How Can MASS and ENERGY be the Same Thing? What, Where and Why is it?

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this video is sponsored by delete me click the link in the description to get a very special offer for Arvin Ash viewers let's say you're driving a car going 100 km per hour should be easy to see that your car has energy the energy of movement this is called kinetic energy in classical physics this is a simple Formula 1 12 mb2 or 1/2 * the mass time velocity squared and since you're sitting in that car also moving at 100 km/ hour you have energy too if you weigh 80 kg you can use the equation to find that your energy is equal to about 3.1 * 10 4 Jew but did you know that the energy you have standing still on the ground not moving at all is more than 100 trillion times that over 6 * 10^ the 18w how is this possible yes I know what you're already thinking I'm going to invoke eal mc^ 2 yeah yeah mass is the same as energy so the energy is in my mass you've heard this a thousand times you may have also heard that most of that mass is tied up in the form of energy within the nucleus of atoms but have you ever thought about what that energy actually is how and why is it in the nucleus is it due to movement is it due to forces acting on something what exactly is the nature of this energy and why is it there how is it that mass can be the same as this energy if it's all energy then is mass even a real thing I'm going to ask how and why questions over and over again like a child until we get a final answer and this will take us on a scientific and philosophical journey into the mind of the universe let's go on this journey together coming up right [Music] now an 80 kg person might weigh the same as this rock nothing's moving so there's no kinetic energy and there's no heat emanating from the rock that we can see but they both have about the same amount of energy so what's happening where is this energy well it's in the mass where is this Mass located and where is the energy in this Mass exactly let's answer the first question first then we'll answer the second question before we go even deeper what we call the mass is made up of all the atoms in the Rock almost all the mass of an atom typically more than 99.99% is located in its tiny Center in its nucleus which makes up a tiny fraction of its overall volume the rest is in the electrons that surround the atom making up the rest of the volume there are two sources of mass the known mass of fundamental particles that is Elementary particles which is what everything in the universe is made up of comes from their interaction with the higs field you can think of this field as like an energy grid that is everywhere in the universe the different Elementary particles take different amounts of energy from this grid the more energy they take the more their Mass so for example a down Quark which has a mass of 4.7 me or Mega electron volts interacts more intensely and takes more energy from the hick field than an electron which has a mass of about 0.5 MAV similarly all elementary particles that have mass interact with the field to some degree why some particles interact more with the hix field than others causing them to have more mass we don't know the answer to that it just seems to be a fundamental property of different particle types but not all particles interact with the hick field photons and gluons which have no Mass do not interact with it neutrinos are a bit of a mystery they don't seem to interact with the Hig field but experiments seem to indicate that they must have a very slight Mass we don't know why yet that's another story for another day the second source of mass lies in the nucleus of atoms it is not contained in the mass of the elementary particles that make up the components of protons and neutrons but in the energy keeping them together and keeping them from falling apart what do I mean by this let's take the simplest nucleus that of the hydrogen atom the atom consists of just one proton which is the nucleus surrounded by one electron the mass of this nucleus is about 900 138 me I can also State this as one atomic mass unit or in grams it would be about 1.67 * 10 -24 G but to keep things consistent and less confusing I'll State everything in terms of me a proton is made up of two up quirks and one down Quark an up Quark has a mass of about 2.2 M and a down Quark has a mass of about 4.7 MAV so if we add up all the masses of each of these three component parts we get a grand total of 9.1 meev this is only about 1% of the measured mass of the proton 938 M so where's the other 99% of the mass we just demonstrated that the hix field is responsible for only about 1% the remaining is still in the nucleus somewhere how and where is the other 99% of the mass hidden before we get to that did you know that your identity and personal information is not hidden in fact there are dozens of data Brokers that sell your information like name address email social media info even property value and a whole bunch of other stuff for profit this is where delete me our sponsor 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force of nature called the strong force that keeps these corks bound together to form the proton nucleus this force is mediated by gluons we know that gluons are massless so how are they responsible for so much mass well gluons bind quirks together and both have a kind of charge called the color charge this charge is how the strong force operates it's somewhat analogous to an electrical charge where a negatively charged electron for example surrounding a positively charged proton makes the atom neutral with quarks however we're dealing with red blue and green color charges that combine to form a neutral color now I want to point out that these are not literally Optical colors but we use the term color color charge because this charge metaphorically speaking Works similarly to the way red blue and green Optical colors can combin to form a neutral or white color the way the color charge works is that each quirk's color is constantly changing they exchange colors between each other you'll notice that while the colors are always changing inside a Proton or Neutron they change in such a way that the three combinations are consistently red green and blue to form neutral this exchange of colors is mediated by gluons that is gluons carry a combination of color and anti-color charges such that they can change the colors of quirks and it is this interaction that is the constant exchange of colors between quirks that keeps them bound together now you might ask why does color exchange keep them bound well that's a good question this has to do with an idea called confinement essentially what this means is that a color charged particle cannot exist on its own quarks and glue U on are color charged particles all experiments have confirmed that free quarks and free gluons do not exist they're always found bound to other quarks and gluons why because color charges exist in a way such that the combination of colors is always neutral this need for the combination of charges to exist as neutral attracts red blue and green color charged particles to each other color charged particles can also exist as color anti color pairs so for example a blue charged Quark can exist with an anti-blue charged Quark to also form a neutral color this is similar to the way that in electromagnetism a positively charged particle is always attracted to a negatively charged particle if you're curious like a child you might ask why do colors have to combine to form neutral well this just seems to be the way that color charges work just like positive and negative electrical charges work you could further ask well what is a color charge anyway well it's a quantum number that helps us explain the behavior of some Quantum particles we can explain it using mathematics specifically gauge Theory but fundamentally what it really is as in what is it about the particle that causes this strongly attractive Behavior we don't know just like we don't really know what a negative or positive Electric charge fundamentally is it is just a property of some particles that helps us explain their behavior but if you understand what I have said so far then congratulations you understand the essentials of quantum chromodynamics it's the science of the way the strong force Works to keep the quirks inside the nuclei of atoms tightly bound together and it's this force that is responsible for 99% of the mass of an atom now the question is how how is this Force creating mass well to understand this you have to realize that mass is really just bound energy in other words the rest mass of an object is its intrinsic energy content it's a type of potential energy any form of energy contributes to the mass of a body potential or kinetic the nature of this energy doesn't matter so for example a compressed spring is a bit heavier than the same spring without the potential energy stored in its compression a hot pan is heavier than the same pan when it's cold a fully charged battery on your phone is slightly heavier than a dead battery you won't notice this Mass difference because at our scales these energies contribute very little to the mass but they're there this might not even be measurable because you have to remember that mass equals energy over the speed of light squared so any increase in energy is divided by a very large number you can imagine that a few jewels of extra energy are not going to make a huge contribution to the mass the strong force that binds quirks together is a form of potential energy it's called the strong force because it's more powerful than all the other fundamental forces electromagnetism the weak force and gravity so when you put three quirks together to create a Proton or Neutron you end up binding up an enormous energy density in a small region of space now any kind of energy bends SpaceTime in other words it creates gravity and so bounded energy which we've defined as the mass of an object creates gravity it's the energy inside the object that is its intrinsic energy content that really defines its mass interestingly eal mc^2 never appeared in Einstein's famous 1905 paper what appeared was m equal e over c^2 that is mass is a measure of the energy content of a body that's the important takeaway ultimately 99% of the mass of objects comes from the energy of the gluons confining quarks inside the nuclei of atoms they are massless particles but when they are locked up in the confines of a proton or a neutron their energy translates to mass in general any energy confined in one spot becomes a kind of rest energy of the object which is what mass is this is why a hot object is heavier than the same object when it's cold one philosophical way to think of this is that the entire mass of the universe is Nature's Way to confine much of the vast energy of the universe in such a way as to make useful particles that can create things and ultimately create conscious living beings like us the energy needed to keep color charged particles from existing freely by themselves is ultimately what most of the mass of the universe really is and this strong force has resulted in Life as we know it now one thing that I didn't cover which is related to the strong force is the force that keeps protons and neutrons glued together inside the nucleus of larger atoms this is usually referred to as the strong nuclear force and it's distinct from the strong force which keeps quirks glued together this is also a form of potential energy and also makes up part of the mass of an atom so let me cover that briefly here as I descri so far the strong force mediated by the exchange of gluons holds charged quirks together inside a nucleon that is a proton or a neutron but if a cork is pulled out of a nucleon far enough the potential energy created by that stretch is enough to create a new Quark antiquark pair when this happens the stretched Quark drops back into the nucleon but the Quark antiquark pair forms a short-lived new particle called a Maison this Maison has a slightly longer range than a gluon typically about the diameter of a nucleus so it can be exchanged between nucleons as a force transmitter this Force transmitted by masons in the nucleus is the strong nuclear force and it holds protons together along with neutrons against their electromagnetic repulsion this force or energy keeping the protons from flying apart is also part of the mass of atoms it is considered a residual effect of the strong force in fact it it is this mass that is the mass due to the strong nuclear force holding nucleons together that is released as energy in a nuclear bomb the mass due to the strong force holding cores together is not the energy released in the bomb so what you're seeing when you see pictures of a nuclear bomb is due to the strong nuclear force if you found this video interesting be sure to check out my detailed videos on Quantum chromodynamics I'll see you in the next video my friend [Music] a
Channel: Arvin Ash
Views: 197,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quantum mechanics, quantum physics, strong nuclear force, fundamental forces, arvin ash, What is mass, what creates mass, strong force, quantum chromodynamics, QCD, quarks and gluons explained, mesons, what keeps protons and, what holds protons and neutrons together, why do protons and electrons attract, what holds quarks together, what are gluons, what is a color charge, how does color charge work, higgs field, confinement, how are mass and energy the same thing
Id: enWN0DrbNSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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