How Bella Ramsey Turned Lyanna Mormont into an Iconic Character

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For this video, I wanted to put a bit of a  spotlight onto Bella Ramsey since she’s doing   a great job in The Last of Us and I wanted to go  back and analyze what she did so well as Lyanna   Mormont. Initially, she was supposed to be a  one-off character, and somehow she was able   to convince David and Dan to give her more scenes  and even a major one at the end of season 6. Along   with becoming a recurring character afterwards.  This is a rare feat in shows and essentially means   that the actor was so good to the point that  they changed the minds of the writers. Another   example of this was Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad.  Jessie was supposed to die in season 1, but Vince   Gilligan was convinced through Aaron’s performance  that there was something missing within the show.   From there he became an integral character and  even ended up getting his own spinoff movie. Now   even though Lyanna Mormont isn’t as important as  Jessie was, Game of Thrones is an inherently big   show with dozens of characters so it could have  been really easy for David and Dan to have dropped   her and there wouldn't have been a major impact.  So that means that she’d have to be even more   impressive to push past any potential competition  for screen time. For Lyanna Mormont, Let’s   identify the core internal and external reasons as  to why she turned out to be such a good character. Starting out with the internal factor, we have  the performance of Bella Ramsey. Game of Thrones   has had some amazing child actors and I won’t  go so far to say that Bella Ramsey is the best,   but I think she stands out because of how  well she fits into the mold of Lyanna’s   badass persona. It’s really hard for a child to  command this much respect and to be this bold,   and it could have easily of not worked. That’s why  to me she’s so distinct and must be why David and   Dan wanted to extend her presence within the show.  But let’s look specifically at what Bella Ramsey   does to achieve this. Acting wise what sticks out  the most is her usage of inflection and the volume   of her voice. She intentionally puts a lot of  emphasis on certain words to further punctuate a   character beat. Along with using this louder shift  in volume to be more commanding and to stand above   the other characters who are more hesitant to  speak louder. It erupts her onto the scene where   she breaks the tradition of making a bit of small  talk and cutting to the chase with why they are   there. I think a clever thing that Bryan Cogman  does with the script was having Lyanna interrupt   characters on multiple occasions when she starts  talking. It creates this brief moment that catches   the characters off guard and immediately  establishes that we are playing by Lyanna’s   rules. She’s essentially in charge of this scene.  Another small moment that geniusly sets up a more   independent and intelligent characteristic for  Lyanna is the fact that she chooses to confide   in her maester for information, but the second  he approaches her without approval she waives him   off. Just a very efficient bit of writing and to  be honest this is one of those rare well-written   scenes of the later seasons. Then there are even  some instances of subtle cinematography that aid   the notion that Lyanna is in charge. For this  shot, the composition places Jon on the right side   of the frame and there’s a lot of space behind  him. Since there is barely any room ahead of him   It gives off a claustrophobic presence in front of  him and it feels like he’s talking into a wall or   there being opposition ahead of him. This breaks  the normal shot composition of having leading room   ahead of someone talking. And then the shot  after this where it cuts to a close-up of Jon   as he’s speaking, we assume that we are going to  stay on this shot for a while, but we don’t when   Lyanna interrupts him and we quickly cut away.  So between these two shots, we break tradition in   footage to establish Lyanna as being in control.  Now I said I was going to talk specifically about   Bella Ramsey’s acting, but I think it’s important  to point out the other aspects of production that   aid her in this scene. It all comes together to  make a strong introduction for her character. This   scene may not require a ton of range emotionally  from Bella Ramsey, but that doesn’t mean she’s   incapable. As especially shown in The Last of  Us where she goes through an entire gambit of   emotions that she effortlessly breezes through.  She perfectly does the task she was given in Game   of Thrones and if anything does an even better  job than what was expected. She doesn’t come off   as trying too hard to be intimidating and her  attitude in this scene is smart and calculated.   She’s not being overly emotional and it feels  like everything she’s saying has purpose. And   even though she’s interrupting characters, it  never comes across as that disrespectful because   she’s normally the one prioritizing what should be  discussed in the conversation and is smart enough   to see that this attempt at small talk is futile.  Looking at her final scene of season 6, she gives   a rousing speech that leads into the climax of  Jon’s entire season arc. Like that’s honestly an   insane upgrade from being a one-off character to  one that has to build up the hype to announce Jon   Snow as being King of the North. And I think she  nails this scene really well. Again her usage of   inflection is very particular and detailed, but I  also love how much she pauses between some of her   lines. It creates a sense of dramatic buildup  for her delivery to have even more of a punch   when she’s calling out different lords for not  showing up to the Battle of the Bastards. Then   the writing aids her acting because she’s able to  escalate a recurring phrase throughout the scene.   It’s as if she’s embodying a viper as she strikes  down each one of her victims and then she caps off   the moment with a triumphant approval of Jon Snow.  In season 8 we have the mirror of this scene which   is kind of a nice moment, but it feels a little  cheap that David and Dan are essentially copying   this moment from season 6 but it’s in reverse.  Along with it being pretty unreasonable that   the North is mad at him for leaving temporarily  to get reinforcements to fight the Night King.   Which was completely necessary, but going into all  that would be getting off-topic. Bella Ramsey’s   acting has well-timed character beats, is able  to captivate an entire room of people with her   commanding voice, and she’s able to come across  as simultaneously intelligent and giving off a   crazy amount of confidence that really shouldn’t  be possible for a child to portray. And the fact   that a child actor is able to achieve all of this  and so much more is extremely impressive. So I   think she perfectly executes the character  Lyanna Mormont from an acting standpoint. Looking at the more external reasons for  why Lyanna Mormont is a good character,   there are quite a few. Firstly, I think one of  the most important factors is that she symbolizes   what the later seasons lack so much which are more  new characters. David and Dan in general for the   later seasons wanted to minimize new characters  and focused primarily on the pre-existing ones.   Instead of committing to a 10-season goal that  George and HBO wanted, David and Dan opted to rush   through the finish line with 8 seasons that were  also shortened. An example of them not introducing   new characters is them reducing plotlines in Dorne  and the Iron Islands. For those two areas, there   were much bigger conflicts within the books that  also brought about more characters. Like it would   have been much cooler if we saw more greyjoys in  the Iron Islands that Euron could kill to make   him more intimidating. This all highlights a core  issue within the later seasons of game of thrones   in which instead of retaining the big scale of  Westeros that the first 4 seasons had, David   and Dan subtly reduced it by not making more  additions. So this makes the inclusion and high   quality of Lyanna Mormont that much more important  because she’s a representation of the expansion   within the world that should have been more  abundant. From the characters that they did add,   Lyanna Mormont is the best in my opinion.  Now you’d think that wouldn’t be the case   but try to think about what new characters  David and Dan added in seasons 6,7, and 8   who were better. You basically just have Euron  Greyjoy, Lady Crane, Randyll Tarly, Dickon Tarly,   Archmaester Ebrose, Robett Glover, and the  most important character Captain Strickland.   Between these characters, the only one that really  stands out is Randyll Tarly and you could make a   case for liking him more than Lyanna because  of his complicated relationship with Samwell,   but I still like Lyanna more because she has more  to offer in comparison. Lyanna is essentially   a gateway into us seeing more of the world of  Westeros. We’ve never been to bear island before   and house mormont is pretty important considering  that Sir Jorah and Geor Mormont play big roles   in the overall story. This is the content that  should be elaborated on. Show us more northern   houses and flesh everyone out. Especially on each  side of the coin. Because looking at the Battle of   the Bastards, Jon Umber and Harald Karstark were  basically background characters who had minuscule   character work. It’s just wild to me that Lyanna  Mormont is one of the only new characters that has   tangible personality traits and is tied in with  the plot. Like even Lord Glover who I thought   had some good scenes in season 6 ended up getting  tossed into the bin for season 8. He apparently   doesn’t show up and there are no consequences  for that since it’s never revisited. Unless if   the Night King attacked him first, but if the  Night King hit every Northern Kingdom north of   Winterfell then that would have taken ages. So it  sucks how David and Dan are shrinking the size of   the cast and Robett Glover could have easily been  a character to pad out the deaths for The Long   Night. When you look at the earlier seasons of the  show, you had a much better roster of characters   and they also made massive decisions that affected  the story. An example being Rickard Karstark   murdering some Lannister boys that then prompted  Rob Stark to execute him which then alienated the   Karstark army. And that even leads into Rob Stark  having to stoop so low as to ask help from the   Freys. Like would you look at that, characters  making big choices that drastically impact what   happens. Lyanna doesn’t really have any major  decisions and is mostly along for the ride,   but at least her character achieves the bare  minimum for some form of representation of the   North. She’s entertaining not just because  of Bella Ramsey’s captivating performance,   but because it gives you a small ounce of  expansion for the north. If we had her and   like 3 other prominent northern lords then hey,  maybe we’d be able to have more engaging dialogue   scenes within Winterfell. Similar to the scene  where Lyanna is talking to Ser Jorah Mormont. Another reason why Bella Ramsey worked so well  as Lyanna Mormont was the irony of her stature,   power, bravery, and pure big balls as a  kid. In comparison to the other grizzled   and battle-hardened characters of the North, she  blew them away in terms of her chad-like energy.   It made her shutting down these seemingly tough  individuals that much more satisfying and boosted   her up as being more likable. It basically set her  character up as being inherently entertaining from   a writing standpoint and then Bella Ramsey took  that character and brought it to life with great   expertise. And I also love how she’s not afraid to  get her hands dirty and wants to become a warrior.   It further gives off an angle of feministic  empowerment because if this little girl is ready   to fight and isn’t scared then surely you should  not be. It’s also interesting how David and Dan   made a more obvious version of this notion  with this random extra girl wanting to fight   after this guy was scared to fight. It kind of  bashes this message into your face and I think   it worked perfectly well through Lyanna Mormont as  a character and they didn’t need to spell it out   for the audience. Not to mention this girl doesn’t  show up again. So this feels like a deleted scene   and the point they’re making here is made very  clear in the next episode through Lyanna Mormont   taking down a giant. Lyanna has one of the most  badass death scenes in the entire show because   of this. And this is really the only good moment  in the entirety of The Long Night because it’s   the irony of the smallest character bringing  down the biggest opponent on the battlefield.   Although it’s questionable as to why this giant  would pick up Lyanna and stare at her like this,   but whatever, it makes for a good moment if  you don’t question anything. So in essence,   I think her character is inherently likable  because of how much she embodies a warrior which   is also a common trend in game of thrones. Like  through Brienne of Tarth and Arya Stark. However,   it’s just as commendable in Lyanna  because of how much younger she is. For the last external factor, that benefits Lyanna  Mormont, she offers a good contrast in comparison   to the other child characters. For those child  characters we have Joffrey who is a mad and   unhinged brat, Sansa who is in constant turmoil  and very slowly over time learns the nature of   politicking, Bran was a curious adventurer  turned into a depressed child who finally   finds purpose in life, Arya who is similar  to Lyanna in that she wants to be a warrior,   but she has a gaping hole in her heart as  she looks for people to bond to. Lyanna is   the most adult-like child out of this bunch  and seeing these qualities within a child   is rare. Making her leadership qualities and  other confident aspects tied to her character   that much more fun to watch. She doesn’t feel  like a redundant character because of this and   she is able to offer a unique perspective in  the already massive world of game of thrones. To me, Lyanna Mormont is one of the only new  characters past season 5 that isn’t written   poorly. The fact that Bella Ramsey was able  to succeed so well at being a compelling and   mature kid who comes across as a leader was  impressive. I’ll also do a video on Oberyn   Martell since Pedro Pascal also happens  to be in The Last of Us. In hindsight,   I probably should have started with him  since he’s a more popular character,   but I’ll get to it. Thank you for  watching as always and have a good day.
Channel: Supercuts Delight
Views: 52,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, Lyanna Mormont, Game of thrones lyanna mormont, the last of us, The last of us ellie, Bella Ramsey, Bella ramsey game of thrones, How Bella ramsey turned lyanna mormont into an iconic character, Iconic character, great character, video essay, game of thrones video essay, Supercuts delight, supercuts delight game of thrones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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