Si può "imparare" il VIBRATO nel canto? vocal coach Cheryl Porter

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How to find the Vibrato (even if you always thought to not have it) Hi everyone! I'm the singer and vocal coach Cheryl Porter I hope you are fine. I wanted to show you in this video a demonstration of one aspect of this technique that I think it's very important. It's very important, but also very controversial, since many people think that either you have it from birth or you don't have it But the most important thing is to work on the technique because we can learn it. This thing that people says you should be born with, it's the "vibrato" HOW TO FIND THE VIBRATO Some people were born with a natural vibrato, many others were born without it This may depend on the habits, on the music we are used to sing, where the tones may be flat, and that does not get us used to the vibrato And that makes us lose the capacity to produce it. I absolutely think it's possible to develop vibrato and I've been able to make lot of people develop it and I want to show you a video of the development of a vibrato Have fun and enjoy! -Again, again There are three steps I use to teach Vibrato The first it's something that happens especially with the youngests who don't have a vibrato. If you just sing a note with a vibrato and they keep repeating it, they are able to imitate it and things couldn't be easier. Another method you are going to see requires the stimulation of the diaphragm To stimulate this exact area of ​​the body will make you help to feel the same sensation to sing a vibrato. Stimulating the diaphragm is absolutely not the same as to sing a vibrato, because the vibrato is not produced by the diaphragm, it is not diaphragmatic. Some people will tell you that vibrato is diaphragmatic, but trust me, it is not, but it's up to what makes you easier to understand it. It depends to the ability to play with the vocal cords and to make the note swings. So the important thing is to feel this sensation helping you stimulating the diaphragm. This could help you to maintain the vibrato. Let's see what happened in the video. -Again -Good, try again now -You are losing it. -Ok, again. -Ok, now feel the mechanism. Ok, good Another method to develop a vibrato if you don't have it, requires playing with the semitones. They are not the same as a vibrato but now try to listen to them slowed down If I sing a note and I sing a vibrato when I slow it down it's So try to reproduce this semitones with your voice and during this exercise try to reproduce them faster And if we're lucky you will develop the vibrato. This is another example we made with the girl. Listen to it! -Again, faster -Faster - As fast as you can -Again -Rest for a moment -Try a vibrato alone Did you see it? It vibrates! -By yourself now -Only vibrato now -Let's try with the "i" The most important thing when we are trying to learn the vibrato especially if we are self-teaching, but also with our teachers is to try with different vowels. As you heard in this video we started working with the "a", but when we tried with different vowels we find out the vowel she can easily vibrate is the "i" So exercise with "a,e,i,o,u" and find with which of them you can produce a better vibrato. Even if it's only one little oscillation of the note, it is enough to start working on it In this case the girl vibrates more easily the letter "I", so we started working on that. After we found and we developed the vibrato on the easiest vowel, then we must develop it on other vowels. For example, if the easiest vibrato is the one with the letter "I" we start like this And slowly we'll start to have a vibrato on every vowel. -Breath now. It's an hard work but can you hear it? -You have the vibrato, we can develop it -You must work on it, but it's working -It's not easy when you are used to flatten it, but listen to how much it values ​​you! Again! -Very good Did you hear in the end? After 10-15 minutes we developed a little vibrato Let me repeat it: 10-15 minutes! It means you need to be persistent with the vibrato, if you don't fight for it, it will not work by itself. This is part of our training as singers. If we are persistent and we work, work and work, we can do it! More time we spend without working on something, the hardest will be to learn it. So I recommend you all to start working because it's possible to learn and develop the vibrato. and it can become as natural as any other aspect of our voice Have fun!
Channel: Cheryl Porter Vocal Coach
Views: 295,934
Rating: 4.9466848 out of 5
Keywords: vibrato, canto moderno, imparare, trovare, cheryl porter, vocal coach, voicestudio, vocalcoaching
Id: 729NrN89T60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2015
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