How Bees Beehave When They Don't Accept the New Queen

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when you try to introduce a new queen bee to The queenless Beehive you need to know um how bees behave when they do not accept the queen bee the new queen bee and how bees behave when they accept uh the new queen bee if they do not accept the queen bee they're going to kill her so this is this is how the bees act when they do not accept the queen bee so they if you see this and you release the queen anyway or if you if the Beast are going to release the queen they're going to kill her within like 30 seconds or 1 minute so you can see bunch of bees they just it's hard it's even hard to move them because they're just trying to chew the to bite the screen of the the queen cage see this is how they behave when they do not accept the new Queen be and they are ready to attack and kill her so let's see let's try from the beginning yeah so see it's hard to move them yeah okay I'm going to remove this Beast yeah if you see this never you should never to release the queen cuz they're going to kill her look at this bee it's steing it's steing the the queen [Music] cage okay see there are more and more bees are coming to this queen cage and they're not just coming they're they're trying to attack this is not good this is not good why they do that because this this Hive it's queenless be behive but it has Queen cells in it if the colony has Queen cells they will not usually they do not accept new Queens
Channel: Zaur Beekeeper
Views: 16,037,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aQJ8bJj1XIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2016
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