How Can You Learn DevOps Faster πŸš€πŸš€

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hey what's up folks this is GK when you are planning to learn devops or Cloud what is the first thing that you would do as a new learner or a person who is trying to learn devops or Cloud for the first time so I'm going to explain you the three mistakes that most of the people do whenever they want to learn a cloud service provider or a devops tool or in general any ID technology that they would like to learn for the first time now I'm also going to tell you how I have learned devops our Cloud much faster and I'm going to give you tips that will definitely benefit you and you will learn tools much much faster by using these tips so the first mistake everybody does whenever they think about learning devops or cloud or whenever somebody tells them to learn a technology is sign up for a course see more often what happens is that whenever you go and sign up for a course whether it is udemy or plural side or any such courses where you find 30 hours of course on devops or cloud or 15 hours or more you will be overwhelmed when you start the course and you'll go through lots of tools lots of Technologies and then some basics of python Linux by the end of one or two modules you will feel like this is too much I cannot do this anymore and you'll start going into your bad habits of playing games in my case I would play games or watch movies or binge watch some YouTube stuff so that's the number one mistake and there is a stat as well to back this argument or to back this mistake that only less than five percent of the people who have signed up for the course in udemy would actually complete the whole course and if you are part of the five percent then that's great because I can tell you that whatever I have bought in udemy I have never completed those courses don't sign up for a course right away and I'm going to tell you what you should do in the second part of the video the second mistake that everybody does is start reading books now let's say you want to learn terraform or kubernetes or any other tool ansible or whatever tool in the box or a cloud service provider don't buy a book again the same thing that happens with the video or book is that most of the time you would never complete the book books will be very beneficial whenever you're trying to learn a theoretical concept like horizontal scaling or vertical scaling or some security Concepts or networking Concepts that doesn't change often so those are important Concepts that you can read from books or in general from Google or anywhere but if you have good habit of reading books then you can buy some fundamental books that would be beneficial but don't buy a book that would teach you the tools like telephone or ansible because you know those keep changing and you should always rely on the websites so that's mistake number two so mistake number three is that trying to learn too many things in short period of time I'll give an example let's say you want to learn the option I have shown in my step-by-step videos or in the roadmap you have to learn so many things you have to learn these tools you have to learn Linux python or kubernetes so when I say that you should never go to a python course and sign up for the course and then you should never think like okay now the next step is to learn Linux and then I will go and sign up for the next course or do Linux Administration or I will do all these things in maybe one month and then go for interviews so that's a third important mistake because devops and in general most of the Technologies even if you want to learn Java or python you would do this mistake that you want to accumulate lots of knowledge in less time and then what will happen again is you will forget and then you have to keep revising the way you would do in college this is I think the college mentality that we all carry or the education mentality that we all carry that whenever we want to learn something we would go to books or try to try to remember too many things for preparing for interviews or to get into a company so these are the three mistakes that people do but again there are exceptions for example if you want to learn a certification then you can sign up for a six hour course because certification tend to ask you that is important to get certified but otherwise if you want to learn technology and get a job then this is not the right way of doing things all right so this is how I would do it again let me know in the comment section if you disagree with me because not everybody is same a lot of people would still prefer the first way of doing things like going through courses and stuff but this is what I have done when I have learned devops and this is what you can also learn from me possible and then get to the point faster than going through the traditional model so the first thing is whenever you want to learn any tool or technology learn the bare minimum that is required for you to get started again example here is that let's say you want to learn terraform or let's say you want to learn kubernetes any technology to start with what is terraform and do a Google search so terraform is infrastructure management tool or provisioning tool it creates infrastructure and then when you know what is terraform the second part of the question that you should have in your mind is what problem that the terraform tool is trying to solve which the other tools were not able to do it okay in this example in this case terraform is a provisioning tool that will help you to provision multi service providers multi-cloud service providers whether it be AWS or gcp if you're using cloudformation that you have to use only AWS but in the case of terraform a lot of companies use terraform because they want to manage multiple cloud service providers and also workloads in on-premise if possible now the second important question what problem the tool is trying to solve so when you know these two things I think most of the time you'll have complete clarity about now what you're going to do with this tool Okay the third important thing now is that how to install this tool and how to get started and this is the most important thing this is where you start so you go to terraform website and then search for how to set up platform on Linux or how to install terraform on Windows so then when you just do the first step itself installing terraform I guess the half battle is one what you do is when you're trying to install terraform when you go through the documentation you will build the habit of learning from the documentation and second when you're trying to execute those commands in Linux now you might you might not be knowing like how to set this up in an environment variable in Linux so you'll learn about that so you will create this tree of knowledge or you will create this is multiple branches and leaves that you have created in yourself in your mind whenever you're trying to do a simple command then you will annoyingly learn many things it is like on job training that you would do in any company and the next thing is that now how to provision AWS ec2 instance using telephone or how do you provision a Google computer engine using terraform so when you do that you will also learn about variables how to use providers and you know lot of other things that would come into this so when you are doing it this way in four or five days or when you're practicing this or when you're doing this in less than a week you would know good stuff about terraform and then while you're doing this an important tip is that go to a glassware website or any such website and type for the terraform interview questions that are asked in companies when you do that you'll see about how to manage a state file how State file is locked other questions like how would you use multiple cloud service provider blocks inside the providers or how would you use aliases and all those things so when you get those questions so write them down or store them in a notepad and then start practicing those and I'm telling you when you do this way you'll learn any tool any technology the fastest possible way instead of spending 30 hours in a course and then getting yourself burned out the same applies with the cloud service provider as well if you want to learn AWS or gcp whenever somebody asked me what should I do should I sign up for a course should I join an Institute or should I join some PG course whenever I want to learn cloud the first answer that I gave to that person in a comment section was that sign up for AWS account that's the first thing and incrementally when you do these things when you directly dive into practicals you would gain momentum unknowingly because for example let's say as soon as you've created AWS account the dopamine levels in your brain will increase and the next thing that you would like love to do is that explore the account okay then you see ec2 instance now I would like to create an ec2 instance or create a VM and you will keep on increasing the wealth of knowledge and within no time you will be ready for interview and when you go for interview this is what they'll be asking in the interview so they'll be asking about how do you start off from State files or tell me about how you have deployed a Docker container or how did you expose the docker in the kubernetes engine or in the kubernetes environment so this is what I wanted to cover and this is exactly how I have learned myself devops or Cloud again the summary of this video is that learn bare minimum that is needed you to get started never get into that mode of have to complete the 30 hour course to get ready just get started keep practicing and that's how you would learn like devops or cloud or any technology I hope this video is going to be helpful for you all and especially for people who are students or for people who are in the professional background who are trying to get into devops or cloud and the reason why they are struggling I know many of my friends who have been thinking about getting into Cloud for last one year they were not able to do it because of the same thing they have signed up for some course and they never got time to finish the course so give yourself some targets write down tasks and get to the practicals of implementing those tasks thank you again for watching this video take care bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Cloud Advocate
Views: 69,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Cloud, Cloud Computing, Cloud Technologies, GCP exam, GCP Associate exam, Google Associate exam, Cloud Engineer, DevOps specialist, AWS Cloud, Amazon Cloud, Cloud Career tips, cloud advocate, learn devops, how to learn devops quickly, devops engineer, learn devops easy, learn cloud faster
Id: rRcgc0LvjFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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