How Cancel Culture is used as a Weapon Against Truth

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truth doesn't mind analysis because it will be exposed as truth lies don't like analysis because they are exposed as lies and the reason cancer culture even needs to exist is because it is insecure about the fact that it's built on lies and if it is truly analyzed then it will be shown for what it is and we live in a time when cancer culture is weaponized against truth very seldom very seldom against lies there are a number of legislative moves in our time as well i just want to mention that conversion therapy legislation the thing that troubles me about the victorian law is that it reaches into the family home and basically the problem is that if a parent now encourages a child to wait and just does that simple act which is not unwise by the way um and i was called out for this on abc q a but i went away and did all my fact checking and it's absolutely true every study that they've actually done which looks at children who experience gender dysphoria pre-puberty and then looks at them again post-puberty every study ever done has a greater than 72 rate at which the child with gender dysphoria reverts to their biological sex identity up to 92 percent there's been a recent amalgamation of all the studies done and it comes out somewhere in the 80 as an average now that's a perfectly reasonable thing but it reaches into the family home why there's another law that was tried to put that they tried to pass through the parliament a little while ago didn't reach into the family home but it reached into christian schools it would have made it impossible for christian schools to prefer staff that shared their faith thereby meaning they're no longer a christian school because that's what makes a christian school christian staff i thought to myself why these areas being focused on why try and undermine the integrity of a christian school they're not trying to undermine the integrity of any other political movement who are allowed to employ people who share their values and why try and undermine the family home here's the thing paul says in first timothy 2 he says that we should pray for kings and all who are in authority why well ultimately so that they might ensure that godly lives are lives of peace so that the truth is on display because god desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth right so the government by its laws can ensure that the truth is free we've just seen that the government by its laws can ensure that godliness is a state of peace for people so that their witness can be seen and heard about in a society what's the inverse of that well you can have laws that are set up against the knowledge of the truth it's interesting at my christian school there's a lot of people who went through high school and they weren't christians at the start but they were christians at the end there are two pastors of major churches in brisbane who came from my christian school who were not christians when they started they were converted at school and through the witness of the school and now they're pastoring churches and i can't help but think this is an opposition to the knowledge of the truth of course you undermine those areas if it's truth that's your target of course you undermine the christian home because that's the last place of safety for a child to be trained up in the ways of god now i say all of this to make a simple point there is a spiritual dynamic in all of this i was actually saying at the truth of it live the other night that the whole jesus made this point he called he called satan the ruler of this world there is a spiritual dynamic at play and we see here that the connecting tissue of all of this so often comes back to opposition to truth the apostle paul says this is an age of opposition to truth it's interesting you know i'll move on with this point but it even is played out in the ideologies of the day you think of an ideology like post-modernism which really got a hold through the 60s 70s 80s in particular people came up with it before that but that's when it got a hold one of the best descriptions of post-modernism i ever heard was that it killed the author in other words truth is not something that's authored by a higher power outside of ourselves truth rather comes up from within us and from our own subjective experiences what does john 1 say it says there is a great author in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god all things were made through him and by him and without him nothing was made that was made it says you know what all reality stems from one great source there is an author there is a great truth there is things about this world that are fixed and unchangeable post-modernism reversed the system i said oh no i'm the author my subjective experience creates truth and all of a sudden we're not in a situation where truth is honored and believed in we're in a situation where the best we can say is that there is such a thing as my truth you hear that so often these days people say to me sometimes i'm so you know encouraged that you stand for your truth i'm sitting there thinking why does that encourage you my truth can't possibly have any impact on you whatsoever because it's only mine so it's not encouraging it's nothing the reality is there is a truth except when you hear that phrase your truth it actually leads us into the second doctrine that the apostle paul points out about his time and our time verse 25 he says they exchanged the truth about god for and the greek is actually the lie so this is the greatest lie of all they exchange the truth about god for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever i want to make this point the ultimate creature worship is the worship of the self and there is no more contemporary statement than that what paul has just written this is not ancient rome this is australia it's an ancient statement it's a modern statement it's actually it's the timeless sin of the human race look at genesis when adam and eve look at this fruit and it's desirable to make one wise and you know what the phrase that's used there with their thinking it says it is desirable to be as gods it says knowing good and evil in other words no god doesn't get to say what's true and what's right and wrong anymore i do and that's the desire it's the timeless sin of the human race do you know i heard a great example once you imagine that there's a planet somewhere in outer space and these aliens are very advanced in their technology and they know about planet earth and they know that it's populated and they decide that they're going to send a a research mission to earth and that research mission those researchers those alien scientists they've got a bunch of questions to answer and one of the questions they have to answer is what do these people worship and they come down to their ufo and they disguise themselves as humans and they integrate into normal life and they watch tv they get on the youtube they look at all our billboards now marketing they engage in conversations and you know they might see they might go to a gym and it might say be the best you you can be on the wall or you are beautiful believe it or they might go and read the newspaper like i did the other day and there was a profile of a very successful woman in there and i don't want to get into the detail of you know she'd been recently divorced i don't not getting into the detail of those circumstances but her reason interested me and i've heard this many times she said i just needed more for me for me so i divorced at the age of 29 or they might see the prevalence of phrases like self-love self-esteem self-confidence self-care they might see motivational speakers telling you to be your best self and surround yourself with people who champion you and they might see all of your selfies on your instagram account and they might sit in the year five classroom and they might see what they're doing now with this new federal government program that they're funded where they're making identity posters and they're putting together their own identity and the teachers are saying well here's some attributes you might want to feed into your own identity just by the way and they write their little identity poster and this is who they are and now they've got the meaning of life they've got to live this out what do you think the conclusion of these aliens might be when they go back to the mother planet and they have filled out their survey what do these people worship it would say these people worship themselves
Channel: ACL – Australian Christian Lobby
Views: 11,039
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Id: ng920ut3vtA
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Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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