How Arrokoth Shocked NASA Scientists

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Thanks to CuriosityStream for sponsoring today’s  video. When New Horizons made its flyby of Pluto   back in 2015, it barely slowed down at all. Its  trajectory after the encounter actually took it   further into the Kuiper Belt, a disperse belt of  asteroid like objects beyond the orbit of Neptune.   Given that this region is so far from Earth, it  is largely unchartered territory, a place where   no man has gone before! So, did the New Horizons  team know of an object they could visit next?   Yes, they did. And its name is Arrokoth.  But incredibly, they didn’t even know of   its existence before New Horizons was launched.  So, what is Arrokoth? What does it look like?   And what makes it unlike anything we have ever  seen before? I’m Alex McColgan, and you’re   watching Astrum, and together we will explore  almost everything there is to know about Arrokoth.   You see, the year previous to the Pluto flyby,  time had been given to the New Horizons team   with the Hubble Space Telescope so that they  could locate an object for New Horizons to   visit after Pluto. Hubble actually discovered  three new objects reasonably close to where New   Horizons would be going, and after studying the  data, the 35 km long object now known as Arrokoth   was chosen. As a result, Arrokoth would be the  first object visited that was discovered after the   spacecraft visiting it was launched. New Horizons  was healthy and well after the Pluto flyby,   with propellent left in its tank and years left  in its RTG, and so commands were quickly sent   to New Horizons by the mission team to adjust  its course so that it could rendezvous with the   promising new target. Being so small and far  away, we didn’t know much object the object,   all Hubble could detect was its colour, and  the dips and peaks in brightness as it rotated.   However, scientists also observed Arrokoth’s  occultation of a star. Incredibly, from this   occultation, they were able to predict the shape  of Arrokoth, and as you will see later, this   prediction was almost exactly right. At the very  least, they knew it would be an elongated object,   so potentially a contact binary or simply a  long asteroid-type object. It was up to New   Horizons to confirm their predictions. Three  years after leaving Pluto, in August 2018, New   Horizons began its approach phase at a distance  of 172 million kilometres. At this distance,   Arrokoth was barely visible to New Horizons  against the backdrop of distant stars. But   by December 2018, it was bright in New Horizon’s  view. Travelling at 51,000km/h, New Horizons was   rapidly gaining on Arrokoth, and science data at  this point was already beginning to be collected.   As New Horizons got closer and closer, Arrokoth’s  shape could start to be resolved. It was bizarre   looking, what appeared to be a contact binary,  and it was relatively crater free, with a lumpy   surface. It was unlike any of the asteroids  or comets we had ever seen up close before.   On the 1st January 2019, New Horizons made  its closest approach at a distance of only   3,500km from its surface, and it was on this  day that it captured most of its science data.   This flyby made Arrokoth the most distant object  ever visited by a spacecraft, being 6.5 billion km   from the Sun at the time, or roughly 45 times  further away than the Earth is from the Sun.   Being this far away, the data transfer speed was  abysmally slow between Earth and New Horizons   at only 1 kbit per second (although I will mention  that it’s incredible to me that the technology was   there for them to communicate with New Horizons  at all). This slow data transfer speed has meant   that it’s taken around 2 years to send all of the  data it collected around Arrokoth back to Earth.   The highest priority data was sent back first,  namely the images, although I do remember at the   time that the highest resolution images took  a while to arrive back. Only low-resolution   images were available when all the media  outlets were publishing stories of the flyby,   meaning I would guess that most of the general  public never saw Arrokoth in all of its glory.   So, here it is, the highest resolution images we  have of this fascinating object, in true colour.   What you’ll immediately notice about Arrokoth  is that it is reddish in colour, unlike most   asteroids nearer to home, which are greyer and  darker. It’s red because of a similarity it shares   with Pluto, it has an abundance of tholins on its  surface. Tholins are organic compounds that have   been broken down by solar and cosmic rays. Organic  compounds on the surface probably included methane   and ammonia at one point, however Arrokoth  does not have any of these substances left,   probably due to its low mass. What Arrokoth’s  spectra does reveal is that it has methanol,   hydrogen cyanide and water ice on the surface. The  abundance of methanol on Arrokoth’s surface is the   main factor behind its red colour, as irradiated  methanol is likely the cause of the tholins.   However, there is a bit of a  mystery in Arrokoth’s spectra,   as interestingly, there is also an absorption  band at 1.8 μm in Arrokoth’s spectra,   and scientists do not know what this compound is.  It is yet to be identified, it’s nothing we’ve   seen before. It’s a shame we weren’t able to get a  sample of its surface to be able to say for sure.   The next thing you’ll notice about Arrokoth  compared to asteroids closer to home   is the absence of small impact craters. It  is believed that this is due to the nature   of the Kuiper Belt itself. It could have  20-200 times the mass of our asteroid belt,   but a lot of this mass is also contained within  large Pluto like bodies which dot the belt. While   we can’t say for sure what the population of  the Kuiper Belt is, it is definitely more spread   out than our asteroid belt simply because it’s 20  times as wide and has a much bigger circumference.   Being this far from the Sun means orbital speeds  are much slower, so even if an impact does occur,   it will be at a low velocity. Meteorites you see  creating shooting stars in the Earth’s atmosphere   may hit us at around 75km/s, whereas impacts in  the Kuiper Belt may only be at speeds of 300m/s.   This depression here, which looks like a  crater, may not actually have been formed   from a collision, but it could be a sinkhole  caused by the escape of volatile substances just   under the surface. The lack of collisions means  that what we see of Arrokoth now is like a time   capsule from the early solar system, an object  that has been preserved for billions of years.   Although, a slow collision is one of the  ways this object may have come into being.   When asteroids in the asteroid belt impact each  other at high speeds, they either cause craters   or cause the body to completely fragment. But a  slow collision, like those in the Kuiper Belt,   may cause both objects to simply merge. It  may also be that the two lobes of Arrokoth   formed side by side in a swirling cloud of ice  fragments that coalesced into two orbiting bodies.   Eventually these bodies got closer and closer  until they joined together. In any case, the   merging would have happened very slowly because  there really aren’t many fracture and stress lines   to speak of, so the max speed of the collision  would be no more than 2 m/s, plus the two objects   would have also had to have been tidally locked to  each other before merging too. The fact that both   lobes of Arrokoth look very similar gives weight  to the theory that they formed in the same region.   Before Arrokoth got its formal designation,  you may have known it by a different name,   as it was originally nicknamed Ultima Thule.  Now, the individual lobes are known as Ultima   and Thule. You’ll also notice some very bright  regions on the surface. The ones in the crater   are probably from avalanches as material  fell inward after the sinkhole appeared.   The other major bright patch is found around the  connecting point between the two lobes. It’s not   known with certainty why this region is brighter,  but theories suggest that this region sees the   least amount of sunlight, so perhaps volatile  substances can build up here, like ammonia   ice. It could also be that because this region  would be the centre of gravity of the object,   loose material rolls down the lobes to collect  in the centre. With a density of only 0.5g/cm³,   Arrokoth is not going to be densely packed, but  it is probably porous. Volatile materials would   have escaped the interior of the object  over time due to an internal heat source,   but then these materials would freeze on the  surface, leaving behind only rocky remains inside.   This heat source can still be detected to some  degree, as models suggested that Arrokoth should   only be 12-14 K, however New Horizons found that  it was in fact 29 K. That is still extremely cold,   just not quite as cold as we were expecting.  There’s one last mysterious characteristic of   Arrokoth that isn’t immediately apparent from  these images, that only got discovered after   trawling through the New Horizons data, and  that is that Arrokoth is in fact much flatter   than we would have expected. We didn’t notice  it at first because Arrokoth rotates like this,   meaning we didn’t see too much of it lit up  from a side angle. We don’t really know why   it’s flat. Maybe it was due to centrifugal forces  when the individual lobes formed, implying it was   spinning a lot faster than it is today. Or maybe  it’s due to the way Arrokoth orbits and rotates,   meaning one side of the object is constantly  exposed to the Sun for decades at a time.   This would cause volatile substances to  escape only on one side, until later in the   year when the other side is exposed to the Sun.  Research is still underway to model the cause.   As New Horizons left Arrokoth, it looked  back and caught one last glimpse of its   silhouette against the backdrop of stars. Who  knows if Arrokoth will ever be visited again,   so it may be that this is the last up close view  of it that we will ever have. What’s next for New   Horizons? Well, it still has life in its battery,  and 11kg of fuel still onboard, so the hunt is now   underway to search for any additional targets.  Beyond that, it will follow in the path of the   Voyagers, passing through the heliosphere of the  solar system in the 2030s. Even if no other Kuiper   belt object can be discovered close enough to its  current trajectory that it can do a third flyby,   New Horizons has already given us a wealth of  data on Kuiper belt objects that we would not have   known about otherwise. Who knew that this is what  Pluto would look like? That Charon has a red cap?   That Arrokoth would be flat? And considering these  are the only Kuiper belt objects we’ve ever seen   up close, there’s bound to be a lot more out  there that’s still waiting to surprise us.   Alan Stern, the head of the New Horizons  team, gave a fascinating lecture about Pluto   and beyond on CuriosityStream if you want to  get an insight on the mission from the inside.   His passion for the mission is contagious, and  it really is thanks to him that we had a Pluto   mission in the first place. CuriosityStream also  has thousands of really high-quality streamable   documentaries about a variety of topics,  including my favourite topics on space and   science. They also have apps so you can access  them on your phone, computer, TV and more. So,   if you want access to this lecture, or just  have a passion for learning no matter the topic,   have a look at CuriosityStream. Use my link in  the description and the code ASTRUM at checkout,   and you’ll only have to pay $14.99 for a whole  year’s subscription. I definitely recommend   checking it out. Thanks for watching! If you liked  this New Horizons video, you should check out some   of the other spacecraft videos I’ve made here for  more of the same. A big thanks to my patrons and   members for supporting the channel. If you want to  support too and have your name added to this list,   check the links in the description.  All the best, and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 954,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultima thule, arrokoth, mu 69, new horizons, nasa, astrum, astrumspace, pluto, kuiper belt
Id: 0u_WxTbp_Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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