How Airrack Gained 1 Million Subscribers In 1 Year (Genius YouTube Strategy)

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like i want to do youtube so i will either become successful at youtube or i will turn 85 years old and i'm still trying to do youtube my old dev died trying to do what i wanted to do those are the only two options this guy right here has cracked the code to growing a youtube channel eric decker or as you might know him iraq has gone from zero subscribers to one million in one year at a time when youtube has never been more competitive that's a pretty amazing achievement his crazy challenge videos have got everybody talking just listen to what mr beast had to say i think you're gonna be a big youtuber it's obvious you understand the game and you're driven and dedicated so like there's no doubt in my mind within a few years you'll have 10 million subscribers like just growth is exponential but how is he growing so fast last january eric gained 300 subscribers the month after 90 000. what changed here well in this video we'll investigate and get to the bottom of his strategy and if you're like me and are obsessed with growing your own channel you're going to be blown away by some of the moves iraq has made i know i say it a lot but this guy is a youtube genius i've analyzed some of the biggest youtubers in the world but the way iraq has grown is different these two guys here present a typical case study for a highly successful youtube channel both mrbeast and ksi worked on their content for years before they ever hit 1 million subscribers an average youtube growth curve looks something like this you start slow and then over time your content gets better and you pick up real momentum so how did iraq manage to skip this step i mean this time last year he was a college dropout with no experience growing a youtube channel by every measure he was starting from zero but he had a plan you see no matter how competitive youtube gets the algorithm is built to help new creators get discovered the issue is most people just don't know how to get picked up by the algorithm in the first place and that is what airac has done so well getting initial attention and getting into people's recommended feeds after a month of research and watching every single one of his videos here are the three steps behind his rapid growth on youtube if 2021 is the year you want your channel to explode pay close attention later in this video we are going to talk about some of the less innocent ways eric has grown his channel but the first thing you need to succeed on youtube is a good product aka your content which takes us on to step number one from the start eric has been making algorithm optimized videos as i said earlier youtube wants new creators to be discovered but they're obviously not going to manually watch every single upload so their algorithm tells them whether a video is good or not one of the main ways they do this is through average view duration and retention this is where so many small channels fail if you can't keep people on your videos youtube simply isn't going to promote them but big channels know how to make optimized videos they use retention strategies that capture you from the very start and keep you watching what's really interesting about erak is it's almost like he's got some sort of inside information before starting his content is carefully planned and edited to beat the algorithm let's take a look at this video here to see his retention strategy in action i want you to pay close attention to the opening 20 seconds because a few things happen here that are so important to the overall video i want to try and deliver ubereats by air we've trained for this so how many flights have you done a couple [Music] this is what is known as a cold open intro which is essentially where you jump straight into the action before anything else eric's goal here is simple he wants to convince the viewer to stick around he does this by delivering a one-line explanation and then proceeds to show the viewer some of the best highlights to hook them in he also really cleverly includes clips that leave unanswered questions was the helicopter crashing what was this guy's reaction within 20 seconds the viewer knows what he's trying to do they know that the video isn't clickbait and they also have multiple storylines they want answered with intros a lot of the time it's better to show instead of tell you can always fill in more of the details later on which is what eric does next in my experience ubereats delivery dude it sucks so bad so i thought to myself what if we were to make that process actually good yeah like when ubri says that uh you're gonna get your meal in 15 minutes and it comes in like 25 what if we could deliver the food in like one minute now how are we gonna do that well here's the plan i want to try and deliver ubereats by air this section is called the setup the real key to high retention on youtube is getting the balance right between context and action so the viewer knows exactly what's happening while also being entertained so within the first two minutes eric has grabbed the viewer's attention he makes sure to keep it through effective youtube storytelling all of his videos contain multiple conflict and resolutions something comes up that could put the whole plan into jeopardy and he needs to fix it this keeps the viewer engaged as they wait to see the outcome leading to what are known as continuous hold segments in a retention chart here the viewer can't click off because they need to see the outcome also notice how each of erock's videos has a clear payoff a reward for watching to the end in this case seeing if they were actually able to deliver the food this is placed at the very end and is deliberately short once you give the viewer what they want they leave so it makes sense for the conclusion of the video to be very quick two fish tacos right that's perfect yeah all right i got you an extra order in there just for the inconvenience have you ever had a helicopter ubereats food to you before this would be a first okay cool now combining all these tactics together eric has retention that can compete with some of the biggest channels on youtube which tells the algorithm that this video is worth recommending but what's the point in having good retention if you have no people actually finding the video in the first place which brings us on to step number two erac is stealing audiences most people when starting youtube have three or four channels that inspire their videos in eric's case it's mainly logan paul david dobrik and mr beast a good way to find your content format is by trying to blend your favorite channels into one for example airax videos often have a mr beast feel in terms of the idea but he combines this with logan's storytelling and david's fast-paced humor in doing so eric identified his target audience he realized that someone who watched each of these three youtubers might also be interested in him but he needed a way to put his content in front of their face and he did this through a method he calls social hacking social hacking is essentially another form of trend jacking which we've discussed before on this channel the idea is simple you find a way to make videos about or with larger creators you're essentially leveraging another fan base erac ruthlessly pumped out video after video where the youtuber in question was the main theme each time he did this he was capturing new audiences for example logan paul fans would come over to this video for logan paul but then a percentage would actually stay and subscribe because the content was so good this is what i mean by stealing audiences even though the word borrowing is probably more fitting the key thing is eric wasn't just using people's name for clickbait he was delivering unique video ideas just listen to him describe this on the colin and samir podcast and what i always tell people is if you're going to try to do a collaboration you have to create a situation where they win bigger than you do you know what i mean so for logan i just made his life so much easier by creating all the content that he needed and paying for all of his content for that day same thing with like zhc like we did a video with chc who's really incredible guy zach's awesome the way i got in contact with him was i literally dm'd him the title and thumbnail of the video and that he has millions and millions of followers on instagram and that was what got through to him a lot of people try use other youtubers in their title purely for views but how many are actually making them part of the video i mean this guy was turning up at david dobrik set dressed as his lookalike buying logan paul's couches and literally finding mr beast's island now obviously not everyone has the ability to do this but it is a good example of how effective social hacking is after these videos eric had attracted a large viewership to his channel this would serve as a foundation for his future content however there's still one crucial step missing building long lasting relationships with your audience make sure to stick around for this one because there's something eric has done that no other channel in history has you see going viral might seem like the hard part but converting that momentum into subscribers that keep coming back is how you really grow how do you do this make them part of the journey erac heavily involves his audience in the video making process whether it's coming up with ideas deciding on what he does next or even being part of the video themselves this makes his channel feel more like a community than an individual and the best way to build a community is by giving them a shared goal in eric's case this is simple proving that it's still possible to grow on youtube by hitting 1 million subscribers in one year new people to his channel were sucked into this mission he even became the first youtuber in history to use affiliate marketing to gain subscribers his save iraq campaign was actually genius eric used a website that let his audience share subscriber links that would track how many people they referred offering some pretty cool prizes this resulted in almost 250 000 new subscribers in december alone one thing was clear eric was going to hit that one million mark no matter what i think this is a great example of why it's not all about making moral content sure that's what gets you your first growth but people stay for the story speaking of setting a goal i'm going to set a like target of 5 000 for this video if eric was able to hit 1 million in one year surely we can hit that also if you want to read some of the stuff that i'm not going to share on youtube such as how much i'm making and the things i've done personally to grow my channel make sure to sign up to my free newsletter the link will be in the pinned comment below thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Paddy Galloway
Views: 363,486
Rating: 4.9657817 out of 5
Keywords: airrack, airrack 1 million subcribers, how airrack gained 1 million subscribers in 1 year, is it too late to start a youtube channel in 2021, paddy galloway, Mr beast genius, Youtube genius, How to grow on youtube, airrack sub count, airrack logan paul, making money on youtube, how did airrack grow, how to grow on youtube
Id: vp4o5AzrxcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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