood for saying thank you see milk for exposing the truth and I will catch you on the next one now I got to do this awkward part where I stopped streaming
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 89,624
Rating: 4.7712793 out of 5
Keywords: china, hong kong, blizzard, blitzchung, nba, lebron james, morey, houston rockets, daryl morey, hearthstone, basketball, james harden, hong kong protests, hong kong protest, protest, daryl morey china, nba china, activision blizzard, hong kong news, daryl morey hong kong, carrie lam, hong kong china, china hong kong, hk protests, laowhy86, serpentza, adv podcasts, adv china, advchina, extradition bill, nba hong kong, winston sterzel, cmilk, ccp, china news, current events, censorship
Id: rgAQ7UpF43o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 39sec (4839 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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