How can I improve my prayer life?

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- [Narrator] We'll be giving away free books this week, so make sure to watch till the end for details. - I don't know anyone who doesn't want to improve their prayer life. Any Christian wants to improve their prayer life, their sense of intimacy with God, the frequency of answers to prayer and so forth and yet in about 24 years of pastoral ministry as well as many other ministry experiences through the years it's been my observation that virtually everyone struggles in their prayer life in this way in particular, we want to pray if we're indwelled by the Holy Spirit. And yet while that is pressing against one side of our souls, so to speak, colliding with that is our experience. And our experience says but when I pray, it's boring. I want to pray, I believe in prayer, I try to pray but when I pray it's boring. And when prayer is boring, you don't feel like praying. And if you don't feel like praying, you don't pray with any fervency, with any consistency. Because see, I think the problem in prayer is not that people pray about the same old things, that's normal. Our lives tend to consist pretty much of the same old things. Your family, your future, your finances, your bills or something like that, your work or students schoolwork, your church, ministry, Christian concern and the current crisis in your life. So if you put all that together, if you're going to pray about your life, and these six things are your life, and these six things don't change dramatically very often, well that means you're going to pray about the same old things most of the time. That's not the problem. The problem is we tend to say the same old things about the same old things. We can be talking to the most fascinating person in the universe about the most important things in our lives and be bored to death. Not because we don't love God, not because we don't love who or what we're praying about, I would contend that it is the method. If a person is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, the problem is almost certainly not them, rather it is their method. I believe there is a simple, permanent, biblical solution to this almost universal problem and it is, very simply, when you pray, pray the Bible. Turn the words of Scripture into the words of your prayers. I think the best place in the Bible to do this is the book of Psalms. So what does this look like? Well, let's say you take the 23rd Psalm and you want to pray that on a given morning. You read the first line, the Lord is my shepherd, and then you might pray something like, Lord I thank you that you are my shepherd. You're a good shepherd and you've shepherded me all of my life. But oh, great shepherd, would you shepherd my family today? Guide them into the ways of God, guard them from the ways of the world, lead them not into temptation, deliver them from evil and I pray Lord you would make my family members your sheep too. May they love you as their shepherd as I love you as my shepherd and when you can't think of anything else, you go to the next line: I shall not want. Lord I thank you, I've never really been in want, I haven't missed many meals. All that I am and all that I have is from you, Lord. I know it pleases you that I bring my desires to you so would you provide those finances that we need for those bills, for that car, for school or maybe you know someone who is in want and you pray that. Just go through it line by line and take a Psalm and go through it line by line, talk to God about whatever comes to mind because I think most of the time what will come to mind is whatever is in that passage. If something comes to mind that really isn't in that text, well the Bible tells us we're to pray about everything anyway so everything that comes to mind is something we ought to turn into prayer and ought to pray about anyway. You come to a verse you don't understand, fine, skip it. Go to the next verse. Maybe you understand the next verse perfectly but it just doesn't prompt anything to pray about. Fine, skip the whole section. There's nothing that says you have to pray over every verse. Nothing says you have to finish the Psalm. So whether you have four hours or four minutes, this works. You can do that with the Psalms, I think next after that it's easiest in the New Testament letters because there's so much compressed, almost every verse there can prompt something to pray about. You can even do this in a narrative but in this case you sort of back up and get the big picture. What's the big idea? Often in a narrative there's one main punchline there. Maybe that's all you would pray about, not so much all the details leading up to it though, any detail that prompts something to pray about should be prayed for. But once having done this, I think anybody can do this. And so I would encourage anyone who's watching this as soon as this is over to actually try it. Just take a Psalm, just talk to God about whatever comes to mind, and once someone has tried that, they don't need any notes to remember how to do that again, they don't need to watch this again, they will have it down. It's like riding a bicycle, you never forget how. And I can highly recommend this because having done this almost every day of my life, since the first of March, 1985, I can testify there's nothing in all my devotional life that more quickly and consistently kindles my consistently cold heart like praying the Bible. When I wake up I almost never feel like praying. Anytime, I rarely feel like praying. And that's normal. But God said to Jeremiah, is not my word like a hammer and a fire? A hammer that breaks hard hearts, a fire that melts cold hearts. You go to prayer, your heart is cold? Well, that's pretty normal but you can take the fire of God's word and plunge it into your cold heart, and pretty soon, you begin to feel like praying. - [Narrator] Thanks for watching. You can submit your questions by email, Twitter or in the comments section below. And don't forget to subscribe to find out the answer to next week's question. We'll be giving away three copies of Dr. Whitney's book: "Praying the Bible" Go to the link in the description below to find out how you can enter.
Channel: Southern Seminary
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Keywords: honest answers, honest answer, honest, answers, question, theology, southern honest answers, honest answer southern, sbts honest answers, honest answers sbts, southern seminary, southern baptist theological seminary, southern theological seminary, seminary, sbts, professor, prof, bible, ministry, gospel, Donald Whitney, Whitney, Don Whitney, how can i improve my prayer life, prayer, pray better, better at prayer, improve your prayer life, better prayer life
Id: pXXAQW_5vGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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