How CCTV Caught A Killer: The Case of Libby Squire and Pawel Relowicz

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hi there and welcome back to coffee house crime my name is adrian and today we're looking at the case of libby squire who was tragically murdered in the early months of 2019. now this story is all about being in the wrong place at the wrong time libby she didn't know her killer and he didn't know her but surveillance footage did capture them both so should we take a look at this then you and i this is the case of libby squire [Music] libby squire was a young woman who grew up in high wickham she's the oldest of four children raised by her mother lisa and father russ she had a long-term boyfriend called conor pie and the two had often talked about marriage and children in their future libby was described as a loving down-to-earth student she was hard-working nurturing and caring lisa who nicknamed her daughter pie described her as a very sociable person who loved to go out and spend time with her friends in september 2018 libby returned to the university of hull to continue her undergraduate degree in philosophy she chose university after taking a liking to the city and late in the evening of january 31st 2019 in the bitter cold city with snow and rain a foot libby and her friends were doing what students do best partying they were at home that evening or at least to begin with having pre-drinks before a big night out in the town and after a drink or a few the group headed out to a local nightclub called the welly the nightclub was popular among local students and adults club nights and gigs in a sumptuous ballroom with an alternative dance floor above being a nightclub the welly had a duty to allow only happy punters in and to refuse entry to those that were too drunk and unfortunately for libby she had a few too many drinks that evening she was refused entry now a lot of us have been in that awkward moment before what do you do or go home together or carry on with the night and that the unlucky few head back home on this occasion it was the latter the group planned to still carry on with their evening but only after libby got in a taxi to get home safely and at 11 26 pm the taxi pulled up and so they ushered libby into the cab waived their goodbyes and headed on into the club [Music] the nightclub hollered into the early hours of the morning music was blaring drinks were flowing and libby's friends they they were enjoying themselves one of libby's friends though emilia she hadn't received a text from libby to say that she'd got home safely emilia texted aaron a mutual housemate of the two to ask if libby had returned home the answer was that she hadn't no one knew where libby went she just seemed to vanish when they returned home they roamed the local area to see if she could be found but no dice libby's friends were alarmed it was very out of character for her to just disappear so they called the police at 2 21 am and almost immediately search efforts were underway over 70 officers were assigned to libby's case and over 200 students also got involved in her search locals were asked to check their sheds and properties in case she'd looked for shelter that night drains and bins were searched as was the rural woodland and farms nearby over the next few days police scoured tips and local footage now surveillance footage is a lot like putting together a puzzle it takes time but surely yet slowly you're able to make sense of the picture and what police were able to discover a couple days after her disappearance is that she did make it back home that evening the taxi driver's dash cam footage confirmed that at 11 29 pm that evening she did make it to her front door and local witnesses also saw her but it seemed to them that maybe she wasn't in the mood to just sit at home and wait all night a neighbor reported that two minutes later she left her front door and cctv soon confirmed that too she was seen walking alone towards beverly road just after making it back to the main road at 11 39 pm libby probably threw her drinks fell over onto the pavement a stroke of good luck though two locals passing by stopped to help her up off the pavement and placed her on a bench next to the wall but after ten minutes she had enough of them so she asked them to be on their merry way the two did they carried on with their evening too it was ten minutes after this though that libby's night went from bad to fatal at 11 57 pm surveillance cameras captured a man walking past her on beverly road crossing it towards bearsfoot avenue although it was difficult to distinguish who this person was other surveillance cameras in the area were able to confirm it to be a man named pavel relevitch and at the same time of this discovery pavel he was already becoming of interest to police for other reasons pavel ralovich was a 24 year old man living in the local area he was polish and grew up near warsaw before moving to the united kingdom in 2012 decided not to wear my red shirt for this one from the outside pavel seemed like a dedicated family man he had a wife two young children and he held a job as a local butcher he was a hard worker and enjoyed hitting the gym but the light of innocence on paval's face was very swiftly dwindling in justice's eyes shortly after libby's disappearance several witness reports and statements were coming in accusing the man of various crimes in the area and those accusations were indeed true over the following days police gathered evidence of multiple offences conducted between december 2017 and january 2019 these charges included voyeurism outraging public decency and three counts of burglary and it was soon learned too that pavel he was targeting young female students living in the area none of these however were related to libby yet pavel ralovich was actually a sexual predator although students didn't know him at the time or his name on numerous occasions pavel was noticed staring at women through their bedroom windows while they undressed he would break into students bedrooms and stole sex toys and underwear further witnesses even recalled him performing sex acts on himself in the streets with two girls traumatized after seeing him with his trousers around his ankles and unfortunately for libby back on her fateful night of january 31st she unknowingly walked into his path at 11 59 just two minutes after pavel crosses libby on the wall she picks herself up and starts walking down beverly road she can be seen moving from side to side on the pavement and clearly vulnerable from our alcohol even stumbles onto the road at one point thirty seconds later as she continues to stumble down the road pavel leaves best foot avenue and begins to walk in the same direction as libby but on the opposite side of the road and after another half minute he crosses the road and intercepts her the two disappearing into the grounds of a former nunnery one minute later libby and pavella recorded emerging from the grounds together and walking back up beverly road and at 1202 am one minute and nine seconds later they reached the entrance to hayworth street where they originally crossed paths cctv from a garage shows pavel returned to his car which is just around the corner he's seen sitting in the driver's seat with his feet outside the door and after a nearby vehicle leaves three minutes later he stands up and walks back towards beverly road enhanced footage from a camera shows two figures walking across the end of the street before appearing to stand together then moving towards pavel's car and then back to the garage surveillance footage captures libby step into the passenger's side before pavel getting into the driver's seat pavel then drives off at 1208 am and that footage would be the last time libya's ever seen alive again following never growing data on pavel's recent accusations police were growing evidence to arrest him and on february 7 2019 paul radovich was arrested under potential abduction of libby squire during this time they seized his vehicle in an effort to look for any clues on libby's whereabouts and inside the car police found a pink duffel bag containing two masks and sex toys stolen from students homes across the city of hull on the 20th of march 2019 at around 3 30 in the afternoon a body was found in the humber estuary near hull police transported the body to the coroner who later confirmed the body belonged to that of libby squire it had taken six weeks for her disappearance to come to an end local national and international communities were in despair fresh agony hitting family and friends flowers were left on the bench where libby was last seen on cctv a vigil for her was held at hulls minster and tributes were left all over campus [Music] home office pathologist matthew lyle declared libby's cause of death to be unknown due to the amount of time that her body was left in the water but he could not rule out asphyxia it was also found that bruises were evident along libby's abdomen chest and thighs toxicology results revealed that no drugs were present in libby's system but her alcohol reading of 198 milligrams to 100 milliliters of blood meant that she was two and a half times over the legal drink drive limit following the recovery of libby's body police were now officially able to look at the case as a suspected homicide and with that ability fresh investigations against paval ralovich were opened by now further evidence was beginning to mount up on libby's final hours and pavel ralovich's movements one witness whose home overlooks oak road playing fields recalled being woken up by screams shortly after midnight on the night libby was last seen a couple minutes after waking up he then heard the screams again through new surveillance footage found before the attack it turns out that pavel refueled his car at a local garage shortly after 9 pm before checking the oak road playing fields after noticing it was empty and quiet he then began to roam the streets for easy vulnerable women and that's when he came across libby squire libby was drunk alone upset and vulnerable that evening unfortunately through her drinking and arguably through hypothermia too she wasn't able to fully rationalize her thinking that night and just during that same time pavel he was able to coerce her into his car making multiple attempts it seems to do so when she was in the car he drove her a couple streets away to the oak road playing fields arriving at 12 11 am the screams heard from a nearby house at 12 14 am are likely from libby while he sexually assaulted her as he did this he supposedly choked her until she passed out at 12 23 am pavel fled the area it's not known if at this stage libby was dead or if she was unconscious and succumbing to hypothermia while she lay there in the cold all alone pavel went home and ran a hot bath for himself he returned to oak road playing field about two hours later at 2 25 in the morning he then picked up libby's body and dumped her into the river hull this river eventually leads to the humber which is where libby's body was found six weeks later do you think he stopped there though no at 2 51 of the same morning pavel ralovich was seen walking over newlands avenue and masturbating in the street seriously what the [ __ ] velvrelovich was formally charged with libby's murder on the 24th of october 2019. his trial began one year and three months later in january 2021. the first week of trial the jury were told of the sickening catalogue of sexually motivated crimes pavel rulovich had admitted and on february 11 2021 just one week ago he was found guilty to the rape and murder of libby squire he showed no emotion as the jury foreman read out the verdicts jurors found him guilty of rape unanimously and guilty of murder by a majority verdict of eleven to one in court his own barrister called his defenses utterly disgusting pavel ralovich was sentenced to a minimum of 27 years in jail he will become eligible for parole in 2048 [Music] and that's the case of libby squire and her murderer pavel ranovich although i've made many cases and even of a british victim before this is the first one on british ground even though all cases do this one it hits a little bit harder being so close to home and although it's different i'm a guy libby was living a lifestyle i was living only a few years ago trying to imagine a friend of mine become lost to a crime as callous and ugly as this one i i just can't imagine it just hurts libby squire was a young girl just starting her independent life and her parents they even shared that she'd recently turned a new leaf from the hardships she had in her former years she was flourishing in her studies and had made good new friends along the way the entire reason she was out that night but she ended up so vulnerable that night and for some nasty piece of work to find her take advantage of her kill her and then dump her it's angering following pavel's crimes his wife and two daughters abandoned him fleeing back to poland to live another life after he was sentenced he wrote a letter to them and in the letter he said i wanted to ask how you are feeling do you still love me i will never stop loving you i want to come back so much we have beautiful children and you are beautiful i want you to be strong love the children and love me i will return to you i promise you this he then asks her to transfer 70 pounds into his bank account so that he can watch tv in prison let's hope she never granted him that wish may you rot and help eval 27 years is not enough hi there and thank you so much for watching another case of mine i hope you enjoyed the video please let me know if you did and also please subscribe if you haven't yet coffee house crimed as cases on a weekly basis both solved and unsolved what do you think about the case of libby squire i know this was a recent one pavel he was only sentenced just last week he still claims he's innocent i'm sure he's not but do you think there's anything else out there that maybe police or investigators missed let me know in the comments below and i'll get back to you thank you again so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one take care of each other goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 1,981,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: student killer, case of libby squire, libby squire case, libby squire cctv, libby squire documentary libby squire pawel relowicz, student predator, pawel relowicz trial, libby squire video, pawel relowicz, libby squire pawel relowicz, libby squire cctv footage, libby squire, libby squire story, libby squire true crime, libby squire disappearance, pawel relowicz cctv, pawel relowicz murder, libby squire murder, true crime, missing student, libby squire river
Id: XF62sOLNrk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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