How Can I Fix My Mind On GOD? Here is Shri Ramakrishna's reply to a follower | Swami Sarvapriyananda

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this question what we talking about today no mind this question was actually asked to Sri ramak Krishna by Master mahash M we don't think about it that way because the gospel of ramakrishna is written in such a simple language but the tremendous depth in that I'll tell you what what the M asked the very first question that M asked in in his second visit the first visit there was no chance of deep discussion the first real discussion that M had with SRI ramak Krishna and the very first question he asked which shows the caliber of the Mind our questions show caliber of our own minds I heard about a university where the examinations are not that the questions are asked and you have to answer the questions rather you are asked to formulate the best possible question you can and you're graded on the toughest questions that you can formulate and the students say it's actually much harder to formulate a difficult problem than to solve a problem so M he asked the question he asks two questions and I think they are the fundamental questions of spiritual life the first question is what we are dealing with today no mind you know what he asks s Ram Krishna he says in Bengali how can I fix my mind on God why is that simple question but why is that question so deep because if he asks how can I attain Liberation how can I find God ramakrishna is going to tell him think about God all the time now that's easier said than done the real question is how do I think about God all the time how do I fix my mind on God you'll say love God s krishna's often was if you have intense desire for God if intense longing for God you will realize God you will become enlightened but then the question really is how do I get intense longing for God that's the question so M is so intelligent sensitive he asks that question first not how I will realize God how can I fix my mind on God he ask that question that's the first question SRI ramak krishna's answer three sentences he covers the the entire range of spiritual practice simple sentences he says Sing the glories of God take the names of God is B Yoga the path of bti in one sentence then he says meditate meditate how where meditate in your mind meditate in a corner meditate in the forest why which he means in a secluded location you can't get a for you can get Central Park here of course but not very good for meditation I tried it it's actually easier to meditate in this Hall here than in Central Park there's something about the tan Matra the the underlying vibration there though it's very beautiful so meditate in the forest meditate in or a secluded place or asham wherever in the mountains and meditate in the mind meditate in a corner of your house wherever you are basically rajay yoga the path of meditation he indicated it and the third one is what interests us us what would make G per perk up his ears he says always do VI the philosophical spiritual discrimination via we'll talk about this later on always do via between the Eternal and the non-eternal and what you find to be non-eternal temporary and transient have Vaga for it dispassion for it follow the Eternal give up the non-eternal so three sentences B Yoga Raj yoga Gana yoga you see the essence just the he has indicated and in such simple language the most ordinary Bengal you'll think that it's oh I I knew that it is nothing nothing very great about it but he has given you you just hold on to that you will realize God that's just enough exactly what M asked that is the answer he has given
Channel: The Vedic Verse
Views: 123,660
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Id: 4ApD2SCWatk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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