How And When To Prune Oak Tree

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so we have this oak tree in our backyard and it's very tall and provides a lot of shade for our garden bed and that's something that we don't want we want to have your vegetables or your plants or flowers to have anywhere from 8 to 12 hours of sunlight eat wonderful spring and summertime comes and it gets the Sun gets higher into the sky the trees doesn't allow the plants to get that amount of sunlight so in this video we're going to show you how and when to prune your oak tree and we're going to start right now [Music] the things that you don't want to do when you're pruning your tree is certain like we have a big branch like this most people they'll cut off about right here and sometimes you have some damaged bark because the tree is just so heavy the the lineage is so heavy that just rips this off so we're going to show you the three-point method that most people do should be doing is you come out anywhere about like about a foot to two feet over you go up about one third no more than one third underneath here and then you'll cut right here and that will relieve the pressure off of here that way when you come back here it doesn't damage your tree and then once you do that some people use this little pruning spray that you can do some type of coat to protect some type of beetles from attacking your tree from going from other trees - trees most beetles they are most active around the February up to about June timeframe since we're in January time frame we don't have to worry about anything of that that name another thing that most people do correct incorrectly is when they prune the new trees they're doing it during the either the spring or summer time give correct time to prune your trees is when your tree is very dormant so that way it doesn't put the stress onto your trees if you decide that you just need to trim it just to do some little touch-up whatever like that do it when the temperature is at a consistent below 80 degrees that's why most of time it's best to prune your trees around the fall or early early springtime we're going to start getting prepared put my PPE on and show you what we're talking about doing it with the relief cuts on this tree right here all right so this is the echo PPT two six six it's a gas power pole extension chain saw and this is suffered like I said this is our first time using this and we got it firm we rented it from Home Depot it's like no more than 60 bucks for 24 hours I think you could do for four hours for like 42 bucks but might as well just use it for the whole day if we had would have a lot more trees to be pruning you know we would probably purchase something like this but since we only have one tree and this is not our forever home this you know this is more cost effective effective for us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see we've protected the tree from any future damage so now what we're going to do is take here and come right right where the collar meets of the the branch and then that way it saves the trees permanently and then after a while the tree would heal itself by wrapping it around the opening from there as you can see he's gonna protect that tree real good and it'll just when you start healing itself about three to five years this would just basically cover itself of the open wound and so what we got to do now it's finished doing the rest of these we're probably cut up about about right about here and and and below so we'll finish wrapping these up and show you what it looks like afterwards [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this last trunk right here was was a beast this probably would have been better if we had a chainsaw for this one so the cut isn't gonna be too free I'm gonna probably have to get a chainsaw later waiting start chopping up a lot of these big branches here and then we're gonna put these in the fireplace and burn those or at the fire pit and we're going to burn them and once it gets cool down and get the potash be basically used with the potash in these beds so that's gonna be added nutrients in there but overall I like the view of this definitely is already bringing a lot more sunlight from just removing this side of the branch over here so I'm very excited on how the spring is gonna be coming into spring and summer what do you think it just really has opened up the yard a lot doesn't make it seem so gloomy yeah well it was just so the branches were just so over this whole garden area like the Sun was not casting on that corner right there and it was not casting here for that much more Sun and now instead of just putting shade tolerant type of plants and just only in that big now we can just basically put plant almost anything in this big so we have fill some more things to prune and trim up off of this tree however when you're pruning in and trimming your trees or bushes you don't want to trim more than one-third of it we kind of probably exceeded that just a little bit so we're gonna wait to the fall and then we're gonna trim off some of these water sprouts off if you like these type of garden tips and we're gonna put a playlist right above here and just kind of show you different ways of what we do in here if you haven't done so already to make sure you hit the like button and if you still new to China heaven that's already make sure you hit the subscribe button and hit the bell icon so you don't miss the upload until the next video let's grow together
Channel: The Nakid Gardeners
Views: 1,309
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: arborist, best garden trees, crown cleaning, decorative garden trees, dormant pruning, gardening, included bark, landscape, landscaping, live oak, over lifting, plant, pruning, structural pruning, tree, tree desease, tree problems, tree pruning, tree structure, tree treatment, trees, trees information, trees interesting facts, trees maintenance, trees reproduce, trimming trees, oak trees, tree pruning techniques, tree pruning basics
Id: Y6xFvhcuJPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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