How AWS Works | AWS Tutorial for Beginners

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hello and welcome to this introductory course for Amazon Web Services the purpose of this course is to provide a high-level introduction to amazon web services using oversimplification of concepts for the purpose of providing a frame of reference for you to move forward what I mean by this is that this course is not going to teach you specifically how to use any specific AWS services and it is not going to get into any technical definitions or explanations what we're going to do here is again just to provide a high-level introduction and I'm going to do that by really oversimplifying a lot of the concepts that we're going to talk about just so that you can have a frame of reference to move on with and now moving on whether that is - AWS certification courses or on to other cloud or DevOps type courses or if you don't work in the IT field maybe you're on the business side and you just kind of want to get a sense of what AWS is or what cloud is in general this is a great course to start with so first let's talk about the cloud now many of you are probably somewhat familiar with these icons right you see them a lot these days maybe you see them on your phone maybe you see them on your desktop and you hear terms like iCloud or Dropbox or you hear sales pitches which is something like store your files in the cloud but then that really begs the question right what is the cloud I talk to a lot of different people and there seems to be a lot of confusion about what exactly the cloud is some people think that if they upload their pictures their files to the cloud that it's literally just kind of floating around out there in cyberspace for the purposes of this course and again this is an extremely oversimplification of this concept that I'm going to repeat that a lot because I just want that point to be extremely clear but when you think about the cloud right I want you to think about it really as just a computer just like a computer that you have on your desktop or your phone it's just a computer that's somewhere else right I know that may seem kind of odd or you know again an extremely oversimplification but if you don't know what the cloud is or no real conceptual understanding of what it is just think about it in that terms first okay it's a computer that is somewhere else that you are in some way utilizing whether you're utilizing its storage or its processing power you're utilizing that computer that is somewhere else in some fashion obviously using an internet connection now in reality it's not just one single computer it's more of something like this a data center which you may have seen pictures of in the past where there's just rows and rows and rows of server computers that you are utilizing so when you think of companies like iCloud Dropbox or Amazon Web Services your files or your pictures your documents whatever you're storing are not just going up into the cloud into this magical mystery box your files are actually being stored on a server computer which is in one of these racks as they're called in one of these data centers which now there are many of all around the world so Amazon Web Services or AWS is a cloud services provider and that is also known as infrastructure as a service or I a a s commonly people refer to cloud server providers they think about storage computing power databases but something like Amazon Web Services offers a lot more in terms of networking analytics developer tools virtualization security now you're not going to have to know or understand what all of these terms are but I just want you to get the picture that where as you may have do something like iCloud or Dropbox in the past to store pictures videos and documents that you may have that is only a very small subset of what cloud computing is and the list that I have in front of you here well certainly not all-encompassing is a much broader list of things that cloud service providers provide so why do individuals and companies use AWS what are the benefits how is the cloud different from what has been used in the past so let's discuss that now for some common personal uses of cloud services to think about iCloud Dropbox or AWS to a certain extent here you are on your home computer now you may use iCloud or Dropbox to store videos pictures or some personal files that you may have and what cloud allows you to do specifically for an individual is backups and sharing so you use iCloud or Dropbox as an additional backup for the pictures that you have from vacations or some documents that you have or music or videos that you want to save and on your home computer on your home hard drive there's always the risk that your hard drive will fail so you use the cloud for backup so there's always another copy the cloud is also great for sharing that I don't necessarily mean that in terms of sharing your files or your pictures with other people but sharing it across devices so you can access the same files on your mobile device or if you're at work from your work computer and it just means that your files will be available anywhere that you go and you can access them from any different type of device so with that I want to introduce two pieces of cloud terminology number one which we'll call high availability and number two which is fault tolerant now when I talk about high availability again this is an oversimplification of what high availability is but just think of it like this if you put a file up into the cloud you can access it from any type of device or any type of computer as long as it has an internet connection so that makes that file highly available you can access it from anywhere also when you think about fault tolerant there are several different ways that you can use the term fault tolerant here I just want you to think about that if you have a file only on your home computer and your home hard drive fails then it's gone so the system that was in place did not account for that fault being the fault of your hard drive but if the file is up in the cloud and it's backed up on multiple services then that file can become corrupt for the cloud server that it is currently stored on can fail and there will always be another copy for you to access so if there's a Fault in the system you will still always have the ability to retrieve that file so the terms high availability and fault tolerant really go hand in hand meaning that your files are always available across multiple devices and if there's faults in the system wherever that may take place you will still be able to access your files because there's backups in other ways to access it so again high availability and fault tolerant are two terms that we need to know as we start to learn about AWS and cloud computing in general so now let's talk about some common enterprise uses of cloud service so here's an example of a company we're just calling this software company and if this company is not using cloud services that means that they're currently using on-premise servers to run their company meaning that they have server computers which are you know storing their data handling their code or when customers use their software they're accessing the software on the company's servers now in this example let's say that it is 2016 and this company currently has about a thousand users which takes three servers to power the software for those 1000 users so now let's say we're looking forward to the 2017 and this company is estimating that in 2017 they're going to have growth and they're going to have 5,000 users now if they're going to have 5,000 users the three servers that they originally had would not be enough so they're going to add an additional three servers to handle the load of having more users but in order to add three additional servers to their on-premise data center they're going to have to one have the size and the space to put these servers into their data center they're also then going to have to research what type of servers they need they're going to have to buy them that's going to cost generally a significant amount of money they're gonna have to wait for delivery which couldn't be anywhere between a week to several weeks for servers they're then going to have to set them up test them install operating systems software get them all up and running that can take a lot of time so let's assume that their estimates were right and in 2017 they increase their user base to about 5,000 users and the six servers are currently working for them in the user base that they have now let's look forward to 2018 and let's say that they're now expecting 20,000 users are estimating 20,000 users in 2018 as their company and user base is growing so now they would have to add an additional 12 servers and again now they must make sure that they have the space in their data center they would also now need to spend the money for these servers again go through the process of ordering waiting for them to come installation but one of the major problems here is that they may have now spent tens of thousands of dollars on these high-end servers but what if in 2018 they were wrong and they didn't get 20 thousand users but they only topped out at 7 thousand users so now whole segment of the servers that they just purchased for 2018 aren't being used so it was a tremendous waste of resources a tremendous waste of money for something that is not being used and now they would have to sell the servers or just let them sit there until the user base were to increase but for company specifically a growing company spending the tens of thousands of dollars on these servers may have been a big investment and if they didn't get the user base to back that up it could be a major loss for the company this is a problem with on-premise data centers that something like cloud services seeks to solve so now let's take a look at the same scenario but if the company is using a cloud service provider such as AWS so in 2016 again this company currently has a thousand users and let's say for this example that they have two servers that they currently have provisioned and are using in the cloud as the company grows at this time I'm not even going to put a time table on it because the timetable doesn't matter anymore because the company no longer has to project or estimate future growth naturally as the user base increases say from a thousand to four thousand cloud service providers and again this is an extreme oversimplification of this concept but cloud service providers as user base grows can automatically and instantly add additional servers so the company didn't have to estimate growth make sure that they have room on their on-premise data center spend the time and research to figure out what kind of servers they need to buy order them wait a few weeks for delivery install them install operating systems test them load their software onto it literally within minutes using a cloud service provider like AWS they could immediately have two new servers up and running with their software installed and that can be done at any time so a process that used to take several weeks can now be done in a matter of minutes using a cloud service provider like AWS so now let's continue this and look at an example where maybe the user base was at 4,000 but now dropped to 3,000 now if you notice here as it dropped one of the servers is now gone because what happened here is that when you use cloud service providers especially when you're using servers you're only using them when you need them so the second the user base drop from 4000 to 3000 the cloud service provider simply just decommissioned that server and this particular company is no longer being charged for it so unlike in the on-premise example when they had to buy physical Hardware install it in their office and then if it wasn't used they still were stuck paying for that Hardware using a cloud service provider you're only leasing hardware and on an on demand basis meaning that as your user base grows you can add more and as it shrinks you can pair those down and no longer pay for them so that's going to introduce two more pieces of cloud terminology called scalability and elasticity so this is again two other major reason especially why enterprise companies use cloud services so when I talk about scalability what I mean is that as user base grows you have the ability to quickly and easily add more servers so you can scale up extremely easily now elasticity means that you can grow but you can also shrink so as you go from a thousand users to four thousand you can grow but as you drop down to three thousand users then you can pull back in you can shrink that down so think about elasticity right a rubber band so that's what I want you to think about what you think about scalability and elasticity the ability to quickly and easily grow and shrink on demand as needed ok so let's do a quick recap again we talked about the cloud and what the cloud is and again what I want you to think about when you think about the cloud is just a computer somewhere else that you are using in some fashion and AWS is a cloud services provider but we then have our four cloud terms that I introduced during this video which are high availability when you think high availability just think about your files are available all the time and from any device that you want with fault-tolerant think about that if something were to go wrong a hard drive were to crash a computer where to go down that there's backup that no matter what goes wrong you'll still be able to access your files and your files will never be deleted for scalability and elasticity again just think about the ability to quickly grow and shrink on demand based on your needs so the four terms listed here are the major reasons and advantages why both personal users and enterprise users love cloud services so what's next what's going to follow in the next few videos of this course and this is what's going to follow now if you were to right now Google AWS architecture you're going to see a ton of diagrams that look like this albeit probably a lot more complicated than this but this right here is a very simple diagram of AWS architecture and we're going to walk through some of these services in the next few videos again on a very high level I'm going to oversimplify a lot of these but it's going to give you a great frame of reference to understand what these services and what these concepts are going forward so we're going to take a look at V PC at Amazon s3 Amazon ec2 and Amazon RDS and we're going to talk about how these all work and we're going to relate these concepts by talking about Facebook and Netflix now Facebook is going to be used as an analogy to describe V pcs and then we're actually going to talk about Netflix because Netflix is actually the number one Amazon Web Services user and we're going to talk about how Netflix uses these services so that you can understand the basics of why a major company like Netflix uses these services and hopefully this will allow for a very understandable way to understand these concepts ok so that will conclude this video I look forward to seeing all of you and the rest of this course thank you for watching you may now move on
Channel: Linux Academy
Views: 248,005
Rating: 4.8968134 out of 5
Keywords: aws concepts, aws explained, how does aws work, aws architecture, understand aws, aws cloud, amazon web services tutorial for beginners, aws basics, cloud basics, aws basics for beginners, Amazon Web Services, amazon web services, AWS, Linux Academy,, aws certification, what is aws, linux academy aws, aws introduction, amazon web services explained, amazon aws explained
Id: qcY-uiEHhn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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